"Just a Big Red
Colby Elliot
Ella Grey
Colby shifted where he leaned on the wall of the lounge. He was finally
coming out of the hangover, the beat in his head falling to a low treble.
needed to stop drinking. Colby looked around the lounge for someone to
to, someone he didn’t already know as most of those people had
a way or
getting tired of him or being Hilary. Yellow shirt at the bar, she was
pretty. That was vain. Yeah, yeah it was. Colby moved from the wall and
crossed the lounge and took a seat at the bar next to the woman. “Hey,” he
said, looking over to Ella.
Ella looked up from the computer PADD which contained information she
sadly, updated about new runabout technology, and at the new arrival.
surveyed him in cool appraisal. He wasn't really
her type but she was mad enough at Victor to try to take some sort of
revenge. Ella whipped out her other PADD.
*HEY* She typed.
Colby raised his eyebrows, "Uh...what's with the PADD?"
Ella raised her eyebrows as well. She would have thought everyone would
known about her by now. *I AM MUTE*
"No shit?" Colby asked then shook his head, "Sorry I
just would have thought
that...you know, that could be fixed."
"Like its all in your head and you are working shit out with your
voluntary or fuck the world, who needs to talk to them voluntary?" Colby
asked, an odd smile crossing his lips. Yeah, he'd found an odd one this
time didn't he?
Ella grinned at that. *THE LATTER, I THINK. SO WHAT'S YOUR STORY?*
Elliot shrugged, "I don't have a story, I'm just here." He
rolled his eyes,
"Just another one of those guys who fixes the toilet while Kirk saves
She was starting to like this guy's sense of humor. *I ALWAYS THOUGHT
"He was cool, kinda lost his figure near the end there," Colby
replied with
a grin, "Anyway, even if we are talking Scotty he was still the
engineer, I'm just the operations officer." His tone shifted to
a mock
seriousness, "Engineers fix the warp field, the weapon systems and
save the
ship from blowing up!" he finished on a rather triumphant note then
"Operations officers unclog toilets."
She definately wouldn't mess around with this one. He was too funny.
FOR THAT THEY SHOULD BE COMMENDED.* Ella replied with a twinkle in her
EVEN MORE TO BE A PLUMBER.* She flagged the waiter for another drink.
"That's way to fucking positive for me...you don't mind if I say
fuck do
you?" Colby shook his head and whispered, "Fuck I said it again."
She leaned in a bit in a conspiratoral glance. *I WONT TELL IF YOU WON'T*
Colby laughed and shook his head, "You know, that makes me wonder,
always not talking? I mean what about if you drop something heavy on
foot?” he shrugged, "It just seems like it would take a lot
of self control
just to not talk."
"What brought that on? If I can pay not fucking attention to the
fact that
its not of my damn business and ask?"
Colby gave a big toothy grin and nodded, "Well fuck it then. But
this means
you get to pick the next topic," he retorted smiling.
Ella thought about it and then pouted out her lips. *GOT ANY TIPS ON
Colby smiled with a devious glee for a moment then straightened his
"No bullshit, no be yourself real advice to get the guy. In all
seriousness?" he asked but didn’t pause for her to answer "Find
out where he
lives, go in before he gets off his shift and wait for him with a big
bow on," Colby broke out of the serious tone and smiled, "Just
the bow. And
in case you're wondering my quarters are on Deck five." He finished
laughed, "The last part is a joke, actually I'm on deck 8."
She laughed outloud, her laughter echoing around the room. Ella embraced
sound of it, actually, she hadn't laughed like that in awhile. *I WOULD
"First of all anyone with a penis would unwrap that little Christmas
present, and two," he said holding up two fingers and sounding surprised,
"You broke the silence! I mean isn't laughing like talking?" Colby
clearly more confused about the willed silence then most would be, "and
know, shit, who the hell is this guy who wouldn't get a naked chick in
a big
bow, shit, that's classy! Ok, not THAT classy but shit."
Ella held up a finger and then typed. *FIRST, MY SILENCE IS MOSTLY ABOUT
SPEECH NOW.* She held up two fingers. *AND SECOND, HE'S A GUY WHO JUST
Colby raised his eyesbrows, "Run screaming in terror? Well now
you have to
tell me."
Colby chuckled, "I don't even know who that is. I'm actually pretty
new to
this little boat." Elliot shrugged and took a drink of his beer, “So,
let me
get those straight. The guy can't take a hint, even when you type nice
flirty on your PADD, and if you showed up naked he'd just think you had
wrong room? Is he gay?"
She laughed again. *HE'S NOT. HE'S JUST, WELL, VICTOR.*
Colby shrugged and raised his hands, "I don't know, I mean showing
up naked
isn't subtle, if he doesn't get that…fuck I'm lost."
*JOIN THE CLUB.* Ella replied. She polished off her drink and then smiled.
Colby shook his head, feeling a little dumb that he had never said it
now, "Colby Elliot."
"Pretty name," Colby replied, "I guess I'll see you around
then, hope you
figure out how to give super dude the hint."
Colby nodded to Ella as she left, taking a long drink of his beer as
watched her leave. "Damn."
"Checking On The Children Education"
Lt. Commander Rose Isis MacAllen
Ensign Sean Townsent (NPC)
Miss Victoria Lee, Day Care Teacher
Karyn Shinta MacAllen
**Galaxy's Daycare**
It was art day at the Galaxy Daycare and it was little
Karyn's favorite day of all.
Sitting in her hovercraft looking all pretty in pink
with matching pink bows holding her ponytails
During that time Miss Victoria Lee, an young pretty
Asian woman who just in her early twenty's was passing
out diffrent colors of model clay to children.
With an gentle smile Miss Lee gave little Karyn an big
piece if pink clay and gave the young girl an big
smile as she started to play deep into the clay.
Meanwhile since it was during her lunch break Lt.
Commander Rose Isis MacAllen wanted to check in with
Ensign Sean Townsend who was the head of the Day Care
to see now her oldest daughter was doing with the
other children.
The older Betazoid woman just stand there looking on
how little Karyn was playing with her clay and with
her other friends at the table as Sean Townsend walked
up behind her while Rose was lost in her thoughs.
"You got one beautiful daughter 'Commander MacAllen
but something is troubling me." Sean said while both
of them started waving at Karyn who just gave them an
gentle smile and when back to playing knowing that
they was talking grownup talks.
"And what that Ensign?" the Betazoid mother asked
while looking at him with her dark eyes.
"Even though she very young but she worried about you
but she won't tell me though."
Rose though for an few minutes, it must be about her
and James. Little Karyn always asked if "Uncle James"
was coming back to see them, but the Betazoid officer
didn't have the heart to tell her that James is
staying away from the from alittle while because he is
too busy for them...always looking for his belonged
Rebecca which that name always made her ill everytime
she heards it.
But that was not any of Ensign Townsent business so
the Betazoid replied, "Were fine she always worry
about me no matter what."
Sean smiles then looked back towards little Karyn who
was talking to her Trill friend who was sitting next
to her talking.
"Like mother like daughter, she very smart, somewhat
outspoken like her mother...she going to make an very
great officer in the future."
With that said Rose Isis MacAllen smiles...Karyn is
going to have an great future no matter who or what
stands in the way and Rose will make sure of that.
"The Case of the Space Cadet & Green Growing Things"
Emmett Bregman
Documentary Team Leader/Director
Miguel Antonio Sandoval
Plants are people too. At least, that's what ex-wife number four
insisted after I killed the third purple passion plant in a row. It's
not my fault that I had no idea it needed some sort of special water
imported from the sweet springs of Centaurus. That damn planet was
haunting me. It was part, if not all, of the reason that that marriage
broke up. She was a sweet girl, but after she pulled Plant Woman of
the Amazon she had to go. I still have a single plant in my
possession, one that thankfully I haven't managed to kill off. She
insisted that it was an expression of my virility after our nasty
divorce was settled. She was certain it would die within the month.
That was, I'm proud to say, fifteen years ago. Take that...whatever
her name was, Amy, Jessica? There was that green Orion for a time
there, she was great. Now, I'm single once again and still looking for
the future ex-Mrs. Bregman. That, however, is neither here nor now.
I'm currently on my way to interview number two - the Chief Botonist
on the Galaxy. Personally, I hope this particular Spanish bloke can be
entertaining on screen. But, we shall see.
Emmett Bregman was surrounded by plants. Plants to the left, plants
the right, plants beneath and above him. He felt like he was back in
ex-wife number four's living room. Emmett put a pleasant smile on his
face as he settled himself on the bench, "Thank you for agreeing
speak with us, Ensign Sandoval." He hoped that the jungle wouldn't
too atrocious on the lighting. It needed to be just so, but he
preferred to meet in places where the subject would be most
For himself, the young ensign from El Salvador was simply gushing with
excitement. ~~~TV!!~~~ he thrilled to himself, ~~~I'm going to be on
Mind racing, Miguel attempted to mentally compose of all the aunts
uncles and cousins he would have to call and tell about this
"Ah...Pardon' Senor Breeeaaagman." Miguel tittered, mutilating
name in the process. "Am being...ah...holo-shy. Um....yes, where
camera?" He twitched a toothy smile nervously.
"That's quite alright," Bregman nodded, taking note of the
massacre of
his name and the poor English skills. Maybe he should insist that the
kid speak in Spanish and bring in a translator...he should edit that
part out. "Don't worry about the camera, Ensign, it's in the area."
If he told the kid where it was, he would be bound to stare at it
Not that that helped any, and Miguel was soon tossing knowing glances
off into space , winking and smiling at the 'camera' (Or at least
where he suspected one might be.)
"Why don't we begin with a bit on your background and then what
you do
here on the Galaxy?"
"Job yes!" Miguel bobbed his head rapidly still grinning like
a loon.
"Am being......" he paused for dramatic effect, "BOTANIST!" He
breathed the word with a sense of awe as if he had just announced he
had descended from on high to lead the children of Israel out of
'Enthusiastic kid, isn't he?' he thought to himself. "Why don't
tell me about how you came to *be* a botanist?" He tried to urge
Miguel to follow the order of his questions.
"Well," Miguel began tossing a wink into thin air, "This
then is
being a very interesting story. My am having grown up in
Zacatecoluca......" he paused before adding, "Is being in El
Salvador....." another pause, "...is being on planet Earth."
He almost went on to explain where Earth was, but Emmett was twirling
his fingers in little 'go-on' motions.
"Am having been living with seven brothers and sisters.....three
boys and three being girls." Miguel paused again doing the math.
"Also adding in me to being another boy....that makes seven."
Miguel began sweating ~~~Idiot idiot idiot...you are babbling like a
total nincompoop~~~ he thought to himself.
"Anyways then," he continued. "My Country is having been
depleted of
flora during Industrial eras of 1900's and 2000's. Having not alot of
regrowth either. So Federation is having had reforestation project
for last 10-20 years, and am having worked on it as a teenager.
Learned form Experts and decided to be expert too."
He knew the Spanish people. Rosalita used to go on and on about her
family. Rosalita being ex-wife number two. Emmett tried to steer the
conversation away from the family life, "Could you give us some
details on what you do here on the Galaxy?" 'C'mon, kid, give me
something I can use,' he urged mentally though his thoughts did not
come out in his expression.
"Ah details." Miguel made a wide jerky motion with his arms
as if to
encompass the surrounding Arboretum. "This is being the Arboretum."
He announced not blinking for an instant or allowing his cheesy
camera-grin to leave his face. Am being in charge of research in
Botany and Ecology for USS Galaxy for United Federation of Planets."
In his nervousness, Miguel was still needlessly providing extra boring
"Right," Emmett tried to ignore the urge to drawl that first
word. "Is
this your first assignment out of the Academy, Ensign? If so, how do
you feel about being assigned to the USS Galaxy - especially with her
reputation around the 'fleet and the Federation?"
"Reputation?" Miguel almost lost his fake grin on that one,
but the
worry did show around his eyes. As a scientist Miguel had not the
slightest inkling about the reputations of various ships in the fleet,
nor did he really care.
Starships were just glorified transports used to take him from
scientific discovery to scientific discovery. What did it matter what
name was on the outside.
"Ummm.....Galaxy...yes.....Uh am thinking Galaxy is big. Big ship
~~~What kind of reputation does this ship have?~~~ he wondered
'Oh dear God,' Emmett thought, seriously tempted to find the nearest
bulkhead to start banging his head against. 'Si, Senor, el Galaxy es
muy grande,' he thought despite himself. Of all the things. He
couldn't include that comment in his documentary - it made the kid
look, well, stupid. Bregman pinched the bridge of his nose before he
replied to the rather earnest botonist, "Yes, it is a large vessel.
this your first time on a starship?" He tried to re-direct the
ensign's attention to the question, this time trying to be more direct
than asking about the Galaxy's reputation. Big. He said the ship was
big. Someone shoot him now.
"Well..no. Am having had other training cruises in Academy. First
time out of solar system yes?. Went on training cruise to
Jupiter.......uh....big big planet in Solar systems." He explained.
"Am having had mock combat drill in Jupiter orbit. Am being declare
simulated casualty." Miguel made a face mimicking a dead man complete
with lolling tongue and rolled up eyes. "Am having been good dead
crewman. Got another B plus that time."
Even better. The kid was proud of being a simulated dead guy. 'Yes,
kiddies,' he mentally addressed an audience, 'This is what you can look
forward to in Starfleet. Join Starfleet! See Jupiter! Play a dead
guy!' "Ah, congratulations." It was obvious, at least to him,
that wasn't really 'meant.'
The young scientist of course took him literally, and smiled goofily.
Miguel's eyes sparkled mischievously as he beckoned Emmet to lean in
closer. "Am wanting to see a secret?" he asked mysteriously.
Reaching down behind the bench, the botanist pulled a large ceramic
pot out from its hiding place and displayed it proudly before him.
"Taa-Dah!" he exclaimed beaming.
The image was to be frank.....quite sad.
A sick looking tangle of thorny twigs sat forlornly in the middle of
the pot quite devoid of any sort of foliage or decoration. It looked
like nothing so much as a rotten old stump somebody had stuck in the
muddy soil.
It looked like the remains of one of his ex-wife's plants after he got
done with it. "What is it?" Bregman asked, trying to be nice.
Miguel looked hurt. "Is being a rosebush!" he insisted. "Is
being my
own design for Academy Genetics lab during Senior Year. I got a
"Um, congratulations?" he offered, though it didn't seem quite
sincere. "But...it doesn't look like it is doing very well. Shouldn't
there be some sort of foliage?"
"Well...yes, but will be blooming soon....very special rose. Am
my own designed." He repeated.
"Oh, okay," Emmett was thinking that right about now would
be a good
time to try to wrap things up, "Well, Ensign, thank you very much
your time."
Miguel's smile seemed to falter, and he touched one of the sickly
looking thorns almost lovingly. "Ah....yes..." he sighed. "Are
having to go...no time for Rose.....lots more interesting things on
ship than my plants....Warp drive thingies and mechanical stuff."
Miguel's betrayed utter wonder that anyone could find mere electronic
equipment interesting.
Great, now he broke the kid's heart. Emmett nodded slightly, "Thanks
again for agreeing to speak with us, Ensign."
"De nada Senor." Miguel nodded at the imaginary camera (Its
So, that went well. Between the whole English as a second language
angle - why the hell wouldn't they come up with a universal translator
that translated poor English? - and the Ensign's penchant for
plants...Who am I kidding? That sucked. I've now got to spend at
least five hours in the editing room just to salvage that
Damnit. And I was counting on cruising their bar tonight....
“Class is in Session”
Lt. Jeremy Savoie
Chief Helmsman
Flight Control NPCs
“So maybe you’re wondering why I’ve gathered you all
here,” Lieutenant
Savoie stated from his position next to the helm on his holodeck-rendered
recreation of the Galaxy’s bridge. The statement wasn’t as
meaningless as
it might have seemed. Though he was Chief Helmsman, he only bothered
assemble the rest of his department for the obligatory ritual of regular
meetings. Unplanned occasions such as this were not the kind of thing
anyone expected from him.
“Or maybe you’re not. Either way, I really don’t give
a rat’s ass.”
Remarks like that were the kind of thing –everyone- expected from
“The long and short of it is that while we’re hanging around
Lammergeir the
Galaxy is basically a big sitting target just waiting to get smacked
by an
asteroid or two and it’s up to our department to make sure it doesn’t.
So I
thought we’d have a little refresher on how to handle the situation.”
“Sir,” Lieutenant Selana interjected. “Since it is
logical to assume that
since you are leading this session you are the most qualified helm officer
to pilot the ship, are we not at risk right now with you away from the
Damn tedious Vulcans.
“I have every faith in Ensign Faraal’s ability to handle
the ship for
awhile,” Jeremy replied. “But the sooner we get done with
this, the sooner
we’ll reduce any risk to the ship no matter who’s at the
helm.” Not as to
the point as “shut up”, but the reply allowed him to maintain
some semblance
of professionalism.
Abruptly shifting his attention from Selana, Savoie set his gaze on
Ashbey. “Ashbey, have a seat,” he ordered, gesturing to the
helm console.
Obediently, Craig Ashbey placed himself at the controls. “Computer,
simulation Savoie-thirteen.” The viewscreen flickered to life,
with the
large rock called Lammergeir in the lower left corner.
“Okay, in a few seconds we’re going to have some incoming
asteroidals. Show
me what you’re gonna do.” The ensign swallowed, but held
his eyes steady on
the viewscreen, his hands poised over the console waiting to initiate
evasive actions with the ship’s maneuvering thrusters. One tense
ticked by, then a second, then another . . . .
“CRR-unnchhh!” The entire holo-bridge rocked as red-alert
klaxons burst
into shrill song.
“What the . . .?” the shocked helmsman called out, staring
wide-eyed at the
still placid scene in front of him.
“Computer, end simulation,” Jeremy called out. “Congratulations,
We’ve just lost deck 37 and Waste Management with it. The unprocessed
of over a thousand Starfleet officers and crewmen will be raining down
Lammergeir in just a few minutes.”
“But sir,” Ashbey protested, “I didn’t see .
. . “
“That’s right, you didn’t see,” Savoie interrupted. “Lesson
number one,” he
said, turning to the rest of the department, “do NOT depend on
your eyes
alone. You better be aware of lateral sensor readings as well as what’s
that viewscreen ‘cause those hunks of rock aren’t going to
walk up and
introduce themselves before they plow into us.”
“But what about the shields, the repulsor beams, or even Lammergeir’s
protective defense systems?” Lieutenant Elhaj asked.
Jeremy looked from Elhaj to the others. ”At any time, for any
number of
reasons, our shields could be down. Repulsor beams are not foolproof,
are the asteroid’s defense systems. In the end, ladies and gentlemen,
want us counting on our own observations and reflexes first, supportive
technologies second.”
“Certainly we can depend on assistance from Ops,” Maggie
Pike interjected.
“-Last- of all depend on Ops,” Jeremy shot back with a withering
stare. He
wasn’t about to trust his hide or his reputation to that weenie
“When you’re at this console, -you- are responsible for keeping
this ship
out of harm’s way. What anyone else around you does is icing on
the cake.”
“Merced, you’re up,” he announced next. While ensigns
Ashbey and Merced
exchanged places, Savoie called up the next simulation. The Galaxy was
still in orbit of Lammergeir, but this time two substantially large
asteroidals were careening toward the ship. The rest of the helm staff
observed intently as Merced readied himself with a cocky grin. This was
going to be simple. All he had to do was maneuver the ship slightly to
out of the path of these rocks.
A split second later, two red beams of light lanced up from Lammergeir’s
surface, intersecting with the incoming asteroidals and blasting them
Now, where there had been only two humongous bodies, was a myriad of
somewhat smaller but still very dangerous boulders. Merced froze, unsure
which way to go.
Again, the holo-bridge shuddered and the red alerts erupted. The all
quiet as Jeremy halted the simulation.
“Aw, c’mon Lieutenant, that wasn’t fair,” Merced
::Whiny little bastard,:: Savoie thought, giving the younger officer
incredulous glare. “Not –fair-??? Well maybe if we ask the
asteroids real
nice they’ll treat us better next time,” he mocked. “Lesson
number two,” he
scowled, “a situation can change in a heartbeat for reasons you
will never
anticipate. Don’t get locked into a plan of action only to be unable
change it at the last millisecond.”
“Pike, take the helm.” Quickly, Maggie complied, more than
a little nervous
after the last two failures. “Computer, re-run the last simulation.” Once
more, Lammergeir came into view with the same two huge asteroids headed
the ship. Lieutenant Pike engaged the maneuvering thrusters to pull the
ship above their trajectory, and a moment later Lammergeir’s defense
activated again, shattering the incoming bodies. With cat-like reflexes,
the helm officer veered the ship to the right, avoiding a couple
particularly nasty-looking chunks of rock that careened harmlessly under
to the left of the ship. In so doing however, she inadvertently put the
ship in the path of another significant piece of debris. Instantly, she
brought the ship hard to the left and up, but the rock still struck the
ship, setting off the red alerts once again.
But this time, Jeremy didn’t halt the simulation. “Keep
moving, Pike,” he
barked, pointing out another large piece of debris headed directly at
Flustered, Maggie engaged the maneuvering thrusters again, just missing
boulder only to have three more appear behind it. Instinctively, she
continued pushing the ship upwards, further from Lammergeir and from
bulk of the shattered remains of the incoming asteroidals.
“Computer, halt simulation,” Jeremy ordered. Quiet returned
as an anxious
Lieutenant Pike sat uncomfortably, bracing herself for the berating that
sure to come. “Not too bad, Pike,” Jeremy said, much to everyone’s
surprise. “Lesson number three: keep your wits about you even when
not one hundred percent successful. Just follow your instincts and do
you can to get the ship out of danger.”
Savoie paused and scanned the faces of the other officers. For all his
bluster and questionable people skills, he wasn’t a bad teacher
and he
trusted in the abilities of those in his department. “I think I’ve
made the
important points I wanted to remind everyone of. It may look like we’re
just ‘parked’ here, but it’s a vastly more dangerous
situation than it
seems. Remember that.” He paused again, letting the seriousness
of his
expression reinforce his words.
“Until further notice, I want each of you spending at least half
a shift
beyond your normal duty shift running through the various simulations
programmed into the holodeck computer. Don’t let your first experience
this nightmare be on the real bridge. Understood?” A unison of “Yes,
s” answered.
“If you fuck up this ship you’d better pray the captain
throws you in the
brig before I find you,” Savoie responded in his classic curmudgeonly
fashion. “Now get the hell out of here.”
Pilot Tyten
Tyten sat at the curbside eating his piece of jor'thal candy. It was
his favorite candy that he had tasted in his three years of existance.
He smiled as he sucked on one edge of the stick shaped candy. He liked
how if he sucked on it long enough, it came to a fine point and then
he would tease his sister with it. He always got in trouble for it, but
for that short moment, it was a lot of fun.
"Tyten, honey! Time to go dear," his mother's voice called out to him.
He looked at her and smiled. Today was market day. Every third cycle, his mother
brought him into the central city to shop for things that were unique; things
that would not be the same if they were replicated.
He jumped up and started to run to her, his arms flailing wildly at his sides. "Mama!" he
screeched in delight.
And suddenly, the once clear path to his mother was blocked. A tall figure dressed
a black robe stood in front of him. With not enough time to stop, he ran straight
into the person causing him to fall down. Looking up, confused, a hood prevented
him from seeing the person's face.
His mother screamed as three more figures appeared around a corner and started
to drag her away. The person standing in front of him leaned down and picked
him up. It was at that moment that time seemed to slow. He saw his mother fighting
pointlessly against her assailants her arm outstretched towards him, calling
out his name.
He tried to get out of the strong grasp that now held him. He called out for
her, but it was of no use. He tried even harder to escape, but as before, his
efforts were in vain. This time, however, he dropped his candy. It fell to the
street and shattered into a thousand pieces.
Tyten sat up quickly in his bed. He was sweating and found himself short of breath.
He sat for a moment and cleared his head. It had always taken him a moment to
realize that these nightmares were not real. Since he could remember, his dreams
had been filled with strange, disturbing, and sometimes distorted images of people
he no longer knew or remembered. He had called that woman 'mama' before, but
her face was unfamiliar.
"Computer, any responses to Tyten inquiry One-A?"
"There are no responses to Tyten inquiry One-A," the computer immediately
It didn't surprise him. It had been nearly ten years since he had made the request
and in that time there had never been any. Why would tonight be any different?
He laid back down and pulled the blanket up over his shoulders. As he drifted
back to sleep, the fleeting thought passed through his mind that he may never
find out who he really was.
"On camera?"
Maj Saladin Bolivar
Lt(jg) Ahdjiia D'Tinya-Bolivar
Saladin fed the hookspider as he waited for Ahdjiia to come home.
interview silliness was something that gave him a massive headache
and the
last thing he wanted to do was speak to some reporter and answer
a dozen
stupid questions.
He absent mindedly ignored the spider that was chewing on teh
chunk of meat
when it bit his finger.
Jumping back with a foul curse he inspected the wound and watched
the spider
scatter. It was so tempting to crush it with a shoe but.... he
had a soft
spot for the grumpy bugger.
Ahdjiia strode in with a fresh supply of fat bloodworms for her
Little Ones
that Sciences were breeding for her. She kissed Saladin on the
cheek and
started to greet her Little Ones as they approached.
Saladin growled slightly as she came in and he flexed his injured
But seeing her made him smile again. Though he tried to hide the
from her. "How has your day been?"
She did see the bite, and noted that it was just punctures without
the vivid
red swelling from an envenomed bite. Ahdjiia softly chastened the
spider about getting too eager with it's food.
The spider's legs drooped a bit as it accepted the lecture and
scooted back
in apology.
"A pleasant one.", she said with a smile to her husband, "I
did finish some
things I'd been neglecting as of late."
"Like our lovelife?" he teased her and flexed his sore
hand, "I didn't want
to get him in trouble.." he indicated the hook spider, "he
has my
personality sometimes."
"Your winning him over is what decided things for the rest.",
she said with
a soft smile, "He is quite protective of the others."
He smiled and gently kissed her lips. "I heard a distressing
today...that a foolish reporter was running around asking for interviews?"
"I wouldn't say he's foolish. Skittish around the Little
Ones, yes."
He raised two eyebrows at that one, "He was HERE?"
"Yes.", Ahdjiia said, "It was a short interview
with quite innocent
He looked distressed as she spoke, "I did not wish you to
do the interview."
"Out of respect for your privacy, I did not list your surname
with mine.",
she said, not quite seeing what the big deal was.
He paused and looked more irritated then anything, "Still
reporters are
mostly spies and intelligance officers, the questions they ask...." He
sighed and sat down, "Ahdjiia I just wish to avoid revealing
too much."
Then he walked to the monitor, "I was going to call my father
anyway. This
might also affect the family."
"He just asked about me, nothing even remotely noteworthy
as far as anything
Saladin smiled and took her hand in his. "I am a paranoid
person love."
Then he let her sit in his lap, "Should we call now or have
"Call now so we have the evening to ourselves.", Ahdjiia
said with a soft
smile as she put her arms around him.
He kissed her, "This is why I love you Thy'la...so practical."
"As are you.", she said after she returned the kiss.
He let his hand brush her breast then he nuzzled her neck softly, "but
we'er off the commline..."
"Make the call.", Ahdjiia chuckled.
He chuckled again. "Yes dear." Then he hugged her before
helping her off
his lap.
Walking to the companel he stopped to give the hook spider a little
to show him he wasn't angry with him. Then he began to go through
rituals of calling home.
Ahdjiia busied herself with what needed to be done around thier
quarters so
Saladin had his privacy to make the call.
Once he got through he spoke to his father explaining about the
Charlamagne rubbed his chin then stopped as he underwent a coughing
jag that
caused his face to grow red and blotchy. "My boy we should
embrace the
future now..."
"the Confederation can only live isolated for so long, you
have married off
world and not been executed the old ways are dying out...perhaps
you should
give an interview... Your wife did...."
"But the risk..."
"Is minimal... As a matter of fact, where is your lovely
Saladin looked around and waved Ahdjiia over, "My father
wishes to speak to
Ahdjiia walked over. "Greetings.", she said with a smile
to Charlamagne.
Charlamagne smiled then coughed a bit more before speaking again, "I
understand you spoke to the reporter earlier...do you think he
was a spy?"
"No.", she said, "I would imagine spies would not
be so skittish around the
Little Ones."
"Would you tell my son that it is ok to speak to the reporter?" It
was his
exaggerated politeness that ment to him he was about to give an
"Of course.", she said.
Saladin frowned slightly then looked at her and his father. "I
take it I
have been outvoted on this matter?"
"You have been." Charlamagne said, "Just do not
discuss the standard things
and for the love of the fates smile...." He then looked at
Ahdjiia, "Does
my son ever smile?"
"He has been known to on rare occasions.", Ahdjiia said
with a soft smile.
"Well make sure he smiles for the interviewer. Hell you two
do one
together. Show the world we're just like them."
"I shall."
"Good good..." He dipped his head to both of them then
signed off abruptly.
Saladin leaned back in a chair and looked at his wife, "I
guess we talk to
the reporter."
"Or you can do this yourself.", Ahdjiia said, "All
the better to cover
things should any enemy of yours think they can strike me through
"Though I was 'advised' to do one with you, why don't I do
one myself then
see if they wish to do one together...." He slipped his arms
around her
waist and began to nibble on her neck.
"I was just thinking of how you get that eyetwitch when I
put your surname
with mine.", she smiled as she tilted her head to the side
for him to have
more neck to taste.
He began to nibble on her earlobe and hugged her gently, "My
makes a wise point that if we keep being secreteive and keeping
people away,
they will not know us, that is why I was appointed to the Galaxy."
"And I do know your insistance on privacy concidering your
He nodded and let his hands brush along her belly then along the
bottoms of
her breasts as he nipped at her collarbone. "Yeah... I will
speak to this
reporter, would you like to do an interview wth me?"
"Do your interview first, see how comfortable you are with
it.", she said,
"Then we will see where things go from that."
He kissed her softly, "I will." His arms rightened around
her and kissed
her lips tenderly again then nuzzled her neck. "Though tomorrow..."
Ahdjiia just chuckled and pulled her husband closer.
"Oh, What To Do?"
Dr. Janelle Reynolds
Janelle was bored. There wasn't much going on in her life right
now. That was depressing in itself.
"I'm going home. No use hanging out here right now. Let me
know if there is some great catastrophy otherwise, don't bother
me." Janelle left and went home. She sat on her couch in her
lonely quarters and listened to some contemporary classical music.
It was relaxing and she fell asleep.
Two hours passed and she woke up. She had dreamed about her sister
and that was what woke her up. The lost of her twin was very hard
on her. She decided that home was not the best place for her. She
left to get herself a drink, a strong one.
"Trust Kira to find Pole Dancing as fun recreation"
Ensign Kira Murphy,
Paed Doc & Pole-dancing Stripper
Kira grinned as she stepped through the door that led
from the docking bay into one of the public areas of the
'roughest asteroid that you can find'.
Smiling when she saw all the bright neon signs, she
headed towards an establishment that seemed to be tacky
enough to have what she wanted.
Winking to a bulky man at the door, he gulped and let
her pass into the bar. Entering, she ignored the hang of
smoke and passed through the entrance corridor. Coming
to a big door, she pushed it open and passed through.
Inside, she found a lot of men watching very scantily
clad women stripping on a long stage and spinning around
poles. The women seemed to be almost floating as they
moved across the stage. Moving over to the bar, she
ignored the hand that grabbed and groped her.
Coughing to get attention, she winked towards the stage,
"Who looks after the entertainment? Third door down"
He pointed towards a bead curtain at the back, and Kira
headed towards it. Pushing past the curtain, she passed
down a corridor and knocked at the correct door.
Waiting until someone called out, she entered a small
"Wadda ya want?"
"A temporary job."
Getting up, the man walked over to her and looked her up
and down.
"Nice, but what do you look like without your clothes
Shrugging, she undid the catch and slid out of her
grav-suit, letting it fall to the ground. Without
asking, he reached out and squeezed her breasts.
She didn't mind and did a turn for him when he motioned
her to.
"Okay. You have a job. When can you start?"
"Now if you want."
"Good. Head down to the end and they will give you a
costume. Dancing is good, but if you want to earn more,
we have lap-dancing at the back. You can get more if
they can do what they want to you."
Kira smiled happily, leaving the room carrying her suit.
Within ten minutes, Kira was out dancing nude and
spinning around the poles, happily showing off.
"Relics of the Mooch's Lair"
By Lt. JG Dr. Klaus Fienberg
Location: Stiener's Inventions and Novelties, Promenade Lower Level
-Why the hell did he leave me this hole?-
Dr. Fienberg stood outside the closed doors of the Abandoned shop,
pondering of what could possibly be of any use.
The Doors opened with the turn of the simple key lock Stiener installed.
Inside, the shop was just as he left it. Duplicates of Archealogical
treasures, all fakes. Cheap crystals, toys, and other worthless
inventions, like a new kind of double wide toothbrush to brush
the entire mouth in 2 fell swoops(3 if you count the tounge.) There
were books, illegal books, numerous antique datapads. A Non-functional
older type-2 phaser, still with the original pistol clip style
powerpack. The ID tag on the bottom of the pack scratched and damaged.
All that showed up was USS E---. The number was also there as well.
936. Also scratched out was the Vessel Call number. A fascinating
Artifact, Klaus pocketed it.
-Odd little phaser. Doubt works anymore. Cmdr. Corgan may like
it. Hell, he'd probably confiscate it anyway.-
Continuing to rifle through the junk, he found the real stuff.
An odd barbed device. -One of those odd Ferengi Ear Tickler devices?
Yes.....thats ear mucous.-
Not much more in this area, he moved on to the back room. Low and
behold. The Head of a Fembot. The rest of it was gone, probably
amoung those confiscated by Commander Maddox. But Stiener had kept
the head. It lay on the table, the back of the skull laying near
it on the table, the androids brain open and obviously tinkered
Moving on from that sight, he rifled through the numerous peices
of equipment laying around.
What he saw next warranted speech. "My word. He forgot his
Arm-Articulator Unit." The strange device that Stiener tried
to use to regain the use of his dead arm sat there, unused, and
apparantly slightly modified. On the Shoulder Mount of the device
were a new set of wires that hung a good distance. -Well isn't
this interesting. What could they be for? Possible link directly
to the spinal cord?-
Next to it lay a PaDD. An older one, but it was still functional.
Turning it on immediatly displayed a message for Klaus. It was
written in their native language of German.
-------- Dear Klaus.
Perhaps you can continue my research on the device where I left
off. I am Not a doctor, nor am I well versed in prosthetics,
but I beleived I could use my engineering experiance to come
up with a way to re-articulate my damaged arm. Although I managed
to get it to work by moving muscles in my back, that was not
efficient enough. Far from efficient and too unpredictable. I
said that I had a possibility of Re-instatment into Starfleet,
but It is actually garrenteed. I will have a desk job at Starfleet
Command, but if I can show that my ability to function on a ship
is returned through any process, than I can get an assignment
aboard a ship.
As you can see, I extended the length of the impulse reception
wires in an attempt to possible tap into the Spinal Cord. Unfortunately,
this did not work. It nearly broke my arm. Too many stray signals
to the rest of the body. If there was a way to isolate the signals
that originally went to the arm, then perhaps it would be possible
to accomplish what I originally wanted.
Included on this PaDD are the full original plans, all the modifications
through it's development, and the final modifications to the
point where it is as of now. Take these and handle the prototype
with care, for it is the only won and I know you don't have the
skills or the authorization to create another one.
Take Care, My Brother
Erik Stiener.
---------- Klaus set the PaDD back where he found it. -Wonder if there are
any other relics for me to procure here?-
There was a final curtain in the back of the room. He swiped
if over slowly.
-Still a Gimp I see.-
The black leather suit hug on the wall, as if put there with
great care. A Single note on a peice of what appeared to be paper
stuck to it. Written in english...
Klaus shook his head, laughing to himself. He picked up the arm-articulator,
and PaDD and walked out.
"Broken Wings" Part 1 of 2
Principal Characters:
Lt. Curtis Geluf
Lt (JG) Victor Krieghoff
USS Galaxy
Deck 10
"...heard that he convinced everyone that it was an 'evil twin'
that did
all those things on the Defiant last year, and not really him.
Can you
believe that? And they bought it!"
Victor considered favoring the whisperer with a glance, but decided
against it. Let the man think what he wanted, let him believe what
wanted. The Defiant was dead, destroyed, and that was all that
about that. It couldn't hurt anyone again. He'd done his job, and
if the
sheep didn't understand, or care, well, that was all right too.
didn't have to."
"I heard that he was the one that really killed all those
people last
year, too - and that he made that Klingon Princess give up the
for it."
"How'd he manage that?"
"How do you think, dummy? He got her in the sack for, like
days right before it happened."
"No way!"
"Yes way. I saw the requests that went in to Supply during
that time for
things you wouldn't believe." The speaker lowered his voice. "Cheese
Whiz, man, they ordered three gallons of Cheese Whiz!"
That was it. Victor didn't mind being blamed for the things he'd
and the way he'd done them, but he was not going to take the blame
Leo Streely of all people. He was going to be transferred anyway,
was another reprimand for menacing crewmen? He turned, a smile
starting to spread across his face as he started to rise.
Curtis entered 10-forward slightly worried. He had, of course,
heard the
comments made by the crewmen before he'd even stepped through the
but he wasn't clear on the gravity of the situation until he looked
towards Victor.
He was going to have to act fast, or the crewmen would end up
as stains
on the carpet.
"Victor!" he called across the lounge, "Sorry I'm
late! I was held up in
the office."
The two crewmen looked up; eyes wide like Terran prairie dogs.
speaker, one of the ratings from Operations, visibly blanched and
glass fell to the floor from nerveless fingers as he saw Victor
and in the act of moving his way. The other rating at the table
pushed away from the table and turned to run.
Victor stopped at Curtis' words and nodded once. "Geluf." He
favored the
remaining rating with a smile that stopped the man's breathing. "Thought
you weren't going to make it."
"Had to sort through some transfers and the like. In fact,
I believe my
crewmen are due for their shift in about 10 minutes." Curtis
casting his gaze towards the two gossipers.
"All right, I won't keep them long." Victor leaned down
to the crewman
and said softly. "For the record, Chief, it was Streeley that
slept with
the Princess, not me. Keep your scandals straight."
The man nodded once, wide eyes on Victor as the security officer
back and turned away.
"Sorry about that, Geluf," Victor appeared unconcerned
about the
incident, as if it had never happened, while they walked back through
the arc of empty tables that spread out from the corner where Victor
traditionally chose to sit. "Had to correct some bad information."
"So I see." the Kerelian nodded, "Those two aren't
exactly the shinning
stars of my department. Did you order already?"
"Coffee," Victor said tonelessly as he sat back down
and picked up his
half-empty cup. "I was early."
Curtis turned towards the waiter, "Hmm...I think I'll just
have some
French Vanilla."
Victor was silent as Curtis ordered, eyes moving across the room
restlessly, like a watchful animal's. He frowned once, quickly,
as his
gaze swept over the far side of the room, Curtis' mind sorting
expression out from the wide range of frowns that he'd seen Victor
as indicating displeasure, but Victor wiped the expression away
as his
eyes moved on. "Something on your mind, Geluf?" he asked
as Curtis
finished his order.
"Well...not so much on MY mind." the Kerelian answered,
he couldn't
believe he was about to ask Victor.
Victor took a sip from his coffee. "Whose then?"
Curtis flushed a bit, "Well, I'm no good at this, so I might
as well
just level with you. I've been talking with Ella."
Victor looked at him silently, without blinking, for longer than
thought reasonable, before he replied. "You've been talking
to Grey."
It wasn't a question the way he repeated it, but a statement.
"Uh, yeah. Is that alright?" Curtis asked, a little
"You don't need my permission to talk to anyone, Geluf."
"Yeah, well. Since the conversation was about you, I didn't
want to get
you upset or anything. We talked for quite a long time as a matter
fact," the Kerelian said.
"People talk about me all the time, Geluf. Your ratings,
coffee klatch crew, the fighter pilots, the rest of Security -
sooner or
later everyone does it. Nothing to feel bad about." Disturbingly,
voice didn't register any of the microtremors that Curtis would
associated with suppressed frustration or anger. It was just...
That wasn't entirely true, and Victor knew it. If there were anyone
aboard that he would not want to talk about him that way it would
Grey. But they weren't friends any more, so that made it okay -
or close
enough that it didn't hurt. Not yet anyway. "If you and Grey
want to
talk about me, you can too."
"No, dammit, it's not like that at all!" Curtis said
in surprise. Why
was he always so sure people were saying bad things about him? "Ella's
upset, Victor, really upset."
"If you were talking about me, I understand why," Victor
returned in his
dead man's voice. "Try talking to her about something else
that won't
make her mad."
"No, no, no. Not 'mad' upset, she's confused, she doesn't
know what she
thinks. But she doesn't want to distance herself from you." Curtis
"She was mad when I saw her last - and that's okay. It's
better for her,
better for you, better for everyone, Geluf, if you get mad and
away. I'll be transferred off as soon as M'kantu returns and he
can find
someone who hasn't seen my personnel file to take me."
"Maybe she was mad then, but she isn't any more. She cares
about you
Victor. You may not believe it, but it's true. I do too, but not
her. With her it's different, there's more to it than friendly
meetings like we have." The Ops chief explained. Victor was
going to
have to understand, Curtis would have to make him understand.
Victor frowned. Of course she'd been his friend; that was why
he'd done
what he'd done to push her away. It was better for her to get used
not being friends now than let it linger. "It doesn't matter,
Geluf," he
said slowly. "Like I said, better to be mad now, before I
"I wish you'd cut that out. We don't know if you're being
transferred or
not." Curtis pointed out. A broken record, this guy was.
"Of course I'm being transferred. I'm always transferred," Victor
returned with a calm certainty. "I'm always left behind. That's
the way
it works, Geluf."
"I admit the track record so far hasn't been great in that
aspect." The
Kerelian sighed, "But still, you can't be sure. From what
I've gathered
of our captain, he's the surprising type."
"Not that way. We covered that in my interview already. I'm
gone as soon
as he finds a place for me somewhere else." Victor shrugged. "I'd
transfer me if I were him."
"Why? I still don't understand that."
"Because I'm not like you, Geluf, that's why. I'm not like
them," he
indicated the occupied tables on the other side of the room, "either.
I'm a predator and the rest of you aren't." He sipped at his
untouched by his words. "I'll be transferred because I'm a
tiger, Geluf,
and the galaxy is filled with sheep. It doesn't matter that I'm
you from the other tigers, I'm still a tiger, and no sheep born
wants a
tiger mingling in their flock no matter what the reason."
"I must be a pretty lousy sheep then." Curtis shrugged, "Cause
not what I'd do."
Victor shrugged. "Maybe so - but you aren't responsible for
all of the
sheep on the Galaxy, either. You make decisions that are disagreeable
personally when you're in that position, decisions that are for
the good
of the many, not the good of the one. That's what Command is all
He sipped his coffee again.
"I don't need to take Command class from you all over again
Curtis smirked, "But yeah, this isn't about what I'd do I
guess, it's
about the Captain. But we've gotten a little off topic."
"No," Victor said softly. "It has everything to
do with the topic. The
Captain is going to transfer me, and it's better for everyone to
away now. Mad or not, the sooner that happens, the sooner you will
over it and move on."
"But what about you? What do you think of all of this?"
"Me? What I want doesn't matter, Geluf. It never has." He
finished the
last of his coffee, his voice still that dead, and certain monotone.
"I'm here to do my job and keep the sheep safe. I'll do that
they send me." He looked at Curtis for a moment, head tilted
slightly to
one side. "I didn't join the fleet to get to do what I like
to do,
Geluf. I joined to give me a reason to do it to the right people."
"Broken Wings" Part 2 of 2
Principal Characters:
Lt. Curtis Geluf
Lt (JG) Victor Krieghoff
USS Galaxy
Deck 10
"But what about you? What do you think of all of this?"
"Me? What I want doesn't matter, Geluf. It never has." He
finished the
last of his coffee, his voice still that dead, and certain monotone.
"I'm here to do my job and keep the sheep safe. I'll do that
they send me." He looked at Curtis for a moment, head tilted
slightly to
one side. "I didn't join the fleet to get to do what I like
to do,
Geluf. I joined to give me a reason to do it to the right people."
"Ella isn't just going to let it go Victor. She's confused
right now.
She's feeling things she's never let herself feel before and it
her," Curtis noted. It was true; of course, she was a wreck
over Victor.
"She needs to let it go." Victor set his empty coffee
mug down. "I'm
going to be transferred. There's no point in making this worse
than it
already is. All of you need to let it go."
"You keep saying that." The Kerelian took a drink from
his cup, "But it
isn't magically making that happen. Ella is very fragile emotionally,
plus she's a woman. And I should know about women, I married one,
she can read my thoughts no less."
Curtis cleared his throat a bit, "What I'm trying to get
across here is
that you need to talk this out with her. She wants to know how
feel; even if you think it's unimportant, it is to her. The big
question here, Victor, is do you care about her?"
Victor looked at him for a moment, his eyes as unreadable as ever. "Care
about her, how?" he finally asked, his tone still even and
"Care about her in any way at all really. I'll settle for
any facet."
Curtis sighed. Victor was more Vulcan than Vulcans, but in an odd
of way. Vulcans were emotionless, yes, but you could at least see
their eyes the inner workings of the mind. You could tell they
thinking. With Victor, you couldn't see anything and if you let
yourself think on it too long, you couldn't really be sure his
eyes had
any color.
"I don't understand what you mean," Victor replied after
a moment. "We
talk, like you and I do. We do things together sometimes. But she
"You don't have to be related to someone to care about them.
It's a
different kind of feeling," the Kerelian pointed out.
Victor frowned. "There are three kinds of people, Geluf.
There are
people that are just people. That's almost everyone. There are
that you talk to. That's a small number; I've only met a dozen
or so in
my life. And then there are people that are family, that's the
number. I only have five of them now, and they aren't all related
blood. You don't have to be related that way to be family, you
just have
to be..." he paused, obviously trying to find the right word,
"You forgot about friends, Victor." Curtis said, flatly.
Victor shook his head. "Friends are people I talk to, Geluf."
"But there's more to it. Ella really cares for you and not
in any of
the ways you've mentioned. Ella cares for you....well...like I
care for
Kiora." There, he'd said it. Why had that been so difficult?
Victor looked at him blankly. "No she doesn't, Geluf. She
isn't family."
"Kiora wasn't family till I married her Victor." Curtis
pointed out,
"She just won't tell you because she doesn't know how you feel."
Victor frowned for a moment. "You don't have to be married
to be family,
Geluf. You don't even have to be married to someone for them to
be the
One." The odd capitalization of the last word was obvious
to the
Kerelian's sensitive ears.
"Of course." Curtis lifted his glass, "The bottom
line here is do you
feel anything for Ella? Even a little something?"
"What I feel or want doesn't matter, Geluf. It never has,
it never will.
There's only what is, that's what I have to work with. Nothing
"Ok, yeah, we got that," the Kerelian sighed, "Ok,
let's go with that.
It doesn't matter. In that case, it couldn't hurt to say how you
It isn't going to change anything right? So there should be no
Victor's frown shifted, and he tapped out a request for another
before answering. "Geluf," he said slowly. "How
many people have there
been for you? People that were family?"
"I've got Kiora and my parents really. My sibling too." Curtis
"No, I mean people that you... lovers, Geluf. That's what
I mean by
family. How many?"
"Oh THAT." The Kerelian almost choked on his coffee. "Well,
actually...Kiora was the only one. I mean, I spent a lot of time
in my
youth just trying to get over what happened on my planet."
The security officer nodded. "And how many opportunities
were there?
Ones that you decided not to take?"
"A few I suppose. I was too stupid to see it really. Too
caught up in
my lingering homelessness, planet-wise anyway."
"Two." Victor paused as his coffee arrived and sipped
at it. "There were
two, for me. I was stupid and took the first one. I shouldn't have.
Better to do without. I knew better when the second came."
Victor's statement surprised Curtis a little, "You just didn't
bother with the second one? What had the first one done so wrong
warrant that?"
"I was 23, Geluf. She was the first person that had ever
touched me
willingly outside my immediate family - and she was like Flight
Angelienia." Victor looked across the table. "That's
why I knew better
the second time."
"That was 10 years ago Vic. You're 33. Ever heard of getting
back on the
horse?" Curtis asked.
"Why?" Victor sipped at the black coffee. "What
would be the point?"
"Because things might be different. I mean, come on Victor,
its Ella. I
don't think there's anyone on this ship who better understands
Curtis pointed out.
Victor's frown deepened as he looked over his coffee at Curtis. "There's
no point to it, Geluf. Even if I walked out the door and ran into
One as soon as we finished talking, there would be no point. I'm
leaving. I always leave. I'm always left behind." The total
of that statement in his voice was worse than any emotional reaction
might have been. "That's just the way it is."
"Maybe it IS hopeless Victor. But what you have to understand
is that
she doesn't care." Curtis put down his cup, a little more
then he intended, "All Ella wants to know is how you feel
about her. She
just wants something, anything. She's prepared to deal with the
consequence of losing you to a transfer. If she wasn't, she wouldn't
have asked me to talk to you."
Victor took a swallow of his coffee and set the cup down calmly. "Watch
out," he said softly, "you're going to spill your coffee
if you don't
calm down." He looked at Curtis for a moment, eyes unreadable. "I've
told you and I've told grey that what I think or feel, or want
matter, Geluf," he said, voice still soft and even. "I've
accepted that
for a long time now. Why is it so hard for you? Or her?"
"Point established." Curtis said, "And I'm telling
you that if none of
it matters what can be the harm of letting on what you think or
about her? She isn't going to let it go just like that. May seem
odd to
you, but that's just the way it is. Nothing to be done about it."
Victor looked at him for a moment, blinked, and picked up his
draining half the remaining content in one long swallow. "If
I were
going to have that conversation with someone, Geluf, you aren't
the one
I'd have it with." He looked down at the coffee in his mug. "There
two sides to everything, Geluf. You're just seeing hers. Think
mine, for a minute."
This caught Curtis by surprise. Was Victor showing some emotion
here? Or
was it his imagination?
"You have to understand. I only ask as a favor to her. She
asked me if I
would and I couldn't say no. My personal opinion on the subject
is that
you'd be better off talking to her about all this and not a middle
I didn't mean to put you in an awkward position."
"Yes you did, Geluf," Victor replied calmly, without
hint of malice.
"You wanted to catch me off-balance and see if I would tell
something. Standard interrogation technique." He finished
off the rest
of his coffee, regarded the cup, and finally set it down to simply
and look at Curtis for almost forty seconds in silence.
"I don't like to be angry, Geluf," he said softly, abruptly,
his eyes
catching Curtis' and holding him there, like a snake might a bird.
"It's a bad thing, a very bad thing for the people around me.
even, than being around me in the first place. I can deal with
what I
am, and what you are, and the fact that I'll never be able to be
a part
of the world the rest of you fit in, but it takes effort some days.
Occasionally, especially at the end of a tour, when I know I'm
reassigned, it takes a lot of effort. Especially then, I don't
need to
be distracted by something that might make me frustrated, or angry."
He smiled briefly, something deadly and cold - and, for a tiny
terribly, terribly sad - stirring in the air around him as the
expression flickered across his face. "You wouldn't like me
when I was
angry, Geluf," he said slowly. "And afterwards, after
you'd seen me
angry, you wouldn't like anything at all, ever again." He
blinked and
the chill was gone, and he was only Victor again. "Better
for everyone
that I'm not distracted, that I'm not angry, Geluf. You, Grey,
your wife
who tries to hide the fact that she wants to scream if we're in
the same
room, everyone. Let it be, Geluf, just let it be."
Curtis had nothing to say. He'd exhausted all avenues of attack
and was
frankly rather uncomfortable with the whole thing now. He KNEW
there was
something there, behind those eyes. Victor had let it slip, if
only for
a moment. Sadness. But he couldn't even begin to understand any
than that.
"You win." he said at last, "There's a reason my
degrees are in
Engineering and Warp Field Theory."
"It's because you like to fix things, Geluf," Victor
told him in that
same soft, quiet voice, "just like you're trying to do now.
But no
matter how good you are at it, there are just some things too broken
Curtis sighed, "Maybe Victor, maybe."
"No maybes, Geluf. That's just the way things are." Victor
smoothly, without warning and stood there, the Gryphon Asteroid
arrayed behind him in the wide window that comprised the forward
wall of
the lounge like a pair of ever-shifting, broken wings that Curtis
couldn't decide appeared more demonic or angelic.
For a moment, the security officer said nothing, just stood there,
then, as suddenly as he'd stood, said, "Thank you for talking
to me
Geluf. I'll miss that when I'm gone," the last words not even
registering on Curtis' ears before Victor had turned away and started
for the door, leaving him to look out at the mass of moving stone
Lieutenant Commander Ethan Suder
Chief Engineer
"Superheroes... That's us!"
"You sure this is a good idea?" Tom asked, brushing
his hair back in the
Jiiles scratched his bold blue head and frowned at the younger
Why wouldn't be a good idea? Sure Bolians weren't known for their
suggestions, but hey, who would question a bulldozer of a Bolian
Who but Tom.
"I mean, he seems fine to me. Every time we're all doing
something, he gets
involved int he action, unless it's us kids partying or something
in which
case he justs sits back with a couple of drinks and enjoys the
scenes that
lay out before him."
"Tom," Jiiles almost snapped, "he does a very good
job of hiding it. But
every now and again, you can catch him off-guard. It's still eating
him up.
The other Engineers know it, well, some of them."
"Perhaps, or maybe he just gets caught in a bad mood?" Tom
"I don't want to sound harsh, but stop sticking up for him.
That's the
other thing, his mood swings. One day he's ok, but probably really
in his office where no one can see, then the next day he's brooding
public." Jiiles explained.
The two Engineers slowly walked around a corner of Deck Eight
and continued
their stride.
"Sounds to me like he's needs more than a speech or drink." Tom
"The poor man needs a superhero." Jiiles replied with
a smile.
""Superheroes?... That's us!" Tom joked back.
Jiiles came to a halt and held up his hand to stop Tom from The
stepped in
and saw Ethan stood by the window. He seemed to be deep in thought,
slowly turned to face them when the doors shut behind them.
He didn't even say anything, just remained still and observed
his friends
"Hey." Tom eventually piped up, glancing at Jiiles to
take the lead who
Ethan moved over to his desk and sat down in the rather large
comfortable chair. He sighed and looked at the pictur eon his desk
looking over at the guys. "So, what's going on?" he asked
"Nothing." Tom blurted out.
"Just thought we'd stop by, see how things are going." Jiiles
stepped in
"Ok, cut to the chase. This routine might work with the girls,
but not me."
Tom giggled a little and looked at Jiiles. "That's true."
"Not with all of them. Ask Dhani that, she'll see straight
through you."
Jiiles shot back.
"Ah yeah, heard you two-"
"Guys." Ethan interrupted with raised eyebrows and a
tired look.
"Oh." Tom replied.
"Look, we know what's going on, Ethan. And we want to help
you. It's been
a few years and any normal person would have gotten over this,
"Feel what?" Ethan snapped.
"Well." Tom stepped forward and moved to gesture with
his hand but
accidently knocked the picture on the corner of Ethan's desk. It
backwards, flat on the desk. Tom stepped back with a look on his
face like
Ethan might have strangled him.
Jiiles hesitated before pointing at the picture.
Ethan followed Jiiles' fingers and looked at the picture, now
face up. He
moved some data padds from one side of his desk to the other and
cleared his
throat. "It's just a reminder." a quietly mentioned.
"Of what?" Tom asked.
"Of the footsteps that I should follow in."
"You need a picture for that?" Jiiles asked.
Ethan frowned and then laughed at the situation. "You know
at my age,
memory isn't that good."
"Got ya." Tom said looking around Ethan's quarters. "But
it just seems a
"Look guys," Ethan interrupted again, "I appreciate
your concern, but
there's nothing to worry about."
"But you're always be yourself, keeping really busy." Jiiles
"I like the work. There's nothing quite like being at the
heart of the
ship, you know that. As for my time, I like my own personal space.
A good
book... that sort of thing."
"Come on." Tom said.
Ethan stood up with a sigh and replaced the picture to it's proper
"Look, what is it you want from me, another ass-whiping in the
holodeck, a
game of cards, advice on how to get the perfect woman?" He
paused as he
moved around his desk. "I can do all of the above, minus the
last one."
"Ain't that right." Jiiles commented.
"Look you guys, I'm good. It's a busy life being the Chief.
There are
always ups and downs. More ups I think, having a little trouble
sure, but that's it. I'm fine."
"I don't think so." Jiiles commented. "Everyone
knows it, us, Michael,
hell, I'll bet Dhani and Ella are in on it too."
"Ok, so let's say they are, so what?"
"So there is something?" Tom asked.
Ethan frowned and looked at the floor. At this moment in time,
he wouldn't
mind being anywhere else. This was going to be a pain in the ass.
weren't going to go away for a simple 'I'm ok' routine. "So
what do you
want, a bedtime story?"
"Works for me." Jiiles replied with a chuckle.
Ethan moved behind his desk and picked up a couple of objects.
Throwing a
glass over to Tom and a bottle to Jiiles, he moved over to the
couch with
another two glasses in hand. "Well, take a seat, this could
take a while,
but seriously, there's nothing up."
"We'll be the judge of that." Tom said sitting down
opposite Ethan.
"Well aren't you two a couple of superheroes." Ethan
Tom and Jiiles shared a laugh before pouring out a couple of drinks...
"The Forgotten Strawberry"
Turan Trelar,
Quentite ambassador,
former boy scout and probably
future plant deliverer and micro-farm owner
OOC: Help - Quentite agriculture expert searching for work. Please
hesitate to mail.
Can you imagine sitting in a small room with just a bed, a cabinet,
desk and a chair for weeks? Sooner or later, the blue-gray duranium
walls building Turan's room started to move, continuously approaching
each other.
The size of the rooms furniture did its best to intensify that
impression. Who ever was responsible for the vessels interior design
didn't seem to spend many thoughts on Quentites or other non-standard
sized species coming aboard. Even with the chairs on its highest
setting, Turan was not able to find a convenient position to do
studies. So finally, Turan decided to move his office to an outdoor
If there anyhow was a place on a spaceship somebody dared to call
'outdoor' it was the room called arboretum. Somewhere deep in the
of the giant duranium monster which swallowed him few weeks ago,
Quentite boy found a place that looked a little bit like a jungle
although it was just a few square feet full of vegetation. The
any too small chair to torture his backbones - there wasn't any
chair at
Turan didn't need one. He sat on the soft soil, laid back at one
of the
large rocks he found there. A pencil danced over the drawing-pad
laid on his knees, filling it with rather detailed drafts of starship
furniture objects.
Turan looked up from his pad. There was something just a step
away that
drew his attention. He dropped his drawing-pad to have a closer
look at
the plant. The tiny plant, not bigger than his palm was in a poor
with all of its leaves withered and the fruits dried up. The plant
seemed to have put the last remains of its life energy into one
effort to have a descendant. At the end of the plants only tiny
branch hung a ripe fruit of dark red color.
Who ever seeded that plant seemed to have forgotten is. Or maybe
transfered to an other assignment or even killed in a battle like
the galaxy recently was involved in.
Carefully not to damage its fragile roots Turan started to dig
out the
small almost dead plant, keeping it with a god amount of the much
dry soil. Probably he would be able to revive the plant or at least
the plants seeds that covered the fruit like a dark fur.
Robert Biessman,
Tactical officer
Robert sat in his quarters like he usually did since he arrived
on the Galaxy, he woke up each morning and went to do his shift
and he always came back to his quarters and just sit there doing
nothing, or work on new recipes that he looked up on the ships
database. He knew he had to get out sometime, but he didn’t
really want to right now, before coming to the Galaxy he had a
huge fight wwith his parents and they told him not ever to go back
and see them, for all they knew he never existed. It really hurt
him but he couldn’t stop what he loved doing just because
his parents didn’t like it.
"Computer start music," Robert said sitting down on
a chair thinking what to play, "Great big sea: sea of no cares."
"Affirmative," came the computers reply. The music started
a little too loud.
"Computer turn the music down two decibels." Robert
said as he got up from the chair. He walked over to the computer
and turned it on, brought out the latest news.
"Hello, I am dennis Trudel and this is the six o’clock
evening news. Top story Captain David Carey and the Resolution
is back from the Breen space, where we have just learned of a battle
ensuing against breen rebels. Out of a total of 100 ships that
partook in the battle, including 20 Federation ships, 20 klingon
ships and sixty Breen ships were against the Rebel fleet that was
estimated 15 percent of the Breen military. The total casualty
report has not been made yet, but out of that 100 ship fleet only
six made it out. Which included 3 federation, 2 klingon and one
Breen. The rebel fleet was destroyed no ships remained. In other
news the former Damon tog has again tried to kill Captain picard
while he was on shore leave he was on Betazed when Tog apparently
walked up behind picard and shot him with a phaser. Security quickly
apprehended the ferengi and rushed captain picard to the nearest
medical facility, where it is said he’ll make a full recovery."
Robert shut the computer off, his former Captain was lucky to
get out of that one, he got up and walked over to the kitchen and
opened up the fridge, he took out some meat out.
About a half hour later his meal was ready and he started listening
to some more of great big seas music. He sat down and started to
eat, just when his door chimed. He got up and and answered it.
"Hello, I am Greta Pullman your new neighbour," The
woman said.
"Hi Robert Biessman, please come in." Robert said. "I
am just sitting down to eat, may I get you anything?"
"Uhmm...," She said, thinking about it. "Well...
I guess I could have a little bit."
Robert walked to the kitchen and took another plate out of the
cupboard and filled a plate for her. "Here you go."
"Thank you," Greta said, as she cut a piece of steak
and took a bite. "You are a good cook."
"Thank you" Robert said simple as he took a bite of
his own, "I took a course on cooking before joining the academy,
I guess it came in handy."
"It sure did," Greta said with a smile, "I haven’t
seen you out around the ship, I must miss you each time."
"Actually you don’t miss me I don’t go out unless
it is to do my shift," Robert said simply.
"You don’t make many friends that way," Greta
"I suppose not but it is not a good time for me with my family." Robert
"Oh whats wrong?" Greta asked
"They were against me going to starfleet, and now since I
have joined the Galaxy, they forbid me to go back home to see them,
so I am pretty well all alone now."
"You are not alone there is the crew here to help you," Greta
"Yeah I guess you are right." Robert agreed, "I’ll
try to get out and tour the ship with in the next few days."
"You’d better, or I might get my husband to come and
drag you out." Greta said finishing her plate. "Well
thank you for the meal, I gotta get going and fix up my quarters,
before my husband gt back from work."
"Where does he work?"
"He is just one of the guys who works at the lounge up a
couple of decks, one of the least favourite hangouts on the ship."
"I see," Robert said. "He stood up to show her
the door, well its been nice meeting you Greta, maybe next time
you can bring your husband"
"I will," Greta said as she walked out the door.
After she left Robert sat back down on the chair and turned on
the music once again, he looked at the time, it was only 7 o’clock
in the evening, another eight hours until his next shift started.
He picked up the book he had started reading several nights before ‘The
rise and fall of WWE’ it was about the rise of a wrestling
company run by a vincent McMahon in the late 1980's and the fall
of it in the late 2030's. He had watched several matches, he especially
liked the wrestlers Steve Austin, and Chris Benoit, and the Heart
Break kid.
After an hour of reading that he set the book down on the table
and rested his eyes some. Staring at the book all that time was
really straining on the eyes. That what padds came in handy for
but he was brought up with books so he preferred that. He got up
and walked to his bedroom, since he was to start his shift in seven
hours he had to get up at two to get ready.
"Computer dim lights." Robert said.
"Affirmative." Came the computers reply.
With the lights out Robert drifted quickly to sleep.
"Reason to Live"
Lieutenant Corran Rex,
Vanguard One
Corran tapped absently at the PADD in his hands, arranging this
training schedule. He'd decided to leave it a bit light, to allow
chance for visits to the asteroids. They sounded like an interesting
The crew thought so, certainly - the shuttles were all booked up.
The advantage of being a fighter pilot, however, was that he was
without a ride. Vanguard One was officially requisitioned equipment
Vanguard Squadron, not the USS Galaxy. There were benefits to technically
being a separate command, such as a Starfighter Unit. Therefore,
Lieutenant needed no ones authorization but his own to take her
out. A
pilot's fighter was his, he was a firm believer of that, and it
was a policy
he allowed for all his personnel. Most pilots he knew did, and
it was
practically an unofficial policy in the Starfighter Corps.
Perhaps he would take a cruise later, at that. Or possibly even
just a
flight through the belt - asteroid belts were notoriously difficult
navigate. That was, of course, why pilots loved them so.
"Hell with it." he said, and tapped his commbadge even
as he was putting the
PADD down. "Rex to Flight Deck"
["Stalansky."] came the reply of the crew chief.
"Get my fighter ready, Sergeant. I'm going out for a spin." the
ordered, as he picked his helmet up from the shelf.
["Right on, boss. She'll be ready for ya."]
"Good man." the Trill replied with a smile, and closed
the comm. Before he
left the office, he was careful to take one of his injections.
Wouldn't do
to loose.. Himself when he was busy dodging asteroids.
Vanguard One emerged from the flight deck at the rear of the Galaxy
at the
top speed that was allowed, (actually, slightly faster than that,
but no one
needed to know.)
He pressed the small starfighter up to full impulse then, taking
on the
asteroid course as fast as he possibly could. Corran began to slip
into what
pilots called 'the zone' - almost a complete switchover to the
awareness required to be a starfighter pilot.
He flew almost entirely on instinct, narrowly dodging one asteroid
another, skimming the surfaces so closely that he had to disable
automatic antigravity repulsors on the bottom of the ship.
This was living.
"Death Becomes Her"
With Ensign Zeke Wikkins,
Constable Silas Thane of
the Lammergeir Peace Battalion.
Also including a handful of unauthorized guest stars.
(*Author's note:A tip of the hat to Chris for crafting a slick
setting for me to play with. This post will touch upon the
contrast in law enforcement styles between the Federation and
the frontier folk if you will. That's just a fancy way of saying
things could get zany.)
Location:The Lammergeir Asteroid, Gryphon Cluster
Previously on the USS Galaxy: With their arrival at the Gryphon
Asteroid Cluster, the crew of the Federation's flagship was free
to explore the area both professionally and recreationally. Seeing
an incredible opportunity, Commander Corgan asked Ensign Zeke Wikkins
to meet with Constable Silas Thane for a 'ride along' with the
L.P.B .
"Zeke, your gonna wanna watch your step now. them gravity
fields will twist a man's stomach in knots." Constable Silas
Thane began before the smile on the bearded man's round, weathered
face turned into a look of amused concern as he watched the mammoth
Starfleet security officer attempt to navigate the Lammergeir's
unique gravity fields.
Ensign Zeke Wikkins' face flushed an awful shade of green as waves
of nausea cascaded over him, threatening to wash him away. He staggered
towards the nearest railing and hung his head over the side of
the catwalk.
Constable Thane chuckled deeply and pointed at the black and yellow
stripes that served as a warning of the conflicting gravity fields. "I
don't know if you want to hang your hat there, my friend."
The wet, retching sound told him that the Starfleet officer had
paid him no heed. Vomit spewed from Zeke's mouth and towards an
unsuspecting couple kissing passionately on a bench a couple levels
below him before taking a series of sharp turns and riding the
gravity waves back up into his own face.
"Told you so." the Constable said, making no effort
to hide his amusement.
"Father...in ...heaven..." Zeke gasped as he removed
his tunic to wipe his face.
Thane slapped him on his broad back with a thick, beefy hand. "You'
ll be fine."
Wikkins coughed violently then stood with his hands on his hips,
breathing deeply and clearing his throat. "I have never before
seen such madness! Not even after eating those mushrooms in Uncle
Caleb's farm and having hallucinations about being chased by a
three legged starship with fish fins. How thou manage to walk without
spewing forth thy own entrails is a mystery to me on par with how
Elija the smythe used to shoe horses when he had no arms with which
to do so."
"You get used to it." Thane said barely able to hold
back a hearty laugh as the large Ensign shook his head. "Come.
Let us go get something to put back in that stomach of yours and
get the taste out of your mouth, no?"
The two men walked down one of the gangways through the various
music troupes, dancing revelers and blinking lights of the festival
currently being celebrated by the Lammergier people. They stopped
at one of the many vending areas and the Constable ordered a fleshy
sandwich wrapped in a thick green leaf.
The Security officer sniffed the creation, then took a small
"This is actually quite enjoyable." Zeke said eating
greedily."I would like to have the recipe."
"It is..how you say...the stones of a Myrnak beast." Thane
said pointing to his pelvis then giggling once again as the Security
Officer vomited for the second time, flinging the wrap across the
street and into the lap of a legless beggar who thanked him for
his charity.
"Now Silas, are you torturing that poor boy?" asked
a woman in brightly colored robes walking down the wall next to
a skitterish dark skinned Starfleet Officer in Science blues who
appeared captivated by a large plant growing seemingly out of the
rock beneath them or next to Wikkins, depending on which side of
the gravity well you were standing on.
"Evening Dr. Chhou" Thane said removing his cap. "Don't
worry about him. Just a small case of the bends is all. You two
enjoy the festival."
Further down the block near a stand with a bearded dwarf entertaining
children by placing his head in the mouth off a reptile over twice
his size, the constable's hand seemed to chirp.
He raised his arm revealing a communicator fastened to the back
of his hand and pressed the button.
"Thane. Go ahead....."
["Constable, it's Garibaldi..You better get over to the Winking
Pink. There's been an incident."]
"Copy that. I'm on my way." he replied closing the channel
and shifting to all business, even loosing the twang in his voice.
Moments later Thane and Wikkins were swimming through the gathered
crowd of the Winking Pink Cabaret. Women gyrated on three stages
to pulsing to Kix's underrated power ballad "Don't Close your
eyes". Every corner of the room seemed to be filled with sin
reminding the Amish officer of a modern day Sodom.
Zeke eyed the crowd suspiciously. He noticed a group of Cardassians
at the far table and off to thier left, hiding in the shadows,
and a pair of Breen leaning over and talking with a ragged looking
Klingon. As he made his way into the back rooms, Wikkins thought
one of the nude dancers even resembled Lt Murphy from the Galaxy
although he was reluctant to look lest he be turned into a pillar
of salt.
Passing a woman with a huge rubber appendage buckled to her waist,
Thane led Zeke into a lushly padded room, lit by countless candles
that smelled like oranges. Lying upon a thick bed of silken, purple
pillows was the nude body of what looked like an elderly woman.
"Oh, Damn. This here is Bessie 'Fuzzy' Lumpkins. She is one
of the favorites around here." Constable Thane said shaking
his head grimly and tugging a sheet over the woman." The woman
had a heart of gold. Literally. An artificial heart with gold inlay
installed during her last bypass."
"This wretched wench worked here?! As a jezebel?!?!" Zeke
asked in stunned amazement. "She must have been..."
"117 years old. Or at least that was all she would admit
to. We reckon about 132." He turned to Garabaldi. "Do
we have a suspect in this foul act?"
The slightly balding officer motioned to the corner where the
suspect was handcuffed and kneeling between two muscular officers
wielding huge blasters on their hips. Zeke's mouth fell open when
he rested his eyes upon Leo Streely.
"Am I glad to see you! Listen, I need you to call Darkstar.
Commander Darkstar.." Leo babbled. "This is all one great,
big, fat, Greek misunderstanding, OK? He'll sort it out. That's
D as in 'Damn, what a way to kick the bucket', and then A as in
The Constable pressed his thumbprint on the official Seal of Death
for Bessie, then turned his attention to Leo. "You are hearby
charged with the death of Bessie Lumpkins. How say you?"
"How say I? Listen here, lube for brains. She was rocking
and rolling with the Big Hoss here. Right when she's telling me
that I'm her daddy, she grabs my chest and starts rippin hunks
of hair out! I'm screamin. She's screamin then the next thing I
know, she has a death grip on me if you know what I mean. I ain't
never seen anything like it!"
Constable Thane's frown set in deeper."You are claiming that
she died as a result of having relations with you?"
"Can we kinda keep that one on the down low? I don't want
word to get out about this. It would kill my street cred with the
ladies. Besides, there would be the countless 'dead lay' jokes.
That's more than I need, OK?" Leo said.
Constable Thane drew himself up to his full height.
"In the Death of Bessie Lumpkins, you have pleaded guilty.
In accordance with Lammergeir Law I accept your plea."
"Well OK. Let's get these things offa me so I can get a shower
or something. And you tell the manager that I expect a refund of
every penny!" Leo uttered.
Thane looked at Garabaldi and nodded to Leo.
"Kill him."
"Unfinish Projects and the Demons they bring"
By Lt. JG Dr. Klaus Fienberg
Location: The Fienberg/MacFarland Family Quarters, Deck 7
Time: 1230 hours
With Kay absent for the time being, Klaus had their shared quarters
all to himself.
On the Coffee table set the Arm Articulation device, still on
it's stand. Klaus had a cup of coffee, and the PADD left to him
by Erik. Having just eaten lunch half an hour prior, his addiction
to caffeine had returned at a much lower magnitude.
His mind was still clouded by the horrors he'd seen. The pain
and fear that had once controlled his heart, making him inefficient,
unreliable, erratic, and possibly dangerous. He had it under
control....but he needed to be rid of it for good.
But for now, it was just fog, surrounding the current activity
of his brain.
-He's done alot for an Engineer lacking any formal medical training.-
He went over the scematics, which ranged from the control system
actually just manually reacting to the movement of the muscles
themselves, to detecting the electrical impulses, further refinements,
then the movement on to the detecting of electrical impulses
in the spinal cord itself.
-This is where he is flawed. He seemed to overlock the fact that
there are too many signals to deal with with this kind of primitive
sensor. But he's on the right track.-
The Plans were crude, but had already been implemented. Apparantly
they were rushed...but by what? Whatever it was, it came too
-Perhaps if he had more time, he would have come to medical with
his plans.......I don't know what Dr. Reynolds would have done,
but our wonderful loving cheif surgeon would have probably shot
down the entire idea. But even that is unsure. Perhaps he may
have seen through his own arrogance and acknowledged that a Lowly
engineer could have come up with this.-
On a seperate PADD, Klaus was writing down his own notes. Adding
references to his own findings and suggestions.
He finally found a finaly schematic. It was very crudely Drawn,
as if by hand. An attempt to refine the current implemented Design,
but there was something missing. The Electrical Impulse detectors
at the ends of the wires were missing, as if the spot were to
be filled in with a missing link. With it was a note. No regard
for grammer. It was written as hastily as the schematic.
you must finish my design. my arm will be vital to me when the
time comes for me to have it. finish the missing link for me,
and dont let anyone outside of medical know about it. i know
they trust you appreciate you and regard you highly. these are
things i can see. finish it find where i went wrong. well you
probably already know being a doctor an all. but i dont know
how good you are with prosthetics neural links and that sort
of thing. i came to the conclusion that a direct neural link
through the spinal cord or even perhaps a shunt directly into
the brain may be the one and only key but i lack the medical
knowledge to implement such a plan. once you have the product(do
not bother testing it I will do so myself) send it in an encoded
message to a one admiral sergei romanovsky of the corps of engineers.
one final thing. i know of your troubles with lucy trang and
gunther engleman. i am seeking dr engleman. he has something
of mine and i must have it. as for lucy i know not where she
is but she is not with engleman. in fact i know that engleman
has lost her trail. unfortunatly as of last month lucy secretly
retired from starfleet and has gone comepletely off the scope.
i know you have had talks with captain alberion s savage and
i must inform you that he is no longer able to help. he is under
too close a watch for us to operate with him. one of us will
eventually find engleman and one of us will exact our revenge
on the man that should have died long ago. well actually he did
die but somebody i dont know who revived them to secretly accomplish
something. i dont think even he knows. he just wants to kill
you and lucy so it is likely the agents who saved him may have
lost control. i dont know. just take care and finish my project.
and delete this message.
Klaus immediatly deleted the message.
-What in the world is going on! Gunther is a dangerous man, but
why would Erik have any problem with him? And I don't understand
how Adm. Romanovsky is involved in this. Probably a debt owed
to my brother and nothing to do with it. Could it be that Gunther
has a bigger hitlist than we know? Who else will he try to kill?-
He set the PADD down and stared at the device.
-Well, my two main tasks are at hand. Live my life, and finish
my brother's work. Should be quite easy.-
"Past Lives"
Lieutenant Corran Rex,
Vanguard One
Guest Starring:
Ensign Xiaz Padma,
soon-to-be-transferred-to-the-USS Atlantis-Flight
Controller (Kate)
Corran had changed into his PT gear after his flight, deciding
that, since
he was already sweaty, he might as well go work out.
All the technology in the Federation, all the advances... and
they still
couldn't make a flightsuit with adequate cooling technology.
There was a certain comfort in that, actually.
Pad was still buzzing from her latest... excursion. It was fun,
to say the
least. Mindless, ridiculous, and worthless, really, but certainly
fun. She
was being transferred off the Galaxy in not too long -- she and
the Captain
had had a bit of a clash (okay, so she hit on him while she was
drunk; after
a few sunrises, even M'Kantu was sexually appealing... she might
have been
able to help him remove that stick from up his ass... but alas,
now they'd
never know). The 'issue' was really just a cover; they'd never
gotten along
and her behavior was just an excuse. She was off duty, after all.
Hadn't she been? She was trying to remember, and giggled as she recalled
that evening. It had been fun.
"Hi," she purred to an ensign who passed by, eyes glued to her so tightly
she wondered if his eyes would fall out and run to attach themselves to her
cleavage. Being a woman was definitely fun. And having almost five hundred
year experience as a man made it that much more fun. She suddenly had a
thought and glanced down -- oh good, there was a shirt there. Phew.
She looked up just in time to see a form approaching from the other end of
the hallway. It looked vaguely familiar. Definitely Trill. Hum...
Corran's head tilted as he saw the Trill in front of him turn
her head, and
he frowned. She seemed.. familiar.
In fact, she seemed like..
~No. Way. In. Hell.~ came the unified response of about half of
his previous
hosts, causing Corran to wince slightly in pain.
~Not so loud, folks.~ he mentally replied, and rushed forward
to catch up to
the other Trill.
"Hey - hey, wait up!" the pilot called out, trying to
get her attention.
She turned and folded her arms, cocking her head, a smirk spread
across her
lips. "Yes?" she asked, cat-like eyes wide and mischievous.
"YOU!" he exclaimed, trying not to laugh uncontrollably.
What came out
sounded more like a bark of exclamation. "I can't believe
they let you out,
Pad! How long were you grounded to the pools?"
"A hundred and fifteen years, seven months, two weeks plus
one day, nine
hours and twenty two minutes," Pad replied, smirking. "Federation
of course. And look." She clasped her breasts. "They
gave me this great
body. Seriously, someone at the commission was smiling at an old
man like
me. I never want to be a man again, this is too much fun. Look
at you, I
thought you'd be dead by now. How's the new host holding up? Heard
the last one, sounds like my kind've guy, eh? eh?" Pad grinned,
her long lost... friend (would Rex be a friend? compatriot? it
depended on the lifetime, really).
"That's right" Rex replied, remembering. "This
is the first time you've been
a woman, isn't it?" Steadfastly, he avoided answering the
question of how he
"Yes, yes it is, and let me tell you. It was hard to stop
touching when I
first work up. Thank God the host and I are emotionally and psychologically
compatible, if you know what I mean. Frelling commission didn't
screw up
this time. Huh." She wrinkled her nose. "So. Really.
You. Heard stuff
about you before the joining. In the pools. You know how the other
love to talk, and at the time, I didn't think I was ever getting
out of
there. Gossip was really all I had." She twirled a piece of
hair. "Wait!
Before you answer. Seriously. Drinks. On the old man. And by that,
mean the Captain, of course. Onward and upward, dear friend, this
in the flesh requires celebrations!"
Rex could only chuckle at his old ... companion's exuberance. "Let's
go to
ten forward, then. I'm guessing you're the Ensign who spilled drinks
on the
Captain, last night?"
Rex could only chuckle at his old ... companion's exuberance. "Let's
go to
ten forward, then. I'm guessing you're the Ensign who spilled drinks
on the
Captain, last night?"
"Guilty as charged. Just got out of the brig five minutes
ago." She looped
and arm in his and they tromped through the corridors into ten-forward,
making an entrance only Padma could make. She snapped her fingers
the bartender. "The good stuff! To celebrate old friendships!
On the
double, now, I haven't lived 643 years to be kept waiting! Step
on it,
Sparky!" She led Rex to a table and pushed him into a chair
before sliding
into the other across from him. "So. Mate. Truth? Fiction?
exaggeration?" She arched an eyebrow, lowered her voice. "The
incarcerated scourge of the TSC wants to know..."
"Truth." he replied. "I've got Trex's."
"'But you're only...." she frowned, trying to recall.
"Just over five hundred, I know. Believe me - I'm well aware
that it doesn't
usually occur until the ninth or tenth century. Damned if anyone
can figure
it out - and I'm the best expert we've got on the topic. "
"Well damn, Rex," she said, sitting back, crossing her
long legs. "I was
really hopin' that it weren't so. Frell." The bartender sat
down the
drinks, and she took the glass, knocking it back quickly, handing
it back to
him. "One more," she said. He didn't protest; must have
received the
infamous Padma temper at some point over her stationing on the
"What's the say about the odds for the old farts like me?" She
"How's the host handling it?"
"I'm doing well." Corran replied, his mannerisms shifting
slightly. "Corran
and Rex have blended fairly well. The presences of the additional
inside my skull instead of the usual integration makes things..
I've got the memories of my past hosts, but all the rest of them
are always
right here with me," he said, tapping the side of his head.
"And most of 'em are pretty opinionated, as you should remember.... "
Pad shuddered. "Who could forget Jaal? I hated that bastard.
listened to me. And Mekaela?" She whistled between her teeth. "Hot
as the
steam baths. But her personality made ice look warm."
Rex snorted as Mekaela mentally huffed in indignation "You
never complained
between the sheets, old man." Corran wasn't even sure if he
or Mekaela even
made that reply.
"Ha," Padma said. "Remember how hard I had to work
for that? I was even a
relatively nice guy at the time, attractive too, if I do say so
myself. I
almost always did get the good looking ones though. Never had a
Vorrin in
my mix." She winked. "Drink you drink that the good Padma
has provided,
Rex," she said, as the bartender sat down her second and she
realized he
hadn't yet touched his. She picked up her glass and waved away
bartender with a long hand, sipping the greenish liquid carefully.
Smiling, Rex complied, downing the.. extremely strong.. beverage
in one
shot. With a whistle, he shook his head. "Caves! What is this
'Its.... green." Pad replied.
"Certainly is."
"Good though, right? Kick ya right in the ass. So tell me
about this host.
He's a charming lookin' fellow, bet he's good with the ladies.
Or is he
another one of those geeky, closeted, stereotypical, I'm higher
than the
social relationship, new age Trills everyone kept telling me about
during my
little, ah... incarceration."
"Certainly not!" he replied in indignation. "I've
had my days. I'm actually
in a relationship now though - with a human, no less!"
Padma choked on her drink, coughing and waving her hand frantically
as the
burning liquid detoured up her nose. Eye watering she stared at
him. "You
better not be joking or so help me..." she was wiping her
nose with a
napkin, the liquid still stinging. "Caves." She coughed
again. "A human?
Ugh. That's almost as bad as the Klingon you bagged three or four
times ago. Is she good looking, at least?"
"You have to ask?"
"Never know with you," she replied. "What do you
think of this body? I
have to know. Was some sort of actress before I went stir-crazy;
a pretty
good one too, though better before the joining. Still getting used
to how
everything works in here."
He laughed again, still trying to shake off the drink. He was
only very
lightly sipping the second one. '"It's...... serviceable." he
said with a
"Serviceable? What does that mean, serviceable?" Feminine
contempt was
clearly obvious.
"Still touchy, I see."
"Not touchy," Pad replied. "Not touchy at all." She
tried not to pout, but
the alcohol was beginning to go to her head. "So this human.
"Pilots, during the War together. We fit real well." Corran
said, still
nursing the drink. "It's strange, how well. I'm even think
of getting
married again. I haven't done that in.. two or three lifetimes."
"Married," Pad scoffed. "I can't remember the last
time I was married. And
frankly. I doubt it's going to happen this time around. Marriage
the fun, and the host is as big into that as I am. For the first
time in a
long time, the dirty old man has a perfect match, and that's important.
Right Vorrin? Heh. But married to a human?"
~ Kid, what're you thinking?! How'd you slip that one past me?~
came the
stunned voice of Vorrin. Both aspects of Rex - Corran and Vorrin
- were only
half listening to Pad as they listened to each other.
~ You're not always all that quick, Vorrin - it's someone easy.~
came the
reply. "So you and your host were a good match? Well, that's
better than
the.. was it the last two or the last three? You had a string of
bad, bad
luck for awhile there."
"Frilling Commission," Pad said. "Gives me three
doosies in a row and then
punishes me for their indiscretions." She knocked back the
rest of her
second drink and slammed the glass on the table. "Woo! I'm
done." She
grinned. "Bad luck. Bad, bad luck, though some say, bad, bad
Pad." She
shook her head. "It started early, you know, it started early.
I was a
good, innocent little symbiont, young and naive. My second host
goes about
involving me in his tyrannical murdering plot and before I know
it, I have a
drug addict and womanizer, and that just set me up. Followed by
the most
boring 92 years of my life, and then... then the self destruction.
was... let's see, there was... Yatar who couldn't handle me, and
Iolanz, who
couldn't handle me, and then the three from... wherever... Ranzakan,
couldn't handle me; Roak, who couldn't handle himself; and Nomar,
well... that one... that one I couldn't handle. 115 years... seven
months... two weeks plus a... and now, I have Xiaz. And I like
Xiaz. I
really do. And Xiaz... needs to go to her quarters." She grinned
giggled. "Doesn't take the alcohol very well. Kinda nice,
really, cheaper
that way, you know..."
Starting to look a tad on the bleary side himself, Rex stood -
wobbled, but then he stood, and helped Xiaz stand. "Come on,
you. Let's get
you in bed."
She laughed loudly as he wobbled. "Told you it was good stuff.
Thank you
Sparky!" she exclaimed, waving toward the bartender as they
wove themselves
out of 10-Forward. "Something about that drink. Right to the
head. We
Trills." She snickered. "We're so bad at this! It's so
funny." She
grinned at him. "Glad I ran into you, Rexy, Old Boy, glad
I did. You let
me know if things... get bad." She giggled. "You'll still
outlive me, I'm
"Only because you don't live on the edge, Pad." he replied
with a sigh. "You
just topple right on over it every chance you get."
"Too... true..." she replied, pointing a finger against
his chest as he
supported her. She stumbled. "I don't know why I do that.
Sheer boredom,
I think... Issis me?" She frowned. "I can't remember..."
Corran checked the nameplate, noting the irony that the Ensign's
were so close to the ship's bar. "This is you." he said,
helping her through
the doors.
"Excellent," she said, and hiccupped. She grinned. "Wanna
come in then?
Help me into bed?"
Taking a good long.. long, long, long... look at his old associate's
and nubile new body... Corran actually shuddered. "By all
the gods. would
I.. if I were not very, very happily in a relationship with a beautiful
woman who could.. kill me, with her pinky!"
"Mm... suit yourself then," she said, with an awkward
sashe'. "It was...
good to see you again." She kissed his cheek. "Don't
be a stranger." She
turned and maneuvered into her quarters; just as the door closed
there was a
crash and a barrage of angry curses in Trill.
Corran chuckled , and shook his head. ~Y'know, a nap sounds good
right now.
And a really, really cold shower.~ he thought.
~You are a stupid, stupid man, kid.~ Vorrin said, oh-so-nicely
Mekaela's fond memories of Pad's old host as an example.
~Shut up, Vorrin.~
"Coffee and Doughnuts"
Miguel Antonio Sandoval
The citizens of the Gryphon Asteroid sytem may have some pretty
quirky ideas
about building sidewalks that go straight up walls, but they sure
do bake a
mean doughnut. Miguel thought happily as he munched on another
of the
powdery sugared patries common to the Festival Area
"Good stuff 'eh Starfleet?" the woman to his left asked
in amusement as he
ate, "Told you, these Comet-Dust Patries are not something
to be missed."
Reclining at a quaint street-front cafe' near the Asteroid core
Miguel and
his companion, a Dr. Teeda Chhou from the Lammergeir Science Board,
were watching with amusement the exotic revelry about them.
Lammergeir was in the midst of its 100th year Founding Day Celebration,
the typical day-to-day dowdyness of asteroid mining had been cast
aside and
replaced with a colorful tapestry of party-goers and excited children.
The sounds of laughter, firendship, and music drifted to and fro
across the
open Asteroid center, the echoes of which blended into an amazing
of celebration.
And what a place to celebrate.....
A virtual spiderweb of streets and walkways criss-crossed the
interior at
impossible angles to one another, and thanks to the miracles of
Grav-Plates passing citizens were often upsidedown or sideways
in relation
to each other.
The result of which was a strange intertwinging thread of color
and light
that spread across nearly every interior surface and street.
~~~Like bugs walking upsidedown in a hive.~~~ Miguel thougt not
for the
first time. The strange vertigo of looking 'up' and seeing 'down'
quivvered his stomach.
~~~Fortuantely these incrdible pastires solve that~~~ he thought
as he
reached for another.
"Its kinda a traditional Festival dessert." Chhou was
reclining in her own
chair enjoying the crowds passing the cafe'. "Sort of anagolous
to the
Mardi Gras King Cake, or the Klingon Snout-Stew.
Miguel munched thoughtfully. He'd been to Mardi Gras in Rio once,
but didnt
recal anything called a King Cake. Maybe she meant the New Orleans
variation in America. As far as the Klingons went......well....
"This powdered sugar is strange." he mused, licking
at bit of powdery frost
off his fingers. "It is not from a Terrestrial cane-plant?"
Teeda giggled a bit. "Noticed that did you? Trust a Botanist
to detect the
difference. Actually the local variety is derived from Polynesian
Cane, but modified to make harvesting more easy." She indicated
the fine
powdery nature of the confection, " Secondly the processed
sugar is more
delicate than terrestrial varieties and metabolizes almost the
instant it
hits the tongue producing a slight 'rush' as it hits the bloodstream."
"Making it slightly intoxicating." Miguel realized with
a smile. He took
another big bite savoring how the cool powder almost danced on
his tongue
dissolving almost instantly.
"Well not techinically narcotic, but yeah.....its produces
a rush." Teeda
"Yum." Miguel agreed.
The two sat for awhile sipping coffee munching on pastries while
watched the sights. At random intervals little impromptu parades
march past with everything from tiny marching bands, to gaggles
colorfully dressed children.
Their Laughter reminded Miguel of home at times.
"Amazing," he mused, "I would not have thought
an Frontier Colony to have
so many children present."
"Yes well Lammergeir itself is kinda an exception to the
rest of the Gryphon
belt." Teeda frowned slightly.
"You see we are the capital here. . . . .more or less. . . .
. . so society
is a bit more structured and refined to the point where people
comfortable raising kids. Another thing is most of the minig is
done on
the fringes, and Lammergeir is mostly an administrative center..
. .
.paperwork and such."
"And life on the edge?" Miguel asked.
"Well. . . .its 'edgy' if you'll pardon the pun. The individual
mines, and
fiefdoms of the belt tend to be a lot rougher and tougher than
you see here.
since we fall outside of Federation juresdiction, we tend to attract
alot of
undesireable sorts at times. Militia bands. . . Slavers. . .
.Black-Marketers.. . . . ." Teeda trailed off sadly and contemplated
coffee. "Its our hope. . . my hope really that with the expansion
the new core-ward settlements, and the establishments of reliable
Agricultural Domes we can push past all that. We attract enough
so that society becomes more organized and law-abiding."
Miguel nodded and patted the doctor's hand reasuringly. "I
understand. I
first came to love Ecology as a teenager working as a volunteer
in the El
Salvadoran Reforestation Project. I too saw the potential for how
growth could reshape society for the better."
"El Salvador huh?" Teeda giggled, "I noticed you
were using a Universal
Translator. . . . what with your lips not matchig your words. .
. and was
wondering what language you were really speaking. Spainish huh?"
Miguel nodded, "Si." (Which of course the translator
obligingly related
as "Yes")
Teeda grinned, and rose from her chair stretching, "Well
then what are we
waiting for. Lets go change the world. Grab the last pastry, and
lets head
out to the shuttle bay where I have a pod waiting to take us over
to the
proposed Terraforming site. I'm anxious to hear your suggestions."
Rising as well, Miguel shouldered his heavy duffle-bag full of
instuments. "Absolutely," he agreed, "Starfleet
will do its best to get
the project off to a good start."
(Of course Miguel knew nothing of Starfleets policy towards the
With that the two dropped some credits on the Cafe' table, and
wormed their
way out into the crowd, joining the swirl of color, light. . .
and hope.
"A Glimpse of the Past"
Lt. JG Dr. Klaus Fienberg,
Medical officer
Lt. Dr. Janelle Reynolds,
Chief Medical Officer
Location: Main Sickbay
1500 hours
Klaus came into work, his mind still on his brother, and on Engleman.
The past few hours he had been working on the arm articulation
brace, not making much progress.
He moved through, proceeding to his post, walking slowly and surely.
A small medkit lay open on a biobed. Klaus turned slightly
to wave at a co-worker when he brushed up against the kit causing
it to crash on the ground.
At that instant, as if a waking dream had immersed him like a sheet,
Klaus was wearing the old uniform of a naval Combat Medic,
a Boarding operation aboard a cardassian outpost. He was at
the rear of a combat group in a small corridor. Down the hall were
combined groups of Jem Hadar and Cardassian soldiers, and even
though was only armed with his medical equipment, he was a
target. Coming to his senses he ducked behind a small cargo crate.
The crash startled Janelle. She came running out of her office,
expecting to see one of her medics kneeling beside a
mess and cleaing it up but to her surprise, no one was there.
Out of her peripheral view, she saw Klaus and it seemed that he
was hiding or something like that. Not knowing what was going on,
Janelle approached him. She was on first name basis with him. She
stuck her hand out to touched him, "Klaus, Klaus! What is
going on? Are you okay?" She called his name again.
Still in his delusion, he startled easily. He wasn't sure who
he was looking at. "Are you mad? Get down!" He grabbed
Dr. Reynolds by the arm and pulled her down to a crouching position.
"Ouch! Klaus, you're hurting me." His grip was very
tight and it was digging into her arm muscle. She resisted at first
but he had such a strong grip on her, she went down to his level, "Why
are we crouching down here?" It was becoming quite clear that
something was wrong with him.
The sheet seemed to burn away in an instant, and things seemed
normal again. He was extremely shakey as he released Dr. Reynolds. "Mein
Gotte...." He stood and staggered a few feet from Janelle,
who was now standing. Everyone else in sickbay was watching.
"I Sincerely apologize....I seemed to have....." He
began to wander away, distraught..... "That was a flashback...."
Reynolds walked over to him and took his hand, "Let's go
to my office. i tink we need to talk about what happened and i
don't think you need an audience." She looked at her staff
with the staring eyes, "Okay, shows over, back to work." she
walked to her office, hoping he was following.
He followed, continuing the stagger. "I must explain." He
leaned with his arms on the table. "After the Dominion War,
I was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I was assigned
to counseling for 2 years, and moved on. Since I was a doctor,
they never logged it down on my records. I never thought about
it. Since then I had control over my disorder, but rescent stress
seems to have taxed me. I had planned to go to Counseling and reassess
my problem. Several times I've had the symptom known as '"Numbing." But
before today, I hadn't had a flashback in 3 years."
Janelle didn't know how to respond but she had already figured
it out. She hadn't heard the term, numbing. She wanted to know
more about it, not because she wanted to know if he was dangerous
to anyone but because she cared about him, "What's numbing?" She
sat on the edge of the table, very close to him.
"Numbing is when you basically numb yourself to the world
around you. Although others may describe it differently, to me
it's like you're watching the world from the outside. Like you're
there, but you're not. Complete Emotional Detachment."
He rubbed his face with this right hand. "I beleive that
I can force myself to control myself in the next instance of a
She knew it might be a sore subject but she asked anyway, "So,
what happened? Want to talk about it?" She motioned him to
"Yes.....I might as well...little hard to think about."
He had a strained look on his face. "There were really no
direct traumatic events, but rather the whole of my service during
the war. I worked both aboard ship as a doctor, and on combat missions
as the resident medic. As a medic I had the choice whether or not
to fight. A few times I fired on the enemy. I'm not proud of it.
I also often failed ad my duties, unable to save people." He
shifted a little. "When you think of the Dominion war in the
position of a Doctor, or a civilian, you think about the major
battles, Such as Chin'Toka, Deep Space 9, or Cardassia. But what
you don't hear about is the numerous other little battles. Specifially
boarding operations on Cardassian Outpost stations on the Border.
I was involved in several. Lost a couple on 2 of those missions.
Both Marines and Naval personell. Yet somehow, I never once was
hit. I was shot at many a time, but I never sustained an injury.
But I did serve in the boarding parties during the Recapture of
DS9. I watched a Best Friend of mine...." He choked slightly. "He
died right in front of my eyes. His Name was Gunther Engleman.
I grew up with him, as well as two other friends in our group.
We all went to the Academy together, and strangest of all, we were
all doctors." He walked over the the door and propped himself
on the side of the doorway. "He was like a brother to me,
and I could not get to him, lest I be caught in a crossfire. When
I got to him he was already dead. But then my boarding party started
to get pushed back by the security contingent. Gunther's body was
never recovered."
Janelle got up and came over to comfort him. She put her hand
on his shoulder, "I'm sorry. I didn't know." She knew
what it felt like to lose someone close. She lost her sister and
that was something that took her a long time to get over...which
she hasn't yet.
"Thats not the end of it. I must tell you something you must
never repeat. Did you hear of the incident aboard the USS Sturmovik?
A Doctor going berzerk and killed the Medical Staff that was on
"How could I not? It was a big story. I never heard the details
though." News seemed to travel faster than the speed of light.
Everyone doctor knew about it. They all had to have another psyche
evaluation. "I promise, anything you say to me stays in this
room." Sh moves over to see him better.
"I was told by Cpt. Savage, the ships Commander, and a former
Captain of mine, that the man was Gunther. Gunther is alive somehow,
and blames me for leaving him to die. So he tried to kill a Former
Lover we both shared and disappeared. But he knows where I am."
She wasn't prepared to hear that. It surprised her. She walked
back to the other side of the room, her back to him and holding
herself like she had gotten a chill, "I can't imagine what
it's like to know that your life can be in danger at anytime." She
got quiet.
"I am in no danger. He made a mistake. Everyone in the Federation
knows who he is. He is considered wanted, and would likely be detained
if he tried to even board the Galaxy. Unfortunately, his other
target has gone missing. She was a Counselor named Lucy Trang.
She resigned and disappeared, as if she knew what was going to
happened. She was last heard of on her homeworld, Betazed."
Janelle once again was not able to speak. This was all so sad.
She turned back around and listened, letting him continue to talk.
She walked towards him, paying closer attention to him as he talked.
"Yes, It is a great shock. But I can tell you no more. This
is all the reason for my Flashbacks, and slightly faltering performance.
But I need your help. How experienced are you with neural interfaces?"
"Not as experienced as much I liked to be." She took
his hand in hers and looked him in the eyes, "You know, if
I can help, I will. What do you need me to do?"
"Well, my Brother, Erik Stiener? Used to run that shop in
the Promenade? Well, the nerves in his left arm were destroyed
in an accident, not only preventing regeneration of the, but also
the use of a prosthetic. He attempted to create a brace like articulation
unit to regain use of his arm, since he was trying to be reinstated
into Starfleet as a full duty officer. The accident caused him
to retire instead of taking a desk job. He did remarkably well
for lack of formal medical knowledge. He asked me to devise a way
to link the device into the spinal cord to pick up the signals
that would originally have been sent to the arm so that the device
could interpret the signals and move the arm accordingly."
He Hesitated. "I will bring it in tommorow, hopefully without
Dr. Malgin noticing. Especially since my Brother wanted this done
off the record."
"Sure, no problem. Anything else?" Her voice expressed
concerned as she spoke.
Klaus was still visibly shaken by his episode. "Keep Malgin
out of it. It'll give him another reason to yell at me. But for
now, I think I should....seek help..."
"I think that is a good idea and just remember, I'm here too
if you need to talk."
"Of Course, sir.Thank you." He slowly left.
OOC: Backpost. Takes place way, waaay back, right after "Opposites
Attract? - Part I". Sorry for this folks.
"Opposites Attract? - Part II"
Lieutenant (jg) Dhanishta Eshe
Lieutenant (jg) Michael McDowell
*** Ten-Forward ***
Their entrance had gone quite unnoticed, but for Michael still
a few too
many faces turned their way. He forced himself to focus on Dhani
and try to
ignore the rest for now. "Which table do you prefer?" he
said to Dhani with
a smile. He nodded to the an empty table in a corner near a window. "That
one over there,..." His next gesture was towards a more secluded
part of
Ten-Forward. "or one of those over there?"
Dhani turned to him about to tell him she really didn't care where
they sat
as long as she got something to eat and soon, but it hit her like
a slap in
the face. He didn't really want to be seen with her, he was sure
rumours would fly round the ship that they were dating or something,
especially after her comments to him earlier over the comm. She
round thee room and spied a free table, one that she was sure no
one would
disturb them at, nor would they come to the wrong conclusions.
That was the
brooding table by reputation. People only went there to be grumpy,
moody and
to talk out their woes, if another person pushed them into spewing
out their
feelings that is. And by rights! Dhani should know she'd been there
done it
and got the broken hand to prove it, that along with suspicious
glances from
the bar tenders every time she went in there. Something about throwing
tables around tended to get them on edge. "Over there." She
pointed towards
the brooding table and then began to make her way through the crowd.
If she
actually was interested in Michael in any other way other than
a friend she
was sure she would have had the right to be offended, but she wasn't.
then why did she feel so rejected?
She began chewing her bottom lip as she smiled pleasantly to all
who were in
her way, all she wanted to do was scream at them to move but instead
kept smiling and asked politely for them to move. In her head the
carried on for them to move not only their fat arses but their
dumb arses
and to just get out of her fricken way! Why wasn't everyone telepathic?
wondered as they both finally stood at their table. Her mind began
to answer
the question, until she silenced it
~ It was a rhetorical question! Dumb ass! ~
With raised eyebrows and a slight smile she gestured towards the
"This one all right?" she asked Michael. She didn't know
if he already knew
the reputation of this table, if he did then he would be satisfied,
Michael nodded. "Fine with me." The brooding table wasn't
new to him. It had
been there in the Ten-Forward of the USS Galaxy as long he could
They walked over to the table and Michael let Dhani sit first.
Maybe he was
old-fashioned, but it was one of those tiny details he thought
was important
and never did deviate from it.
~ And there you go!~ Dhani thought to her self glumly as she sat
down. Boy
did she feel, was hurt the right word? She wasn't sure, but she
knew that
she not only wanted to cry but slap him too. And then slap herself
for being
so silly. Shaking her head slightly she laughed at herself and
pushed the
feelings aside. Michael was her friend, FRIEND. Nothing more and
that's the
way she wanted it to stay, hell she didn't think she could stand
else dying in her arms!
"So, already decided what you're going to have for dinner?" Michael
said and
gave Dhani an warm smile. Now that they sat at a table he felt
comfortable. At least they weren't so much in the spotlight anymore.
She glanced up, it was her turn to be preoccupied, "Erm...
Yeah. I fancy
something with a bit of a kick to it." she said returning
his smile,
"Annanza." she concluded, "Its a traditional Trill
dish." She told Michael,
"What are you going to have?"
"I have no idea. But it has to be something that won't be
too heavy on the
stomach though." Michael thought a few moments. "Maybe
Gagh?" he said
Dhani gave him a curious look, "Gagh?" she questioned
him. She chuckled
slightly at the thought of watching Michael eat Gagh, or trying
"So no Gagh then. How about some Trill dish? Come one, help
me out here. I
have to eat something." Michael laughed.
"Why don't you try some Azna?" she suggested, "It
will add years to your
life." She said with a smirk.
"Azna?" Michael asked confused. "Is that the same
dish as Annanza? I assumed
that was kind of spicy since you mentioned you would like 'something
with a
bit of a kick to it'?"
"Well sort of." Dhani concluded. "Annanza is my
own variation of Azna,
thinking about it they will probably won't have it here. Azna is
like a
vegetable stew. It is highly regarded on Trill." She summarized.
"Vegetable stew..." Michael repeated. "And that
has a 'kick to it'? I always
thought stewed vegetables were easy on the stomach. So what makes
it 'kick'
?" This talk about food was the last Michael had expected.
Well, at least
they were talking instead of just sitting around doing nothing
else then
avoiding each others eyes and staring at some point in space.
"Well that would be the spices. But I suppose that it wouldn't
be the same
here." She sagged a little, "What's your favourite food?" she
Michael thought for a minute. "That would be Chinese and
Japanese food.
Strange, isn't it. I've had my share of 'foreign' food so to speak,
but for
me no Klingon, Vulcan, or Betazoid cuisine can beat Chinese or
"Well in that case I think you need to broaden your horizon
a little." She
turned to the approaching Waiter, "Can we have two Azna's
and a bottle of
white wine, something woody!" she ordered for the both of
them. Turning back
to Michael she gave him a smile.
"It's no too spicy I hope." Michael leaned a bit over
to Dhanishta. "Lest
you want to hear me farting when on duty." The line was not
like something
Michael usually tended to use, but it just sprang to mind and it
was out
before he knew it.
Dhanishta really didn't know what to say to that. She stifled
a laugh,
"Well unless Suder puts me back on duty that will be a problem
only he will
get to bare!"
"You got a point there. Just imagine that." Michael
grinned. "You really
think it's a good idea to take Azna? Ah, never mind. We'll see
how it turns
out. I think there are still a few jobs that require crawling through
Jefferies tubes, so..."
A few minutes later the waiter returned with the ordered Trill
dish for both
and the bottle of white wine. Michael filled the two wine-glasses
halfway after he opened the bottle as deftly as he could. Taking
glasses, he offered one to Dhani and raised his slightly as to
initiate a
toast. Michael looked at the food on the table before them, wondering
how it
would taste and how his stomach would react on it afterwards.
Dhanishta smiled and raised her glass, "Adventure." She
agreed with a nod.
As they tucked into their food the conversation waned for a while.
Eventually Dhani got up the courage to tell Michael something that
she had
been meaning to say ever since she came too that day in Sick bay.
"Michael," she started, not sure how this would go or
how to say it.
"I wanted, needed to thank you for saving my life. I know that
you have been
worried about me lately. And I want to thank you, but also you
needn't be.
I'm doing, I'm going to be fine. Okay." Her words were soft
and calm. She
had been thinking about this for some time and although she had
been angry
at him she was also thankful.
Her words were soothing and it made Michael feel a bit better
about the
whole situation. Only, he also feared that he couldn't trust his
feelings in
this case. With Dhani you never knew. Was she just trying to give
him false
comfort while she was still struggling with problem that seemed
almost too
much to handle?
"It's alright. Everyone would've done the same in my place.
And about me
worrying about you,...I guess it comes with the job. Though being
a Duty
Shift Officer isn't all that important,...I still think I need
to look out
for the officers that work in my shift."
"I know," she replied again in gentle tones, she reached
her hand across the
table and took hold of his hand. Squeezing it slightly she said, "And
thank you. And I'm sorry for how I acted with you. It was inexcusable
I'm sorry."
Michael didn't say anything back right away. He only looked at
Dhani and
gave her a comforting smile. Her hand radiated warmth and the feeling
was a
pleasant one. "You had a really rough time. There's no need
for excuses. Not
after what you've been through."
Now it was Michael's turn to comfort Dhani. He still held her
hand and he
squeezed it a little, just like she did only moments before. Michael
continued holding Dhani's hand until he realized what it must look
like to
other people if they would see them like this. He started to feel
uncomfortable and slowly pulled his arm back.
After this rather awkward moment both Michael and Dhanishta continued
their dinner just like nothing had happened. At least, Michael
tried to do
that and it seemed to him Dhani was doing the same. But still this
enough for him. He needed to be sure the 'subject' was closed.
"So, how's your cat doing? Last time I heard he..."
[OOC: ...and here the conversation between Michael and Dhanishta
fades into
the background. The camera pulls away, leaves Ten-Forward and floats
space. You know, like one of those typical endings of a TNG show.
;-) ]
"A Day in the Life of Ensign T'Pol (8-ball) Hunter"
(you guessed it) Ensign T'Pol (8-ball) Hunter
8-ball woke up.
She took a shower. A long, long shower.
She got into her uniform.
She ordered a large hot fudge sundae from the replicator and ate
it for
She spilled a great deal of hot fudge down her uniform and said
a great deal
of bad language at which little old ladies would probably be terribly
She switched into a different uniform that was clean, blamed her
teddy bear
Eptgac for the whole incident, and threw him across the room.
She left her quarters.
She did her work-science-Galaxy thing.
She got off work and went to the holodeck.
She played pool and wished she had a life that didn't have to
be simulated.
Or a guy.
She said hi to the ever silent Ella Grey and considered hanging
with her
drinking buddy, only to decide that she didn't really need to add
(or a hangover in the morning) to her list of complaints.
She went back to her quarters.
She got into her pajamas, looked in the mirror, and wished that
she had
human ears, a guy, and possibly bigger breasts.
Eptgac sailed threw the room again, as well as got kicked around
in a unique
version of a kickball game that only had one player and didn't
have any sort
of rules or points.
8-ball went to bed.
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