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Zev Raynor | ![]() |
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Terran | |
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31 (February 29, 2352) | |
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TCC Ronin, Old Federation / Cardassian Border | |
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5' 11" | |
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175 lbs | |
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Standard Federation, Klingon, Ferengi, Terran Common (Mercenary Slang) | |
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General Martial Arts, Master of the Japanese Sword, Painting, Reading, Military History | |
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Timothy | |
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2370: Starfleet Academy Graduate Minor: Social Sciences, Earth History Major: Flight Control |
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2373: Battle for DS9 | |
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2375: Battle for Cardassia | |
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2376: Dedicated Service Medal (10 years) | |
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2377: Wormhole Expedition | |
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2384: Combat Action | |
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2384: Battle for Deep Space Five | |
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2376: |
Arrested Insubordination, striking a Superior Officer, and for Conduct unbecoming a Starfleet Officer. Sentenced to three weeks in Brig, demoted and reassigned to USS Strife. | |
Reprimanded for using starship and DS5 commsystem for unauthorized radio broadcast and slandering of Admiral Proctor. | |
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2365: Starfleet Public Schooling | ||
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2366: Starfleet Academy, San Francisco, Earth, First Year Cadet | |
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2367: Starfleet Academy, San Francisco, Earth, Second Year Cadet | |
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2368: Starfleet Academy, San Francisco, Earth, Third Year Cadet | |
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2369: Starfleet Academy, San Francisco, Earth, Fourth Year Cadet | |
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2377: Advanced Intelligence Training | |
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2365: Civilian - Starbase 47 | |
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2370: Cadet Cruise, USS Bushido - Defiant Class | |
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2370: Assigned, Ensign, Flight Controller, USS Sun Tzu - Defiant Class | |
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2373: Promoted, Ensign, Chief Flight Controller, USS Sun Tzu | |
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2374: Promoted and Transferred, Lieutenant Junior Grade, Chief Flight Controller, USS Independence - Norway Class | |
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2376: Demoted and Transferred, Ensign, Flight Controller / Hazard Team Member, USS Strife - Akira Class | |
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2378: Leave of Absence | |
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2380: Re-assigned, Ensign, Intelligence Officer / Hazard Team Executive Officer, USS Strife | |
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2382: Transferred, Ensign, Intelligence Officer, USS Galaxy - Galaxy III Class | |
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2383, December: Promoted, Lt. JG, Asst. Chief Intelligence Officer - USS Galaxy | |
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Zev Raynor was born on the TCC Ronin, a Terran Coven Craft and he was the unwanted bastard son of the Terran Captain, Jack Raynor. According to Zev, his father had intercourse with a human courtesan at some neutral trading post near the Cardassian / Federation Border, came back 8 months later to find out she was pregnant with his child. In spite of the fact that neither parent wanted Zev, Jack took it upon himself to raise the child. Being raised on a Terran Coven Craft Zev gained his father's unique view of the modern world, and galaxy as a whole. He gained his father's 'mild' dislike for the Federation and Starfleet. He learned the codes and traditions of the Terrans. He learned how to fight under varying gravimetric conditions. He learned how to shoot. He learned how to fly under the true laws of space. He learned how to wage war in ways that were complex yet simple. And most importantly of all he learned how to be creative and adaptable. At age six his father had noticed that Zev had developed an invisible friend, Madden. As time passed it became clear that Madden was making Zev more disturbed and insane. Jack would often burst into Zev s room to find him cutting himself. Jack forced Zev to throw away the belief that Madden actually existed, that he was make belief. Little did Jack know that, Madden was actually a mental disorder Zev had, and Madden was in some way, real. Soon after that, he adopted the call sign Pariah Ronin, as a symbol of his loneliness. He also managed to annoy Starke during this time, the Ferengi who often served as ship's physician, and business negotiator. By age thirteen he was leading raiding units, and piloting the Ronin in battle. He had earned the rank of Lieutenant in the Coven. He also earned the title Battle Schooler from the crew, the term for child Terran soldier. He had actually begun to enjoy his life. But it wasn't meant to be. While making a standard supply run to a Vulcan trader near Bajor when Starke, betrayed them. An aliened hired Starke to take steal the shipment. The Ronin was destroyed and the crew was all killed, save two: Zev and Starke. Zev had made it to one of the escape pods, and soon rescued by a Federation ship, who after finding out his guardian had been killed relocated him to Starbase 47 under the care of foster parents, telling them nothing about the ship he was a part of. After helping defend the station from a pirate raid, capturing two of the pirates on his own, the station s commander recommended that he go to the Academy. Zev having no better plans, and upon overcoming a part of his hatred decided to give it a shot, though only to see what Starfleet was really like. Being already experienced in starship operations and tactics, Zev was one of the most promising students in his class although his regular assignments were always lax; he made up for it by doing extremely well on the tests. Some of his earlier teachers accused him of cheating. He disproved those accusations by accepting tests on the spot in behind closed doors. Raynor majored in Flight control, with two minors in Social Sciences, and Earth History. He choose his minor subjects at the last minute, and ended up regretting his choice for Social Sciences though he never dropped it. He simply found Social Sciences lectures almost unbearably boring, and was often making catcalls from the back of the class. Surprisingly even in this class he was able to pull out an 80 average, based solely on this tests alone, as his assignments, though complete were sub par. Same held true for his Flight Control course, acing the final examination with only 12 hours book total in practice. Earth History was the only course, which he actually held any interest, though mostly about the wars on Earth, his assignments were overly impressive with detailed analysis in everything. Raynor's mental disorder was discovered and it became mandatory for him to have counseling session at least once every two weeks. Though the counseling made some progress but Raynor stonewalled them whenever they tried to examine his past before the Academy, protecting himself from inquiry about his less than legal childhood activities and protecting his people. Raynor managed to graduate from the academy maintaining an 80 percent average or above in all courses. He claimed he never put any effort into his assignments or he would have gotten higher. After finishing his Academy Training he was assigned to the USS Sun Tzu as Flight Control Officer, under Captain Felix Lau. Zev must of made an impression on the Commanding Officer, when Zev took the helm in a battle with Jem'Hadar fighters, and outmaneuvered them. He was made Chief Helmsman of the Sun Tzu for several years before being promoted to the Independence as Chief Helmsman under the command of Captain Christopher Graham, which was assigned to patrol in the Gamma Quadrant after the war. While serving on Independence, rogue Cardassians captured him; on his last mission serving on board the Independence due to error in judgment from by is superior officer, Graham. With the help of Raynor's one time doctor Starke, the rogue Cardassians began to experiment on Raynor genetic code, eventually making him telepathic. After that proceeded to experiment on him, seeing what effects of having telepathic abilities all of a sudden would do to him mentally, often giving him drugs so he wouldn't have the brain power to resist. What the Cardassians failed to predict was Madden. Who began to whisper vague torments in the Cardassians minds, slowly driving them insane. [CLASSIFIED SECTION OF FILE] Afterward Raynor seemed to have a handle on the telepathy, but an unseen side effect of his telepathy was his ability to absorb the memories of those who experienced death around him. This was due to his lack of mental defenses and the nature of trauma one faces when dying. But surprising in spite of the lack of mental defenses he remained sane. It is believed to have something to do with his mental disorder, but it is only a theory, which at this point in time is unproven. [RETURNING TO UNCLASSIFIED SECTION OF FILE] After that returning being rescued he proceeded to punch his captain, he confronted his Captain shouting more insubordinate comments than could be repeated here. When his Captain got up to yell back at him, Raynor punched him in the face giving his Captain a broken and bloody nose. When security was called, he mooned his captain on the way out. Needless to say he was reprimanded, and wasn't completely thrown out of Starfleet, because his mind had been the subject of many experiments. Immediately after he served his sentence, he was reassigned to the Strife. The ship at that time was quite rag-tag, under manned, under equipped, but was of the ships asked to keep an eye on the Dominion anyways. The Strife however did have a couple of telepathic crewmembers that were willing to lend some of their time to help Raynor build a reasonable mental discipline. In spite of the training he received and he could still absorb the memories of the dying. When his Commanding officer found out about this ability, Zev doubled his duties on the Strife becoming a member of the Hazard Team. In 2377 there was a friendly fire incident between two ships that Starfleet believed were lost in the war, and Strife. The ships were still under the impression that the war was still on and wouldn't believe the treaty that was shown to them. To keep the piece a battle ensued, and one of the ships was destroyed. The other was boarded and captured by the Strife's Hazard team, but both ships were left in critical condition. Both were recalled in for a major refit and repair. After that incident he went back to Starfleet Command and received Intelligence Training for approximately a year, then took an extended leave of absence. He worked as a mercenary doing odd jobs for various employers. Romulans, Klingons, Ferengi, Cardassians, and a few other races, whether it was for their government or less than legal organizations. While there he had gained quite a few contacts, built up a small reputation as a Coven Mercenary before returning to Starfleet. The two years away from the fleet seemed to have changed Raynor for the better. After his extended leave of absence, he was working for the in a fleet position again on the Strife as an Intelligence Officer and Executive Officer of the new Hazard team. He was delegated the task of training them, and began giving his teammates a rigorously workout, often putting them in many situations that forced them to think outside the box. Often times, it would be him the drills would involve him taking on the entire team. They learned things that made them slightly different from other Hazard teams: i.e. learning tactics for in ship Zero Gravity Combat, without use of magnetic boots. But, as time passed he grew bored with the position. The Gamma Quadrant it had seemed was out of excitement for him. He put in for a transfer out off of the ship but didn't particular care which ship he was sent to. He ended up on the Galaxy. |
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Imagine a mix between a sharp military-minded person who remembers everything useful, hiding anything about himself that isn't necessary to know, and a sarcastic joker who doesn't have trouble disobeying orders when it means doing the right thing, often pretending to be stupider than he really is. He has a dark past, which he rarely broods over. Also he isn't really ambitious which in theory makes him less suited for a command role in anything, however he does have a strong survival instinct that seems to produce nearly the same effect in his personality. His split personality seems to know more about what's going on around him than Raynor does, making many connections. He is a secret keeper always trying to lead someone there, taunting, teasing, and torturing along the way. He is always trying to manipulate others to do what he wants. |
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He has a general knowledge of various unarmed martial arts which keeps in practice with though is master to none of them. Occasionally he will be seen practicing with his Katana though he has already mastered that particular weapon with deadly speed. Raynor prefers to have two side arms similar in design to a beretta with him at all times. He also keeps a supply of several unique clips that have micro-replicators at the bottom allow him to get about 130 rounds per clip. Also he usually has on good pair of steel toe boots, which add to his kicks. He prefers to wear all black. In spite of this he can seem be unnoticeable when he chooses to be, though he can't disappear completely. He has a tattoo on his back, part of it in Celestial script saying Pariah in black written overtop of the word Ronin written in red Japanese. Terran Coven a Brief History: During the first years after the founding of the Federation, there were several groups of humans that were opposed to the new philosophical direction that humanity was going, that they were becoming unbalanced in certain regards. That were becoming too Vulcan in their philosophy. So ten years after the founding of the Federation, the Terran Exodus took place, a quiet abandonment of earth for those who clung to the to their greed. The original convoy consisted of 13 ships. They traveled through space only settling on worlds temporarily to build more ships, and upgrade existing ones, until a hundred and fifty years ago, when they settled the world, which they called Convent, located on the edge of the Lantaru Sector. They had decided they had traveled far enough to claim a planet which to call home. It was then they founded their own government, called the Terran Coven, after the original 13 ships and the forbidden practices they continued. Omega was first synthesized over a 100 years ago by a Starfleet physicist named Ketteract; Ketteract managed to synthesize a single molecule particle of Omega but it only existed for a fraction of a second before it destabilized and destroyed the research station and caused subspace ruptures extending out several light years; an unexpected secondary effect of Omega is that it destroys subspace which makes it impossible to create a stable warp field. The Lantaru sector was the location of the classified research center where Ketteract first synthesized an Omega molecule; the station and the scientists there were killed when Omega destabilized; most people within the Federation believe it was a natural phenomenon. It destroyed their home world, and made impossible for any out of system ships to return to look for survivors in time to save anyone. Within the next couple of months the survivors gathered what information they could from the incident, and eventually gained enough of an idea of what happen to find the Federation was at fault, though they were uncertain exactly how. The remaining 47 ships formed they reformed themselves into a Mercenary Guild of Ronin warriors, and their numbers have been growing in the underworld of Federation space ever since. Coven - Starfleet Officers: Shogun - Commander and Chief Marshal - Admiral General - Commodore Colonel - Captain Major - Commander Captain - Lieutenant Lieutenant - Ensign Trainee - Cadet Enlisted: Sergeant Major - Chief Warrant Officer Sergeant - Warrant Officer Corporal - Chief Petty Officer Specialist - Petty Officer Private - Crewman Terran Common: Terran Common used by members of Coven and the language is based off of English, but has been heavily changed due to slang words and terms, making it difficult for outsiders to understand. It also has a huge German/Japanese influence using a lot of loan words from those languages. Not so difficult to learn if one already knows Federation standard, but impossible to universally translate being a simple extension of English. |
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Biopic manipulation copyright to Timothy Rose. You want it, ask him for it. Be polite and don't take it. Headshot courtesy Christian Bale. |