"Survival Instinct"
Ensign Keldan, Operations Officer
Kor’A’Thus – Jem’Hadar Security
Deck 12
Holodeck 2
A steady stream of sweat dripped into Keldan’s
eyes. He squinted hard to stave off the salty, burning
sensation and refocused his attention at the task at
hand. Lying flat against the incline board, he pulled
down slowly on the bar, clenching his teeth in satisfaction
as the strain passed from his biceps to his triceps and
back again.
He let the bar retract so slowly an observer would have
thought it a scene being played in slow-motion. But the
pace was forcing every muscle to work its full range
and potential. Five more repetitions and he would move
to his next exercise.
He’d set the weights perfectly for a maintenance
routine. The last thing he needed was to bulk up. They’d
transfer him to security and he was enjoying the challenges
of his new role at ops. He also liked actually fitting
in his uniform. The only drawback to his stint as an
operations office thusfar had been its sedentary nature.
His physique would suffer if he didn’t maintain
his regular schedule of exercise.
He wiped the sweat from his face with his forearm. He
stepped to the side and lowered the board to a horizontal
position for a bench press routine. If his timing was
on, and it usually was, he had another 20 minutes reserved
in the holodeck. He’d head to 10-Forward to grab
some dinner and relax for a bit before heading back to
his quarters to grab what sleep he could. He’d
become so accustomed to eating dinner at five in the
morning he didn’t even think about it. But that
was gamma shift for you.
The night had been uneventful, as it usually was. The
Galaxy would be arriving at ch’Rihan during today's
alpha shift and he would have to be ready to go on duty
at a moment’s notice if called.
He loaded a 50-kg weight on each end of a barbell and
secured it. He could certainly go higher if he’d
wanted, and he was certainly in no danger with the holodeck
safety protocols in place. But trying to lift more weight
than you could *easily* handle without a spotter was
simply stupid.
He grabbed the barbell and began the exercise, one set
with arms spread, the next close together. He closed
his eyes and imagined the muscles of his arms and chest,
machine-like, moving with precision and purpose.
After ten repetitions, he opened his eyes. He was more
than a little startled to look up and see someone staring
down at him. Especially since the person staring down
at him wasn’t one of the characters in the holodeck
“Am I disturbing you, Ensign?”
Keldan stared for a moment into the eyes of Kor’A’Thus,
the Jem’Hadar security officer he had met on Tru’Haran
during his visit there. No, the warrior’s presence
wasn’t disturbing him, though he was a bit disturbed
that he hadn’t heard him approach. Then again,
the room was filled with holo-characters moving about
various exercise equipment, and there was the constant
din of spectators and passersby along the nearby boardwalk.
He also didn’t expect anyone to be just strolling
in at a quarter to five in the morning.
“Not at all, Kor’A’Thus.” Keldan
continued with his next set. “I just didn’t
expect anyone at this hour would want to use the holodeck
if it wasn’t an emergency.”
“The door was not locked. I was told if such was
the case anyone may enter freely.”
Keldan half-smiled. “True enough.”
“What is this place,” he inquired, gesturing
to the holographic simulation.
“It is a re-creation of an open-air gymnasium
I once visited. On Earth.
Usually I do my lifting in one of the gymnasium facilities…but
it is late,” or rather early, he corrected himself, “and
they are usually empty at this hour. Sometimes it’s
just better to be around a lot of people, even if they
are just holographic projections.”
The security officer was busy looking at the various
elements in the simulation. Touching a wall or post to
verify the realness of it all.
“Your vision has improved, I take it. Have you have
had problems since your injury on the planet?”
“I was on restricted duty for several weeks. My
eyesight took its time returning to normal, much to my
annoyance and Dr. Burton’s dismay. It is fortunate
that none of the damage was permanent.” When Kor’A’Thus
didn’t respond immediately, Keldan added, “Did
you want to see me for something, or were you just interested
in the holodeck?”
“A little of both, actually. Your counsel would
Keldan indicated for him to continue.
“The survivors of the colony are having great
difficulties adjusting to this new situation, although
it is not as problematic for those of us who are accustomed
to space travel. But for many, especially our young and
those born at the colony, things are… complicated.
We are especially grateful to Captain Henderson and the
Federation for their assistance thusfar, but right now
our futures are very uncertain. Now we are deep in Rihannsu
territory.” There was a long pause. “I thought
that perhaps
*you* might have some insight into how we might allay
some of our fears.”
Well, Keldan thought to himself. Someone’s been
doing his research.
Finishing his set, he pushed the barbell onto the stand,
his exercise complete, albeit a little prematurely. He
sat up on the bench, unfastening his gloves. He wasn’t
sure exactly where to start.
“Well, I cannot tell you that the path you and
your people are on is going to be an easy one, Kor’A’Thus.
The Federation will make a good show of putting on a
friendly face to you and your people. But you can’t
forget that they are just people, like everyone else.
Everyone has their own agenda, even if they don't realize
it. Some of them do genuinely want to help you. But some
of them will only do so because they’ve been ordered
to. Being able to ‘forgive and forget’ as
the humans say, is not quite as easy as it sounds, even
for them.”
The big Jem’Hadar stood, unblinking, so Keldan
“Unfortunately, there is no good way to tell them
apart. Of course these two examples are just the black
and white on a scale of many, many shades of grey.”
“So you think asking the Federation for assistance
would be a waste of time.”
Keldan stood, leaning against a nearby concrete pillar. “No,
that’s not what I’m saying at all.” Keldan
wasn’t sure if he was making much sense, or if
what he was saying was being of much use. Perhaps he
should try a different angle.
“Tell me, Kor’A’Thus. What do you
The Jem’Hadar snapped himself out of some internal
discussion he was having. “What do you mean?”
“Well, I know what you want, personally. You want
to ensure the safety and survival of your group. So what
is it, exactly that ‘the group’
wants? What’s the most important thing? I’m
assuming that you would like an opportunity to start
a new colony.”
“The desires of my people are many, but I would
agree that that, above all else, is what my people want.
To find a new home where we can focus on a peaceful existence.
Far away from the interference of others.”
Keldan smiled. “Ah, but you see, that’s
not *one* thing. That’s *three* things. Finding
a new home. Having a peaceful existence. And being far
away from everyone.”
Keldan continued, “Our two races are not so unalike,
you know. We both come from races that have been at war
with the Federation; we share a common interest in wanting
other races to just leave us alone to our own internal
“When I first served on board a Federation starship,
it was during the Dominion War. I realized for the first
time that I had a unique opportunity to make a name for
myself in a way no other member of my species ever had.” He
laughed at himself. “I suppose you could say that
ambition runs like a rampant disease through my species.
Customs and codes of honor and conduct that constantly
keep everyone striving in an eternal game of one-upsmanship.”
“I guess what I am trying to say is that if you
want to make your own way in the universe, you have to
figure out what you want most and then situate yourself
so you can get it. I’ve never put much stock in
help, because no one has ever had as much a vested interest
in what was best for me except for me. Having an association
with Starfleet has worked for me…but only because
I have made it work. They offer me opportunities I never
would have had on my own. But I would be lying if I said
there wasn’t a cost attached.”
Kor’A’Thus looked a bit perplexed, if Keldan
was reading his expression correctly. “So you think
we may have to sacrifice some of the things we want in
order to get what we think is most important.”
Keldan smiled. “I honestly don’t know. I’m
sure the Federation would be more than willing to aid
you in resettlement. I don’t know what all that
would entail, though. The only way you are going to find
out is if you ask them.”
Kor’A’Thus stood silently. Keldan allowed
his attention to be drawn away from the Jem’Hadar
as a holographic Trill and human female, both scantily
clad in their beach-going attire, waltzed through his
line of vision. They looked briefly in his direction,
but he didn’t have time for a swim right now.
The Jem’Hadar’s deep voice resonated. “I
will make my recommendations to Goran’Agar. Thank
you, Ensign. You have been quite helpful. Might I offer
a suggestion of my own?”
Well that was unexpected, Keldan though. Quid-pro-quo
was the last thing he’d expected. Maybe the Jem’Hadar
and the Federation *could* come to terms on something
that would be beneficial for both. “Of course.”
“I was told that you used to be an instructor.”
“That’s right. Survival training. Before
I was first assigned to a starship.”
“Several of my people have expressed an interest
in attaining such training. Have you considered resuming
your instruction here aboard the Galaxy?”
Keldan stood stunned for a moment. That was not something
that he had ever really given much thought. He could
surely program the holodeck for survival exercises the
Galaxy crew would find…challenging. And with the
Jem’Hadar involved, it might serve to bring them
and the Starfleet personnel onboard closer and foster
some genuine amity between them. And best of all, it
would give him the chance to do something genuinely and
uniquely useful.
“I think that is a superb idea. I’ll talk
to my superiors about setting it up. I’m heading
to 10-Forward for a meal, Kor’A’Thus. Would
you care to join me to continue our discussion?”
“A superb idea.”
off: takes place two days before Galaxy arrives
"Late in the Evening"
J. Andrus Suder (apc)
Capitol City, Romulus
When Lelok brought him dinner that evening, Andrus couldn't
help commenting that it was never a good idea to stick
your Uhlan where it didn't belong, especially if it was
in a sub-commander's wife.
Sure it was a bad joke, Andy thought to himself as the
Romulan officer practically slammed the plate of food
down upon the table and stormed out of the room, but
did he really deserve Lelok's glare of death?
Andy smirked as he set aside his work for his food.
All of his defectors, save the ambassador's added guest,
were taken care of so supposed that he could take a moment
to refuel. The member of the Tal Shiar and the sub-commander
had their exits confirmed on their separate freighters,
that asshole t'Noir had re-committed himself to helping
the minister, and the fourth and most important cargo,
the lowly centurion Maec, was leaving via another ambassador's
He supposed that arranging all of this just so Maec
could leave Romulus and be with his girlfriend was a
long way to go about apologizing to Tekkie but Andrus
had always found greeting cards so obnoxiously sentimental.
Andrus returned to his informant's latest intel, eating
the Romulan food mechanically and deleting rejected candidates
as he read. He was back to the beginning again, trying
to secure passage for both the fifth defector and himself
onboard the Galaxy, and once again the ship wasn't giving
him anything to work with. And it was due to arrive in
two days.
Oh, there was the general conduct unbecoming a Starfleet
officer intel- which officers like this Lt. Hunter seemed
to excel at- and they even had their own walking, talking
version of the devil, but things like bad conduct (unless
it was in the form of "really bad conduct")
or needing an excorcism were not solid enough to use
as blackmail.
That was the thing about secrets, he reminded himself
again, they liked to stay hidden.
The closest thing he had was some info that linked a
Lt. Grey to one Daro Cole, a known alias of the Betazoid
assassin Fana. Or at least that was how Andy had heard
of him; the man probably had a dozen aliases. The problem
again arose that the lieutenant just didn't rank high
enough to be able to put the information to good use,
not to mention that Fana (and Andy was both amused and
a bit disgusted at the assassin taking the name of the
Betazoid deity of Faith as his alias) probably didn't
take to kindly to being ratted on. Andy had enough trouble
sleeping at night without having to worry about a vengeful
Andy sighed, wondering if he was going to have to scrap
the whole Galaxy thing and mail himself home, when Ambassador
Grax entered surrounded by a halo of busy emotions, chiefly
smugness. Andy looked up sharply.
"What is it?" Andrus asked quickly, forgetting
in that moment to communicate telepathically.
:: You must be favored by the Gods :: the Ambassador
though at him.
:: It's my rugged good looks and boyish charm :: Andy
thought back with irritation. :: What is it? ::
:: I think I have the solution to your problem, Andrus
my boy. :: Grax replied with a large grin. :: My informant-
yes, I have connections too, Andrus, just related this
to me... ::
The ambassador related the intel in under a minute.
"Oh, that will work." Andy breathed, almost
overcome by a feeling of giddiness and relief. That would
most certainly work. He would have to make sure that
it seemed as if he knew more than he really did but it
was enough to get him onboard the Galaxy and out of Romulan
He had to fight the sudden urge to jump upon the desk
and start doing a victory dance. That was unprofessional
for both a junior aide and a smuggler.
:: There's a catch though, Andrus. :: The ambassador
warned suddenly.
The moment of happiness was abruptly forgotten.
"There always is." Andy growled. :: What?::
:: He's not onboard the Galaxy right now and he might
not be re-instated as Captain if some people in the Federation
get their way ::
"Trials of the Soul"
aka a look into what's happening to Marcus..
Ensign Marcus A. Slayton
Engineering Officer, USS Galaxy
with a special appearence by
Morgana Slayton
Civilian Painter
and Marc's mother.
Location: Slayton's quarters, USS Galaxy
Marcus sat in his quarters and reflected on everything
that had happened over the course of the last few months
to quarter of a year that he had served on the Galaxy,
the constant problems ranging from the murder of the
romulan ambassador that had lead to Anna suddenly turning
out to be a traitor to the federation to the numerous
injuries that he had been dealt while doing his duty
as an engineer.
But these were not the main things that was on his mind,
but the simple fact that "honor" as it was
went to his choices in his life, sure he was a good officer
and a good engineer but after what had happened in the
last several months, he really needed a change among
other things, while sure the Officer Exchange Program
that had been offered to him was an incrediblly good
thing but it wasn't his cup of tea at the moment because
he could not in any form of good nature accept it because
of his connection to Anna..or the connection that he
HAD with Anna...
Marcus looked over at the hologram of the two at the
academy's senior prom and he glared at it for several
moments before he finally picked up a PADD and tossed
it as hard as he could at it which then made it suddenly
fall over and slam to the floor as he finally started
to let his emotions break down as he realized for the
first time in his life, he realized just how fucked up
he was at that time and point, but it was time that he
finally put things up and changed his life.
"Ensign Slayton, this is Dionne Lannow in communications.
You have a message from Rhodes Colony." a voice
said through the ship's communications system which caused
Slayton to jump just a little bit then he reached over
an activated the ship's comm-system. "This is Slayton,
patch it through to my quarters."
A few moments later, the view screen built into the
terminal on his desk had a "Please Wait" message
followed by the appearence of his mother who had a very
concerned look on her face.
"Alex, are you okay?" she asked him
"Yeah, let me guess. Dad's division has been told
about what happened with Anna?" he asked and his
mother simply nodded. "I'm...okay for the moment,
Morgana Slayton nodded, she knew that her first born
knew how to hide his pain very well. "Alex, listen
to me. You are going to be okay and you'll heal. Besides,
thirty is the new twenty now true?" she said, a
slight smile appearing on her face.
Now this made Marcus chuckle just a little bit, "I
hear you mom. I think I just need to get away for a while
you know?"
"I know, that is why I have the perfect way for
you to get away for a bit, hun. Your sister Alexa is
getting married next month and she was wanting me to
ask you since I apparentally talk more to you, to officer
on the USS Alabama in the form of a Lieutenant Commander
Andrew Hagen-Umbervind, on his homeworld of New Avalon." Morgana
said with a smile on her face.
Marcus nodded and thought about his kid sister, how
she had grown from an ackward and long limbed child into
an impressively talented and beautiful young reporter
for the Interstellar News Network and it was kind of
hard for him not to chuckle. "So, did this kid pass
you and dad's inspection of him, does he meet dad's approval
for marrying his youngest daughter?" Marcus asked
as he leaned back in his chair.
"Of course, however Alexa has asked me that you
meet and talk with him on New Avalon before the wedding,
she really wants you to approve of him too because she
looks up to you, Alex." Morgana said as she chuckled. "It's
kind of like a two step approval process because of all
those times that you beat up those kids for picking on
Alexa when she was growning up."
"I didn't beat up anyone when I was a child, mom.
That was a popular urban myth." Marcus retorted.
"Oh, I tend to recall a young man who once tried
to force Alexa to go out with him because he thought
she was an easy target to break by the name of Mike Carpenter
and I tend to also recall that you beat him pretty soundly
when you found out what he had tried to do to little
Location: New Caprica, Rhodes Colony
Date: May 10th, 2370
"Come on, how long does it take for her to get
down here?" uttered a handsome young man as he knocked
again politly on the front door of the Slayton homestead
with a slight irriatated look on his face.
A little while ago, he had spotted Alexa walked through
the New Caprica Galleria mall when she spotted him and
took off like a bat out of hell along with her older
sister Jessica-Marie and some tall man who seemed to
be rather confused about what was going on but that was
besides the point now, he had come to spend time with
his girlfriend and nothing was going to stop him from
Suddenly, the door opened and Mike got ready to walk
inside when he saw an unfamiliar looking six foot one
man standing there with a rather cross look on his face
which without breaking his stride, rammed his shoulder
into Mike's chest and slamming the self-locking door
behind him, thrown off-balance, Mike stumbled backwards
and ended up sort of hop-dancing all the way down to
the bottom of the steps.
Mike was a fairly big fellow, long arms and legs, sturdily
built, looked like he might know what to do with himself
in a fight. He was also well-dressed in a dress shirt,
letterman's jacket, clean jeans, handsome, a particular
sort of smmoth, refined, smug handsomeness that helped
Mike get what ever he wanted out of life. "Who're
you?" Mike asked the other man.
The tall man that Mike faced was wearing a black shirt
with a pair of black old-style MACO combat pants and
boots and he seemed to raidate somekind of anger as he
descended the steps and as he came down each one, Mike
backed away until he had him halfway to the street.
"Mike Carpenter, I presume." the man said,
keeping his voice even.
"That's right," Mike said calmly. "I
think I asked you a question."
"You don't get to know my name...not yet." said
the other man. "You'd only get it dirty. What the
hell do you think you're doing here?"
Carpenter looked irritated, folding his arms across
his chest. "I came here to talk to my girlfriend,
if that's any of your business." he said.
"Your girlfriend doesn't live here," the other
man told him flatly. "Beat it."
"-You- don't live here," Mike replied. "Maybe
-you- should be the one who beats it."
"I'm going to beat -something- if you don't get
away from this house." the other man said.
"I don't know what side of whose bed you got up
on this morning, punk." Carpenter replied with a
tone of arrogant dismissal, "but if you're bent
on making trouble, I can oblige. You want to wrestle
and see who's stronger?"
The other man took another step toward him, but this
time Mike didn't back away. So much the better. "It's
not about stronger," the other man said calmly, "it's
about smarter. Now go on. Alexa doesn't want to 'talk'
to you , you son of a bitch. She never wants to see you
again in her life, and if I have anything to say about
it she never will. Get out of here before you get hurt." I'm
through warning you."
Carpenter looked the other man up and down, from angry
eyes to black boots and back again, then threw his head
and laughed at him.
"Buddy, you're out of your fraking little mind." he
said. "C'mere and let Uncle Mike teach you some
Mike then reached out to grab the other man to do a
judo throw so that he could easily get inside to Alexa
and Mike was surprisingly fast, but the other man was
faster. His left foot flicked over and then stomped down
on the scoop of the snow shovel that someone had left
sitting by the side of the walk. The shovel levered up,
straight into the man's outstretched left hand and then
he whirled it and clobbered him with a great resounding
BLONG! Mike then staggered back, his hair knocked askew
and shook his head.
Mike Carpenter's calm, languigd charm didn't survive
the transition to mussed hair, bloody face and murderous
eyes. "You shouldn't have done that, bitch," he
murmured, wiping at his bloody nose with his sleeve. "Now
I'm gonna have to take you apart. Teach you a -real-
But the other man didn't give Mike a chance to say anything
when he made to hit Mike again with the shovel in his
left hand only to suddenly deck him across the face with
his right and then the two started to trade blows back
and forth before finally Mike had enough and pulled a
small knife out of his pocket, it was a knife and held
it out in front of him.
"Now what'cha gonna do, bitch? Now, nothing is
going to stop me from seeing my girlfriend, not even
you her fuck buddy or whatever!" Mike roared at
him and at this, the other man simply threw back his
head and started laughing. "What's so fucking funny!?" Mike
said as he pointed at the other man with the knife.
The man simply looked at Mike with a look of scorn and
said, "Alexa never mentioned me to you? You know
that she's the second youngest of six children right?"
Mike simply snorted as Alexa had mentioned it once to
him, "Yeah, what about it, bitch?" Mike said
and then the man reached behind his back and pulled out
a bigger knife and did something that caused two smaller "outrider" blades
to appear from the hilt.
"Allow me to finally introduce myself, my name
is Marcus Alexander SLAYTON...Alexa's older brother." Marcus
said as he brought his d'tak into a guard position with
a evil smile on his face. "Now, since you brought
the knives into this, shall we finish it with your blood
on the sidewalk?"
Mike simply looked at the other man and then his knife
at which point Mike decided that he knew how to fight
with a knife and charged at Marcus but instead Slayton
whirled around and slammed the spiked bottom of the hilt
hard into Mike's face, causing a gash to appear on his
A little while later, a couple members of colony security
had shown up at the front door wanting to talk with Marcus
and Alexa, while Marcus had only beaten Mike Carpenter
into a bloody pulp-Carpenter's father wa s a poltical
figure of some import or another which brought the security
officers to the Slayton's front door and the truth about
the "relationship" that Mike had with Alexa
came up which lead to Mike being arrested and sentinced
to twenty years for his crimes and Marcus simply went
back to Starfleet a few days later.
Marcus smirked, "Yeah, I did do that. I guess news
travels huh?" he said as the memory of his fight
with Mike Carpenter came back to him.
"Yeah, see my point. Andrew wants to meet with
you so that you can judge him for yourself and besides,
Alexa really wants you to meet your future brother in
law." Morgana Slayton said with a smile on her face.
"Alright, after we get back to federation space,
I'll take some of that ungodly amount of shoreleave that
I've got built up and I'll go and visit this Hagen-Umbervind
kid and see what's what. But I will be at the wedding,
trust me." Marcus said and this made his mother
"Alright, I'll talk to you later. My first class
of the day has finally shown up and I need to get teaching,
I love you son." his mother said.
"I love you too, Mom. Tell Dad and the others hi
for me." Marcus said before he terminated the connection
on his end and leaned back in his chair for a few moments
before he turned and activated the terminal and sent
a request in to the ship's computer bank. "Computer,
search for the application process to the Starfleet Tactical
School and look up information on standard departmental
"Primal Instincts"

Lt. Cmdr Brianna O'Shea
Julie (wrote by Stuart)
:: 'Vaden' ::
Anna had found some water but it wasn't much. Finally
she convinced herself to see a place to rest some, the
days had turned into weeks of constant moving. Now she
needed a place just to rest, at least for a little while.
Moving through the volcanic rock, she spotted place where
she could rest.
But something stopped her and she saw a single clone,
possibility the one she saw earlier, he was watching
something. Following his sight Anna could see he was
watching a girl, she looked to be about ten years old,
brown hair or could've just looked brown from dirt and
Her tattered and torn shirt was more holes then fabric,
her jeans was missing one leg at the thigh and her skin
was almost as dark as Anna's own dirty and dried blood
covered skin. ~Don't get involved.~ Anna's internal bitching
voice said, the same one that had scolded her about being
weak earlier. Turning Anna wasn't going to get involved,
but then she looked back and knew that clone would do
ungodly acts, but what if the child was a clone, what
if all this was a game to catch her?
What if...
That's what kept resonating inside Anna's head. Until
finally she sat her things down quietly, pulled her strip
of metal she had honed as sharp as a knife. Moving quietly
she began to stalk her prey, as if she were some beast
of the night. Each step was taken with ease and assurance,
each thought that came through her mind was fueled with
anger and vengeance, for when she came up behind the
cloned man her actions were so swift and sure, he didn't
even know her knife had slit his throat until she had
done so. His screams were never heard as his warm blood
flowed over her hand as she held him. When he fell to
the ground she knelt down and picked up a stone and with
malice, pain and sorrow she smashed his face in as if
he was the embodiment of everything that she had survived,
yes, she had survived.
Wiping her knife on his clothing Anna's eyes glanced
up toward the girl who had witnessed this. Anna looked
at her with eyes without fear, for if the girl was a
clone, she would just as easy kill her. "Go... this
is no place for a child... find your mother or father
or at least a place far from here." Anna said, her
voice raspy and hoarse. Anna then got up and moved to
get her things, she had to move and find a place where
she could work on the transmitter.
"Hi!" Julie said with a wave. "Thank
you for saving me. Are you new here? I haven't seen you
around here before, so you must be new. Can you teach
me to kill? Like you did to him? I've lost my mommy,
have you seen her? You got anything to eat? I'm starved."
Anna just looked at her. Unable to say anything as the
child seemed to run on some form on alien energy. ~Kill
her... she'll only slow you down.
Killing her would be a mercy for her in the long run
and you know it.~ The voice said, Anna's hand held the
strip of metal. Even from here she could almost see the
girl's blood veins in her neck pulse with the beat of
her heart.
"Oh, I'm sorry," She giggled, "I tend
to get like that when I'm nervous.
I'll try and ask one thing at a time." Julie smiled
up at the dark haired woman. "I'm Julie."
"Shh.." Was all Anna finally said.
Julie sat on a rock for a moment. It had been too long
since she had seen anyone out here in the wasteland.
Too long. Her mother had gone out one day to look for
food and hadn't come home. And she had been looking for
her, with no luck, ever since. She missed her mommy very
much. She missed the company of others, but especially
mommy. "I've lived out here for all my life. Have
never known anything else. There's a small cave nearby
if you want to have a rest. You look a little tired.
It's just over there." She pointed towards an outcropping
of rock.
Looking toward the out cropping of rock Anna then looked
back to the girl.
"Go... build a fire." Anna said, not saying anything
else. Once the girl left Anna turned back to the clone
and then began to get some food off him.
Then stopped cause they might know she was feeding off
them, he could be tainted. Looking around she then saw
there was nothing around she could give the girl to eat.
Moving she followed behind the girl. ~Fraking kill her,
she's only going to slow you down or betray you... she's
working with them.~ The voice told her as she walked.
~No one is this trusting on this planet... wake up,
Anna!~ The voice yelled.
"Wait!" Anna snapped at the girl, again her
hand held her knife. Approaching the girl she looked
her, never breaking their eye contact. "No fire..." She
said then walked past the girl into the cave.
Julie stood there for a moment shaking. The woman had
looked like she was going to attack with that weapon.
But, as she moved past her, and into the cave, she breathed
a sigh of relief.
It was very seldom that she met anyone out here. And
she wasn't going to let the opportunity pass. Smiling
with glee, she skipped into the cave.
Her cave was small, big enough for herself and her new
friend, but there wasn't much more space after that.
The rocky walls once held a think layer of moss, but
over time Julie's rumbling stomach had seen off most
of it, and the rest, she had left to see if it might
grow bigger, providing more food.
Alas, so far it hadn't done so. The floor of the cave
was relatively flat, and covered in sand.
As she entered, Julie past the remnants of the fire
she had made the night before, and the now clean bone
structure of the rat she had eaten. Giving it a little
kick, she moved over to the older woman. Weary of the
knife she was still holding, Julie cautiously sat down.
When the woman didn't lower the weapon, Julie decided
that she would try and be as friendly as possible.
"Hi. Are you hungry?"
"I'm fine." Anna said, not ready to eat anything
this girl could offer her.
Her eyes continued to watch her as the internal battle
over if she should kill this girl out of mercy to help
her get out of this hell, or if she was a traitor.
"I've got a little food, but not enough for a long
time. Here," she said as she reached to the crack
in the wall at the back of the cave, and pulled her hand
back with a handful of moss. "It isn't that tasty,
but it is edible."
Anna just watched her.
Seeing that the woman was even more weary of her, she
broke it in half and started munching on one half while
offering the other. "You look hungry to me."
"I said I'm fine." Anna said, as she opened
her makeshift pouch and then looked at the girl. "I'm
laying this down," Anna said showing her the metal
'knife'. "You try to touch it I will kill you.." Anna
said, the look in her eyes showed she was telling the
truth. Pulling out the transmitter she began to use her
shaking and raw hands to try and get it up and running
"Where... where is your mother... father?" Anna
asked, having not heard what she'd said earlier about
her mother.
Julie scratched at the slight Klingon ridges that graced
her forehead, a parting gift from her Klingon father,
not that she had ever met him. "Never met daddy
- and mommy never talked about him." She said. "An'
as I said before, my mommy went out a long ago and didn't
come back. I be looking for her ever since. You haven't
seen her have you?" She munched on the moss. It
still tasted foul after this long time of eating the
stuff, but she ate it anyway.
"What's that?" she asked, nodding towards
the device the woman had been playing with. "Looks
like fun. Can I play with it?"
Looking at her for a moment. "NO!" Anna snapped. "You
don't touch this." She said as she looked back down
at the device. "Just a transmitter." Anna said,
not mentioning anything about how she was using it to
get off this rock.
Cause they might not be room for the child. "Are
you always... this cheerful?" Anna asked, as she
looked over at her.
Julie looked up at the woman. "Cheerful... you
are the first person I see in many moons. Does it bother
"Yes... it's distracting." Anna said, about
her personality.
"Oh..." Julie's smile faded slightly. "I'll
try and not be so cheerful."
Looking back down she then switched the device on and
let it run for a little bit. "You have water?" Anna
asked, her mouth was so dry right now.
"It hasn't rained here for ages. And the moss is
pretty dry." Julie responded. She was happy that
she had found a new friend, but wasn't sure about sharing
the last of her supplies. It was a tough choice. The
woman could easily drink the three mouthfuls that were
left and then leave. But then again she might be trying
to get out of the hell hole that was this world, perhaps
she might have room for a little child. After a minute
of thought she decided on what she was going to do. she
turned from the woman and using the palms of her hands,
started digging in the soft sand at the back of the cave.
She paused slightly when she sensed the woman getting
agitated and no doubt picking up the weapon. "I'm
digging something up." Was all she said.
~Something up, she's getting her weapon! Kill her now!
Kill her!~ The voice screamed in Anna's head. Moving
her hand slowly down to her side, Anna, picked up the
metal 'knife' and got ready to strike.
Her hands met the edges of the object and she cleared
the sand from the sides and top. Gently pulling it from
the sand, she cleaned the sand from the top with a strong
deep breath. Turning back, she presented the can for
inspection, trying to placate the look the woman had
in her eyes. "It's just a can, a rusty old can."
Relaxing a little, seeing it was just a can.
She lifted the lid of the can, its sharp edges having
been dulled over the last few years of use. The thin
slip of metal that still held the lid to the can was
almost gone, but that didn't matter, she had another
one in a cave a few hours walk away and could always
use that.
Liquid sloshed about the can as she turned it towards
the woman. A little rust and a fair bit of dirt could
be seen settled on the bottom, and the sides of the can
showed their age, but it was water none the less.
"Water?" Anna asked, cautiously. She then
paused and reached out for the can and took it into her
worn hands and looked at it for a minute.
"Yes, it's water. It is all I have." It was
a lie, for she had two other caves that she sometimes
made her home in, but the woman didn't need to know that.
They were a little distance away from this one, so there
wasn't much point mentioning them. At least not until
she got to know the woman better.
Anna took a small sip and then handed it back to the
girl. "That's all I need." Anna said, truth
of it was she could have drank it all, then wanted more.
She didn't. "Save it for..."
Julie interrupted the woman. "Shhh... I hear voices
out there." She pointed towards the entrance to
the cave. They sounded a way away but the rocky area
was good at echoing sounds.
Still holding her weapon she clicked off the transmitter
and slid it back into the makeshift back. "Is there
a another way out of this cave?" Anna asked.
"The Game is on"

1st Lt. 1st Lt. Jebidiah Baile
Raschek & Szekely
(Wrote by Trey)
Raschek laughed as Baile hit the floor. "Warden
just doesn't know how to handle your kind." He said
then spat on Baile. "That's alright though, sure
the Hydrans will have a nice little place for you." he
said standing there for a moment as he looked at Baile.
He remained on the ground for nearly a minute. It wasn't
as much the pain as he didn't want the stupid guards
to see the prod didn't really affect him.
His body kept throwing one surprise after the other at
him. He didn't really want to get into a heavy fight
until he understood what had happened to him.
"He doesn't even know he's going to be fixed by
his creators." Raschek said to the Godsmen, turning
his back now to Baile. "He's not even worth my attention...
close it up, he's broken." Raschek stated as he
holstered the prod on his belt.
Getting back up on his feet Baile stumbled a little,
seemingly affected by the electric charge. It felt strange.
His mind told him he should be laying down in spasms,
but his body had already shaken off the effects. It would
take some getting used to, that was for sure.
Szekely was in for murder. Or rather murders. He wasn't
sure of how many he had killed. A bounty-hunter had found
him more than 30 years ago and he was still here. Now
he belonged to the veterans. His skills as a doctor made
sure Raschek didn't put him on the heavy duty rotation.
Szekely was one way for Raschek to meet the weekly quotas
and with the Hydrans crawling all over the planet the
Warden didn't want to fail meeting those quotas. He looked
at the newcomer and found it quite surprising to see
him standing up shortly after being introduced to Raschek's
Painstick. Not many could do that. Certainly not humans. "Take
a few deep breaths my friend. It will help."
The newcomer looked at him, but he was unable to see
his eyes due to the goggles the newcomer wore. Szekely
could already see how the Vultures prepared to strip
the newcomer of any valuables. Goggles like that would
be a nice prize for one of the gang leaders.
Szekely approached Baile and looked at him, he then
shook his head. "You've certainly caused little
up roar with our gracious warden." He said, his
voice could hear the sarcasm drenched within the words.
Wasn't a question why a person was here, it was more,
who did you kill. "Let me look at that wound." Szekely
said to Baile as he moved to cheek where Baile was bleeding
from his side.
Touching the cheek Baile looked at the blood on his
fingertips. "Don't worry.. it'll stop soon." Strangely
enough he sounded amused. He didn't know why but a part
of him enjoyed it all. Enjoyed the danger, the threat. "I'm
Baile.. "
"Szekely... though I'm known as Doc... welcome
to our little holiday."
Szekely said as he sat back down, since Baile didn't
want help. "Since you arrived the Warden has taken
time off everyone else... you must be a favored one."
"Oh yeah.. he loves me.. " the marine grinned.
He rolled his neck until the tension left it with a few
loud cracks. "Who's loverboy?" he asked and
motioned back to where Rascheck had left.
"Raschek... the man in real control around here.
Warden is just propaganda..... the one to be careful
of is Raschek." Szekely stated as he brought a hand
up and ran it over his graying hair. "I've seen
him do things I wouldn't even think of doing to another
living being."
The marine chuckled, something which sounded very out
of place in a prison where the inmates died on a regularly
basis. "Guess I'll have to pay him a visit before
I leave.."
"You'll not be leaving here, son." Szekely
said, addressing the man as if he was younger, truth
Baile was, but a good thirty years. "I've been here
probably longer then you've been alive, I've not seen
a way off this rock."
This time Baile smiled. It was most definitely not a
nice smile. "You're not me, old man.. I already
know the way out.. " He looked at the older man
in front of him. "You aren't tagged. No markings,
no color. No crew... a fixer.. "
"Long time ago, I was a doctor... who tried for
perfection and failed...."
He said then shrugged. "Lives had to be lost for
perfection.... now I'm just waiting for hell to welcome
me." Szekely said then stood up. "You get off
this place will take a act of God and a few hundred miracles."
"I don't give a fuck if you had to butcher an entire
planet to perfect breast implants.. God and me aren't
on speaking terms anyway." Baile replied and finally
stretched his back. It was weird. He couldn't remember
his arms being that... big.. Had he gained mass? "Besides..
I create my own miracles.. but for that I need a shiv
and some information.."
"Both could be arranged... one condition." Szekely
stated as he looked at Baile. "Take me with you." He
"You can't keep up, old man.. no one can.."
Szekely nodded he didn't think the man would. "I've
got a shiv in my belongs..... what information do you
need?" Szekely asked, only reason he was helping
Baile was cause he was the personification of perfection,
that for Szekely's scientific mind was something that
shouldn't be contained in a prison.
"How do I get Fatty's Loverboy out here? He's has
access to information I need.. "
"Well there is one thing I can think of that would
get him out here..."
Szekely said, then turned slightly and came back around
and punched Baile hard in the face, once Baile took a
step back, Szekely brought his foot up and kicked Baile
in the side of the torso and then turned into him and
give him a series of hits into the kidney's and groin.
The guards started yelling and
Raschek stepped out of another building and began to
quickly head for the 'cell' area.
The fighter inside Baile woke up and it took a few seconds
before he had suppressed it sufficiently not to hunt
down the old man and break his spine.
He slipped past a punch from Szekely and grabbed him
by the collar. "Cell?"
he whispered and was awarded with a slight nod with the
head from Szekely.
He pushed the old man towards the cell and finally tackled
him inside before the guards could reach them. He could
hear Raschyk bellow outside, ordering the prisoners to
stand clear. Several prisoners stood in the opening to
the tiny cell that was Szeleky's home, blocking the way
for the guards.
Baile had to give Szekely credit for possessing a fast
mind. It took no more than a few seconds before he had
slipped the shiv to Baile. Quickly he hid it just in
time to turn around and dodge a blow from a guard. He
elbowed the guard in the face, breaking the guard's nose
in the process. Then Raschyk entered the cell.
Raschek kicked Szekely in the face and then looked toward
Baile, as if blaming him for all this. Noticing something
in Baile hand he shoved him against the wall and saw
the shiv at that point. "Drag'm from here!" He
yelled to the guards. "Put Szekely in isolation!"
Baile dropped into a combat stance. Killing Raschyk
would be easy. The man was slow, complacent and relied
on fear to do his work for him. But he wasn't here to
kill Raschyk. Just get out of the prison. Killing Raschyk
would be a bonus.
"Take him to my office." Raschek said as he
turned and said something's to the guards moving Szekely.
After a few moments he followed after the two guards
moving baile into the private office.
The guards landed a few blows with their batons and
Baile was more than happy to play along. How the hell
could his body take the kind of beating he had submitted
it to for the last 24 hours? And what would happen once
he hit the limit? Death? Collapse?
Once they were inside Raschek's office, the guards
left him in the able care of Raschek and took a place
outside the room. Raschek didn't say anything as he back
handed Baile and then looked at him. "I don't care
who you are, what you worth to the Hydrans or if you
are the prized object that shits golden eggs... I'll
kill you."
The backhand snapped Baile's head to the side and he
slowly turned it back until he faced Raschek again. "And
here I thought we could be friends..."
Not yet, he reminded himself.
"All I want to know is why you are so important
to the warden... want to answer that before I send you
to one of the thousand hells you'll be spending the rest
of your life in?" Raschek asked as he stood there,
arms doubled over his chest.
"Wouldn't you like to know.." Baile replied
as his pulse calmed down and the adrenaline started flowing.
He felt his senses sharpen and his entire body felt like
it was ready to explode into motion. "Tell me..
how tough are you?"
"Beat your ass, didn't I?" Raschek asked as
he moved now to sit down. "Going to be fun when
you are fixed by the hydrans, who knows, in time we could
even be on the same side of the coming war."
Baile's face went neutral. It took effort to simply
stand still. All his body wanted to do was move. To fight. "Same
side? Sparky.. there's two sides in a war.. my side and
then there's dead people.."
"Wrong..." Raschek replied. "There is
your side, my side and then there is dead side.... you
don't have a side any more, you are just prisoner."
"Let's put that theory to the test then.."
Raschek stood up. "Choose your words carefully,
Mr. Baile... for I can have your tongue cut out."
"So far you're doing all the talking.."
With that, Raschek back handed baile again, this time
the blow twisted Baile's head to the side. "Sit
Straightening his head again Baile just smiled. Death
smiled. "Brianna O'Shea.. " Baile said but
remained standing.
Raschek looked at him and knew who he was talking about.
It never showed on his face. "What?" he asked,
as if he didn't understand. "I want to know why
the warden hates you."
"Brianna O'Shea." Baile repeated. "Where
is she?"
"She's dead..." He replied, course she wasn't
she was an even bigger pain in his ass this Baile was
being. She had remained elusive and had killed more of
his men then he would ever admit to anyone. "Lovely
little bitch....
quiet pleasurable to." He said, cause he had in
fact had his way with her when he had her in custody.
"Pleasurable?" Raschek still had his balls
where they were supposed to be so Anna wasn't dead. This
is the last time I'll ask nicely." Baile said, completely
ignoring the fact the Raschek was both heavier, armed
and wore body armor. The marine practically oozed self-confidence
now. There was no sense in maintaining the illusion any
"Dead...." He said sitting back down, he wasn't
concerned with Baile.
"Should have heard her screams... like music, must
be the flavor of where she comes from on the human world.
She called for everyone that she could think of... no one
came for her... in time... her screams left and she just
laid there," he said pausing to look at Baile. "I
think I rather liked it more when she was screaming.."
Baile looked at the man sitting in front of him. "You'll
wish you'd told me."
"Why is that?" Raschek asked.
"Cause in about thirty seconds you'll be laying
on the ground with a broken legs and both your hands
will be nailed to the floor with that knife you're packing
on your thigh. Roughly three minutes after that the guards
you left outside will be dead and two minutes after that
a riot will start."
Funny... think that's how I frelled the O'Shea woman
the first time."
Raschek said then grinned. "No shit... you on meth?" He
asked, grinning once more as he shook his head.
Baile didn't respond. Instead he moved. Fast. He grabbed
the man by the collar and practically threw him across
the desk into the wall behind them.
It wasn't without some degree of satisfaction he let
loose all of the energy that had built up inside of him.
Reschak was a strong man, working out as often as he
could and enhancing that effect with steroids. But compared
to the prisoner he was weak. Baile hit Raschek on the
throat with a kick. Not enough to choke him, but certainly
enough to keep him from screaming.
As Raschek's hands went up to his throat by instinct
Baile grabbed Raschek's ankle in a leghold and carried
the movement through, snapping the lower leg in two. "Five
seconds." Baile whispered to Raschek as his eyes
opened wide in pain.
Raschek groaned but was unable to say anything, so instead
his answer to Baile was one of moving his hand down to
his side. Taking the knife from his thigh and jamming
it into Baile's side and twisting it slightly as he struggled
not to subcome to the pain that was coursing through
his body by the damage Baile had given.
"Now look what you did.. " Baile said and
placed his hand over Raschek's. He had been able to move
somewhat to the side but the blade had still buried itself
a good two inches in. Baile's hand squeezed down on Raschek's
and the cracking of bones started to sound. Slowly he
pulled the knife out as Raschek's fingers snapped one
by one from the sheer pressure Baile put on them.
The blade exited Baile's body and much to Raschek's
horror Baile started twisting the blade towards Raschek's
good hand. With a movement so fast his hand became a
blur he caught Raschek's free hand and held it almost
as hard across the wrist. The bones in Raschek's wrist
started developing fine hairline fractures almost instantly.
The floor in Raschek's office was made of metal but
it sported several large holes for easy cleaning. Disciplining
inmates could be a messy sport. The marine placed Raschek's
hand over one of those holes and forced the now useless
hand holding the knife over to it. Slowly, ever so slowly
he placed the tip of the knife in Raschek's palm until
he was certain the chief of Security could feel the pain.
As soon as he could feel Raschek start to struggle he
pressed the knife through the hand and as soon as the
knife was through he repeated the process with the other
hand. "You should have told me when I asked..."
Raschek was unable to move. From his one hand searing
in pain and the other now the focus of Baile's venom,
there was nothing he could do cause of his leg. He couldn't
say anything, so even if he could tell Baile what he
wanted to know there was no way he could with his bruised
throat. Raschek knew there was a good chance he was going
to die this day, but the thing that he took great joy
in was he had spent the better part of six months looking
for the bitch that had stabbed him, there wasn't a place
he hadn't looked so he knew Baile wouldn't find her either.
"Don't worry.. I'll keep you alive long enough
for you to see all of this come down around you.." He
grabbed the cattleprod from Raschek and stood up.
Looking around he soon found what he was looking for.
Fuses. Lots of them. A few seconds later he jammed the
cattleprod into the fuses and pressed the discharge button
on the prod. A shower of sparks lit up the room like
a Christmas tree while the rest of the lights went offline.
Satisfied with the result and the surprised voices outside
he removed the goggles and once more the darkness inside
the room vanished. Darkness had settled and that was
his domain.
Raschek could hear the sounds of chaos outside his door.
It was the sound of death moving around the complex.
He could hear guards calling for help, then in the end
an eerie silence..... in his last breath he looked up
toward the darkened ceiling thinking who in hell had
created this Pandemic Monster as he took his last breath...
"Thin Line"
Pilot Paulo DiMillo
Lt(jg) Cora Dobryin
Paulo sat in his quarters, alone, staring at a pair
of pictures. One held him and Anna and the other was
him as a kid with his younger brother and sister. He
had nothing to do anymore. He was suspended from SFI
and that meant he had nothing to do now. He had no hobbies
really. He had very few friends. So, he just sat there,
staring at the pictures.
This was one of those times Cora hated having a super
busy schedule. During a free moment she went to just
spend time with Paulo. Signaling her presence she waited.
He looked up setting the pictures down. "Come," he
"Paulo," Cora began after she entered, "I
thought I'd stop by and see how you're doing."
"I'm dandy," he said sarcastically. "I
have so much free time now, I don't know what to do with
it all."
For a moment she looked at him, "I'm worried about
He looked up at her and stood up walking towards her
with his arms outstretched. He walked up to her and wrapped
his arms around her. "Don't worry," he said. "I
will get through this... somehow."
"I didn't know if you'd be up to having me here
or not," Cora responded as her tone got quieter.
"It's not your fault I am in the situation I am
in," he told her. "It's my fault."
She looked at him comforted by his embrace yet fully
aware she reminded him of what he'd lost, "So what
can I do for you?"
"I don't know," he told her. "I truly
don't even know what I have to do for myself."
She looked at him comforted by his embrace yet fully
aware she reminded him of what he'd lost, "So what
can I do for you?"
"Just be here," he said heading for the couch. "I
guess I am just a mess.
I joined SFI for all the wrong reasons, and it's affected
how I have done things. It has held me back."
Cora just let him voice his thoughts as she followed
Paulo to the couch. "I love you don't forget that."
He smiled and hugged her again. After a moment he broke
it. "So, where do we go from here?" He asked,
"For now how about dinner and some quiet time together," She
was off duty at the moment but knew that could change
with the Intelligence department being ultra busy currently. "I
need a break but was more than serious about just wanting
to spend time with you."
Paulo smiled. "In or out?"
"I'll leave that decision up to you," Cora
smiled, "Since I believe I cooked last time."
"In it is," he said standing up and heading
towards the replicator. "Any requests? I may not
be able to cook anything fresh, but I can get this thing
to make a few good things."
Cora simply smiled, "Good I like having you all
to myself and I'm in a mood for something with beef."
He smiled, "oh?" He said tapping in a few
things and headed back to the couch and took her in his
arms planting a kiss.
She just smiled hoping it wasn't a complete surprise
to him. It was also a factor in why Cora worried about
Paulo as well.
"I think dinner can wait."
"Smeg...I think we have a problem!"
Joe's monthly audit time foray into the lives of the
Bhrode Bunch!
With Fleet Admiral John Q. Bhrode, former Captain of
the USS GALAXY, and current commanding officer of the
Olympic Fleet.
Also appearing: Director Nowlan Phall, Director of PROJECT:
NARNIA at the K57 research and development facility
sundry members of Bhrode's command crew.
Location: The Observation Deck of K-57 (a classified
research instillation on the fringes of Federation space
in the Beta Quadrant.)
Previously: Realizing that the infamous treaty between
the Borg and the Federation will soon come to an end,
Fleet Admiral John Q Bhrode and his Olympus fleet set
sail for the K57 research facility where an unsanctioned
prototype of a transwarp gate has been built in the hopes
of advanced recon of Borg activities. That prototype
is now ready for testing and Commander Lysander Hawksley
has taken the USS HERMES through...
"Surround yourself with the best people you can
find. Delegate authority and don't interfere." -
Ronald Reagan.
"I'm getting something." the normally cavalier
Commander Hawksley called across the comm channel with
a hint of tension, causing Fleet Admiral John Q. Bhrode's
eyes to narrow even further. Director Phall began to
blot his forehead with his shirt sleeve as their attention
focused on the giant viewscreen before them, currently
transmitting a real time video feed from the HERMES,
an image of Hawksley from the Bridge of the Hermes
and an image of Commander Von Ernst onboard the ZEUS.
On the screen, images in the center slowly began to
come into focus. One by one, Borg cubes could be seen
winking into the starscape, until the screen was filled
with them.
"I'll be damned." Brhode uttered, then ordered
data streams and sensors to begin recordings - an unnessicary
order as his crew was no doubt doing that even as they
spoke, but one he felt compelled to call out.
The station's army of scientists didn't waste time
celebrating. Instead they began processing the information
they were receiving. The veteran Admiral silently acknowledged
their readiness as Hawksley's next transmission came
"I sure hope Phall is right." Lysander broadcast
as a Borg cube swooped past his position. "I feel
like a little worm on a big fraggin hook right now."
No sooner had the Commander spoken then one of the
Borg Cubes nearest to the conduit opening slowed it's
"Oh, smeg!" Hawksley spat. "I think we
have a problem!"
Outside of the K-57 station, the eight other starships
that comprised the Fleet Admiral's personal force took
up a two tiered defense with the first wave, spearheaded
by the Admiral's flagship, positioned themselves at
the maw of the gate, hopefully to allow Commander Hawksley
to escape, failing that they were ready to collapse
the gate itself.
The second tier flanked the station, weapons armed
and trained on the station itself ready to destroy
it should things escalate too far.
"Telemetry projections say that we've been discovered." a
slightly balding technician announced from Bhrode's left. "It
looks as though the cube is turning around and coming
"IMPOSSIBLE!" Director Phall yelled as the
Cube maneuvered exactly as had been announced.
It was now moving in a direct line towards where the
USS HERMES was hiding.
"Number Two, get out of there now." Bhrode
ordered to his second officer.
"Sensors are skewed. We're looking at a ghosting
of some sort. Hold on." Hawksley transmitted as
he was seen digesting what his crew was telling him.
old man thundered.
"Admiral, I have a priority incoming message from
Ambassador Streely." Commander Rebecca Von Ernst
announced from the ZEUS.
"TAKE A MESSAGE!" Bhrode barked. "HAWKSLEY
"Borg cube is powering up their weapons array." Phall
announced. "You have to get them out of there now!"
"Number Two, did you hear happen to catch that?
Or are you going to ignore that fact like you did to
my previous two orders - acts that are career limiting
by the way?"
"I got it. I don't think we've been seen. There's
something else going on. I'm sure of it. " Hawksley
said. "Trust me on this one."
"Admiral, Ambassador Streely is claiming that Lt.
Darkstar has shot him in the posterior with a phaser." Von
Ernst called out. "Shall I beam you aboard the ZEUS
now, Sir?"
Bhrode weighed his options. In the years he had spent
serving with Lysander Hawksley, the Centurian had shown
flares of tactical brilliance that very few could match.
He was reckless, daring and headstrong in a way that
was reminiscent of James Kirk. The kid knew his shit,
plain and simple. If he thought he was needlessly endangering
the crew of the Hermes, he would have exited the gate
long before now. He also believed that the more a general
is accustomed to place heavy demands on his soldiers,
the more he can depend on their response.
"Issue an order to Henderson to give Darkstar a
medal. Stand by to transport on my order. Number Two,
stand your ground. Don't fire unless fired upon. If they
mean to have war, let it begin here."
"The Borg are firing at the gate..." the tech
announced as a brilliant green beam shot out from the
Borg cube, singed it's way through space and connected
with a ship that had been out of sight only meters behind
the opening of the transwarp gate.
The assembled aboard the station breathed a collective
(no pun intended) sigh of relief as the small alien
craft was reeled in with the Borg Cube's tractor beam.
They watched as the ship was held in the Borg's grip
knowing that the drones were stripping all of men,
women and children from the unknown craft to subject
them to the painful horrors of assimilation. Moments
later, the craft was destroyed and the cube returned
to it's original heading.
"I think I deserve a bump in rank for that call.
Showed a little balls on my part, I think." Hawksley
said draping a leg over the arm of the Captain's Chair,
visibly relieved yet still determined to act as though
he was his usual self.
"You are correct. Congratulations, Number Two. You
are hereby promoted to Captain. Commander Von Ernst,
please log the record as such." Bhrode ordered,
clasping both hands behind his back and watching the
final sparks from the destroyed craft fade from space.
"Sir?" Commander Rebecca Von Ernst paused,
her amazingly accurate analytical mind unable to suddenly
wrap itself around this new revelation and the no doubt
smug look of celebration that she knew was on the Centurian's
"You heard me Number One." Bhrode barked. "Also,
please note that due to disobeying not one, but two direct
orders, Captain Hawksley has just has his brevet rank
Aboard the USS Zeus, the diminutive Von Ernst suppressed
a grin.
"Aye, Sir. Congratulations and my condolences, Cap..I
mean Commander Hawksley." she broadcast.
"Olympus Fleet, stand down and return to your previous
positions. Number Two, if you are now so inclined, I
think we have had enough excitement for one day. Return
to the station." Brhode ordered.
Hawksley acknowledged with a nod and ordered the HERMES
to plot a coarse out of the conduit. He paused when
Bhrode's voice once again broke across the comm channel.
"And your right. That did take balls. There may
be a place for you in this man's Navy yet."
"On This Eve of Passion"
Nara & Saul
*****Holodeck 3*****
Nara sat on the edge of the cliff as the mist at her
feet lazily drifted.
She held her knees comfortably, smiling at the holographic
village below.
She hadn't added people, partly to keep herself reminded
it was just a projection. This was one of her favorite
spots of Sakaria and both times Saul had come with her,
she had not yet brought him to it.
So this is where she waited for him as she thought of
the cryptic message she sent only saying to meet her
at this holodeck on this day at this time.
She tried to make it sound official. As if Engineering
discovered some information Tactical would like. She
chuckled thinking how interested he would be. She did
hope he was in good humor today and not get upset at
the misleading.
At the exact same moment, Saul was just two decks away,
the turbolift carrying him hastily toward his destination.
As Nara intended, he was quite curious about the way
she phrased her invitation. Even ignoring the fact that
they were lovers, Saul wasn't a fan of officiality. Anyone
on Tactical who called him 'Lieutenant' or 'sir' when
not in strictly official circumstances won a glare, or
a sly comment. So having this from Nara?"
Soon, he was at the holodeck door, pressing the panel.
'She's probably just trying to get back at me for leaving
her that note before departing to Vaden', he told himself.
Her smile widened as she heard the chime. She called
out the command to allow him access.
Interesting and intriqueing thing about holodecks is
how two people could be there, in the same small room,
but they never really knew where the other person was
in the illusion of the hologram.
When the door opened, Saul was looking into a forest.
There was a clear path that subtly hinted where the person
entering was intended to go.
But he didn't saw hide or hair of Nara.
"Princess!", He called out, but all he heard
was echoes of his voice. The truth was that Saul quite
disliked holodecks. As much as they simulated reality,
there was no replacement in his opinion for the real
Holodecks always felt... artificial. That's also why
he never went sailing in the holodecks, but always waited
to shoreleaves for a chance to sail into the open sea.
He began paced forward, following the clear path.
It wasn't long until the trees thinned out and it was
obvious the ground stopped ahead and the grass gave way
to a graggly rock outcropping. On this outcropping, he
could see soft flowing linen slightly flowing in simulated
wind. The linen was covering the back of someone he would
likely recognize right away.
"May I please speak with Lieutenant J.G. Naranda
S. Roswell regarding a holodeck session which might be
of interest for the Tactical department head?",
He asked.
She wiped the smile off her face and stood to face him,
revealing that the white linen continued down into a
long flowing skirt. Only a belt revealed her curves and
her arms were exposed as long as a good part of her neckline
where a thin silver chain was worn.
She looked very somber as she answered, "Yes. I
thought you would be interested in knowing some important
information that may concern a woman he knows."
"A woman who looks stunningly beautiful today,
perhaps?", Saul suggested.
The smiled returned and she giggled, "You figured
me out."
He took a step forward and kissed her on the cheek. "A
nice program...
what's the plan?"
She took his hands, "A walk maybe." She looked
serious a moment, "And I think...I am ready to try
again." She tensed at the idea, but also looked
stubborn to get past that.
Saul inhaled sharpy, surprised. "Here? At the holodeck?
I... I would love to, but it's a public place."
Intelligence officers don't blush, he reminded himself.
Then he recalled that he was in Tactical now, and his
face began matching colors with his uniform's collar.
She let out a chuckle, "No, not here." She
looked up into his eyes again, smiling, "I just
wanted to meet you here, be together with you here awhile.
Well sort of here. As close to this place as we could
get. Or as close as my programming skills can get us."
She shook her head realizing she was rambling. "When
we go back to Sakaria, I want to show it to you and you
can get the full effect."
She took his hand and started to pace to a path that
would lead to the stream that watered the village.
"It may take a while... we were lucky to have such
a long leave.", Saul told her softly. What he didn't
tell was that in the next shoreleave he'll have, his
destination will be quite different. "So this is
Sakaria, isn't it? I should've guessed..."
She smiled, settling comfortably into the stride and
conversation with him.
However--and it seemed too soon--her reserved time was
over and the chime meant the next person was waiting
outside. She called for the command to end the program
and the beautiful landscape disappeared and she frowned
at reality a moment.
"What's with the face?", Saul asked.
She shrugged, "Just almost got lost in the illusion
and sad to see it go."
She turned and smiled at him, "At least you're real." She
looked down shyly, "Maybe we need to leave before
the person outside gets ansy."
"Shall we.", Saul agreed, and offered her
his arm, then poked her nose with his free hand. "Hey!
You're real, too."
After they had started down the hall she suggested, "Maybe
your quarters?
Not sure if Bran is home or not..." She tapered
off, hating to mention her roomate for the fact it was
a bit awkward with the past situations still lingering.
Perhaps this was another reason to get her and Saia a
place of their own eventually.
"Yea, sure thing.", Saul's voice trailed as
he thought of his recent incident with Bran, which no
one knew about except for the Welsh marine and Dr. Burton.
Then, he realized what he was agreeing to.
"Eh, Nara? I told you I have a guest, right?"
She nodded, "As I recall. I'd like to meet her
actually." The words had no hint of jealousy. Basically
she was curious. She would be surprised about bringing
home someone from a mission, but she had Saia. But Saia
was a young girl who needed a guardian. Nara didn't know
how old this girl was, but she was interested in at least
meeting her if not know how or why she ended up in Saul's
Saul murmured something in Hebrew. The direct translation
would be 'Hear me god', and the last time he said it
he was sure that his death by the hand of the Dithparu
was iminent.
* * *
Eve turned her head sharply when the door to Saul's
quarters opened. She was sitting by the table, which
was loaded with food from the replicator, and holding
a soft sponge ball which she tossed at the wall about
eight hundred times since Saul left the room that morning.
"I can get used to it.", She said, leaping
to her feet with an almost feline smirk spread on her
mouth. The, she noticed Nara. With a few quick steps
she closed the gap between her and Saul, and wrapped
an arm around the poor Tactical chief's shoulder.
"Hi! I'm Eve. So YOU are the girl from the bathroom!",
She proclaimed.
Watching the woman with intrique wondering what she
could get used to. Then she turned to Saul, almost laughing
at not understanding what in the universe this woman
was talking about. She raised an eyebrow, "Bathroom?
It wasn't her." She turned to the girl, answering, "It
wasn't me." She looked back at Saul, a small smirk
curving on her lips, "Got someone hidden in the
"Not quite."
"Yesterday good ole' Shaul here was speaking with
someone while he was in the bathroom. I assumed it was
a girl.", Eve explained, tapping on Saul's cheek
as he mentioned his name.
Nara laughed, "He was likely talking to himself." Something
flashed in her eyes a moment, starting to dislike this
woman all over Saul. She tried to ignore it.
"So you know.", Eve started, more than a hint
of mischief in her tone, "If you're his girlfriend,
then I can share a few ti--"
Saul hissed something in a foreign language into Eve's
"You think she'd tell anyone?", Eve protested.
"It doesn't matter.", Saul insisted, then
whispered again.
"You're right, I suppose.", She signed. "But
if Starfleet won't kill me, boredom will. Didn't your
life become much more boring when you left home?"
Nara was watching the exchange with a bit less laughter
and a tad more unease. She could handle secrets behind
her back, but when they were wispered to another woman
in front of her, something primal had to be kept back.
"On the contrary, they became more interesting.",
Saul told Eve.
"And...we've got good food.". He turned to face
Nara, gently removing Eve's arm.
"I know Eve from my homeplanet. Other than that,
it would be better if you won't ask any questions."
Nara just looked at him a moment, feeling a bit put
off suddenly.
"I promise not to steal him.", Eve added,
and returned to the waiting piles of food..
Nara kept looking at Saul and answered defensively, "If
I have any questions about you, I ask you."
"All right then.", said Saul.
"You know, if you guys need some privacy, you can
just let me out to wander around for a bit.", Eve
offered innocently.
"You know I can't.". Saul said, gently leading
Nara toward the door leading to the bedroom. "I'm
sorry.", He said, and Nara couldn't tell if it was
meant for her or for the guest.
"Why?" Nara crossed her arms showing him she
wasn't feeling too affectionate anymore.
"Why what?"
"Why can't you let her out? We let the Jem'Hadar
wander about here like it's not a big deal, why the hell
can't Eve?" She shook her head, knowing already
he wouldn't tell her, "Just tell me this. Is she
even supposed to be here?
People know I know you. Tell me the lies so I know what
to say." It was said with a bit of bitterness, her
tolerance suddenly growing thin.
Saul gazed at the door solemnly. "It was decided
that we should minimize her contact with officers as
much as possible. She's--"
So he was going to lie to Nara, too. Again. Saul quickly
thought of a way to phrase things and make them less
of a lie, and more of a half truth.
"Eve is a friend, from Utrecht III. I found her
in enemy territory, and needed to get her back. She provided
me with some information, so as far as Starfleet concerned
she's my agent and thus I'm responsible for her. So I'm
keeping her here not because I'm afraid of what SHE may
find out - but because I'm afraid of what the others
may find out. Satisfied?"
The glare softened, and she tried to push aside the
unease of his secrets.
She did uncross her arms as she answered, "She does
seem a bit ...
extroverted." She sighed and added, "I'll keep
my distance." She would keep her word no matter
how she wished to know an old friend of Saul's. Get another's
view of him. Another who was around when he was a child.
"She's just a little rough around the edges. Like
all of us were, back home in the streets. You pretended
to be strong and have lots of friends, so goon won't
pick on you. I had it easy since the smarters goons prefered
not to mess with a Bental. Not that their was justified,
but I used it to keep myself safe."
Saul hesitated for a moment before he spoke again. "When
I left home, to the stars... she stalked me to the spaceport.
I didn't turn around to make sure that it was her, because,
because... because I thought it would undermine my resolution
to leave home. I haven't seen her since. She wanted to
tell me that she knows I'll- ah, never mind, where were
Nara tilted her head looking at him giving a sad smile.
He was finally telling her more, but it was sad story.
She reached her hands out to hug him, "It's ok."
Saul's fingers dug into Nara's hair. There was a long
silence, which meant more to them than words.
Finally, Saul asked. "I suppose you're no longer
into 'trying again', are you?"
Nara stood still a moment, her arms still around his
shoulders. Then she backed a bit, "I don't know." Then
she gave him a mischevious, but shy smile and wink, "We'll
see how far your charm will go."
"Sounds tempting.", Saul caressed her cheek,
and ordered the computer to dim the lights to 50 percent,
and play a soft tune that Nara never heard in her life.
She smiled as she said, "Music and lights. Nice." She
had a glint in her eye, "Anything else?"
"Do you have any special requests?"
She shook her head, "None come to mind." Her
smile faded a bit as nervousnes filled her eyes.
Saul took a cautious step forwards, and gently pulled
her toward him. His fingers began to form the most inexplicable
patterns on her back, while lips left moist marks on
her cheek, then her neck, and advancing downward...
She had her arms around his shoulders, gripping them
as she concentrated on his scent, his touch, even his
emotional presense she's learned to recognize. It wasn't
the same as exploring someone's mind and she figured
it was something non-telepaths had as well. Just the
aura of a loved one. The sense you could trust them.
She concentrated on Saul to keep memories from haunting
this moment. It wasn't too hard as Saul touched her far
more gently than Marks had.
His hands now slipped under her shirt, their sudden
chilly touch on her skin making her shudder at first,
but within seconds she got used to it and it was the
most natural thing in the whole universe. He began to
shift slightly, and she realized he was leading her toward
the bed, without breaking contact.
His lips touched hers briefly, and then he whispered
into her ear. "I know what you're thinking about...
the second you want to stop, say. And remember that you
ARE safe, here."
She wispered back, "I know." But the way she
nervously held him and the shake in her voice betrayed
her. She knew it was just a wall to climb over.
Her body wanted to, she just had to get her mind to follow
along. She put a hand on the back of his neck and placed
her lips on his for a passionate kiss.
He responded. With fire. And before Nara knew what was
happenning, the two of them were rolling on the bed,
drunk with passion. She could feel Saul's lust like a
slow explosion, both in her mind and physically.
"I want you.", He said in a tone halfway between
a whisper and a moan.
In the midst of it, in the place between reality and
passion, her mind was empty of everything but him and
what he did to her.
Somewhere in this realm of exquisite existence, the
memory came to haunt.
She could almost hear the birds that chirped outside
the window at the Academy. It suddenly all felt like
a nightmare.
"Please no." The plea was a soft wimper, as
if not believing he would leave her be. He didn't before.
Saul froze. "Did I do something wrong?", He
She was trembling, her eyes closed tightly, trapped
in the memory a moment until his voice brought her to
the present. She took a shaky breath and opened her eyes
to look at him.
She just looked at him a moment before sighing, "No.
Sorry." She didn't move away from him.
He kissed her on the nose, ever so lightly, then broke
away from the embrace and paced through the door leading
to the bathroom.
She sat up, hugging a sheet around herself and watched
after him, concerned, "Saul?" She hugged her
legs waiting for him to answer. She wondered why he left.
It took a long while before his voice emerged from behind
the closed door.
"Yes princess?"
When he finally answered, she called back, "Are
you alright?"
Again that ominous pause. "Yes, of course."
The door slid open, and she saw that Saul washed his
face, and now his hair was dripping water.
"I'm very sorry. I wanted to, but..." She
sighed as she paused. Her body still very much wanted
him, needed to feel his touch again. The memories of
Mark still held her mind back. Anger grew in her face
as she gripped the sheets tightly, "Curse him!"
"If you let him influence your life, then he won.",
Saul said simply as he sprawled on the bed. Then, trying
to lighten things up, he added, "You know, a guy
can be quite offended if his girlfriend think of another
man while the two of them are together..."
She shook her head still angry, "Life was better
when that memory was repressed."
"You know, the girl in the other r-- ah, never
Nara looked at him as she started to calm down, "Eve?
What about her?"
Saul sighed. He shouldn't have brought it up, but he
may as well finished.
"She's dealing with a trauma that's as bad as yours
right now. She's fighting it. So should you. Don't let
HIM destory your life. If he succeeds in that, if he's
still a relevant issue after all those years, then you
let him win."
She felt a bit put off at his preaching, "I'm not
"True. And I don't claim to understand what you're
going through, either.
But you're letting him win. Don't."
She let her anger spill out toward him as she seethed
at him, "If you could tell me HOW, I would appreciate
He opened one eye. "Counselor Dallas can tell you
that better than me. All I can ask, as someone who cares,
is that you'll give it a fight."
She was infuriated at this point, "What do you
think I just did! I'm trying Saul. I..." She let
out a defeated sigh, "I don't know how to push the
memories away. I think that's the furthest we got before..." She
shook her head. "I really thought I was ok."
"Never mind.", Saul mumbled. It just got too
complex for him. He was exahusted, and disappointed in
more than one way. Arguing with Nara won't improve things,
and will require too much energy.
"Do you want to spend the night here?", He
She nodded, "If you want." She did, but she
wasn't sure he would let her after she had pulled away
so far into what they were doing.
He snatched the blanket, and rolled away from Nara.
leaving her just enough space to squeeze in.
Knowing Chava, she'll probably say something about 'being
left in the living room like a pet dog.'. Too bad for
Nara lay back and thought forlonely for a few moments.
She tossed the idea of snuggling to him back and forth
in her mind. She wanted to feel the comfort of his arms
around her, but feared his rejection. She wondered what
the point of even staying was. Then she realized he hadn't
left much blanket. Hoping it was a hint and not some
childish way of showing he was upset about something,
she moved closer to him, tense for a moment waiting how
he would recieve her.
A moment later, both the blanket and Saul's arm were
wrapped around her.
"Post Mortem"
Ensign Robert J. Mathieson
Lieutenant jg Jack Slen (NPC)
In Galaxy's main Sickbay, six white sheets covered six
dead bodies. A seventh biobed bore the weight of a portly,
bald, older doctor who was only too acutely feeling his
Despite the casualties and the relative inexperience
of many of Galaxy's medical staff, Mathieson had to admit
that they had performed well. Very well. The volume of
wounded and the variety of injuries pressed them to the
point of breaking, but not beyond. For hours, doctors,
nurses and orderlies pressed that limit barrier. They
bore the weight of every phaser wound, every disruptor
wound - every injury caused by shrapnel, fist, knife
or teeth. Bones were set, wounds sealed, limbs amputated,
organs replaced - even a baby was delivered - amongst
the most chaotic environment the old physician had seen
in years. Still, the medical staff gad "gutted" it
out, and of the one-hundred and forty-four patients sent
to their ward, only six had died. Kio in particular had
performed some of the most difficult work during some
of the more hectic moments. ~Damn fine work, all said.~
Even with the unruly Kelvan, the ward has performed
well. ~The Kelvan - that's not right~, Mathieson thought
with a shudder. ~It's Chief Fekking Liason Kylar Bloody
Curran.~ He snorted. ~Prickly pear like that in the Liason
Corps? What's this bloody fleet comin' to?~
The doctor had no fear of Curran's many loud and creative
threats, but had a sickly feeling when he thought of
his incident with the Kelvan in Sickbay.
He had to remember the Oath of Hippocrates more than
once, tempted to apply a Klingon laxative to the patient;
the effect would have been six months of boiling diarrhea
which would have punctuated CL Curran's demeanor nicely.
If course, Hippocrates never had a snotty, unruly Kelvan
to treat - all he had were Greeks, Persians and the occasional
Macedonian; what a picnic.
~That boy Curran'll be the death 'o me, I swear!~
Mathieson was dwelling on his meeting (and future meetings)
with Galaxy's Chief Liason Officer when the door to Sickbay
hissed open. He didn't bother to look up to see who had
entered. "A'llo Jack! Ready to check if things 'r
The tall Trill pathologist smiled at the prone doctor,
but was quite prepared for Robert Mathieson - Jack Slen
and Galaxy's newest medical officer had met before. "That's
*Lieutenant Slen* to you, Ensign - and aren't you supposed
to be saluting a superior officer?"
"Sorry Lieutenant Jack - where are me manners?" A
stubby middle finger extended from Mathieson's left fist. "Glad
to see you're still a fleet man, Jack. Was worried you'd
be CMO of a Tellarite prostate clinic by now."
"Thought you'd be drummed out entirely, Bob. From
Lieutenant Commander to Ensign in fifteen years, that's
quite an accomplishment." Jack looked down Mathieson's
prone figure. "Any career advice you'd like to offer?"
Bob poked an eye open and looked at an old friend and
colleague. "Yeah - quit the amateur hour and stop
crappin' on Admirals. If you *really* want to send yer
prospects to hell in a handbasket, tell a politician
to take his head out of his ass. That's when the *real*
fireworks start."
Both physicians chuckled at the concept, and Mathieson
slowly rose to a sitting position on the biobed. "Heh,
good to see you again, Smilin' Jack."
Shaking the older man's hand , Jack continued to grin. "You
too, you miserable old man. It'll be good to have someone
around who's not so 'sunshine and rainbows' around here.
But I *am* curious as to why you're here, Bob. Last I
heard you were doing fine on the Anchorage."
"Was. Anchorage was a real good spot and Summers
is a good bloke, but I had a chance to teach again at
Starbase 13 - or at least I thought it was a
chance." Mathieson cringed at the memory. "Cor,
Jack - they put me
pushin' paper for the 12th Fleet. Made me sick inside
a week. Bloody paper-pushers. Vampires the lot of 'em.
Ghouls! I'll spare you the details, but when a 'statesman'
from Deneva comes to see how wonderful his colony's contributions
are workin' for the welfare of Starfleet, take my advice
and *don't tell him*!"
Slen's grin broke into laughter - the image of the short
doctor yelling at some politician from behind a tall
stock of PADDS was too rich. Recovering somewhat, he
wiped the tears from his eyes and nodded. "Sage
advice, my friend. I'll keep it in mind."
Mathieson too recovered from thoughts of his most recent
demotion and reprimand. "See you do. Though, by
the looks of it you could use all the career advice you
can get. CMO to Pathologist in a year still beats my
stellar fall from grace." Looking the tall doctor
squarely in the face, he asked "What happened, Jack?"
As much as he tried, Slen couldn't look his friend in
the eye. "Well, you know the kind of slip up where
you apply the wrong remedy despite the right diagnosis
and you have to work like hell to save the patient?"
"Well, this wasn't one of those slips." Slen
rubbed the bridge of his nose awkwardly. "A patient
died on my table. At my hands."
A deathlike silence blanketed Sickbay as the two doctors
looked at the shroud covered bodies.
"At's shitty, Jack. I don' know what to say." Mathieson
rubbed his bald bate near the back of his neck.
Slen slowly shook his head. "Nothing to say, Bob.
Let's leave it for later over a drink at Ten Forward.
Sound like a good idea?"
Nodding, Mathieson grinned. "Sure, as long as we're
not drinking that pisswater you Harvard types were weaned
on. I've got a nice 25 year old single-malt Dalwhinnie
we should crack open and give a try."
"It's called Tennessee sipping bourbon, you old
curmudgeon, and if I didn't know you were the product
of some London slum school, I'd swear you were a Yale
man!" Slen's lopsided grin returned, goaded by Mathieson's
verbal prodding. Still, the business that brought him
to Sickbay couldn't be avoided as the six shrouded figures
bore a silent witness to their verbal sparring. "So,
what do be have here Bob?"
Mathieson looked at the dead, suddenly sober in his
thoughts. "Bad business, Jack. The worst."
OOC: This post puts us in orbit. I'll be posting again
shortly to get people down to the planet. In the meantime,
enjoy the view of the Imperial Capitol.
by Frank Byrne
Captain Cassius Henderson,
Commanding Officer
Ambassador Katsuye Takeda, Acting Federation Ambassador
to the RSE Lieutenant
Tarin Iniara, Chief Operations
Lieutenant Miramon Terrik, Chief Flight Controller
Main Bridge,
Deck 1,
USS Galaxy
"Six hours to arrival in orbit of ch'Rihan," Miramon
Terrik stated for the benefit of the bridge crew. Now
that they were inside the 26 hour mark, en-route to the
capitol world of a major interstellar power, the CFC
was responsible for giving an update on their position.
Of course, it was largely a formality. Most of the crew
were watching the clock with a nervousness that only
the Rihannsu Star Empire could inspire.
"Thank you, Mr. Terrik," Cassius replied,
as he had for the past twenty hours and three flight
controllers. The waiting was the worst part.
As they hurtled toward ch'Rihan at Warp 5, he couldn't
help but remember the events leading up to the Battle
of Havras, particularly the fake request to open normalized
relations with the Breen Confederacy. Given the RSE's
history of treachery and shaky governing coalitions,
were they flying into a trap?
The current RSE government was, by all accounts, divided
on the subject of their relationship with the Federation.
Praetor Hitan had commanded a warbird alongside the Federation's
74th Battle Group during the Dominion War. After being
installed as Praetor after the fall of Tal'Aura, Hitan
became the most prominent Rihannsu voice for the continuing
alliance with the UFP. The Praetor was the head of the
government, and as such had been instrumental in preventing
His opposite number, Proconsul Lhaerrh Omar, could not
have been more different in his view. Omar was a former
officer of the Tal Shiar, and the years of fighting in
the never ending shadow war against SFI translated into
isolationist foreign policy and rabidly anti-Federation
stances on foreign policy questions. As head of the famous
Rihannsu Senate, Omar had produced dozens of resolutions
and legislations designed to damage the Star Empire's
relationship with the Federation, often bringing him
into conflict with Praetor Hitan.
Making things more complicated, Empress Kaidalin t'Vriesu
went back and forth between supporting one and then the
other. Because her own position carried little formal
power beyond appointing the Praetor and Proconsul, political
theorists posited that her own positions remained hidden
in favor of keeping Hitan and Omar at each other's throats.
Between fielding calls from the Starfleet Foreign Affairs
Office and keeping up with Ella Grey's progress in hunting
down all of O'Shea's sabotage attempts, he would be grateful
to arrive at ch'Rihan and begin feeling useful again.
"Captain, we're receiving a mail packet from the
Federation Embassy in Ki Baratan, courtesy of Ambassador
Takeda," Lieutenant Tarin reported.
The normal seat at the operations console had been put
into storage, replaced by Tarin's hoverchair. Cassius
watched her work with no small amount of concern. According
to Doctor Burton, her inability to walk was psychosomatic
- and thus far more difficult to treat than any physical
condition. Even two thousand years after the advent of
psychology as a science, and the mind was still a mystery
to the peoples of the Federation.
"What're the contents?" he asked.
"The first item is a pamphlet on basic Rihannsu
law, to be distributed to the crew, with a notation that
they'll be tested by Rihannsu foreign service officials
before they're allowed on the surface," Tarin read
aloud. "The second is a request from Ambassador
Takeda for a conference call."
"Hmmm..." Cassius thought for a moment. "Number
One, you have bridge.
Tarin, I'll take it in my Ready Room. Distribute the
pamphlet and notice to the crew. If the Rihannsu are
willing to allow us to the surface, we owe it to them
to respect their laws."
"Aye, Sir," Iniara responded as he vacated
his seat in favor of Commander Kol.
Captain's Ready Room,
Deck 1,
USS Galaxy
[Turn your holonet to any one of the Rihannsu News Channels
and you'll
see what I'm talking about, Captain.]
The image gracing Captain Henderson's monitor screen
was that of
Ambassador Katsuye Takeda, the tiny Japanese woman currently
acting as
envoy to the RSE for the duration of Ambassador Spock's
lengthy absence
on Vulcan. Takeda was standing on the balcony of her
apartment at the
peak of the Federation Embassy in Ki Baratan, looking
out over the
shadowed cityscape.
Cassius irritably punched in a few commands and watched
as the screen
split, with Takeda on the left and a new window on the
connecting with his favorite (and most reliably truthful)
Rihannsu news
[... Hannam Tafv, reporting from the Mhr'vaat District
of Ki Baratan.
Anti-Federation protests, which in the past month had
died to a dull
roar, are intensifying in the home district of Proconsul
Lhaerrh Omar,"
one of the station's field reporters shouted into the
camera, over the
din of what was approaching a full blown riot. "Carrying
images of the
Proconsul's murdered son, the protestors are calling
for suspension of
all relations with the Federation government. Proconsul
Omar, when
asked to comment...]
Cassius switched it off, and returned Takeda to full
screen. "I see
what you mean," he said, his frown beginning to
feel etched into his
face. His sister, Elisa, would no doubt tease him about
stress lines
next time they talked. "Are you safe, Ambassador?"
[For now, I think so,] she replied, peering over the
balcony. [If you
thought that crowd in Mhr'vaat was bad, you should look
outside my
front door. The embassy is continually being surrounded,
but the
Uhlans have been diligent in keeping a safe passage out
of the
building. Praetor Hitan's hand, I suspect.]
"You know the situation better than I do," Cassius
asked, "Would you
advise me to keep my people onboard?"
[If this were any other time, I would say yes,] the
Ambassador shook
her head. [We cannot let Omar's cronies and rabble rousers
us. Not with Praetor Hitan counting on us for a good
showing at the
"Of course," Cassius nodded, then paused to
think. There was something
more going on that he couldn't quite grasp. "Ambassador,
what game are
the Rihannsu playing, asking my staff to appear at the
funeral of the
man who died on their ship?"
The small Japanese woman laughed. [Welcome to samurai
Captain. The Rihannsu live in a more or less feudal society,
often the role of noble men is to be caught between their
lords. In
this case, you are the pawn of both the vengeful Proconsul
and the
calculating Praetor. Omar invited you to the funeral
of his son
because he believes that you will humiliate the Federation
in a highly
public setting. Hitan allowed you to come because he
believes that you
"I see," Cassius frowned, and not for the
first time cursed the
Rihannsu leaders. He was normally a proponent of politics
as means to
achieving solutions and justice, but the way that the
Rihannsu did it
had bothered him since he was a student at the Academy.
There just
weren't any ethics in it. "What would you do in
my position?"
[I would hold my head high, and speak with the authority
of the
representative of the Federation. You and your liaison
officer need to
sit down and talk about how you want to frame this,]
Takeda said,
wrapping her cloak tighter against the night air of Ki
[You've entered the game late, Captain, but not too late
to give it
your own spin. Talk to Legate Curran. He can help you.
And meet with
me when you get here. There are several things that we
need to talk
about in a place more secure than this.]
"I'll take that under consideration, Ambassador," Cassius
glancing back at the door. It had been several hours
since he'd gotten
her message. "I'll have to get back to my crew,
now. We arrive in
around four hours. Can I expect to see you?"
[Yes, Captain. You'll be arriving in the dead of night
here, but I'll
be awake,] Katsuye bowed. [Sayonara, Taisa Henderson.]
The channel was quickly replaced by the seal of the
United Federation
of Planets Foreign Service.
Cassius rubbed his neck. They weren't even in orbit
Main Bridge,
Deck 1,
USS Galaxy
"We are now in stationkeeping orbit over the Federation
Captain Henderson," Lieutenant Terrik reported as
the great bird eased
to a halt. After a week of transit, they had finally
arrived in orbit
of ch'Rihan.
"Open a shipwide channel, Tarin," Cassius
said, eyes locked on the so
called Planet of Secrets. The next few days would make
or break
several careers on both sides of the recently demilitarized
Federation/Rihannsu border. He wondered if his would
be one of them,
and at what cost his success or failure would come. There
were, as was
normal when dealing with the Rihanha, all too many questions.
"This is Captain Henderson speaking," he stated,
as was becoming his
custom. "We've entered orbit over Ki Baratan, the
capitol city of the
Rihannsu Star Empire. In the likely event that we are
invited to
travel to the surface in the days before the state funeral
Ambassador Omar, you will all be administered a Rihannsu
law test by
state officials. A brief has been distributed to your
messages, for
your use in brushing up. Remember that we are the guests
of the
Praetor, and we have to behave as such."
"We are the first starship to be invited to ch'Rihan
since the USS
Titan in 2379. The eyes of two great nations are upon
us. We will
open them to who we are, and what we do. What those two
things are is
up to you."
"As soon as I receive details from the Rihannsu
government, I'll pass
them on to you. Henderson clear."
And there they were, in orbit.
Sitting for the moment, but at least they were there.
"Leopards and Their Spots"

Ensign Robert Mathieson
==Sickbay, USS Galaxy==
"This is Captain Henderson speaking. We've entered
orbit over Ki Baratan, the capitol city of the Rihannsu
Star Empire. In the likely event that we are invited
to travel to the surface in the days before the state
funeral of Ambassador Omar, you will all be administered
a Rihannsu law test by state officials. A brief has been
distributed to your messages, for your use in brushing
up. Remember that we are the guests of the Praetor, and
we have to behave as such."
"We are the first starship to be invited to ch'Rihan
since the USS Titan in 2379. The eyes of two great nations
are upon us. We will open them to who we are, and what
we do. What those two things are is up to you."
"As soon as I receive details from the Rihannsu
government, I'll pass them on to you. Henderson clear."
Robert Mathieson grunted as he reviewed treatment techniques
for Romulan disruptor fire; not wishing to perform the
treatment but wanting to be prepared for any possible
scenario. ~And they're ROMULANS. We're orbiting fekking
ROMULUS.~ The politically correct wave currently sweeping
the Federation 'requested' that Starfleet personnel refer
to the Romulans with the names they call themselves,
but Mathieson couldn't bring himself to do it. He was
an old dog unaccustomed, and unwilling, to learn new
And Romulans were as tricky as they come.
~Goin' to Romulus with a green Captain. This place's
going to be busy soon.~ Looking at the vacant biobeds,
he reflected on the only-too recent events with the Jem'Hadar.
As bad as the experience was, it pointed out some weaknesses
and some strengths. Mathieson thanked Hippocrates himself
that Kimberly Burton, Galaxy's CMO, was willing to listen
to what he had to say and put into effect those recommendations.
~And she did all the administrative crap behind it too,
bless 'er.~ The short Englishman now had opportunity
to prepare for what casualties might come, and his experiences
on the Centaur, Cheyenne and Anchorage gave him a good
idea what might be dealt with.
In addition to disruptor tissue damage, Mathieson reviewed
a number of biological and synthetic toxins the Romulans
were known to use in the past, as well as those of various
former Romulan allies. Feeling edgy about a possible
set up, he reviewed the various weapons and methods of
assassination used by the current set of anti-Federation
antagonists - the Breen, the Hydrans, and the T'Kith'Kin.
~The Romulans were wound up tighter than a cheap watch
at the moment - any one of these jokers could easily
prod the 'em into a pissin' match with the Federation~,
he thought. ~Mus' keep the new Captain awake at nights
- thank God I've only got to deal with th' wounded."
Compiling the readouts to a master file, Mathieson downloaded
the information for his next presentation to the medical
staff. Lieutenant Burton - no, Doctor Burton - had given
him the opportunity to teach once more and he seized
the chance with gusto. In addition to the department,
he also corralled some of the medics from the marine
battalion into attending.
He also put forward a proposal to upgrade the first-aid
training of the entire crew, but the proposal was at
the usual logjam at senior-officer level; still, the
idea had merit, and would bear fruit if given the right
Finishing, the short physician stood and stretched his
spine with an audible 'krick'. He walked over to Sickbay's
viewing window and took a long look at the planet below.
Oceans, seas and large lakes riddled the various land
masses, making the alien world a blue pearl similar to
Mathieson's homeworld, earth. He reflected on his experiences
with this planet's people, and assured himself that he
didn't have anything against Romulans per se, just *ambitious*
Romulans, and unfortunately the planet below seemed to
birth more than its fair share. Given the political turmoil
that boiled on the surface, he wondered how the planet
could project such a beautiful, peaceful - even serene
~But the, the Romulans 've always been about what's
seen and what's not~, he reminded himself.
Turning from the window, he looked at the empty biobeds
and the calm the vacant Sickbay provided - and wondered
just how long the peace would last.
“Abandoned? Part 3”
By Commander James Lionel Corgan
And Mika Sh'Sonora
Location: USS Galaxy
Soundtrack: “November Has Come” By The Gorillaz
Mika was having one of those foul days.
She always had her doubts about the relationship she
harboured with one James Lionel Corgan, but never before
had she let her imagination run rampant about the very
idea, until it manifested itself into a soul sucking,
multi tendrilled monster that hooked into her heart and
her other special places. It came from Japan, not that
it mattered.
It was in such instances, when you erode the good schoolteacher
Mika's self control (in which she had developed through
years of martial arts induced training, trial by scholarly
means and the fire pits that were politics) through such
events as being torn from the top echelons of the diplomatic
corp, the humbling experiences of serving fast food then
serving bratty and disinterested 24th century children
in the ways of education, and the constant seesaw emotions
that were mostly due to her biological heritage (Andorians
were a quick tempered species), even Mika's discipline
was showing multiple cracks. The once powerful and loving
woman was about to lose it, though she didn't even know
All it would take was one final push, and it could be
delivered anywhere.
Deck 23
“Father!” Scolded the eldest daughter of
Banra, holding high an ebony phaser over her father's
head as her high howling protest rendered itself into
his ears. “What is the meaning of this?”
The other Jem'Hadar in the cargo bay made temporary
shelter were watching the drama unfold; some of the older
warriors were snickering that such a whelp was holding
so much power over her father, a fellow fighter and veteran
of the wars. The father, knowing too well his shame,
sat on his cot and endured it with stoic pride. More
still were the womenfolk, peasantish women with gray
skin and small spines protruding from the jawline, looking
down judgmentally at the disgraced fighter. The lines
were dividing; the men versus the women, the peaceful
versus the warlike, the young who knew not war and the
old that knew it too well (and even hungered for it).
Banra looked up at his daughter, speaking as if pained, “It
is a trophy, nothing more.”
“It is a Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Federation
Type IIe phaser pistol in the Capadona pattern!” She
blitzkrieged her father with that fact, proving to Banra
that his daughter was educated well in the Jem'Hadar's
war biased education system (much to his duress). What
he didn't like was the Jem'Hadar's war biased education
being used against him as mounting evidence of any wrongdoings.
Heedless of Banra's pleading eyes, his daughter continued, “And
it is a customized phaser at that! Look at the underside
picatinny rail, the gyroscopic phaser crystal stabilization
units, the matte black finish, the gold electroplated
inlays...” She stroked the weapon lovingly, “...the
refined settings, the auto phase modulation cycler...
the... power...”
Banra looked awkwardly at his daughter. Normally, he
would have been proud of her for becoming a woman at
such a young age... but now was not the time. “Yes,
Tesli straightened up sheepishly, ceasing to stroke
the phaser pistol in her hand. “It is an excellent
weapon, father.”
“That it is.” Banra grunted. “Give
it back.”
“NO!” Tesli straightened up, recoiling away
from her father, “This is someone else's weapon,
and you have wrongfully taken it! What next, should I
tell them about your role in the rebellions!?”
“Don't you dare!” Banra bellowed, “I
turned my back on those bastards! This is a rightful
trophy! Give it back!”
“Never!” Like the teenager she was, Tesli
snarled and b*tched with such strength as to repulse
her cowed father. “This weapon will only get us
in trouble! I am returning it right this instant!”
As promised, Tesli did storm out. When she presented
the phaser to the security guards outside the camp, they
were at first fearful, but upon seeing the stamping on
the phaser, their alarm soon turned into a hunt. Tesli,
though well educated by the standards of the Jem'Hadar
and the standards of most Federation armory officers,
still had not known how to read Federation standard,
or it's subordinate languages, lower Vulcan and terran
In gold, the phaser read, “James Lionel Corgan,
Deck 10
The turbolift was slower than usual today, or it was
Mika inventing more excuses to be angry. Try as she could,
she couldn't find enough reasons to get angrier at James.
He was open for many skeletons, but not a hateful person.
She wanted him badly, needed his company, hated that
he was never there, never an Andorian, never female (why
the hell not?), never any excuse to rouse her anger.
But try though she could, it never came.
~”What is wrong with me?”~ Mika thought
glumly, ~”Am I trying to find an excuse to leave?
I love him, and I love what I do here, but why do I want
to find an excuse to throw it all out?”~ She thought
longly, remembering her past glories, hard won after
being nearly enslaved by a prattish fat aristocrat named
Ordos during her stint as an Ambassador's assistant.
There were times of great diplomacy, decadence, and luck.
She was something in those days, holding with her power
to change foreign policy, guide and direct the actions
of planetary superpowers, using the smallest moves to
make the greatest gains. She was in a position to surpass
her father, one of the biggest capitalists and grain
merchants on Andoria, a vindicating act for the years
she was treated as the unknown daughter, passed up by
her socialite slut of a sister...
~”Oh. That's why.”~ Mika sighed to herself,
defeated, yet still not angry enough to leave a James
sized indentation on the ship's hull. She felt so strongly
for both to be with him and to be away with him. But
even with Tekri, and a growing dissatisfaction mounting
in her, there was not enough.
“Maybe that is love.” Mika sighed again.
The turbolift swished open at Deck 23. In stepped two
of James own security staff (it helped her blood simmer,
but not boil over yet), followed by a very young peasant
girl. Mika wasn't too familiar with the Jem'Hadar, but
knew what one looked like, but even then she was surprised
to see a Jem'Hadar female. Her features were softer than
the males, her skin less cobblestone and paler, her spines
less pronounced, but the curvature of a woman was still
there. This young one was less aware of herself than
Mika could be; she acted as if her sexuality was as invisible
as the air, a way of flaunting it without actually flaunting
it. Her peasant dress stuck out in all the jealous places
Mika's simple black and purple dress didn't, and the
security guards noticed.
It was the kind of woman James Corgan would like. Young,
defenseless, nubile, and with big doe eyes to go with
her barely hidden buxomness.
Mika's rationality saved her today. There was no way
to see a connection between James and this colony born
peasant girl.
“Hey Mika.” One of the security guards greeted.
“Hi Ensign So'ka. Hi Ensign Hanley.” Mika
said, deflated.
“Just call me Paul.” Ensign Hanley nodded
“Paul.” She said sourly, though she had
no reason to be cross with the security officer. Mika
liked Paul Hanley and his friend So'ka, an alien officer
whom she had no clue what he was (nobody did on the ship,
but he did have strange bumps on his nose...). Admonishing
herself for being so hostile, she tried to smile all
but insincerely, “And whom might this be?”
The girl spoke a strange, country born accent. It made
Hanley and So'ka shift uncomfortably with each other. “I
am Tesli, madam.” The Jem'Hadar youngling said
to her with a youngling's voice, soft and full of joy,
face to torpedo like chest, bowing to give the impression
of respect.
Mika gave none; she stood still and continued to hate
the teenager. ~”Was I ever like that little Orion
bar whore?”~ She thought, speaking oppositely, “And
I am Mika Sh'Sonora. I am one of the teachers onboard.
How are you doing today?”
“Not so well.” Tesli said with heart weeping
sadness. So'ka and Paul shifted again, leaving Mika to
think that men were idiots for believing her sob story, “I
had an argument with my father. He tried to keep something
from it's rightful owner. And to think, I though we abandoned
our martial traditions in favour of a more peaceful agrarian
life! How my father clings to his old ways like the miserable
old sot that he is...”
“Hey Mika.” Hanley said to her, nudging
So'ka in the shoulder, “Maybe you can take care
of it.”
She asked, “Of what, exactly?”
It was the peasant girl that spoke up, “I am looking
for a... James Lionel Corgan.”
Mika's antennae sprang up. Her hand quivered, but failed
to deliver a near fatal slap to the face.
The peasant girl, oblivious to what was going on around
her, continued, “My father took this phaser as
a trophy. I took it away because I think he will do harm
with it. Besides, I saw the man whom this belongs to.”
Mika's antennae didn't twitch at all this time. They
sprang, “Where?”
“At Kappel Valley settlement. My home.” She
said, “I was there for harvest and we were celebrating,
and this handsome federation officer walks into our village
with two beautiful females. I think was was emotionally
invested in him but... she barely made a face.”
~”T'lan.”~ Mika seethed.
The peasant orated on dreamily, “He was so handsome
and brave to come to us! And such hair, like Rigellian
flax cured by the sun! I wanted to speak to him, but
my father and his thugs decided to take him away. But
I did be merciful, I dear I did! While he was unconscious,
I tended to his wounds. It was then my father took his
weapon and kept it to himself! Oh dear, I did not expect
him to smuggle it onboard. I swear! So I am turning it
in. Madam... do you know this man?”
“Not anymore...” She grumbled under grinding
“Huh?” She innocently peeped.
“Oh!” Mika about faced, smiling radiantly, “I
do. He is my mate. I...” She said as if trying
to tractor beam a asteroid out of a black hole, “...love
him very much.”
“Good! He deserves a loving person like you!” She
squealed excitedly, spinning about on her toes like a
swooning fool, “Then you can help me! Please, give
this Commander Corgan his sidearm back. It didn't have
a power pack, so I doubted my dolt of a father could
have done anything. Do try to do this, please?”
The girl presented to Mika, in both of her pale gray
hands and with a perky bounce that brought So'ka and
Hanley secretly to attention, the phaser. James Corgan's
customized sidearm, black as night and shining like a
mythical sword.
“Ummmm... thank you.” Mika squeaked helplessly,
taking the gun in both hands.
“You're welcome!” Tesli jumped up, to which
Paul and So'ka about faced away from her with a flush
to their cheeks, “I hope all will be well with
him. And if you meet him... tell him that I am sorry
for what my people have done to him, and that if things
were different, I would hope that we would get along
sooooo well.” The turbolift halted, and the young
Jem'Hadar peasant girl giggled affectionately. She left
fastly, a prance to her feet, So'ka and Hanley after
he heels like lovestruck hunting hounds.
Mika's fist, enclosed on the phaser's grip, was shaking
with rage.
“James...” Mika said to herself as she exited
the turbolift, “One more excuse... just one...
and the phaser you spent more time with than me will
go straight up your...”
Mika froze like a panicked deer. James Corgan, unaware
that she was around, was in front of her, watching Tesli
saunter past.
“Hmmmm...” James said, as if pondering one
of the great mysteries of the universe, “What's
Hanley and So'ka doing chasing that piece of Jem'Hadar
James Lionel Corgan didn't see it coming. Neither did
Mika. What she did was instinctual, like the disciplinary
slap upside the head amplified. But whatever she was
thinking, it took a few seconds longer to catch up to
her than the reaction she pulled next. Winding up like
a pro baseball pitcher, Mika threw the phaser at her
former beloved. The gleaming black metal weapon spun
and gyrated in the air, deadly in its purpose if not
its design.
What James knew was that he heard a whistling sound,
followed by a blow from what could have been a Naussican
weightlifter, driving the wind out of him and cracking
his ribs. He doubled over, his eyes watering with pain,
and he huddled into a fetal position. He looked up, and
Mika was staring down him, bluer in the face with pure
“Mika...” Jame wheezed, “What... the...
“Abandoned? Part 4”
By Commander James Lionel Corgan
And Mika Sh'Sonora
Location: USS Galaxy
Was it all over a piece of ass?
James Lionel Corgan hadn't much time to ponder the question,
or ask himself why he was doubled over on the floor,
clutching his ribs as if it was the difference between
living and dying. Since he had developed a respect for
the person who threw the object at him, a woman who barehandedly
bested three klingon warriors in a bar on Lan'Jep during
their first meeting, he was hardly in a position to use
his power and authority against her.
“What... the... F**K?!?!?!” James repeated
himself, more snarly than ever.
Mika snapped at him, her finger wagging accusingly at
his face from up above, “You never treat me properly!
You are always looking at other women, always paying
more attention to them! T'lan! Tekri! That peasant trollip!
Your stupid phaser! I come from a polygamous society,
and even I know what adultery is! How dare you! Iwillkillyouandtearyourheadoffandshoveitintothewastedisposalunit!
James weakly got up as she tiraded him to the rest of
his death. He was just as perplexed as the next guy,
and didn't mean to hurt Mika in any way, but he was not
sure about what to do next.
“What did I do?” James asked, so quintessentially
“What did you do?” Mika snarled, “What
did you do?!?! You are a hormone addled, penile deficient,
lying, cheating fek'adoon dear James!” She snapped,
reverting to her native Andorian long enough to scream
about himself and dark matter being placed in uncomfortable
places (though James counted the blessing of not knowing
Andorian). “You are the worst of men! You treat
others so highly, and you leave me alone? You take me
for granted. You give me no attention. You gave that
phaser more attention than me! You give Tekri and your
bastard daughter more attention than me! You gave that
Jem'Hadar teen's ass more attention than me.”
“But...” James sputtered, “...I...”
“James...” Mika suddenly turned chillingly
calm, “...I have to do this. I am sorry to tell
you, but I think our relationship is....”
James Corgan's comm-badge decided to beep, interrupting
Mika. =/\=Commander James Lionel Corgan. This is the
ch'Rihan Central Medical Complex.=/\=
“Damn and bugger.” Mika hissed in Andorian.
Cautiously watching Mika, he slowly activated the badge. “Corgan
A bored Romulan administrator droned over the comm channel,
=/\=We have called to inform you that the birth of Nuhir
t'Stellam Tekri has begun. As the biological father,
you have been asked to attend.=/\=
"Sh*t!" James hissed, "It started! I'll
be there soon. Over and out!"
To that, James dropped all his arguments, and like a
total full running retreat, left his emotionally charged
battle with Mika.
It was becoming a very high pitched fight, with Mika
showing a temper so characteristic of her Andorian heritage,
yet so unlike her collected self. All in all, it left
James unprepared; he didn't know what he could do to
diffuse the situation short of admitting he was wrong
(and even that may not have worked). Trying to explain
himself would have been useless, it was almost as if
there was no win win scenario. Mika in all her blue blooded
ferocity had within her hands a total route, knew so,
and was not afraid to devastate James with a blistering
barrage of insults, cajoling and accusations until either
he was a sootstain on the carpet, or until she was tired.
Then came the announcement, inflammatory, but his only
Atole Tekri was about to give birth to his child. A
child he didn't plan (she was a product of artificial
implantation, a failed attempt to draw him back into
their once steamy, but now quite dead, relationship),
and most certainly wasn't prepared for. It was one of
many points of contention between Mika and James, and
like the others one James felt helpless to control or
Still, he had to thank god for small blessings, even
if it was another dangerous potent.
The message also had the after effect of shutting Mika
into a stunned silence, and between them both it was
as if their quarrels didn't matter, their fight an insigificant
piece of an already expanding and important big picture.
But as with such heated exchanges, it wasn't so easy
to forget.
"Go." Mika snapped, her tiny palm quivering
in a poorly contained fist, "Just go. She needs
James knew he HAD to go. It was his child, but yet he
couldn't leave. He saw Mika in the throes of anger, her
body near shaking with rage. He did want to run off,
to go see Atole giving birth to Nuhir, but watching his
love torn with anguish made him stay put. She was beyond
any anger James ever felt, but like her body her spirit
was shaking apart. When her personal shielding waivered,
a hiccup would escape her mouth, or a slight glistening
wetness from her eyes.
~"My god..."~ James thought to himself empathatically,
~"...she doesn't want me to leave. Her anger is
keeping her from falling apart. If I go now, she won't
get angry at me and leave. She'll be heartbroken."~
James took a step forward. Mika immediately bristled,
took a step back, and shot an arm out in front of her
to ward him off. Not wanting to antagonize her further,
James took his steps forward slowly, and as he came close
she would step away, her wraith subsiding as her shields
quivered and quaked. She was close to being at tears,
needing one more step.
But Corgan didn't want to bring more sadness to her.
He stopped, and looked deeply to her. "I really
want you to be there for me. This is my first child,
and i'm scared sh*tless. Please, I need you."
"No!" Mika stared at the floor and away from
James, scrunching her arms in a tight knot and looking
down to avoid showing her tears, "I... can't take
it, James." Wracked with hiccups, she tried hard
to choke out the words with her peculiar aristocratic
air, but failed as it turned to her squeaky, tiny Southern
Andorian accent, "...There are so many that rely
on you, and that child and Atole is the final piece that
collapsed the rubble pile. Because of all your commitments,
I am pushed away. There is no time for me with you. Too
many people have your love, or a piece of... your heart,
as you humans say. Why do I feel like I have so little?
Why will you not share more of yourself with me?"
"Mika..." James explained, confused and bewildered, "What
more can I do? I love you. I thought that was established."
"That is not enough." Mika quailed, "We
love each other, but we are not together. You won't let
me be a part of your life. You won't let me know what
your heart loves, and loved before. You stay so... quiet,
like a stone in a pond. You won't tell me anything about
before, and I have to learn that from what... rumour?
Anecdotes? Your journals? Why can you not come to me?
I want to share in all that you are, good and bad. Why
will you not let me?"
Frustrated, James blurted out, "Well... I didn't
mean to give you the impression that i'm setting you
aside. And I sure didn't want to upset you. Why would
I talk about my previous relationships and where I stand
on them now? I'm sorry if I think it's more awkward to
talk about it, but I didn't want to you to be unhappy..." He
let he words trail off, "...but I did it anyways
by not saying a thing, didn't I?"
Mika slowly looked up at James. Her face was streaked
with tears, turning her turquoise skin darker. Her eyes
were softened in colour but bloodshot blue, and her snow
white eyebrows arched as her antennae sagged, downcast.
James croaked, his voice soft and lilting, "I'm...
scared of what you'll think when I tell you everything.
I don't want you to hate me or leave me because of all
that, and I don't want you to feel sorry for me or sad
for me because of it. You know how far i'd go to make
you happy, Mika."
She nodded her head, and sniffled, "You are treating
me like the Queen of Andoria again. Tell me the good
and the bad so that I may love you."
James said, "Are you sure? There is alot of stuff
that i'm not proud of."
"I do not mind."
"And I must say, my war experiences weren't pleasant,
and frankly, I was an asshole for most of that time,
even when I first meet you."
"I do not mind."
"And I have had lovers in the past, a few I have
cared deeply about, almost to the point of marrying them."
"And I already told you." Mika cracked a sad
smile, "I do not mind. Do you know what I do mind?"
James grinned, "Me making an ass of myself?"
Mika giggled, keeping back the tears with a sniff, "That
as well. But where I am from, our people are supposed
to be close. Every trial and pain, but every joy must
be experienced together. We think and feel strongly,
so when we are shut out by our mate... how are we supposed
to feel?"
"Neglected, I suppose." James replied.
"Exactly." She spoke softly, "Let me
in, let me share, and let me know I am first in your...
heart. That is what you humans help use to describe love,
"Yes." James answered, "And don't worry.
Your first in my heart."
"How do I know?" Mika snapped, almost accusingly.
"Well..." James had to think, it was a tough
question and it felt loaded, "...I did love Atole
once. But it never worked. She choose her assassination
job over me. She regretted it, but it was too late. I'm
sticking to that. And yes, I loved her then. But she
can't be what I loved before anymore, she made that choice.
So if she was first in my heart... I would have left
you in the hall."
She stumbled closer to James, "Why did you not
do so?"
He walked closer, but more cautiously. Mika was still
shaken and he didn't want to alarm her further. "Atole
has people that are there for her. Her family, friends,
her child even. I do want to be there, but mostly to
see Nuhir be born, and wish Atole and Nuhir both well
before I leave them. I want to be there for my child
because I can't be there for her life. For the moment,
Atole will be fine. Nuhir will be fine. They're not going
anywhere, and anything I can do her family can do it
ten times better. Right now, you need me even more, and
nobody but me can do it, and if I don't i'll lose you
James looked at her eyes deeply, "And you know
I can't stand that. I need you more than you know."
Mika scoffed, "You are a silly romantic."
James replied, "I like being a silly romantic.
If I sound like a bleeding idiot trying to get across
how much I love you, then i'll just have to sound like
a bleeding idiot."
Mika said, "You are a... bleeding idiot sometimes."
James shrugged, "That's another reason why I need
"Hmh." She swallowed a weak, crying laugh.
Though much too late to notice, James and Mika were already
together in an embrace, her face nestled into his chest
while his arms were cradled around her shoulders. She
had her arms locked over his ribs and her hands twined
behind his back; a woman of her will wouldn't let go
without the help of a starship's tractor beam. It hurt
his ribs where Mika threw his customized phaser pistol
at him, but at that point James was preoccupied with
more important matters to raise a point.
"I'm sorry, baby." James stroked her hair, "I'll
spend more time with you, I promise. I'll tell you everything,
after Nuhir is born. Ok?"
James felt Mika's head nod on his chest. "Not now,
"I'm afraid so." James and Mika adjusted themselves.
Walking arm in arm, cradled even though they were moving,
were still close so they would not let go, "Between
this and Nuhir, this is a little overwhelming. It won't
be easy to get used to."
"You will be fine." Mika smiled wanly up at
him, "You are a good man. I am sorry about hurting
"It's ok." James gave Mika a final, affectionate
stroke of her hair, "I understand."
"Putting Two and Two Together Part I"

Ensign Zev Raynor
Terran Telepath Intelligence Officer
Lieutenant Saul Bental
Chief Tactical Officer
A dark plain room with a table, two chairs, and a monitor.
Zev sighed rubbing his temples... why Starfleet Command
had called him in to do this particular job. He was sitting
in a very plain room reading up on his next 'victim',
as well as the report he gave on his last mission along
with several other candiates. He was also looking at
a two medical reports (before and after) and three pyschological
reports (before, after, during).
Something didn't add up just right. But Raynor also knew
the Bental name, so it could of easily been something
to do with that end of things. Being born as a Ronin,
he knew many things about that world. But there was going
to have to be a little bit of an interview.
Ironic how that Raynor was selected for that mission
by Captain Henderson, but at the last minute due to his
own acting out his mask way too far, he got kicked out.
I might of been on the other side of that table.
So here Raynor was armed to the teeth, reading reports
about what happened on Vaden and wondering what would
of happened had he been there. He called Saul in.
The door sled open, flooding the room with sudden bright
light. A man and a woman stood at the entrance, glancing
uncertain at each other.
"Stay here.", Saul told Chava, and rubbed
her shoulder. The blue-skinned woman seemed rather bored.
She took a seat just outside Raynor's view, and he could
see her holding some paper book. Saul watched her for
a moment, then entered the room.
"Shalom.", He greeted Raynor. The entire situation
seemed surreal for the ex-Intelligence officer turned
Tactical Chief. He knew the room, of course, and felt
more at home in the corridors of the Intel CIC than in
the Tactical offices. On his way in, he managed to say
hi to half the department, much to the dismay of the
security ensign that escorted him.
"I don't think we've ever been properly introduced" Raynor
said, "My name is Ensign Zev Raynor..." he
held out his hand. He was unusually cheerful given the
setting of the room. His telepathy detected the woman
Saul had spoke to a moment before. But he didn't bother
looking in that direction yet.
Saul shook Zev's hand. "Saul Bental. I left intel
shortly before you arrived to the Galaxy. I'm sure my
legacy lives on. So how may I help?"
Raynor rubbed his right temple for effect,"Well
I've been going over the reports from the Vaden Mission...
but its alot of reading to take in all at once so I was
wondering if you could recap the events yourself... I
find it sometimes helps to have conversations over what
happened rather than reading these reports," he
said still cheerful.
"Oh and if your wondering about my clearance level..." he
entered in a couple of commands. "Don't worry about
it." He said turning the monitior around just for
a few seconds and let the effect sink in.
Saul knew that there will be a more intense debriefing
beyond his and Miramon's visit to the Captain's ready
room. It was strange that of all the officers in Intel,
the one who was disqualified from the mission just before
it began was the one to debrief them.
Then again, Raynor had no reason to be jealous, given
what they went through during the last month.
Saul began recounting the progress of the mission. He
briefly summarized their approach route, including the
short stop at the gryphon coalition. "By the time
we left the coalition, we were told by the contact that
all the crew of the Backbroken's reward were captured
by the contact's people.", Saul concluded that part.
Raynor nodded not saying anything... just looking for
basic flaws in the story but finding none. Also looking
at the way he told the story rather more so than looking
at the events themselves too closely. The conversation
was being recorded in more ways than one. He simply needed
to direct the line of conversation
Saul scratched his chin, trying to recall what happened
next, then unfolded the events taking place directly
after they reached Vaden. He told Raynor of how he and
Miramon sold the replicators and the robotic spare parts
to the Yridian merchant. A broad grin crossed his face
when he threw in the punchline - that there were nano-microphones
hidden in the replicators, and nano-passive tracers implanted
in the robotic parts.
"Later on, we used both to follow a lead toward
an area on Vaden callsigned 'Olor 50, but that'll come
in a moment," Saul stated.
Raynor nodded again. He seemed to be deep in thought
taking all this information in. His smile was gone replaced
with more of a brooding glare... he felt something was
off but he couldn't quite but his finger on it.
Then, somewhat more reluctant than before, Saul reached
the part where he and Miramon penetrated the local chamber
of commerce. Saul pretended to be a merchant who wanted
to sell ores to the Hydran government, which held a monopoly
over such commodities in Vaden, while Miramon strolled
through the chamber offices and spread nano-bugs.
"He ran into a Hydran, and decided that the best
course of action would be to eliminate him.", Saul
sighed. "The moment I heard the alarm, I scramed
- with the other merchants - and waited to Miramon in
a pre-designated randez-vous point. I think it's only
fair that I'll let you hear Miramon's version of the
story, but... I suppose things could've gone in a different
Saul did not intend to give his exact opinion on his
friend's course of action, though he thought it was plain
wrong. He was a strong beliver in 'keeping dirty laundry
inside the house', and it's not like the conclusions
from Miramon's alleged mistake will alter the way field
agents are trained for ever and ever.
"So there were several points in time when you
were seperated from the rest of the team?" Raynor
asked in a sort of non-descript way.
"Three times. The first was on the Chamber of Commerce.
The second was when me and Miramon penetrated the Olor
50 facility. The third is when we searched for Counselor
Elessidil. Chief Jayce told us to go alone so that we'll
cover more ground, since we needed to get out ASAP and
the counselor has not yet returned."
"Can you describe what happened to you during those
three times... exactly as they happened?" Raynor
asked. His face was still emotionless, but not cold...
just not hot. More like bored, yet his words did not
match his face so it was become impossiblity hard to
read him.
"Of course. I already told you about the first
time - I was surrounded by the merchants, and when things
went nasty I just exited the chamber and waited for Miramon
several streets away. At the second time... the leads
we had from the Chamber of Commerce and the military
robotic parts both led us to a hidden installation in
the desert just outside the city. I told Miramon to remain
on a ridge, then penetrated the installation. It turned
out to be a major R&D center. I collected as much
evidence as I could - I'm not totally sure if your clearance
allows me to give you full description, sorry
- and then sneaked into a shuttle that was just departing
toward the city."
Raynor didn't mention how unlimited his access really
was, as a measure Starfleet had given him to prevent
any unnecessary deaths or trauma to the crew members.
Simply put he was allowed to know anything and everything
anyone esle on board the vessel he was allowed to know.
He had to work a little to build up that trust that he
wouldn't tell the first person who came along all of
the Federations secrets. And they couldn't simply wipe
the secrets from his mind. They had tried and failed
to so, thus he could not leave. He was "too valuable" to
eliminate, yet still dangerous to organization because
of what he could potential pick up on anyone given mission.
"How many patrols did you see while sneaking around?" Raynor
"Outside the compound, three mechanized, and probably
a wide network of sensors. I used a flock of alien animals
to mask my approach, so sensors would mistake me to be
a stray sheep, so-to-speak. Inside the compound... I
didn't count. Just tried to avoid getting into the line
of sight of any lifesign that showed up on my tricorder,
and prayed that the barrage of micro jamming devices
was enough to avoid being detected by internal sensors."
"Risky move..." Raynor commented. "I
mean if the sensors were any good, they should of been
able to pick out a human lifesign even in that herd...
why do you suppose they didn't?"
"As I said, I was carrying multiple devices intended
to minimize and jam my signature as much as possible.
That's also why it wasn't picked up inside the compound.
The reason I used the herd to mask my approach was because
didn't want some guard to see some unidentified dot
on some panel, and look
outside to see what that dot is. SFI technology can
fool Hydran sensors, but until they give me a personal
cloaking device, I'm as defenseless against
naked eye as 20th. century spies."
"Where did you find the animals anyways?" Raynor
"The Olor 50 area is a wilderness. On our way from
the spaceport to the compound, I noticed several herds
wondering around. It didn't take me long to find such
a herd once we reached the ridge overlooking the compound."
"So in that time you were able to make WILD animals
to take a very specific
route in an ubran area on a planet where you have no
familiarity with animal psychology or for that matter
knowledge of general behaviour of each beast?"
Raynor asked.
"Not an urban area. The compound stretched through
the bottom of a vale out of the desert. And believe it
or not, all I needed was to make some scary sounds, and
the beasts began running in the right direction. I saw
nomads do it," he added, suddenlly remembering.
Perhaps his Arabian alter-ego did
- Hide quoted text -
affect him a little.
"I see... well lets move on to your third instance..." Raynor
said in such a way that made seem as if he were making
a mental note of something.
- Hide quoted text -
"As for the third time..." Saul sighed. The
story he told next was of the grand fiasco with counselor
Brian. How he traversed the city, trying to find hints
about the whereabouts of Radu Prett, Brian's false identity.
How he was told where to find Prett, and how he was beamed
into the real Prett's office.
"SFI fucked up. Big time.", He stated when
he reached that point, his eyes flaring. "Somehow,
Prett was not in custody. He somehow caught word of Brian
using his name, and snatched him. Of course, I trusted
Intel enough to believe that if they say that Prett is
caught, then he's really caught. When I realized that
I was messing with the real Prett, it was already too
late to flee his lair. He locked me in the same cell
as the counselor. Eventually we managed to escape, and
got back to the Backbroken's Reward just in time."
Saul's eyes narrowed. "So the mission has been
compromised, but it's totally SFI's fault. As someone
with 'Special Observations' experience, I think that
the preparation job for this mission was done by amateurs.
And frankly, most of the team members including myself
weren't trained enough for this type of mission."
He leaned back in his chair. "I hope that what
I just said will get to the right ears in SFI."
Raynor internally sighed, partly because this wasn't
going to SFI even though it probably needed to just a
report whether or not Saul was a clone or a sleeper agent.
Partly because he knew how unreliable Starfleet Intelligence
could be... this is usually why he liked to confirm the
information he had through various contacts he had developed,
not the least of which were his own people, the Terran
Coven, who were usually able to gather more accurate
information, though they rarely needed to.
"Personally, I like to confirm any information
I get from SFI with an outside source..." Raynor
said. "but that aside, you gotta have a plan B,
C, D and E... on general principle."
"I would, of course, but we weren't given enough
time or information. The mission profile was very general,
and we were assured that our false identities are not
"That said lets move along... who's the woman?" Raynor
said now looking over to where she had hidden herself.
"Her name is Chava, or Eve.", Saul was now
traversing dangerous ground. "She comes from the
same world as me, and she is an unofficial 'source' of
I did not know that she was on Vaden until I found her.
I saw myself committed to retrieve her once I found her."
"She doesn't look like she's all there... what
happened?" Raynor asked with slight interest.
"What do you mean 'Not all there'? We kept her
sedated since we left Vaden until we reached Federation
space, so she's still recuperating."
"Getting a vague sense of recent trauma..." Raynor
said carefully. "Which never a good sign... know
anything about that?"
"She was most likely tortured," Saul explained
in a matter-of-fact tone.
"And later interrogated by myself, though she did
not know - and still doesn't - that it was I who questioned
her. And we'll keep it that way. I intend to let her
leave the Galaxy as soon as we return from Romulus."
"Yet you seem to refuse keeping her out of sensitive
areas... especially with her lack of security clearance" Raynor
said hands spread all around as this room was located
in Intel CIC.
"I thought you needed her as part of the debriefing," Saul
replied, confused. "As it is, She's either with
me or restricted to my quarters, without any security
clearance at all. If you want her to get out of CIC,
just tell the escort and he'll take her back there. To
be honest, I rather she stayed there 'till she gets off
the ship. I would never bring her on board or even expose
my presence to her - in enemy territory, mind you - if
I haven't thought that I was saving her life by doing
"You should allow her to see counsellor Saul, she's
fine as long as she keeps her eyes in that book. I will
need to ask her a few basic questions however, now that
shes here, but the call was for you and you alone.
Anyways what did you find out from her?" Raynor
"Nothing much, especially when compared to the
data collected from the Olor 50 facilty. I didn't expect
to see her on Vaden, and I extracted her mainly because
I thought she was at risk. Shall we call her in?"
"Lets" Raynor said with simplicity...
The door opened, and Eve stepped in. Chocolate-colored
shaggy hair landed in disarried curls on her forhead.
She stood next to Saul, smiling cordially as she rested
a blue-colored hand on the Tactical chief's shoulder.
"Next time I'll bring a longer book," She
"Try porn next time..." Raynor joked. "Might
not be longer par say, but it certainly grabs one's attention
for lengthy periods. And for some reason the art of it
never gets old regardless of how many times you see it."
Eve rolled her eyes. "Men."
Raynor shook his head in response... "Women."
"Alright take a seat, just have to ask you a few
questions... lets start with who the hell are you?" Raynor
asked, getting right to the point.
She grinned widely. "I'm the Bolian-Human cheek
from doom. Are you serious, mister... mister... what's
one golden pip, Saul?"
"Ensign," Saul responded dryly.
"--Mister ensign."
"Be serious, Eve," Saul demanded.
"I'm not the one asking 'who the hell are you'...
all right. My name is Chava, I'm a merchant from Utrecht
III, and an 'unoffcial Humint source' or however Saul
called it."
Raynor sighed internally again... if this person truly
wished to be difficult he could always kill her. He'd
get the information he saught either way. "What
were you doing on Vaden?" he asked his tone deadly
"I was on a business trip."
"What was the nature of your business on Vaden?"
"The nature of my business... was none of your
business," the words came out slowly.
"I promised Eve not too question her about her
business trips," Saul interjected, "It's part
of our mutual agreement. The other side of the deal is
that she doesn't ask what business *I* do."
Eve nodded. "The last thing I need is to get tangled
with your authorities over this fellow's joyrides around
the Galaxy."
Raynor laughed... "Well, lookie here your already
tangled with Starfleet authorities, Saul isn't asking
you the questions I am... and we don't have any such
arrangement now do we? And your business is very much
my business because its my business to know as much as
possible to find out what the hell happened back on Vaden...
and why one team member sent there thought it was worth
increasing the risk not only to his own life, but all
the others on his team for your tortured ass... so you
could stone wall us? And do not think I will not hesistate
to kill you, if you continue uncooperative..."
There it was... the threat was in the air... Raynor
already had his hand on one of his guns ready, or so
it would appear, to carry out the threat.
Saul stood up sharply, hands slammed on the table. "You
are WAY out of line, Ensign. You will NOT threaten the
life of any of my sources. Certainly not in a routine
mission debriefing. And the only reason I'm not going
to submit a complaint about you is because your direct
superior would pardon Hitler if she knew it would irritate
He nodded at Eve. "This conversation is over. Come
4 seconds later...
The table had been flipped over the monitor was smashed,
Saul had been flung across the room albeit as lightly
as humanly possible, and Eve was pinned against the door
looking down the barrel of a gun. Raynor pulled the trigger
and then...
"Putting Two and Two Together Part II"

Ensign Zev Raynor
Telepath Intelligence Officer
Lieutenant Saul Bental
Chief Tactical Officer
A dark plain room with a table, two chairs, and a monitor.
"And do not think I will not hesistate to kill
you, if you continue uncooperative..."
There it was... the threat was in the air... Raynor
already had his hand on one of his guns ready, or so
it would appear, to carry out the threat.
Saul stood up sharply, hands slammed on the table. "You
are WAY out of line, Ensign. You will NOT threaten the
life of any of my sources. Certainly not in a routine
mission debriefing. And the only reason I'm not going
to submit a complaint about you is because your direct
superior would pardon Hitler if she knew it would irritate
He nodded at Eve. "This conversation is over. Come
4 seconds later...
The table had been flipped over the monitor was smashed,
Saul had been flung across the room albeit as lightly
as humanly possible, and Eve was pinned against the door
looking down the barrel of a gun. Raynor pulled the trigger
and then...
It was empty. And Raynor let go as if statisified with
look on his face...
"Well that's definetly going to come out of my pay
check," Raynor said looking at the monitior... then
turning to Saul. "You ever heard of a bluff?
Think about that logically... how could I, get the information
if she was dead... there is no way humanly possible for
me to do it!" His sarcasm was showing through again.
His telepathy had already gotten him all the information
he needed.
Eve's split second of complete raw fear of death...
was enough for him to extract all the information he
needed to screen her out as a possible enemy agent.
Raynor sighed offering Saul a hand up expectant of his
complaint... "My mission wasn't to debrief you Saul
or her..." Raynor began to explain. "It was
to screen you... and if you ask what for, I'll start
doubting what your ability to put two and two together.
And the words "any means you deemed necessary" were
in those orders... so complain to whomever you wish,
it won't make a difference. HQ gave me the authority
here. And if you think of warning anyone esle on the
team I wouldn't bother... you were the last on the list."
"Lovely," Saul muttered. He was pale, much
to his dismay. "Raynor, I've seen your 'logic' in
action prior to... our departure. Are we done here?"
"Pretty much, unless you want to help clean up..." Raynor
joked looking again at the smashed monitor.
"You're going to sue him, right?" Eve snarled
as Saul took her hand.
"Go ahead and wait with the security guy, I'll
have some words with our nut friend here," Saul
told her, and ushered her out of the door. It swished
open and close, leaving Raynor and Saul alone.
"Perhaps I can't put two and two together, but
I don't see how your little act helped you screen us."
"Technically this is classifed but seeing as your
the Head of Tactical and I might have to feed you information
at some later date... quickly... best to get this entire
explaination out of the way..." Raynor began.
The next part of his explaination was the part where
he talked really fast, "Basically I'm telepath who
experiences the same tramua everyone esle around me experiences
as they go through it. Death, Near-Death, and Fear of
Death that is going to happen very soon, allows me to
see other people's lives flash before their eyes... and
I collect the entire sum of their experiences in that
manner. I didn't want to have to use that method because
its a pain in the ass, and destroys my ability to play
harmless idiot in people's minds."
A dark frown crossed Saul's face. What the Elder telepath
from DS5 told him still haunted him, but he tried his
best not to take it seriously. He still did not accept
that there were Human telepaths, let alone that he was
one of them. Actually meeting one of them... no, but
Raynor couldn't be serious. Or was he?
"One last thing, Mr. Raynor, and I think it would
be better if you turned off the recording devices now
that we're done. All four of them."
Raynor raised an eye brow and then spoke, "Computer
stop all visual and audio recording devices..." The
room made the usual acknowledged sounds.
Though the universal translator recording still continued.
Saul folded his arms, measuring the black-collared Ensign. "I
may have my disagreements with Dobryin, but she's a fine
officer, and held in high esteem by the Captain. Eventually,
she'll be promoted and probably transfered higher up
the ladder. And do you know who would be her natural
heir? Hint - he's originally from Intel, already serves
on board, and has Department Head experience. Two and
two, Raynor. It's often four."
"Me?" Raynor asked in jest. True Raynor was
also from Intel and had Department Head experience...
but he knew the answer was infact Saul. The current Captain
didn't really trust Raynor because of the act he forced
on himself.
Saul flashed a crooked smile at Raynor before turning
his back on him. "The answer should be given in
rational numbers."
"The rational numbers as you call them are in my
favour... Over ten years experience in Fleet Operations,
being currently more up todate with the state of affairs
within this department, years of experience in being
a Department Chief, and not tied down with running another
Rationally I would be choice... Mr. Bental, but based
on gut instinct alone... and that is based irrational
fear of contradictions in the basic face I present to
the world," Raynor spoke softly, but openly.
"A face which has hacked the comm system so for
a straight hour. And not only could it not be overwritten,
but it couldn't be traced either. And with that broadcast
that ensued, managed to distract the crew from a recent
incident... trauma... and yet no figured out the obvious
intent of my actions to cheer everyone up. Even with
the boost in morale right afterward. Because they considered
the man behind the action an idiot,"
Raynor was revealing part of his true nature... though
he still hated how much he was talking, and bragging.
Especially bragging.
It wasn't the way of a Ronin tell so much... but chances
said that they'd be working together soon, now that they
were in Romulan space... he didn't want to risk having
this officer not taking him seriously when there was
a decent chance he might need to. For some reason Raynor
felt it was worth it to have this man reevaluate him.
"I'll be the last one to say anything about anyone
who publicly offends Admiral Proctor, but I also witnessed
your act on the mission briefing. What purpose did THAT
"To see who esle had been called into the meeting
place and do a quick read through of their personel files..." Raynor
said quietly. "And guess the nature of the mission
based on that. To see if it could be done. Because enemy
agents would undoubtably notice the sudden disappearance
of TWO department heads, the marine's CO, and Command
Master Chief all at the same time. That kind of planning
just smells stupid, but I take it you were in a rush..."
"I see." Saul didn't know what to make out
of that one. He, too, had his doubts about the mission,
doubts which were proves to be more than justified. However,
the thought of doing what Raynor did - showing up late,
and practically forcing Henderson to boot him - didn't
cross his mind.
"I don't have any problems with people not playing
by the book." He continued after a moment, "I
just don't like the style."
"Eh, it's not a popularity contest..." Raynor
shrugged. "And I don't mind being asked to die,
so long as its a smart move to make, or the right move
to make... But there is one more thing... Why did Prett
let you off so easily? The escape as Brian tells it,
was cliche to the extreme."
"Yea," Saul even told counselor Brian that
their escape from the cell was 'the oldest trick in the
book'. "Between that and the chamber of commerce,
it's no wonder you were asked to screen me. People like
Prett... they don't work with the authorities, they work
between the authorities, and that's why he didn't sell
us to the Hydrans. Perhaps it was his way to repay SFI
for trying to capture him and use his identity for a
clandestine operation.
That's the best explenation I could come up with, and
I admit it's not a very good one."
"That's a crappy guess..." Raynor stated,
his sarcasm was in full force.
"Let's start with my leading theory. He let you go,
so you could report back to us to tell us what he looks
like because he's about to change his appearance again,
but that doesn't explain why he made it overly easy...
what do you think about that?"
"Equally as crappy," Saul countered. "I
wouldn't have gone through all the efforts, but simply
changed my appearance."
"Gets us to waste resources trying to find a man
in white... under a different name on Vaden... Why would
he let you walk away with that information if he didn't
plan on changing his identity and location? And Saul...
it is possible to have more than one objective attached
to letting you go, but that's definetly on the list...
if he even suspects you of being an under cover op, then
for that man, it would probably trigger an identity change.
Perhaps you encounter so little resistance because nearly
everyone had left... just think about it."
"If I were him, and I would allow my prisoners
to escape with ease, it would be to follow them to the
rest of the group... but, since we managed to leave Vaden,
he probably didn't. Before you ask, once spaceborne,
we took every possible measure to avoid being tailed."
"No..." Raynor shook his head. "I thought
of that possiblity but, he made it TOO easy... someone
with Prett's experience would have made it seem easy,
yet difficult enough so as to not arouse suspicion. If
he was going to tail you he would of implanted a tracking
device in Brian while he was unconiscous, and he came
back from sickbay clean."
"So what does he gain by making it suspiciously
easy? By the way, next time YOU can wrestle a guard and
run half the spaceport, if you think that it was too
Raynor laughed at that... "If I'm there I will...
probably will, but then again I wouldn't of been thrown
in the brig in the first place. Pretending to be someone
I'm not..." he said smirking again.
"I'm sure you'll get your chance."
"By the way..." Raynor asked. "Do you
want to know what your girl out there has been up to,
or should I keep that information to myself?"
Saul smirked. "Nice try, but I finished playing
that game. As far as I'm concerned, what's important
that she's not going back to Vaden."
Saul didn't have a chance to consider the implications
of Raynor mind-scanning Chava until now. He didn't know
how effective was his mind-reading method, and did not
intend to supply the intelligence officer any more information.
As long as Eve wasn't aware of Saul's agenda, it was
secure. And if Raynor found out about the real purpose
of Eve's business trip, then Saul's career would be much
safer if no one knew that Saul was aware of Eve's intentions.
If Raynor did find out why Eve was there, and will inform
his superiors...
well, it'll make Saul's life harder, true, but he'll
just have to adapt and change his plans accordingly.
As if reading his thoughts, "If I gave away everyone's
secrets... I'd be spending the rest of life writing reports..."
"And we don't want THAT now, do we?" Saul
responded dryly.
Raynor chuckled, and then looked at Saul with a more
serious voice. "Your free to go, though I might
think of one or two questions later on that I might need
to ask you later so be aware of that..."
"Didn't think otherwise," Saul turned to leave,
then recalled one last thing.
"And of course, if you get a new insight about
Prett... talk to me."
"Certainly" Raynor said, grabbing the table
and flipping it back upright, revealing how smashed the
monitor was... "Whoever they send to fix this, isn't
going to believe what happened."
"He'll just have to put two and two together."
Ensign Artim -Security Brat
"Boys Will Be Boys"
<< Cargo Bay >>
"I'm on it" Artim said into his commbadge
as he picked up his pace in response to the call he'd
gotten. Apparantly a civilian and one of the Jem'hadar
were in a fight. Normally Artim wouldn't be the best
person to respond but in this case, the officer in charge
of watching the Jem-hadar had requested Artim specifically.
The two combatants were kids.
He got to the place, right outside one of the Cargo
Bays the Jem'hadar were inhabiting and almost got run
over by a human boy heading away at top speed. Instead
they bumped slightly, enough to stop both. The human
looked a little older then Artim and a number of cuts
on his face.
"Help! One of those monsters is after me!",
the boy shouted
In close pursuit of the human was a Jem'hadar boy, same
age with a look of victory on his face.
"Coward! Come back here!"
Seeing no other adults moving to stop the...incident
Artim jumped in the path of the Jem'hadar and said sternly, "Ok,
that's enough."
The Jem'hadar stopped in his tracks, confused. The same
confused look he normally got when someone saw him in
uniform for the first time.
Figured, he'd gotten the look from alot of the Jem'Hadar
on Tru'haran.
Eventually he responded,
"And what do you think you can do kid! I already
beat your friend there."
Artim shook his head and rolled his sleeves up and assumed
a defensive stance. He didn't want to stun a kid, especially
since stun didn't do much on a Jem'hadar anyway. He figured
he might have to get rough, but he didn't want to.
"This uniform's not for show...whatever your name
is. I'm security.
Now, why don't you go back in there and we'll forget
this happened OK?
Before Artim was done speaking the Jem'hadar was rushing
straight at him, straight on charge. As soon as he was
in reach Artim grabbed the Jem'hadar and used a Judo-like
manuver he'd learned in his days as a freighter pilot
to reverse the youth's momentum and throw him to the
ground. Not hard, but enough for the kid to get the message
that there'd be more. Undeterred the Jem'hadar got up
and came at Artim again. This time he managed to land
a punch to the Miran's temple that staggered Artim for
a moment before he responded with a swift punch to the
alien youth's stomach followed by another to the chin
that sent the kid backwards. Before the Jem'hadar could
come at him again, two adult Jem'hadar finally emerged
and held the boy back.
"Let me at him dad!" the kid screamed only
to earn a glare from one of the adults.
"Enough Erid! That one is one of their officers,
and he's alot older then he looks.", the adult Jem'hadar
said. Artim vaguely recognized him as one of the scientists,
Ita'arik, he'd met at the lab. After he sent the youngster,
who had a extremely shocked look on his face now, back
in the cargo bay with the other adult he looked at Artim
and the human child and said, "My apologies for
my son's behavior. The two boys had met at school, and
"Boys will be boys Ita'arik, its totally understandable.
I know as well as any." , Artim replied as he pulled
himself together.
"Indeed. Again, my apologies ensign. Be well." ,
Ita'arik nodded and went back in the bay.
"How did you...", the human boy said with
a mix of awe and curiousity in his voice.
"Rough childhood. Come on, I'll take you to sickbay." ,
Artim grinned from ear to ear as he helped the human
boy up and sheparded him to the turbolift.
"Personal Log"
Ensign T'Rei
"Upon my time here on the Galaxy, I've had a few
major revelations in terms of what my life is and or
was. My identity up until this point was assured, but
recent developments lead me to question exactly who I
am. At the request of the counselor, I am starting a
personal journal that's handwritten, however, at this
juncture I believe that it is more logical to speak my
words verses taking the added time to write them down
on "paper". Finding a happy medium between
my Vulcan upbringing and Terran genetics is not the most
I find at times that I get perplexed as to how I am supposed
to act. There are moments when I am in the middle of
a duty shift, or in ten forward drinking a coffee and
just want to break free from this mold that was placed
upon my psyche. What would be the logic in that? Nothing.
You see, that's where I'm stumped. I would give anything
to shed my inhibited nature, just for a fore night. A
few people; the counselor and the fighter pilot have
seen me at my most human, and nothing derogatory has
come from it. I believe I shocked the pilot, and have
not heard from him since. Which would make sense. Exhibiting
that side of myself should only be reserved for me in
the privacy of my own quarters. Or, at least, with the
holosuite locked.
I have to admit, my Vulcan stance has alienated me from
gaining acquaintances on board. I appear "stiff" to
most of my fellow security department crew, and they
find it easier to distance themselves from me rather
than to get to know me. It is not their fault that they
feel uncomfortable, it's a factor of vision over personality.
Upon viewing no pointed ears, they naturally wonder why
the girl with the red hair and green eyes act so non-
emotional. It could be of benefit if a situation arose
that would call for use of my head, instead of my heart.
Lately, for years at least, my head has always led my
actions. My heart has easily grown cold due to non use
of it. Hell, I wonder if I'm capable of passion, love,
and romance without analyzing every little incident that
occurs that can lead to those things. Time will tell.
Other things on board have been interesting to say the
least. Having all the Jems walking around does not affect
me the way it affects some of the other crew members
due to the war. I have researched the events, and understand
truly the animosity felt towards the Jem Hadar. It is
just as with any other war, the side you are on dictates
your feelings and actions for the most part. There may
be a few traitors, but in the long run, the side you
are affiliated with molds you to certain beliefs that
you grew accustomed to having. Some may have feelings
to the opposite of their side, but rather than cause
a 'stir' they quietly revolt in their own ways. In the
end, it comes down to politics. Wars are started and
ended on events that spark leaders to speak up on behalf
of their people. Even if some of the people disagree
on the events or what led up to them, it is the people
in charge that have the last say, regardless of various
I'll record more later, due to the fact that I am up
for a duty shift.
Ensign T'Rei. End recording."
-Recording stopped.-
"A Random Trip into Angel's"
By: Michael Ayers/T'Rei
It was one of "those" shifts that made T'rei
wonder why she ever felt inclined to join Star Fleet,
let alone join the security department. Tension had been
high lately, which made the personal rather hostile towards
each other. Just from this shift alone, she had an incident
of domestic violence, two security ensigns sent to the
brig for fighting over a science ensign, three drunks,
and a routine patrol on deck 16. It was enough to cause
even the most stoic Vulcan impersonator to drink, and
that's exactly what she was going to do.
Upon entering the bar, she boldly walked her exhausted
frame up to a chair, hoisted herself upwards, and motioned
to the bar keep.
"Whiskey, straight up."
Michael turned his shoulder and looked at the newcomer
for a few seconds. He had his fair share of "damn
the conversation and give me a drink" people through
his bar lately, an obvious indication of the heightened
stress levels on board the Galaxy. Turning completely,
he pulled out a small shot glass and poured the amber
beverage into it.
Handing the sharp beverage to her, he smiled. "Hi,
nice to meet you too." He grinned, not offended
by her lack of introduction, rather trying to remind
her that he wasn't a replicator.
She offered him a somewhat lopsided grin in return.
Grabbing the drink, she downed it in two seconds, the
obvious affects were not lost on her latest facial _expression. "I've
been ravaged by idiots. I apologize if I come across
as hostile." She held out her hand "Ensign
T'Rei." Glancing downwards, and then back up to
meet his gaze, she pointed at her uniform. "Security
Michael returned the gesture with a grin, "Looks
like I'm wrong then, I figured you for an engineer." He
replied with a grin, pulling her empty shot glass back
and washing it out before returning it to its place
behind the bar. The Angels Club was much busier today,
perhaps because more people were hearing about it and
thus, deciding to give it a try themselves. He was
contemplating establishing a emitter to provide a few
holographic assitants, but that would require a little
help from Engineering.
"An engineer? Now, some of the security officers
would peg that as an insult sir."
Returning his attention to T'Rei. "I won't have
to relieve you of your firearm will I?" He asked
with an amused grin, mostly joking but then again,
there was always the possibility of a drunk security
officer firing into the ceiling like some 19th century
T'Rei smirked somewhat. "Nooooo, you won't. That's
all the alcohol I'm permitting myself. I would like
some coffee though." She nodded as she wrapped
her hand around the large mug he sat in front of her. "What's
your story? And, since I'm going to be here for a while,
I want the whole bloody story."
Michael chuckled, realizing that she hadn't been the
first, nor last to inquire as to his past. Apparently
that topic has sparked more interest on board the Galaxy,
as this proverbial rumor mill seemed incredibly efficient,
and very active. If he didn't know better he'd say that
someone had made it a job on board this ship. Whether
T'Rei was trying to figure him out on behalf of those
fellows, or whether it was just simple curiosity didn't
"There's no story to tell, I'm just a humble bartender
serving you drinks." He replied simply with a familiar
smirk as he ran the replicator. Coffee was perhaps one
of the only beverages that he had to use the replicator
for, considering that transporting real beans was very
expensive, even in the 24th century. He continued, "I
came from point 'A', landed in point 'B', and accidently
found myself in point 'C'. Now, I'm at point 'D', serving
you coffee" He finished, handing her the mug.
"So how about you? I've heard a few interesting
things." He concluded.
Bringing the mug up to her lips, she lightly took a
sip of the beverage, reveling in the calmness the stimulant
provided her. Placing the mug down, she arched her
one eyebrow. "Interesting things about me? Yeah
right. The most interesting thing about me is that
I put my pants on one leg at a time."
Michael chuckled, "There are still people who
do that?"
The last time he had an attractive female in the bar
was when Ember Lansky was around, and he had gone through
his fair share of bottles with her. She was incredibly
mysterious, probably comparable with the shroud and
shadow he used to conceal his own past. They still
had plans for later this evening, which wouldn't be
entirely comfortable since he'd have to take another
dose. Hopefully the symptoms would be minor.
T'Rei seemed of a different breed though, not the type
who would enjoy alcohol in such surplus amounts. She
seemed, in control.
She watched him as he served others around the bar.
It would be nice to have his attention just on her,
but then, that would not be realistic. He had a business
to run, and by the looks of it, it was going rather
well. He walked back over. "Well, what do you
like to do for fun?" It was obvious that he was
not into sharing his past, and she was one to respect
that and not badger him to death about it.
Michael grinned, leaning forward against the bar stand
as he inched slowly closer towards T'Rei. It wasn't
an intimate gesture, more of a casual motion. "How
about you?"
"I read, write, ballroom dance, fire phasers, tackle
bad guys...you know...typical girl stuff."
"Typical girl stuff, huh?" Michael began, wiping
the table clean with a sterilizing cloth he had draped
around his shoulder. "Name one thing that's *typical*
around here." He said, motioning around the ship
and its crew.
"Um..." T'Rei paused as she gave a cursory
glance to her surroundings. "Well, everything around
here is typical in it's own way."
Michael gave her a curious look, he hadn't been on
board for very long at all and he could already tell
that this ship was about as atypical as it came. Hell,
just take one look at the security officer who barely
stands above four feet and looks like he could be his
kid brother. "Really?"
"Well, yeah. What means typical to one person is
something non - typical to the next person. So in an
abstract way, everything is typical to some body." She
paused and shook her head. "God, I hate when I do
that....go off on tangents." T'Rei laughed lightly. "Sorry."
Michael shrugged lightly, the grin failing to fade.
She turned to hop down from her bar stool. "Thanks
for the conversation and the coffee. I have to go and
rest a bit. I have another shift starting in a few
Michael nodded, pulling her mug over but maintaining
his attention on her as not to be rude or anything
like that. "Take it easy, although I doubt you'll
be getting much rest after drinking one of these." He
replied, gesturing towards the mug.
"I'm pretty sure I can catch a few hours of sleep.
If not, I'll likely see you soon." T'Rei stated. "It
was nice meeting you."
"Likewise," Ayden returned with a small wave
as he finally turned the glass over and placed it into
storage. When T'Rei was out of sight he started to chuckle
again, resounded at the diversity of this crew. That
one was supposively the vulcan-trained human he was hearing
about. She certainly seemed at a clash in the way she
socialized, partly with the stotic vulcan demeanor, mostly
with the human side of fun.
"Fun fun..." he replied, continuing his work.
Glancing at his chronometer, he realized that he had
a little less than an hour before morning shift started,
which meant he'd be enjoying breakfast with Ember Lansky
before getting some sleep himself.
"Deus ex machina?" Part 1
Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Cora Dobryin
Chief Intelligence Officer
Ensign Eve
Intelligence Officer
(Technical Operations)
Transporters. A miracle achievement of technology, they
can whisk a person or object from here to there in the
space of a handful of heart beats. Eve always did enjoy
transporters. She found the sensation of dematerialization
and subsequent reassembly refreshing and invigorating
in ways incomprehensible to others when she tried to
Within Transporter Room 2, USS Galaxy, a single column
of light descended from ceiling to floor, widened with
the usual accompaniment of white, blue, cerulean, and
the barest hint of violet hues, and faded into nonexistance
to leave a singular figure standing upon the
#1 pad, complete with a single mid sized duffel bag strapped
over her left shoulder. Eve turned her cold, violet eyes
onto the transporter operator. "Permission to come
The chief nodded, though it was obvious he was slightly
"Permisson granted, ma'am. Lieutenant Dobryin has
left instructions that you are to proceed to the intelligence
Eve nodded her thanks and stepped down off the padd,
making her way for the door and the corridor that inevitably
lay just beyond. When informed of her posting, Eve had
called up the specifications of the USS Galaxy. Not the
Galaxy 3 serries, but the Galaxy herself.
Confident in the accuracy of the quite up to date schematics,
she made her way post haste towards the Intelligence
complex burried within the starship's saucer section.
Cora was in her office doing some much needed research.
Given the current mission and investigation things were
very busy in Intelligence. Expecting the latest addition
to the department any time now.
It didn't take to long for Eve to arrive at the intel
Aparently, her clearance was already programed into the
computer - no surprise there - as the doors whisked open
for her without inquiry. A few heartbeats later found
her at the door to the Chief's office.
She pressed the chime.
"Enter," Cora called.
Eve stepped inside, came to attention, and saluted smartly. "Ensign
Eve, reporting for duty, Ma'am."
She stood to greet her new Intelligence Officer, "Welcome
aboard the Galaxy."
"Thankyou," Eve responded.
"Just A Short Trip"

Lieutenant Kimberly Burton
Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant Dhanishta Eshe
Assistant Chief Engineer
Lieutenant Victor Krieghoff
Security Officer
Medical Officer
Ensign Lela Beral
Operations Officer
Flight Officer Ember Lansky
Fighter Pilot/Helm Officer
Sub-Commander Delon Velal (NPC - Written by Trey)
Naval Intelligence Officer
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"Why me!"
"...It's not like I don't have enough to do," Kimberly
griped to the unresponsive Runabout. Sat in the aft section
of the USS Legacy, one of the Galaxies Yellowstone Runabouts,
she waited for the mixture of personnel that had been
assigned to this little excursion to arrive. 'A simple
run' she'd been assured, 'Scan the asteroid zone in system,
fly around for a while and check the area. detailed tachyon
scan,' ~ And so on and so forth, ~ she thought as she
read the brief again.
"How did I end up with this?" she mused, "did
someone think I need command experience?" ~ Yeah,
right! ~ checking the PADD again she looked for authorisation
on the form, expecting Kol, figuring this would be just
the sort of humour the Klingon XO would probably subscribe
to, seeing however Hendersons authorisation she frowned
and made a mental note to have a 'long' chat with the
skipper. When she got back.
They had a few hours to go through pre-brief, and a
few more hours to pack and prep, ~ A lot to do for a
simple recon! ~ she admitted, scrolling through the checklist
attached to the brief. Apparently, up until the dissolution
of the neutral zone a while back, there had been rumours
of ships operating out of the zone, ignored by the Rihannsu
as they had never entered their space, and uncaught by
Starfleet as the fleet had never been prepared to venture
into the zone. Now with the relations between the two
governments somewhat more amicable there had been more
of an effort made to try and find the ships that had
preyed on civilian vessels.
There were still a few systems marked as neutral territory,
holdouts who preferred or profited from staying non-aligned,
and it was to one of these systems asteroid zones that
they would be going, to see if they could find out anything
new. ~ Get in, snoop around, be nosy. nothing new really!
~ I still want to know why me though! ~ she complained
to herself again as she waited
* * * * *
No one had thought to tell Delon when he was given the
assignment that he would be travelling with the humans.
It was an insult to the sub-commander who had worked
his way up into the Rihannsu Navy Intelligence sciences
division to become a babysitter for the likes of the
Federation. Nevertheless no would could tell him he was
not dedicated to his job, because here was on the D'Deridex
class ship waiting for whoever it was to arrive so he
could join them. Delon liked being onboard the Dividices,
it was a refreshing to be away from the homeworld, but
knowing why he was here was slightly bitter on his tongue.
For now all he could do was wait onboard the cloaked
ship and wait for the others to arrive so he could join
Lela just came to her quarters after duty, and she took
notice of some message waiting for her in the computer
~ Hopefully it isn't another transfer ~ thought Lela
It was an order to join a special scout mission in former
neutral zone to find some pirates. She should report
to the leader of the mission, Lt. Kimberly Burton.
~ Strange, a doctor leads scout mission. So, I'll better
go to report immediately ~ "Computer, where is Lieutenant
Kimberly Burton?"
=Lieutenant Kimberly Burton is in main shuttlebay, in
USS Legacy= "Thanks."
Lela left her quarters again, heading to the nearest
"Main shuttlebay." She ordered to the computer.
Few moments later Lela was entering the main shuttlebay.
USS Legacy was quite near to the turbolift, with which
Lela arrived. Lela set forth, heading towards her. She
hadn't found lieutenant on the bridge of the runabout,
so she entered the aft section. Lieutenant Burton was
sitting in a chair in the lounge and she was starring
at some PADD. The initial impression to Lela was, that
Kimberley is not very happy about her new role.
~ Well, it will be very interesting mission. In principle
inexperienced OPS officer, Commanding officer not sure
of herself either, hopefully at least the others will
be more suitable. And hopefully nothing unexpected will
happen ~
While Lela was thinking, Kimberley raised her eyes at
her. Lela found, that it is a bit inappropriate for her
to be silent, and that she should explain her presence
"Ensign Lela Beral, OPS officer for the mission,
reports for duty sir."
* * * * *
Victor checked his padd a final time, found nothing
new that needed doing, and dropped it on to his desk.
His shifts were covered and assignments had been altered
to make up for his absence. He wasn't sure how long the
assignment would last, so he'd made suggestions on semi-permanent
revisions to the schedule to Commander Corgan; whether
the Commander would take them was, of course, another
A buzz from his door was followed by the quiet announcement
from the security scanner installed there that the caller
was the Flight Officer.
He'd expected that on some level after the message he'd
sent her, informing her that he was temporarily being
assigned off-ship. "Enter."
She was still dressed in her flight coveralls, which
meant that she'd come straight from the simulators. There
was something else about her though, something... different. "Yes?" he
asked as he picked up the small bag he'd packed.
"What's wrong?" she asked. "Where are
they sending you? It's not about your lung again, is
"No." She appeared worried, although Victor
didn't understand why. "A survey mission."
She relaxed slightly. "Why do they need you to
survey something?"
The answer was obvious, "Because they might find
"But..." she shook her head. "I... Why
did you send me the message? Why not just go?"
That was silly too - or at least he thought it was. "You
needed to know, so you wouldn't wait for me in the holosuite
every night until you discovered I was gone."
Her green cat's eyes widened slightly. "You didn't
want me too."
Ah. That was it. "You changed you hair," Victor
observed, interrupting her. "It's simpler now."
She smiled and looked down. "Do you like it?" she
asked softly.
Victor considered that. Did he? How did someone 'like'
hair? What did that mean? Perhaps she meant it in purely
geometric terms? "It frames your face better this
way," he offered.
Her smile widened, and she flushed slightly.
"I have to go," Victor continued. "I've
set the rolling holosuite reservation to resume after
I get back." He started for the door, and then paused. "Would
you check my message queue and see if a message from
Imperial Attendant K'vala comes in? If it does, tell
Commander Corgan - he's worried about it taking too long."
"I. I will," she nodded.
Victor nodded once and started for the door again, the
Flight Officer right behind him. "One more thing," he
said quietly as the door closed and locked behind them
and they started towards the turbolift. "While I'm
"Yes?" she asked hopefully as the turbolift
opened and Victor stepped inside.
Victor's eyes met hers, and what he'd about to say fell
inside the emptiness that filled him and something else
came out. "While I'm gone, you don't have permission
to die," he said the turbolift doors closed - and
then spent ten decks wondering why he'd said those words
to her.
* * * * *
"Ensign Lela Beral, OPS officer for the mission,
reports for duty sir."
Ensign Kio stepped onto the runabout and found that
Lieutenant Burton and another woman officer were already
present. She was pleased to be working under Burton on
this away mission; the woman was one of the few non-Vulcans
Kio felt at ease with. Whatever her private reservations
about "dealing" with Romulans she found this
a point in favour of the excursion. There was little
else she liked about it, but it was her duty not to have
a personal opinion on what was asked of her by her superiors.
Her medical kit over one shoulder she stepped forward
and saluted to Lieutenant Burton.
"Ensign Kio reporting for duty Sir."
Looking up at the two Ensigns before her Kimberly smiled, "Welcome
aboard, have a seat," she offered the two of them, "Replicator's
waving toward the device set into the wall, "We're
just waiting on a few more people and then we'll begin,
PADD's on the table have the mission outline, so have
a read and we'll do the twenty twenty questions in a
bit when everyone's here," checking her own PADD
she called up a status on her small crew, Security hadn't
mentioned who they'd be sending, just 'Security Officer,
to be assigned' had been listed, Lieutenant Eshe was
going to be running a little late, but she could be brought
up to speed easily enough on route, she decided, as long
as the ship was ready and Eshe was happy enough with
her, the details they could go into later.
Their 'Escort' from the Romulan Government was apparently
due to be beamed aboard shortly once they'd rendezvoused
with his ship, so he would be joining them as soon as
he was aboard, and finally their pilot, ~ A Fighter pilot!
~ was going to be late if she didn't hurry.
~ Life as normal on the big ship!! ~ Kimberly decided
* * * * *
Ember hurtled down the corridor at a light jog, veering
to avoid several crewmembers as she rushed into the turbolift
and the doors closed behind her. Finally able to take
a short breather, she leaned back the wall, mentally
urging it to go faster. She didn't want to be late for
the mission, but after sending a short note to Ayden,
she had thought better of it and decided to say goodbye
in person. After all, she had no idea when she would
be back, though it was likely going to be a short trip.
That had gone a little longer than intended.
She didn't expect anything overly exciting to happen,
but she was in any case, psyched to fly, as she always
was. This was the first time though, she felt as though
there was someone 'waiting' for her back home, and she
had a new, seeming sense of reluctance about leaving
that underlaid her enthusiasm. Still, all it meant was
she now had additional reason to perform the best she
could at her job so she would be back soon and safely.
"Flight Officer Ember Lansky reporting for duty,
sir," She greeted with a salute as she stepped onto
the runabout. Most people had arrived, it would seem,
and the fun was just about the begin.
* * * * *
The Rihannsu D'Deridex class Warbird Dividices raced
through space under cloak as if it were stalking it's
latest prey. They were to meet with the USS Legacy in
roughly three hours. Delon was anything but worried about
this interaction with those of the Federation and their
Delon was a proven officer. He got the job done, regardless
of his own beliefs. Truth was, he was one of the best
officers to send on this kind of endeavour. He was so
blinded by the politics that affected the major houses
of the Rihannsu houses, but he also wasn't totally welcoming
of the Federation control either. He believed in reunification
with their cousins, the Vulcans, but only if the Rihannsu
people could retain their own culture and way of life
and do so as they see fit.
Delon was a man of patience, believing in time to those
who wait everything will be given. However, his patience
wasn't so giving as he was waiting on the USS Legacy.
Standing in the observation deck on the Dividices, he
looked forward as the warbird cut through the darkness
of space. Wondering if the reports were true about the
recent activities inside the neutral zone were true.
* * * * *
"Well, everyone else will just have to catch up
when they arrive,"
Kimberly said, sounding a touch irritated, ~ not an auspicious
start to this little excursion, ~ she thought, "if
you'll grab a PADD, the mission specs are outlined on
there, basically though, as you can see, over the last
five years or so there have been a series of sporadic
attacks on civilian targets around the neutral zone,
since the dissolution of the zone the attacks have declined
but are still ongoing.
Starfleet and the Rihannsu governments have done some
investigation and decided that the ships, which we believe
are one or two old but modified Peregrine class couriers,
are hiding out in one of the systems that have decided
to remain neutral. Basically, we have permission to go
and scan one of these neutral systems, see if we can
find anything. Have a look at the proposed flight plan,
let me know if you have any suggestions,"
she asked, more than willing to hear suggestions, "this
is just a look around, if we do see anything we're to
call in either the USS Okuda that's nearby, or a Warbird
that our Rihannsu observer will be able to call, the
Government of this little system has only agreed to a
small scout mission until it's presented with proof that
there's actually something illegal going on."
"Just one, Doctor," Victor's emotionally null
voice asked from the doorway. "Are we waiting for
anyone else?"
~ Oh Goddess! ~ Kimberly thought, trying not to let
her distaste for the newly arrived member of their little
mission show, without turning she indicated a vacant
chair, "Lieutenant Eshe will be joining us shortly,
she's collecting a few parts for the Runabout," she
replied, "Have a seat, grab a PADD and have a read," she
said simply, "let me know if you've any other questions."
Looking at the small group around the table, "Otherwise,
we should only be gone a couple of days, three at the
most, our orders state to observe and scan, if we find
anything, the USS Okuda or a Rihannsu Warbird should
be nearby on patrol, they'll be responsible for negotiating
with the locals once we've obtained the needed proof.
Lieutenant," not looking at Krieghoff she directed
the comment to him," you'll be responsible for the
tactical scans upon arrival, along with our guest, once
he arrives, everyone else, duties are covered on the
PADD's, but it's all fairly standard."
"Understood," Victor nodded. It wasn't his
best skill, but he'd put in enough hours in simulations
to ensure that he wouldn't miss much even counting that.
Letting everyone read Kimberly ran through her own checklist,
once the initial pre-brief was over they had about an
hour or so before they had to leave for their rendezvous
with their Rihannsu guest, ~ Better get a move on then
~ she decided.
* * * TIME SNIP * * *
"Sub-Commander, we have the USS Legecy on long
range scans." The dark haired at sensors stated
as she looked up toward the man sitting in the command
chair. Delon nodded. "Maintain cloaking device and
this position." He said as he stood up and watched
the view screen as the Federation runabout approached
at warp speed. "Once they get within transporter
range, drop cloak." he said then signalled for a
channel to be opened.
"This is Sub-Commander Delon Valel of the Rihannsu
Naval Ship Dividices, we have you on sensors... continue
on approach and send information for transport. I'll
be beaming over shortly." Delon said then nodded
to the Romulan at communications.
"T'lar, you have your orders. Stand by for my signal." Delon
"Yes sir..." The small man said as he stepped
up and sat down in the command chair. "Once he's
over, Sikaia, engage cloak and take us on to our destination."
With that Delon headed off the bridge and headed toward
the transporter bay.
"They Picked THIS Crew?"
Lt. (jg) Naranda Sol Roswell, Engineering
*****Crew Quarters*****
Nara was slipping on a boot as she heard the captain's
message. She couldn't help but scowl and mutter, "Another
test. Great."
Saia and her little Jem'Hadar friend came bounding in
the door, causing her to look up and erase the scowl.
She had come to almost like the little guy.
He was quiet and not as sassy as Saia. In fact, he seemed
to have cured some damage Sam had done. Saia seemed more
cooperative then she was. "Do I get to go?" Was
the first thing Saia said seeing Nara.
Nara shook her head, "I doubt it, Saia. I don't
even think I want to go."
She gave a quick smile to the Jem'Hadar in the room, "No
offense, but I'm not fond of studying and being my luck,
I'd fail and end up in jail or something. Not being a
key member of the crew, I'd likely be left there and
you, Saia, would end up who knows where."
Saia looked sad at her friend who just shrugged, "Maybe
when you're older."
Nara stood and crossed her arms thinking, "It seems
we need to go for diplomatic reasons. I'll see if you
can as a guest of this guy here. I've got a shift to
get to." She got the kids a snack and Jerik showed
up just in time for her to leave.
She couldn't help but cast suspicious glances at the
Jem'Hadar she passed.
She really did dread studying up on Jem'Hadar law. ~Likely
a bunch of marshall punishment. Fights to the death and
When she stepped inside Engineering, there was a chaotic
round of wispering.
She looked around for the Chief who should be coming
out to bark at people to be quiet. Not seeing this to
happen soon, Mei came over to Nara, "I already found
it if you want me to put it in a PADD for you."
Nara blinked and nodded to her, "Thanks." She
was glad she wouldn't have to go searching for it. She
checked the assignment board, frowned seeing the field
assignments already taken, then made her way to a console
beside Mei.
She cast a worried look at her hand and wispered, "What
Mei was quiet a moment before muttering, "Hand
got stuck in the Turbolift."
Nara didn't believe it, but left it for now. "Please
be more careful."
They worked in silence for the rest of the shift.
Nara kept thinking about visiting the planet. Having
to be all diplomatic.
She sighed figuring she would know a bit about it considering
how she was treated by some people on Sakaria. Being
watched. Expected to act a certain way. Expected to behave.
She let out a chuckle thinking of Zev Raynor. ~If he
goes, it could cause a major catastrophe!~ Then she thought
of Saul, ~Likely try to sell them something...or buy
something.~ Her mind went over other people she knew,
~8-Ball...likely to sleep with one of them. George shouldn't
go either. At least until he bathes. No, wait, maybe
he'll be the best for his stinch.~ She shook her head
as a beep came over her console and the huffed seeing
a major mess she had to fix.
NRPG/OOC : Backpost. This post is set while the Galaxy
is waiting at Deep Space 5.
"Certification" Part I
Lieutenant Commander Brianna O'Shea, Chief Engineer
Lieutenant Michael Jamson, Asst.Operations Officer USS
The Galaxy was docked with Deep Space 5, while the big
station was coming
under repairs and refitted with new personnel. The bulky
structure was vast,
psychologically reducing the size of the large Galaxy
class starship into a
the size of a small Vulcan freighter. Recent upgrades
and modifications to
it's outer hull, made the Federation controlled space
floating base more
appealing to the naked eye, as well as more technologically
advanced. Under
the orders of Admiral Proctor, the crew of the Galaxy
along with many other
Starfleet teams from others ships worked around the clock
the refit the
station and make it ready. Federation presence in the
area was a must, and
had strategic and logistic importance.
It's been 3 months since the Dithparu incident, and
the crew was still
recovering, having some mild effects that would vanish
in the near future.
No one knew when they Galaxy would be leaving the area,
when all
reinforcements would arrive, or if the station would
be able to stand on
it's own later on, but there was an estimate for a couple
of months more.
For the majority of the crew members onboard the Galaxy,
it was a blessing.
Although they'd enjoy whatever the station could offer
them, in it's current
state, there was much work to be done and many goals
to accomplish.
Jamson sat at the front Operations station during Beta
shift, his shift. He
boringly looked at the station, feeling an intense urge
to vomit on his
console. It's been a few hours since the shift had started,
but by now, he
completed all of his duties, regarding both the ship
and the station. The
tasks have entered into a daily routine, mostly concentrating
on the station
and it's repairs. The crew, was partially on the station,
having it's share
of 'action', if you could call it one. On the large view
screen, the image
of the station, the same one he saw yesterday, and the
day before...a week
ago, a month. 'When would this end?' he thought to himself,
playing with the
keys on his control panel. A star-ship, like it's name
stated, belonged
amongst the stars! not stuck on a station, immovable,
Anna walked onto the bridge, ordinarily it wasn't something
out of the
normal. However it was beta shift, which wasn't her normal
shift. Course
nothing with engineering was normal at least to the crimson
haired woman who
settled down at the engineering station. Her eyes looked
tried, and hair
looked as if it had one to many stylus wands tucked behind
her ears. Soft
strands of hair were loose from her normally tight twist.
The Galaxy was all
ready to go should they needed to break from the station.
For the past
month, Anna had been working with DS5's personnel to
get it up to code and
ready for service. Thank god, once the station's chief
engineer arrived she
could so down some and not be so overworked.
During their duration here though a lot of things had
happened in Anna's
life. She'd filed a Bridge Certification application
with Starfleet Academy.
After a few weeks of reviewing her file, they approved
her pending
authorization of M'Kantu or Henderson. Anna chose to
go to Henderson, who
approved her for the certification course. However, with
everything going on
there wasn't anyone to be available to instruct her or
to help her through
it given the current situation. Anna was disappointed
but through herself
into work, trying to focus on something else.
Sitting there at the engineering bay, she looked up
and saw Jamson down at
Ops. Standing up from her seat she headed down the ramp
and putting her hand
on the back of his seat. "Michael, you were once
a captain, weren't you?"
Anna asked.
Michael, who stared at view screen like a blind man,
after giving up on his
operations console, looked surprised. He wanted to greet
O'Shea, but it took
him several seconds to process and understand exactly
what she was talking
about. She touched a sore spot, right on the money. It
was only an hour ago
that he looked at the occupied captain's chair, thinking
'what if' and how
he yearned for the responsibility of commanding a vessel
of his own. Michael
hesitated whether to ignore the question, or answer it.
Brianna was more
social than the rest, she even showed some compassion
and sympathy towards
the veteran officer. He usually didn't welcome feelings,
but after their
joint adventure at the holodeck, he felt a bit more comfortable
around her
whenever they met. Maybe it was time to finally follow
Karyns' advice. He
did so with Ensign Dimmilo and Lieutenant London, and
things turned out to
be quite alright. "Hmmm...yeah..." he replied,
revealing he couldn't
comprehend the origins of that question.
Since he was still seated, Anna knelt down beside his
chair. She didn't like
looking down on him like someone about to scold a child.
One had rested on
the back of his chair she looked at him a minute, Anna
never asked for help
from anyone, especially a man. "Haven't told anyone
but Henderson about
this, but recently I filed for Bridge Certification.
The Academy has
approved my application, and I've got the go ahead here
but the problem is
no one has the time who is qualified to give me the examination
and tests
required for the certification." She said, then
paused. "You do though, at
one time you were a qualified officer of the rank of
Captain. Unorthodox,
but I think sometimes working outside the box you can
see the problem more
clearly." She said then smiled slightly.
"Would you help me with my Bridge Certification
trails?" Anna asked.
Michael was shocked, literally. It was the first time
since he was demoted
that a fellow officer actually asked for his assistance,
personally, relying
on his experience as a commanding officer. Even when
he was transferred back
to the Academy, and posted as an Instructor, lecturing
and teaching basic
courses such as Klingon Politics, Starship Command, Military
Tactics and
Starship Tactics, Jamson was regarded as an intimidating
figure, that many
cadets and students preferred to stay away from. Even
when he taught at the
Advanced Tactical Program, and at the Strategic Operations
School, which was
strictly for enlisted personnel, most officers would
keep their distance.
This was a welcomed change, since in the past, he would
stick to his mark of
disgrace and follow the path he was given. "Why
Anna just about hugged, him, but didn't. Holding herself
together she did
smile. "Great, thank you."
"Why do you want to pass the certification?" Jamson
asked bluntly. "Are you
interested in Command?"
Pondering his question. "I want it for many reasons.
I have in me the
ability to do it. I'm a firm believer in never let others
hold you back. If
you think you can do something, at least try it. As for
being interested in
command. I wouldn't be where I'm at right now if I didn't
have such
aspirations." ANna said.
"This wouldn't be an easy qualification" Jamson
warned Brianna. "There are a
lot of requirements, trainings and exercises. We'd be
spending a lot of time
at the holodeck, and preparing for your written exam".
Every certification,
and course were reviewed and eventually approved by the
certification board.
It's an authorizing body that supervizes all the education
and courses at
the academy. If an applicant passes the requirements
and examinations, and
all the appropriate tests, the certification board was
to one to issue it's
approval. There are many certifications, like the Transporter
and the Shuttlecraft one.
"I'm ready for that. I'm good at taking tests,
I'm ready for the time and
energy I'll have to do it. Outside of my duties, everything
else will be put
on hold or I'll assign to someone else." Anna said,
wanting Jamson to know
she was serious about this.
"I remember my Bridge Certification. I was just
a lieutenant when I took the
holodeck tutorials. It took me awhile, but eventually
I passed".
Anna smiled. "So I'm a little long in the tooth,
at Lt. Commander, I've had
experience you've not had when you took it as a lieutenant." She
said then
Michael raised an eyebrow and lowered his eyes to his
collar. He was still a
Looking at him for a minute and then saw the way he
lowered his eyes. "Just
forget about it if it's to much for you... just thought
you could help me
since you knew what it took." Anna said, then stood
back up and walked up
the ramp to her station where she retook control from
a nameless ensign.
Sanding there with her back toward the main view screen
she wondered if she
was wrong to have asked him for help.
Jamson stared at the floor for a few seconds before
his console beeped and
caught his attention. He then noticed that O'Seah moved
away to her station,
so he took his time to plan his next move. An emotional
person would simply
leap and pursue the lieutenant commander, and by knowing
himself, it was
exactly what he wanted to do. But, this would probably
draw some attention,
since he would have to leave his post. What would he
choose? the simplest
decision making process seemed to create such a burden
and despair inside of
him. He wanted to jump from his seat, run to her, apologize,
and explain,
but he couldn't do just that. His reputation was on the
line, what would the
others say? rising from his station, he signaled an officer
at the upper ops
station, near tactical to take his place. 'The hell with
it....' he thought.
Tiding up his uniform, he placed his hands behind his
back and walked
quickly in her direction, raising his head a few times
to observe if someone
was paying any attention.
Joining her at the main engineering station, at the
back of the bridge, he
leaned against the small engineering view screen and
said quietly,
"I'm....". This was so hard for the proud man
to say, and speak up. He
looked around and took a deep breath, feeling the lions
in his stomach fight
before continuing "Sorry". There was a little
pause, before Michael added "I
didn't mean to offend you in any way". Checking
back to see if someone was
listening, he bit his tongue "I'd be more than happy
to help you in anyway I
Anna's eyes looked up, then over in his direction. She
knew that it took a
lot for him to apologize. She said nothing, but did nod
her head knowing he
would be the one to appricate a simple nod in acceptance
more then anyone.
"I want this, Michael. I want it for myself. I don't
know if I'll ever get a
command, nor am I going into this for that. I want it
cause I know I can do
it. I want that option for my future." Anna said. "I
swear, what you say I
will do."
"Then let's get to work....shall we?" Michael
cautiously smiled.
"Danger Abounds, Part 1"

Lt. (JG) Naranda Sol Roswell
Engineering Officer
Ensign Zev Raynor
Terran Telepath Intelligence Officer
Ensign Etyan
Security Officer
Sgt. Major Thral
SFMC, Furies Detachment (Written by Michael)
Lt. (JG) 8-ball Hunter
Chief Science Officer
2nd Lieutenant Steven Jonas
SFMC, Furies Detachment
Chief Petty Officer Cynthia McTee (NPC)
Operations Specialist
Hologram O'Shea (Reviewed by Trey)
Main Engineering, Deck 36
Engineering was the typical place of people standing
at consoles or entering and exiting for field assignments.
Nara hadn't gotten any field assignments yet that day,
but she was having enough issues with a stubborn problem,
she barely noticed.
Until five minutes after the problems were fixed. She
probably should feel guilty of the giddiness she felt
when the call came in about a fire in Holodeck 3.
Holodeck 3, Deck 11
The flames roared as the summer breeze flowed from the
sea over the shore, fanning the flames into a frenzy.
There were only moments before the flames reached the
free standing bench that was the small bar. The smoke
was thick and it was getting harder to breathe.
"What now?" Steven coughed.
8-ball looked around desperately for anything helpful...
a fire extinguisher, a container of water, a large bunny
that would guide them to safety... and actually found
the container of water among the various bottles of alcohol.
She drenched some of the water on both her and Steven
before saying, "Maybe we can take out the flames
nearest the door, and make a run for it."
Steven nodded. "Sounds like a plan to me."
8-ball and Steven ran towards the door, dodging various
parts of the roof that were starting to come down. 8-ball
started to cough harder than before and almost dropped
the water. She knelt down to pick it up and caught a
reflection out of the corner of her eye. A little girl,
dead, fire melting the flesh of her face.
~Not now, Azra~ 8-ball thought to herself, and swung
the water in the direction of the flames. To her dismay,
not a lot seemed to happen, but there was still more
water to be thrown. She drenched down the flames as best
she could and ran out the door with Steven trailing behind
her. The two collapsed on the sand, breathing in the
breeze on the wind as if it was the sweetest tasting
air in the world.
Meanwhile, On Deck 10
Ensign Zev Raynor had been wandering the ship as was
his custom... He was on Deck Ten when he sudden felt
a wave of panic come over him. Not his own panic... someone
else's... He felt fear of death in the air and suddenly
reacted. As he telepathically got a handful of details,
he ran towards the Jefferies tubes not trusting the Turbolifts...
another system O'Shea could sabotage.
Within a minute he was outside the holodeck... possibly
setting a record for the shortest time Jefferies tubes,
having to only open a hatch and jump down.
There was already someone outside the Holodeck, calling
the bridge up with the problem.
"Chief Petty Officer McTee to the Bridge, We have
a serious problem down here." She went on to hastily
explain the situation. Two Officers trapped, Safety Protocols
Off, and Door wasn't responsive.
"McTee, see if there's anyone else around to help
with this situation!
Something tells me were going to need everyone we can
get." Raynor ordered, as he flipped open his cell,
and began scanning for any physical reason why the door
wouldn't open...
McTee wouldn't have far to go...
Holodeck 3, Deck 11
8-ball took her time remembering how to breathe without
coughing and turned to Steven. "Are you okay?" she
asked him, her voice still gritty from the smoke.
Lying on his back on the soft sand, Steven coughed dryly.
His parched throat was still sore from the smoke that
he had inhaled, despite the earlier drink. "Yeah,
I think so." He closed his eyes, hoping the lack
of the visual of the burning building would let him return
his breathing to normal.
Something was screwed up that was for sure. And that
hologram. Who or what was she? Daren, who the heck was
Daren? The questions tumbled through his mind, none of
which currently had an answer.
"Okay, I don't know what the fuck is going on,
but I'm ready to be done with it," 8-ball said. "Computer,
end program." This worked as well as the last few
times they had tried it. "Great," she muttered
to herself and started to stand up. This was harder than
she had thought it would be. 8-ball struggled for a second,
assuming that her body was just sore and needed rest,
until she realized that her legs were actually sinking
beneath her.
8-ball looked down at her body as it began to disappear
in the quick sand.
She would have made some witty comment if she wasn't
too busy screaming.
His eyes shot open. He turned towards the scream. There,
up to her waist in what had to be quicksand was 8-ball,
screaming her lungs out. "Um..." She was sinking
fast. He tried to get her attention. "8-ball"
She continued screaming.
"8-BALL!" He said with more authority, eliciting
the response he wanted. "I need your help."
8-ball was not known for being gracious as the best
of times. When she was rapidly drowning in an inexplicable
pool of spontaneously appearing holographic quicksand,
she was just downright mean. "And what the FUCK
am I supposed to do?" she asked Steven as she desperately
tried to move her legs.
"I. . .can't. . .fucking move." She tried to
quiet her breathing so that she could think of a logical
solution to escape her predicament. At this, 8-ball failed
"No, hang on... Just listen for a moment......
You need to stay calm. Keep still. I'm going to get you
out." He paused. The best course of action in this
kind of situation was to relax and keep calm. Excessive
movement sped up the rate of sinking. They had covered
this in SERE. And if she stayed still, she probably had
five minutes or so before her head would sink below ground
level. "The more you move, the quicker you sink."
8-ball instantly stopped moving. Then she started again,
because drowning in quicksand was kind of like drowning
in water, and she felt like she needed to be kicking
her legs or making some type of physical effort to keep
herself from dying. She had to force herself to stay
still, and it sure as hell was not a piece of cake. She
managed to keep her limbs from moving, but this required
more concentration and a little more hyperventilation.
"Okay... this... is... a short term... plan," 8-ball
said between breaths.
"What... are we doing... now?"
"Okay, I need to step away for a moment. I need
some rope, or a long branch or something like that. I
won't be more than a minute. I'll be..."
A deep growl emanated from behind him. Steven groaned.
He had heard that sound a long time ago, when he had
been a young boy and it didn't bode well.
The look on 8-ball's face confirmed his thinking.
Turning slowly, the beast came into view, its magnificent
mane blowing in the gentle breeze. He was looking at
the mane of a Lion.
~Jesus Christ~ 8-ball thought to herself. ~A lion? A
fucking LION!!!! I quit. I quit right now.~
Shaking his head, Steven mumbled to himself. "Things
can't get any worse!"
8-ball heard this and shook her head in spite of her
vow not to move more than necessary. You never say things
like that.
The scarlet haired woman appeared again. "You escaped
the inferno, but you will not survive this time." Laughing
loudly again, she faded from view as the Lion took a
step forward.
"I'll be right back" He called out to the
slowly sinking Science Chief. He made a break for the
shoreline, hoping to draw the beast away from 8-ball.
There was no great plan ringing in his mind, but he'd
think of something.
As 8-ball watched the lion leap after her only hope
for survival, 8-ball decided that holodecks, and lions,
and boys suck.
Outside Holodeck 2, Deck 11
Thral had just finished up a training session with a
couple Marines in Holodeck 2. As usual, Thral stayed
behind a few moments to check the work of the others.
Being a teacher so long it came a habit. He'd just emerged
when he heard the a mildly hysterical petty officer calling
out for help down the corridor. The Tellarite immediately
responded not knowing what had happened, though he figured
there wouldn't be someone hysterical.
As she came into view, Thral stopped her.
"Chief, what's the problem," Thral said calmly.
The chief went through what she told the bridge. Thral
figured they already had alerted security and engineering,
but they might not have thought have to call him. For
some reason he figured something might need to be blown
up in this process, best be prepared.
"Thral to Marine Armory."
"Armory here, Corporal Brezhvic go ahead Sarge." the
human armory tech responded.
"I need a live demo pack, Deck 11, holodeck 3 on
the double," Thral said with some urgency.
"Sir? What for if I may ask," the tech replied.
"Two officers sealed in holodeck 3. Now please,
get down here!"
Holodeck 3, Deck 11
8-ball was no up to her armpits in quick sand, and she
was going to die soon, either from drowning or panic
attacking herself into a dead faint and then drowning.
The only plus side she could think of was that the lion
wasn't back. Unfortunately, that could have been because
it was digesting Steven's organs for supper. It was hard
to be an optimist when you were rapidly sinking into
Her eyes closed, and she tried to think of appropriate
before-death thoughts, like who she loved and how much
life she had enjoyed and other such things. These thoughts
never really developed past anything beyond 'I don't
want to die' and 'I don't want to die by quicksand in
a holodeck on a ship I only stayed because I didn't know
what to do with my life'.
8-ball decided that fuck it, she wasn't going to die,
because she just freaking refused, and opened her eyes
to better struggle when she saw Steven running towards
He didn't have a lion on his back, which was nice. He
also didn't have six feet length rope in his hand, which
was less nice. Instead, he had his bootlaces.
Steven was breathing heavily when he finally made it
back. "Hi...
I'm... back..." He said between breaths. "Sorry,...
this... is.. all I could... find." He held up the
bootlaces from his boots. "I'll just draw another
pair from supplies when we get out of here" He smiled.
Seeing that his attempt at lightening the mood had bombed
miserably, he shrugged his shoulders as his hands worked
to create a lasso out of the two laces. Finally done,
he hefted the lasso in his hands trying to judge the
weight of the lace. "Ready?"
Seeing her expression change to a more irritated look,
Steven quickly lined her up and threw. And missed by
several feet. "Whoops. Lets try that again" Steven
pulled the lasso back in and threw again. This time he
was off to the side. A third throw proved to be more
accurate, though it didn't catch the intended target.
The bootlaces caught around 8-ball's arm, which she
supposed was better than her neck. "There," she
said, and held up her arm as high as possible. "Now
pull me the fuck out!"
"Yes Ma'am!" Steven twisted the end of the
laces around his hands and braced his feet. "I hope
the laces don't break." He said with a wink as he
heaved away. Now, on any normal day, dragging a 100 or
so pounds of weight wouldn't have been a problem, but
the effects of the events leading up to this point, and
the fact that there was a large amount of sand that seemed
to move with the Science officer made the task difficult,
but slowly but surely, she inched up out of the sand,
until she was close enough to reach out to and pull out
the old fashioned way.
8-ball allowed herself to be dragged to normal sand
that didn't sink, where she did nothing but breathe and
try not to have a complete panic attack.
After her breathing became a little more normal, she
noticed some grass in the distance behind what remained
of the burnt house. "Come on," 8-ball said
to Steven, motioning to the grass. "Let's go over
there to figure out what the hell is going on. I've never
heard of quickgrass, and I suddenly have a lot less fondness
for the beach."
Swimming Pool, Deck 11
Eytan surfaced at the end of the pool after completing
the last of his daily laps, one hand slipping away from
the ladder to swipe his long hair out of his eyes, slicking
it back. He then grabbed hold of the ladder with both
hands and pulled himself up out of the pool, quickly
striding over to where his towel was lying with his combadge
and phaser--he wasn't on duty this shift, but he liked
to keep both nearby at all times, just in case. Picking
up the towel, he had only just started to dry himself
off when he thought he heard someone shouting outside.
Curious, Eytan grabbed his phaser and stepped to the
door, poking his head out into the hall as it swished
When he didn't see anyone immediately, he turned to
look down the opposite end of the corridor and saw an
enlisted woman quickly rushing down it. "Hey!" he
called out, stepping outside, hanging his towel over
his shoulder and not really caring that he was dripping
water on the floor of the hallway. "What's going
on out here?"
The noncom hurried back toward Eytan, quickly babbling
an incoherent string of what the Brenari assumed were
words. He raised a hand.
"Easy, easy, just take a breath." The noncom
did so, and he finally continued. "I'm Eytan, with
security. What's the problem?"
She quickly explained the situation to Eytan, and his
eyes widened in surprise. "Right, uh...I'm on my
way," he told her, quickly turning to step back
into the room he just came out of. "Um, keeping
looking for help!" he said over his shoulder as
he stepped inside. He quickly grabbed his combadage and
glanced across the pool at the door leading to the locker
rooms. Eytan gritted his teeth as he looked between that
door and the door leading back out to the corridor. The
locker rooms were all the way on the other side of the
pool; he wouldn't have time to rush inside and change
into something less...revealing.
Finally he sighed and turned, running back outside.
~To hell with it,~ he thought as he hurried down the
corridor. His mind whirled as he tried to think of the
nearest on-duty security officer on this deck, and finally
he tapped his combadge. "T'Rei, this is Eytan. Get
to Holodeck Three immediately, we have some trapped personnel.
I'm on my way right now!" he said before rounding
a corner, moving as quickly as he could, considering
his bare feet.
Outside Holodeck 3, Deck 11
Trying to ignore the memories that flashed in the back
of his mind, Raynor was still conducting his scans when
he noticed the green uniform show up...
He didn't bother with more than a glance concentrating
on what was jamming the door from being manually open...
"Ensign, what exactly are you doing?" , Thral
said gruffly. He didn't really care about the rank of
the whelp in front of him.
"Trying to figure out if there's a pressure sensor
bomb jamming the door among other things," Raynor
replied mildly.
Thral just happened to have his specially tuned demolitions
tricorder on him from the training exercise and began
scanning. "No explosives detected, at least no known
"Alright... the door appears to be jammed physically
though, beamed into the wall," Raynor explained. "It's
gum up the works and worse..."
Raynor gave a light kick towards the door. "There's
a forcefield raised."
Thrall studied the mechanism and the readings he had
gotten "Nothing a little explosives can't cure,
good thing I was here", Thral mused.
Raynor was about to argue that method, when he noticed
out of the corner of his eye and turned.
Nara stopped in front of Holodeck 3.
"Genius here wants to blow up the deck to get our
people out..." Raynor sarcastically commented, then
updated Nara as to the forcefield and the object that
had been beamed in, to jam the doors.
Whatever the people already at Holodeck 3 were discussing
was interrupted as a man wearing only swimming trunks
and a towel rounded a corner and hurried over to them. "Ensign
Eytan, security," he told them, slightly out of
breath. "What's the situation?"
It took him a second or two for Eytan to realize that
nobody was answering him, only staring at him. He blinked
and looked down at himself, suddenly remembering his
state of near-undress, and he quickly moved his towel
from his shoulders to his waist, tying it around himself. "What?"
"Maybe you should some pants on if you wish to
continue fighting evil today..." Raynor joked, not
really caring one way or another.
Major Corran Rex
Lieutenant Ella Grey
Jeffries Tube 47-3/B
Deck 41
There was just no dignified way to work in a Jeffries
tube, Ella thought as she shifted from sitting on her
legs to lying flat on her stomach. Your ass was either
in the air or your limbs were splayed about and to top
it all off your head usually hit the ceiling about twice,
if you were lucky.
She thought she heard her name and called back a disgruntled "yeah",
hating the way it echoed off the walls.
"Now that," she heard clearer, "Has got
to be one of my favorite views in the universe." came
the admiring voice of Corran Rex. Truthfully, the way
Ella could twist around, sometimes....
She threw a smirk back over her shoulder at him and
then returned to her work. "Class get out early
"Everybody gets tired of simulators after awhile." the
Trill shrugged
- as best he could - in the small, cramped Tube. "And
Cass doesn't want us flying a CAP while we're in orbit
of the Romulan homeworld.
Something about them getting touchy about us launching
starfighters over their planet."
"Romulans." Ella said with a roll of her eyes. "No
fun at all."
"Actually, that's not true." Corran corrected
with that faint look of memory. "I knew this one
girl, about... forty years ago - she was..."
Abruptly, he cut himself off.
Ella rolled over on her side to look at him with an
amused expression.
"Well, nevermind." he amended hastily. "Point
is, it's not just anger all those Vulcans you meet are
suppressing. They're a very..
passionate.. people."
She arched an eyebrow. "You don't say."
"So..." he trailed, looking for an out. "What's
a girl like you doing in a place like this?"
"Alleviating boredom." Ella replied with a
knowing smile. "We haven't found anything in a few
hours, plus people were getting on my nerves, so I volunteered
"Just decided to climb into a small, cramped..
remote.. Jeffries tube, all by your lonesome?"
She gave him one of her best smiles. "Yeah, and
I've been real lonely."
"How.. lonely?" Corran asked, definitely..
warming.. to the smile. "As in.. ?"
Ella fiddled with one of her tools. "Well, I may
not be as passionate as some of your little Romulan friends..." She
then eeeped loudly as Corran all but pounced on her.
He was laughing as he did so - and to be honest, it
was a bit of a trick in the small Jeffries tube. They
rolled over into a kiss, with his back on the grating.
As always, he felt swallowed by her - energized just
by her touch, her presence, simply being around her.
There was, in the back of his over-talkative mind - the
little voice of Pad, telling him it wasn't real, it wouldn't
You're wrong, Pad, he told that little voice. He didn't
know if he was lying to himself, but he didn't care.
Moments like this, maid any future pain worth it.
"You know, a buddy of mine, when he was an Ensign,
got busted for having sex in the Jeffries tubes." he
said in a low, amused voice.
"He's a Captain now - or he was, anyway. He always
said it was the most fun e ever had getting reprimanded."
"Mmm... let's see if we can get you a nomination
for admiral..." Ella began before her eyes narrowed
in on a space on the floor by his left ear. "Goddamn
that bitch!"
Corran, who's mind - or instincts, rather - had been
fairly occupied with other matters, just looked up at
her in confusion. "This is hardly the time to bring
up my old friends..."
She rolled her eyes and pointed to the floor. "No,
I think I just found another one of O'Shea's little presents.
Looks like its under the fl... don't move! I don't know
what it is yet."
He tried to crane his head, uselessly, to the side
to see. "Well, damn." he muttered.
Since she couldn't think of any other way to check the
floor without him moving, Ella leaned across him and
removed a section of the grating carefully. She couldn't
help but appreciate the feeling of solid maleness underneath
her and also couldn't help herself from wiggling a little
more than was necessary.
Corran's eyes narrowed as he felt himself straining
against the fabric, despite the situation, as he realized
what she was doing. "Now you're just being mean."
Ella grinned as she studied the device. "But at
least you'll die happy."
"Well, I've had worse deaths." he muttered,
as he thought about how Grisso had died. That had just
been... damned unpleasant. "Any idea what goes under
this tube?"
"Uh-huh," Ella replied. It looked like it
was on a timer but that it was only programmed to send
a signal to disrupt that particular system when the timer
ran out. Pain in the ass way to set it up, the engineer
thought, but also time consuming to correct, which was
probably what O'Shea had wanted.
"Well, the good news is that its not a bomb." Ella
told him. "The bad news is that if this thing goes
off and we suddenly need to go to warp, they'll be cleaning
us up with mops."
"IDF field?" he questioned, taking her statement
as proof he could finally move. Carefully, they disentangled
themselves so that they could both take a look.
The small timer was tapped into the data conduit, but
with a junction that kept the control signal from signalling
an interruption, which would shut down the warp engines
as a safety precaution. "When the timer goes off.." he
"The junction sends a fake signal, and the computer
thinks the IDF field is still active." she finished
for him. "Like I said - mops."
Corran let out a low whistle. That was a tricky bit
to pull off, especially with Federation technology.
"Told you she was a bitch." Ella said with
a sigh. "I think I'll be late for dinner."
"Me too." he confirmed. "You got this?
I'll report to Cass, and then my pilots and flight crews
are going to go over every last inch of our fighters."
Ella nodded and moved to start working on the device
again. Guess she'd just have to prove she was more passionate
than those Romulan women another time.
"A Warm Welcome…Could Be Hotter Than You

SCPO. Renora Loret, Tactical Analyst
Looking out of the window Renora could see the planetary
body that was known as Romulus. The cantina was buzzing
with energy but it could have been empty for all the
attention she was paying it.
The Captains message had just finished and her mind
was already on other things, many other things.
The whole thing had the potential to become a logistical
She'd seen the reports coming out of the capitol. Crowds
of angry demonstrators, political tensions on a knife-edge,
the threat of full-scale violence ever present. Some
things never changed.
The way she saw it was that they were being set up for
a fall by someone, or maybe someones, plural. She could
understand the tensions fine enough but the situation
was more than just that. Something wasn't right; she
counted the points off to herself.
One; a federation ship is invited to the heart of Romulan
space, a rare occurrence and the first since the Titan
Two; crews were being invited down to the planet, provided
they passed the security screen, which, at least to her
mind, was totally unprecedented, a fact that was making
her more than a little apprehensive.
Three; the security screen itself. She could understand
their reasons, security would be tight at both the funeral
and key locations like the senate and consulates but…with
the information provided by them anyone could pick out
a way to inflame the situation…you just had to
find the right people to lean on.
Four; did the Romulans have any idea that there were
300 Jem'Hadar on the Galaxy? She didn't think so but
if they did they were keeping it quiet. Romulans were
slow to forget and the Dominion war had had huge impacts
on both their overt and covert military. Could it be
a trump card they'd be waiting to play?
She wondered how Henderson would handle it? He'd been
made Captain, to some degree at least, out of necessity
and was new to the role. Then there was Kol, their last
meeting hadn't been the calmest of exchanges and, with
the captain off ship and Klingon first officer in charge…well…Klingons
and Romulans…need she say more. Major T'Riasau
was another worry, was his role here simply one of babysitter
for a cloaking device? A bit of a lowly task for a Major
in the intelligence service she thought.
She shook herself back to the waking world. Conspiracy
theories, cover ups, crosses and double crosses. Maybe
it was just being so close to the Romulan home world
but she could definitely feel the taste of betrayal in
the air.
“Fraternal Bonds”

Ensign Keldan, Operations Officer
Message Transcript Reads as Follows
Communication Sent Talaria CONNSat Marpen 33.2232 [Stardate
AccountKey Verified
Received from wotanserveradmin22.relaysensor4 on ESSDP
X-Originating alphaquad012.22
Received by alphagalsite-list.wotansector [8.10.2]
Received by alphagalsite-list.solsector [8.11.1]
Received by betagalsite-list.solsector [8.11.2]
Received by betagalsite-list.tarodsector [8.12.8]
X-Destination betaquad044.03
Message Received USSGalaxy Stardate 50605.04 12:22:01
Universal Translator Disabled [Native Text Format]
Content Encoding Enabled
Recipient: Keldan, Ensign, Operations Officer, USS Galaxy
Sender: Thordan, Commander, Second Officer, TPS M’olnar
Subject: [None]
Word has come to me that you have
finally received assignment aboard a
Federation vessel. It was much to my surprise to hear
that you had left
the human’s world and that you had received a posting
as an operations
officer aboard the flagship of the mighty Federation,
no less. I was in
contact with Ragnan and we were in total agreement that
knowing that
since our brother had been posted to a position of such
and prestige, we should all sleep the better for it.
It was unfortunate you could not
be on Talaria for Torin’s
and Triest’s
binding ceremony. They did leave a seat open for you
during the exchange
ritual, as is traditional. It was odd that your absence
was not
discussed, though I am sure it probably had something
to do with the
fact you were near death at the time and no one wanted
to bring such
dark thoughts to a time filled with so much joy, reverence
and revelry.
Triest looked the radiant bride and Torin the champion
of the hour.
When you get a chance, please drop a line to mother.
She does worry
about you and I get a constant barrage of questions as
to your well
being and disposition. She has proved quite vexing at
times as the
loneliness of her life apart from father and the ever-growing
of old age takes a grip on her. I have tried to make
her understand that
she probably knows more of your current situation than
I since she still
maintains a regular acquaintanceship with Triest despite
the separation
of our two Houses.
It is a pity that we cannot stay
in closer contact, but that is
difficult since this communication will no doubt take
weeks, if not
months, to reach you since you are in the far reaches
of the ‘Beta
Quadrant’. Be sure to let me or your brother know
when you may be coming
a bit closer to home in the future and we will be sure
to receive you
with all the honors due your station.
Reply Mode Active
Universal Translator Disabled
Text Coding Talarian Character Set Enabled
AccountKey Verified
Recipient: Thordan, TPS M’olnar
Sender: Keldan, USS Galaxy
Subject: [None]
My Dearest Brother,
It was so good to hear from you. Thank you for your
words of
encouragement as I work my way through this difficult
transitional period.
I’m also quite delighted to see that you are making
your own mark in the
service of the Talarian Patriarchy. Commanding officer
of the M’olnar.
Quite an achievement for a second-born. Please do not
think me a dullard
in my confusion, however, as I thought it was customary
that a
second-born be awarded his slain brother’s rank
and position. Why were
you not promoted to commanding officer of the M’olnar?
Do you think
someone may have found out about that incident so long
ago on Desscar IV
with the prostitute that turned out to be Admiral Raynar’s
daughter? I
certainly hope it hasn’t held you back in achieving
everything you so
richly deserve.
In regard to mother, you will be
much relieved to hear that I have been
sending her regular communiqués since I first
left Talaria. I have found
her letters to me neither vexing nor edged with senility;
on the
contrary, I think she has recovered well from father’s
death and has
determined to make the most of her remaining years. While
I have not
encouraged it, I am glad to hear that she and Triest
continue to
correspond. Mother always found Triest’s viewpoints
on matters of state
enlightening and forward-thinking. I am sure that father
would be proud
to know that the woman who faithfully ran his house and
bore his sons
was being well-looked after by his remaining family.
Perhaps in your next letter you will let me know more
about the great
matters of import you must deal with on a daily basis.
As for me at the
moment there are too many to list. I have not been aboard
the Galaxy
even half a standard year and already events around me
are transpiring
which may have serious repercussions across known space.
But I know that
must pale in comparison to your duties as an officer
aboard a warship.
Tell me, who are the Talarians at war with nowadays,
I am sorry this message must be so
brief, but I do have important duties
to perform. I am sure by the time I receive your next
letter I will just
have years of events to catch up with you over. I look
forward to it. In
the meantime, I hope you will do everything you can not
to get yourself
horribly killed like Lokan or father. With the coffers
of our House so
bloated as of late, the wailing from the keener’s
guild would be
positively deafening, even from so far away as the Beta
Ens. Artim - Security Corpsman
Ens. T'Rei - Security
"Meeting of the Lab Rats"
Sitting in ten forward, T'Rei spotted Artim across the
way. Motioning him over, she smiled as he advanced. "Hey...." the
ensign replied.
Artim looked the human who was motioning him over quizzically
at first. He recognized her as one of his coworkers in
security. However, he'd been avoiding the woman for another
even more unusual reason. Back when he was at Penn, he'd
read a paper from some Vulcan xenopsychologists on whether
terrans could be 'programmed' with the vulcan ability
to suppress emotion. The topic was only somewhat interesting
to him, but the fact that they were using a live human
subject was extremely unusual. He was so interested that
he kept up with papers as they were published. He never
thought he'd meet the "lab rat". Artim didn't
like thinking about T'Rei that way, but it was difficult
not to.
"Hi." Artim said with a bit of trepidation
in his voice.
"Care to sit?" Artim had drawn her curiosity
the first time she saw him at security de-briefing.
"I suppose." Artim said as he pulled up a
"I just wanted to make your acquaintance. My name
is T'Rei. I believe that it would benefit us to get to
know each other if we ever are required to work with
each other."
"Not a bad idea. I'm also rather used to being a...curiosity
amongst new crew members. At least we have one thing in
common...", Artim's curiosity was getting the better
of him. He wondered if she even knew she was... She had
to know, I mean, it was unethical on most civilized planets,
Vulcan included, to experiment on people without their
"Is there something on your mind?" She could
sense that he was nagged by something as he sat across
the table from her.
Dammit, she was going there. He didn't want to upset
her, she probably didn't know about the papers. Artim
knew how it felt to be prodded and used for science.
At least they told him what they were doing.
"Well, its just...I read about you. I...know what
you had to go through..."
"How would you know about me? I've only been here
a few weeks." The quizzical look on her face was
not lost on him as she paused for a moment and took a
sip of her coffee. "Um, I didn't go through anything..........." Setting
down her mug, she cocked her head to the side. "Artim,
what are you talking about?"
"I...you know about...I mean the people who...they
told you right?" T'Rei muttered.
Artim didn't want to come out and tell his coworker
he knew a lot about her, not as a person but as an experiment.
There was something more disturbing coming from this.
If he was right he'd have their ears mounted on the wall
of the Vulcan Science Directorate.
T'Rei immediately straightened her posture to an extremely
rigid stance.
He knew something that she did not know. "What people?" Her
anger at his lethargic way in explaining what he was
talking about was starting to show on her facial features.
Artim sighed like a prisoner about to give a confession. "T'Rei,
I heard about you in a research paper written by the
Vulcans who raised you. They even won awards for the
research, important ones."
Silence erupted violently between them. She spoke quietly,
with emotion bubbling just beneath the surface of her
words. "You are telling me, that you have seen
documents that prove that I was an experiment?" Her
demeanor turned stoic, yet again. 'Contain it T'Rei'
She told herself. 'Do not expose yourself now.' She
held her saucer, and as she lifted the tea cup, it
shook, spilling some of the tea on the table. Putting
the china down, she quickly retrieved a napkin to clean
the spill.
"Several. I first heard about the project from
a fellow professor during my teaching days. I was so
intrigued I kept up on the papers that were published
about..well...you. They never used your name but the
minute I met you I knew enough to do some checking. From
your reaction I'm assuming you didn't know."
"I received a document last week concerning the
research, however, I could not locate the source where
the document came from. I chose to deny it. You are telling
me that you are positive about this?"
"Absolutely. '77 Araga Medallion submission is
perhaps the best known, should be in the computer. Dang
bastards beat me out that year." Artim replied
"I see. I hope you feel better knowing those 'bastards'
beat you with a little girl who thought she was loved." She
stood to leave. Her eyes were the only thing about her
that gave a hint of emotion as they misted over. "If
you'll excuse me, I gotta go."
"I see, and I'm sorry if I upset you. I'm willing
to help. I know what it feels like to be used. "
She turned her attention back to him.
"Thank you.........." As she exited, the slight slump
of defeat in her posture was noticeable. The ensign just wanted
to be alone at this moment. The feeling that she felt was best
exhibited in private.
"I'll Take The Kitchenette"
Lt. (jg) Naranda Roswell, Engineering
Lt. Tarin Iniara, Operations Chief
*****Operations Office*****
Nara sat in the waiting room for when Tarin could see
her. She was sure the woman had tons of requisitions.
So that was part of why she never pushed the issue of
getting a new quarters assignment. But since the change
in command and she realized she was not near the front
of the line to be promoted above junior officer, the
prospect of getting a new assignment that way could be
long in coming.
That's why she was prepared to be sweet and even bribe
the woman with repairing whatever she needed on her off-duty
time. A little free engineering work in exchange for
expediating her quarters reassignment request. Somehow
she doubted that would work. If the fact that she had
become a foster to a Trill refugee and housed said girl
in a suite meant for only two people.
Bran could keep it. After all, she wasn't the one that
brought a ten-year old back from an away mission. Nara
would even settle for a smaller two-room suite if needed.
She just wanted Saia to have a room of her own. She slept
in Nara's room, but it wasn't really hers. Nara was sure
Saia sometimes didn't like looking at the weapons on
the walls.
As per usual, Lieutenant Tarin was holed up in her office,
concentrating on her desktop console as if her life depended
on it. Brow knit in frustration she jabbed at the screen,
scanning whatever information it was now showing her.
"Chief." The voice went in one ear and right
out the other.
A few moments later, "Hey, Chief."
Her focus broken, Iniara looked up towards her yeoman,
who had somehow appeared without her realizing it. "Vince,
how long have you been standing there?"
"About a minute, Chief. You busy?"
"Um, yeah." Iniara waved a hand towards the
console, and the stack of padds sitting nearby. "Why,
what's up?"
"Well, that woman from Engineering is still waiting
to see you..."
Iniara arched an eyebrow. "Did you tell me about
that?" When Vince nodded she sighed, a bit of color
creeping into her cheeks. "Oh. Send her in, I guess."
While she waited for him to return she stood, taking
a moment to gather the discarded mugs that littered her
workspace and return them to the replicator. It wasn't
much improvement to the cluttered office, but it was
"Chief, Lieutenant Roswell from Engineering to
see you."
Iniara turned and gave the woman a sheepish smile. "Come
on in, Lieutenant.
"I apologize for keeping you waiting; it's been
a bit...hectic lately. Can I get you something?"
Nara nodded, "I understand and no thanks."
"Suit yourself," Iniara half shrugged, then
turned to the replicator anyway and ordered up another
mug of raktajino for herself. Setting the mug of steaming
coffee onto her desk she then grabbed the edge of the
desk and lowered herself carefully into a sitting position. "So,
what can I do for you?"
"I was just wanting to see about a new room assignment.
I don't know if you knew, but when we left Trill, I became
foster to a young girl that was orphaned. I still have
the same assignment as when I came aboard. Which isn't
bad, but there are three of us in a two room suite." Nara
didn't want to tell her life story, but the situation
had to be understood.
"Oh. Well, in that case..." Iniara paused
for a moment. "You do know that when you became
a foster parent, you could have requested assignment
to a residential apartment?"
Nara blinked, "No, I didn't know. It happened pretty
much impromptu."
"Better late than never, I suppose," Iniara
replied. "Okay, quick overview.
The residential apartments are all concentrated on Decks
Six and Seven.
They're a bit different from standard quarters in that
each bedroom has its own adjacent bathroom, the common
areas are a bit larger, and they can be configured with
a larger kitchenette than is normally allowed in standard
The Ops Chief tapped a few buttons on her console, scanning
the information it presented. "Looks like we have
a few two bedroom suites left open, and one with the
aforementioned kitchenette. The common room in that one
is smaller because of it, but..." She shrugged. "Your
Nara blinked again. A larger suite? She felt really
foolish for not having pushing this before. Then it hit
her that Bran would no longer be her roomate. She sighed
considering they never really saw each other anyway and
focused her thoughts on deciding on the kitchenette or
larger common room.
It would be nice to be able to cook for Saia. Maybe
even look up some Trill recipes and teach her to cook
them. There was also the idea of cooking for Saul. She
smiled at Tarin, embarrased she had yet to answer.
"Take your time." Iniara smiled. The range
of emotions people gave off when they were changing quarters
never ceased to amaze her.
She sighed deciding having a kitchenette would make
it more of a "house" and felt it would be more
fair to Saia not to live in a dorm-like room. "The
one with the kitchenette."
Iniara nodded, turning back to her console once more. "You'll
be on Deck Seven, Section 25. I'll need to send in a
maintenance team for inspection before you move in...make
sure everything still works and all that. You'll receive
a memo once that's done, and then the place is yours."
Nara dumbly nodding, not really expecting it to be so
easy, or fast.
"Shouldn't be more than a few hours," the
Chief replied, picking up a nearby padd. She tapped it
a few times, then turned it around to face Nara. "This
is the official reassignment request. All I need now
is for you to authorize it."
Nara stared at it and finally smiled. It was just a
simple quarters reassignment, but it felt big to her
at the moment. She suddenly realized she had to repack.
She quickly signed before she changed her mind. This
was best for Saia.
"No rush on the packing," Iniara told her
as she synched the padd with her desktop console. "We're
not in the business of running people out of their homes...unless
of course they deserve it." The Chief grinned mischievously.
"Anyway. Like I said, you'll get a notification
when your new quarters are ready. If you have items that
you need help moving, just contact Main Ops when you're
ready and we'll send whoever is available to assist.
Now, what am I forgetting..." The Chief tapped her
chin thoughtfully. "Do you have any questions or
Nara just sighed, "Don't confirm this yet. I just
realized I may need to talk to my room-mate." She
suddenly realized it would be a jerky thing to do to
move out without so much as giving Bran an option of
coming or not. It wasn't up to Nara to decide whether
what was best in the situation. She really didn't mind
Bran coming or not. Saul and she could just meet in his
room...if he ever let her in his room again.
(OOC: Takes place
shortly before 'Danger Abounds')
"Coulda Shoulda Woulda, Part I"
Lt. (JG) 8-ball Hunter
Chief Science Officer and a hottie of Astronomical proportions
Lieutenant Saul Bental
Chief Tactical Officer and the Galaxy's James Bond
8-ball had just gotten off after a particularly long
shift in Sciences and was lying in her bed, contemplating
what she wanted to do. A sonic shower had definite appeal,
but then so did just lying around and doing absolutely
nothing more strenous than breathing. She had just decided
that she was far too lazy to be bothered with silly things
like showers when the door chimed.
"Come in," 8-ball said, not bothering to move
in the slightest.
The man that entered the room was wearing a civilian
T-Shirt with windmill on it, and asly smirk that she
would recognize anyhwere.
8-ball looked up. "Saul!" she said in her
best, teenage, oh-my-god-that-boy-is-so-cute voice. This
was mostly due to 8-ball's love of trying to freak out
Saul whenever humanely possible, but truth be told 8-ball
was actually ecstatic to see her friend back. She didn't
have that many friends and this was sort of a trying
time for her, what with frightening dates with Klingons
and hallucinations of dead children and doing Starfleet
science things. Saul was always good to hang out with---he
didn't pry into your secrets because he had too many
secrets of his own.
8-ball found all the energy she didn't know she had,
and leapt off the bed to give Saul a hug and a big kiss
on the cheek. "I've missed you so much!"
she exclaimed. "Who was I supposed to tease and
annoy while you were gone?
It's much better that you're back now. Did you bring
me anything?"
Saul thanked god that Nara wasn't there to witness 8-Ball.
He had enough trouble with the 'Warrior daughter of Sakaria'
without getting 8-Ball into the picture. Although, he
couldn't avoid thinking, 'getting 8-Ball into the picture'
could be quite interesting--
"Of course, you think I'd go travelling 'abroad'
without bringing souveniers?", Saul stated, and
drew a small, toy robot from his pocket. It was the product
he tried to sell to the Yridian merchant, which he didn't
want. Saul and the rest were left with fifty pieces,
and could do nothing with them except for bringing them
back home in the Backbroken's Reward's cargo bay.
He actually wanted to give one to Bran, too, before
she get all melancholic and then smacked him.
"Ta-da!", He presented the robot. "Introducing
Marvin, the paranoid minidroid."
Truth was, 8-ball hadn't been expecting anything at
all, and was thoroughly looking forward to being able
to scold Saul for forgetting about her. But she got a
mini robot! A paranoid minidroid, no less! How cool was
"Excellent!" 8-ball said and took the toy from
him. "Someone for Eptgac to play with."
"Eptgac?", Saul rolled the word on his tounge.
The Dutchman found it hard to pronounce. "Is it
in Vulcan?"
8-ball rolled her eyes. "Hardly," she said. "Don't
you know ANYTHING about me? I don't do Vulcan. Minus
the ears, of course. No, Eptgac is anagram.
It's short for Evil Plaything Given by Anti Christ. Otherwise
known as the teddy bear an exboyfriend gave me. He's
my constant companion."
8-ball set Marvin down gingerly next to Eptgac (this
was more for Eptgac's sake than Marvin, as it didn't
take much these days for Eptgac's head to come flying
off) and then sat back on her bed. "So," she
said, "you're back.
What the hell have you been up to?"
Before he could respond, 8-ball realized that this was
probably the most futile question to ask Saul, at least
if you expected him to answer honestly. "Nevermind,
ex-intelligence officer. You can't tell me, and probably
wouldn't if you could, just to irritate me. All right.
Come up with some kind of interesting lie, since the
truth is likely not as entertaining anyways."
"Let me think of something...", He scratched
his chin. "Ah! OK, So this Joe person from FNN contacted
me the other days, and he gave me an offer you cannot
refuse - to become part of a team that surveys and ranks
strip clubs within and outside the Federation. Of course,
I'm not at liberty to discuss strip clubs beyond enemy
borders for obvious reasons."
"Of course," 8-ball said drily. "So let
me get this straight: you got to go on some nifty mission
involving strip clubs all around the universe and you
didn't bring me? Me, of all, people? Some super spy you
are. I could have helped you out a lot." She sighed. "Oh
well. What's done is done, I guess."
"AND I didn't take any photos.", Saul noted. "Not
of strippers, at least."
"I'd ask to see them, but you wouldn't let me anyways," 8-ball
Then she smiled mischeviously. "So," 8-ball
said, "while you were out there, perusing the various
strip clubs and watching all the dancers, did you learn
any new tricks to try out with Nara later tonight?"
Saul snorted, and seem to be quite at loss for a few
moments. This amused 8-ball to no end. . .it wasn't entirely
easy to stop Saul's quick comebacks, and 8-ball always
gave herself a good 30 seconds of mental gloating when
she did.
Then, he finally said, "Naa, if I wanted advice,
I wouldn't have needed to go hiking around sleazy bars
all over the quadrant. Why go through all the effort
when I can hop by your quarters and ask for tips?"
8-ball laughed despite herself. "Point Bental," she
said, and smiled at him.
"So, come on, man, what's new? How are things going
with, uh, Nara and Tactical and life and stuff?"
"With Nara everything's good, umm... we're still
getting used to each other.
If you recall from the Academy days, I was a lone wolf
so everything with her is kinda new. Plus I brought to
the Galaxy a guest from the trip--", He was tempted
to add that 8-Ball would like her, but thought of Eve
finding herself in a 'girls night' with 8 and her friends
convinced him to hold his tounge, "-- so she's staying
around for a little bit. Tactical? Don't know.
You know how it is. I'm expected to press the big red
button while the rest of the crew are holding bets for
how long will I survive in the post."
"A hell of a lot longer than I will," 8-ball
said drily. "I'm surprised I'm still here." ~Barely~
she thought about adding, but decided against it. She
didn't want this conversation to get too serious. There
was little point in that. 8-ball pushed away her brooding
thoughts and reconcentrated on what Saul was saying.
. .she had missed a sentence or two.
"But knowing you.", Saul smirked nastily, "I'm
sure that your stories are MUCH more interesting, and
may include genuine strippers..."
"Coulda Shoulda Woulda" - part II (Woulda?
Or maybe Shoulda?)

Lt. (JG) 8-ball Hunter
Chief Science Officer and a hottie of Astronomical proportions
Lieutenant Saul Bental
Chief Tactical Officer and the Galaxy's officially most
sneaky character
* * * 8-Ball's quarters * * *
"--I'm sure that
your stories are MUCH more interesting, and may include
genuine strippers..."
8-ball thought about this. "That's true," she
said. "My stories probably are more interesting.
And I think I do have a few with strippers. . .there
may even be a story where I'm not the one on the pole.
Hmm . . . I suppose I could reenact some of those tales
for your viewing pleasure. Only I'm sure you're not so
interested in any of that, are you? Of course not. I'm
going to get something to drink. Want something?"
"Orange juice. Extra cold. And I'm a male, 8 -
so don't tempt me.", Saul Bental chuckled.
"Of course not," 8-ball said with a smile,
and walked over to the replicator to get the drinks.
She handed Saul his drink, her hand brushing the side
of his... accidentally or not, 8-ball wasn't sure. She
liked Saul, probably a little more than she should have
considering she was sort of friends with Nara, and she
had entertained thoughts of what things might have been
like between them more than once. Nevertheless, she was
totally unprepared for what happened when her skin connected
with his.
The room never faded away, and there was no feeling
of movement. 8-ball was just suddenly on her back with
Saul on top of her, his hands pulling down her uniform,
her hands sliding down his back. She could literally
feel the sheets moving under her, her legs spread under
his, his breath exhaled over her. . .
And then she was back standing in front of him, as if
nothing had happened, with the glass still in her hand.
It fell and shattered on the floor as 8-ball took a gigantic
step back, stumbled, and nearly fell on her ass. "What
the FUCK was THAT?"
"Are you alright?", Saul knelt next to her,
and looked concerned. Or rather, more concerned than
he seemed to be just a moment before, when he was naked
and on top of her.
"No, I am not all right," she snapped, and
brushed her hand through her hair. Obviously, whatever
the hell she had experienced wasn't real, and while she
did on occasion hallucinate things, naked Saul wasn't
usually one of them. A fantasy that vivid . . .
~. . .but it wasn't mine~ 8-ball thought to herself,
and the instant she thought it, she knew it was true.
8-ball's fantasies never included the man on top, and
she prided herself on her imagination and creativity.
. .her bed simply wasn't the place she'd have bothered
thinking about. The Captain's chair or in front of the
Warp Core, maybe, but her quarters? It wasn't happening.
~And it happened when I touched his hand~
8-ball swallowed and let herself gently sink to the
ground. "Okay," she said. "Um, yeah, this
is, yeah, a weird question, but you weren't just happening
to be daydreaming about, you know, having sex with me,
like, right here, were you?
Saul's eyes grew wide momentarily, but then he came
up with another witty answer. "Of course I did.
It's my favorite past time."
What he really wanted to say was 'Shit shit SHIT, how
did you know??', but that would probably be the wrong
thing to say and would make at least two women want to
remove his private parts without sedation, preferably
using a rusted Bat'leth as a surgical aid.
8-ball shook her head. "Saul, I need you to be
straight with someone for just once in your life. Please.
Just. . .I need to know if what I just saw was. . ." She
broke off, because she wanted to ask if what she saw
was real, but real wasn't the right word. "Look,
I was talking to you and I touched your hand and then
I got this flash and it was like it was really happening
and. . .please just be honest with me. Just this once."
"This must be like the strangest way to flirt -
ever." Saul tried to joke, but seeing 8-Ball's expression
he decided to drop it. He knew the lively science officer
since the two of them were cadets, and she never, NEVER
looked as serious as she was at that moment.
"You promise not to tell?", He asked sheepishly.
"Cross my heart and hope to die," 8-ball said
drily. And then added, "Well, not really, but yeah,
I won't tell."
"Well, errrr... I confess. You can't blame me,
with your, ummm, reenactment ideas."
There was also the little problem with Nara and her
trauma, which left him - as he admitted to himself -
somewhat frustrated. But that's not the kind of things
he wished to discuss with 8-Ball, or any other person.
He suddenly realized that she might somehow pick up
this thought as well.
"Forgive me?", He begged meekly.
"Well, of course," 8-ball said. She found
that she was starting to get her equilibrium back . .
.at least a little. . .and she found Saul's timidity
a little amusing. "I'm not the type to get offended
if a guy's daydreaming about me. I'd be more offended
if you didn't think about me. It's just. . .this is hugely,
amazingly weird. I mean, I'm not, you know, psychic.
Like at all. And this. . .this is just very, very strange.
I didn't mean to invade your thoughts or anything. I
know that kind of thing would annoy me. I just don't
know what the hell's happening."
She sighed, put her head in her hand, and laughed lightly
to herself. ~I so don't need this right now~ she thought,
and looked up at Saul. "You should probably go," 8-ball
told him. "Wouldn't want to explain to Nara what
you did for so long in little 8-ball's quarters."
Saul grinned. "I'm not worried. I entered your
room more than five minutes ago, so as far as the USS
Rumor Mill is concerned we already had sex. Thrice."
He tried to resist any thoughts following the scenario
he proposed. No need for 8-Ball to pick anything like
that again.
"Did you pick anything else beside the, errr, stray
"You mean, did I pick up any nasty little secrets
about your covert plans to take over the universe? No.
And I wouldn't tell you if I had. I don't feel like getting
murdered in my sleep." 8-ball put her hands over
her face, rubbed it, and kicked her feet irritably on
the ground. "Why doesn't God like me?" she
demanded, more to her quarters than to Saul. "I
don't NEED this."
"You know, this is not the first time it happens
to me.", Saul admitted.
8-ball looked up suddenly. "Really? Some other
busy half Vulcan hear your depraved fantasies?"
"Not quite. There was a marine officer on board,
an Echani - Rayne Sutea. She studied with us on the academy.
I had a similar experience with her on the third or fourth
year... and I suspect she didn't tell me all the truth
about it."
"That's so excellent!" 8-ball said, which
may not have been the appropriate reaction, but 8-ball
was never really about appropriate reactions. She leapt
up from the floor and kissed Saul on the cheek. Then
she backed up really quickly.
"Okay, maybe touching is not the best of ideas
right now," 8-ball said. "But still! That means
that maybe, for once, this isn't about my brain going
wacky! Yes! I love you Saul! But only in a strictly friendship
with no benefits way, not while your dating my occasional
drinking buddy. There's a whole sister code thing."
"I love you too, in a 'Let's-not-tear-our-clothes-and-have-wild-sex-like-horny-alley-cats-sort-of-way.",
Saul replied.
"I don't think a man's ever loved me in that way
before," 8-ball said lightly, and briefly thought
of being back on the planet with the Jem'Hadar.
There, she and Nara had been running away from the bad
guys when something had happened. . .they had telepathically
spoken. And that was immensely strange because Vulcans
were touch telepaths at best, and she certainly wasn't
at best. She was pretty much a null with psychic potential
because the last time she had tried anything with it
was when she was imprisoned under her mother's logical,
totalitarian rule on Vulcan. Later, the ability had gone,
and 8-ball thought maybe it had something to do with
the massively weird crap that was going on in that world,
but now. . .
No. This had happened to Saul before. This was just
her bad luck. 8-ball refused to believe that there was
anything else involved. It was all, all Saul's problem.
So ha.
"So. . .I can't tease Nara at all?" 8-ball
said. "It could be kind of fun."
Saul shook his head sharply. "She's very... touchy
about these things. You know, an old fashioned girl.
Let's say that I doubt she'd be interested in ménage
a trois if we proposed it to her."
8-ball sighed. "How sad. Well, if you were limited
to a merely a threesome, you'd probably pick Nara and
Branwen anyway. That's okay. I'll find my own fun."
Saul continued to look a little serious, and 8-ball
laughed. "I promise I won't blow the whistle on
your naughty, naughty daydreams. Though it seems pretty
harmless to me; I mean, it wasn't like you were actually
fucking me or anything. Well, it did kind of seem like
that. Anyway. This feels awkward, huh? Dammit. Post-sex
awkward I can deal with. Post telepathic-sex-thoughts
awkward is just weird. Do you know what time it is?"
Saul slanted his eyes toward the chronometer. "Why,
five past nine. I'm glad I caught you before your bridge
"Well, not entirely," 8-ball said. "It
started five minutes ago. Fuck. Okay, that means I have
to run away now, but that's okay. Now that you're back
on the ship, we can promise to do this again sometime
without the whole telepathy fantasy bit, and we'll be
good and not the next victims of the vengeful wrath of
Naranda Roswell. 'Kay?"
Saul gave a non-committing shrug. "Sure thing."
"Good," 8-ball said as she very quickly threw
on her shoes that had been hiding under her bed. "Now
I get to go up to the bridge and have people yell at
me. Again. My life just keeps getting better." She
looked at him with a bit of a smile. "I'm glad you're
back," she told him honestly. "Now get out."
Saul spun on his heels, gave a mock salute, and headed
toward the door.
"Oh, and 8?", He spoke up as the door slid
to reveal the corridor.
"Yeah, sugar?"
"It could've been fun, couldn't it?", He grinned.
8-ball winked. "Boy," she said, "you
have no IDEA how much."
"Quiet Day"
Lieutenant (JG) John Morris (APC)
Security Officer
Security Office, Deck 39
The Security office was eerily quiet for the middle
of Alpha shift. Not a sole within, bar himself. Unusual,
but John didn't mind one iota. The peace gave him time
to review the latest goings on back home. Despite not
being the Chief Executive any more, John had been finding
himself constantly keeping track of the goings on within
the company. Typing in a few commands in the console,
the latest report appeared on the screen. Only a single
page this time, the report barely covered the appointment
of a new Administrative Assistant from Mars and the two
new contracts that they had picked up for Starfleet.
The week had been a little slow, not like the past few
months which had been the complete opposite..
Business was booming, and the company had been going
from strength to strength, winning contracts for all
sorts of technical gadgets and applications. And it all
pleased the aging Terran. It was his slice of the universe,
and he wanted so much to be able to pass it on to his
children someday, even if one of them didn't even want
to talk to him anymore.
He reached up to massage the back of his neck. It was
very stiff these days. Perhaps that was why the boss
had seen fit to post him here, rather than out and about
on the ship guarding the Jem'Hadar guests. He highly
doubted that it was his age. Perhaps it was the slight
beer belly he sported. Perhaps one of his children had
one day pissed Corgan off when he was last on Terra.
Who knew. John was damn sure he looked more menacing
than that new guy, Artim. The Ensign might be old, ancient
even, but he looked awfully young. Still it was kinda
peaceful in the office, and from what he had found in
his short time aboard, those times were few and far between
on the Galaxy.
It had been damn quiet so far. Heck, the most excitement
his old bones had seen during the day was the announcement
the Captain had made about being in orbit around ch'Rihan.
Not that he would get to go down to the planet. Corgan
would probably keep him aboard to look after things.
Especially with the Jem'Hadar here. John was pretty sure
that the Jem'Hadar wouldn't be allowed to go down to
the planet, but that was to be seen.
With an audible groan escaping from his lips, he managed
to stand up from the chair. Three hours straight in that
chair was too much for his old bones. After several stretches
to work the kinks out of his muscles, he made his way
over to the replicator. "Black Coffee, Hot." The
beverage appeared under a shimmer of light, steam rising
from the mug that now resided in the empty cavity of
the replicator. Taking a sip, he sighed contently. "That's
a damn good brew." He said absentmindedly to the
empty room. Making his way to the nearby couch, he placed
his mug of coffee on the side table before plopping himself
on the couch with yet another contented sigh.
Closing his eyes, he took a long slow breath, letting
the moment flow over him like an ocean wave. It was something
he had been doing more often these days. Reflecting on
the wonderful life he had been given, the wonderful family
that he had been blessed with, a the joy he found even
now, so long after Kate had passed on. Ten years almost
had passed since she had died and with the help of his
loving children, he had found the courage and the will
to continue on.
John reached over and picked up the PADD sitting next
to his mug. The device was one of the technologies that
his company had been contracted to improve, though nothing
was likely to be even remotely ready for initial prototype
for a year at the earliest. The Admiral who was spearheading
it had asked for it to be designed and built from scratch
rather than try and upgrade the current PADD. John didn't
mind, as a contract is a contract and it was worth a
fairly sizeable amount of credits.
Tapping a couple of buttons brought the latest Security
deployment report to the screen. John scanned the short
list. He snorted at the list. They were woefully understaffed.
At least to John they were. The Alexander, where he had
last been had had twice that number. And she had been
a smaller vessel. And since they were in the middle of
Romulan space, they weren't likely to get new recruits
any time soon. "We'll just have to make do." John
mumbled to himself.
Yes, it had been a very quiet day!
Ens. Artim - Security Medic
Cmdr. Karyn Dallas - Cheif Counsellor/Second Officer
"Fear Of a Name"
Counseling was always something that Artim found to
be a necessary evil. He hated spilling his guts, but
at the same time it did help, especially in times like
this. Going "home" to the holodeck wasn't helping
like it used to, that and it was time for his routine
session after a departmental transfer. So he was headed
to Dallas' office for an appointment before going on
duty. Hitting the door chime, he waited for a response,
poorly attempting to stifle his anxiety.
As was her custom, Karyn met Artim at the door and smiled.
It still surprised her at times to see a grown man who
looked like a ten year old in a Starfleet uniform. Of
course, for Karyn that was like calling the kettle black,
and she felt a twinge of guilt as she considered moving
her hoverchair to allow him entry. "Hello, Artim.
Please, come in." She'd helped treat him long ago
when they rescued him and she remembered how vulnerable
he looked to her then "Thanks", Artim said
as he came in and took a seat. He'd remembered her being
one of the first people that had pulled him out of the
damaged fighter he'd flown out to the Galaxy. The Miran
had been mainly seeing Brian since he'd gotten here,
but he didn't mind seeing Dallas.
Karyn gestured for him to take a seat anywhere he felt
comfortable in her reception area. "Can I get you
Sitting down in the most comfortable looking chair
he could find Artim replied, "No thanks mam."
Dallas nodded, and took up position in front of him. "I
should say I'm not trying to step on Brian's toes here,
and if you'd rather wait to see him, that's fine. It
occured to me, however, we hadn't talked much since your
rescue. I just wanted to follow-up, see how you were
doing, really."
"That's fine. From what I here Brian's had it pretty
hard lately himself. And overall I think I'm fine. It's
just been difficult lately." ,Artim replied.
"The transfer you mean?" Karyn asked.
"Mostly. I have to say I really wasn't ready for
that. I'm not used to the way Corgan runs things. Haven't
been subject to that sort of style since, well, I'm not
supposed to talk about that job."
Dallas frowned, her curiosity piqued. "This isn't
an official session right now, but regardless, if you'd
like to talk about some things, as long as you're not
going to harm others and you're not involved in an ongoing
crime, it'll stay between us."
Artim chuckled a bit "That was decades ago commander
and don't worry, it wasn't anything illegal. Still though,
I'm a scientist first and foremost. Corgan's command
style...doesn't really sit well with me. Even since I
joined the fleet I've not been subjected to...that."
Dallas smiled. "I understand what you mean. I'd
take offense to being called a weak bleeding heart just
because of what I do for Starfleet, but I know healers
and scientists have different mindsets. I thank God for
that. It takes all kinds. Have you talked to Corgan about
how you feel?"
"In all honesty mam, I'm afraid to. He's not exactly
the approachable type." , the Miran was reluctant
to admit it, but he was a bit scared of Corgan.
Karyn replied gently, "I mean no disrespect, Artim,
but if you are to protect others here, you have to work
past your fear, especially of people on the same side.
Has Corgan threatened you or done anything improper?"
"No mam. And I think the solution is simple, I'm
not cut out for security. I really wish I was, in the
end, I'm not. I'm meant work with microscopes and bone
knitters, not a phaser."
"But aren't you doing that as well as the HT's
"The phaser there is for defense. I can fight but,
well, I hate it. It was something I was forced to do
and I had to get good at. I volunteered for Hazard duty
to offer my skills where I thought they'd be useful,
not because I like it."
"And I have no doubt you're useful as a medic,
Artim. Just think, it can now be you responding to damaged
shuttles rather than clusmy me."
"Yeah, that's true. But every time I've really
had to fight, I've been forced into it. DS5, Tru'haran,
the inter.." Artim stopped himself before he mentioned
his time as a POW.
"What were you going to say?" Karyn answered.
There was obviously something on his mind.
"I've talked enough about that particular experience
commander, I really don't want to discuss it again." ,
Artim replied with a hint of aggressiveness in his voice
Dallas held up her hands. "Fine. I'm just not
in the habit of ignoring what people say. I sensed something
was on your mind."
Artim sighed a bit and said, "It's OK, I just really
don't like talking about my past for obvious reasons.
I got another 7,000 years to look forward to, what happened
10, 20, or 200 years ago doesn't really matter much does
Karyn shrugged. "You tell me.
"I don't think so or else I'd be talking about
Dallas shrugged again. She hadn't wanted to step on
toes with Brian anyway. "Alright. Well, it sounds
like you do feel forced to act, perhaps as in the past.
But you could have refused the transfer.
"I thought I'd try it out, that's why I didn't
refuse it. I...don't think its working though."
Dallas nodded. "Maybe you could meet with Brian
and discuss how to speak with Corgan. I'd offer to help,
but as I said, I don't want to step on toes. Talk with
"I will, thanks. I have to be going."