Warrant Officer Ranks and Insignia

Warrant Officers are usually civilian contractors who are treated as being 'between' Officers and Enlisted Ratings, due to specialized skills. They are addressed as 'Sir' and given all respect due an officer by Enlisted Ratings.

In formal address, they are addressed as 'Warrant Officer Name." They perform 'specialized' duties that may fall 'between' the usual Starfleet jobs. An example would be a civilian contractor who's along for a mission, observing a piece of equipment undergoing 'field tests'. They are entitled to wear an Officer's uniform.

Liaison Corps
Starfleet Marine Corps
Chief Attaché ChiefAttache Master Warrant Officer Master Warrant Officer Master Warrant Officer
Attaché Third Class Attache Third Class Senior Warrant Officer Senior Warrant Officer Senior Warrant Officer
Attaché Second Class Attache Second Class Chief Warrant Officer Chief Warrant Officer Chief Warrant Officer
Attaché First Class Attache First Class Warrant Officer Warrant Officer Warrant Officer
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