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"Go away," she said to him. "Can't you see I'm fully dressed right now?" "If they do, then they better be coming quickly, because if heroism is about nobility and never being afaid, then it's going to take one hell of a miracle to turn me into a hero. End personal log." New day. New assignment. Same assholes in charge. Only the persons changed, but the assholes remained. She had the urge to pick some and then pluck the petals in a he-loves-me-he-loves-me-not/a-ship-just-crashed-on-Trill-today-and-isn't-that-sad? fashion but she thought that Jan might not approve. ~I just thought it was typical b****y you.~ Nara thought, but smiled, "Understood." Nara was competent as they get. She was a bit annoyed at anyone thinking otherwise. Then again, this woman didn't know Nara from any other ensign, so she was spared the fish-slapping. Plus, she was her superior. It wouldn't do to have a reprimand. It had shaken sentimentality out of him as quickly as a youth could lose his innocence with a bottle of Jintz and the neighbour's daughter. "I feel like I'm a modern day version of Clark Kent. By day, mild mannered science officer, by night super fighter pilot." "People with amazing powers, running around in tights, blowing things up, that kind of thing?" The last time he'd flown one of these things, someone was intent on trying to see how many shots a Federation Shuttle could take before it went kaboom and ended the career of a particularly irritated ensign. "So much to do, so little...Bental?" "Yo ho ho and a bottle of room." Despite the fact that the Quick Virus was now gone, the USS Galaxy was like any other starship- when disaster struck, everyone's food replicators or sonic showers needed to be repaired. She had decided to wear her hair in a fashionable Janeway-Bun-of-Steel. "No!" Ella Grey said clearly, or as clear as a robot sounded at any rate. "Shuttles first. Betty Crocker and Mr. Clean later." *FIZZLE, POP* The news had been spreading around the ship quickly, from one person to another at the speed of light, or at the speed of mating tribbles, whichever one was faster. She began to tell this woman that she could take her obviously bleached hair and shove it up her obviously tight ass when she stopped. "You can't just leave. It's. . .it's. . .it's un-Starfleet like." "How is your talking to that weirdo going to have any impact on Trill?" 8-ball thought about it. "Approximately, if you round up a percent or two, carry the one, multiply it by 600. . .about none. I never said that was my mission." "Peckerwood and I will have our own little party at a later time." How did he somehow manage to cut into her commander mode and make her a sappy school girl? "There's a whole planet full of women who would be willing to throw themselves at my feet for rescuing them. All I gotta do is find the right ones and show em a little MAJOR LOG." Streely said with a wry grin. "Working..." Why did the computer always have to say that? She knew it was working. "A ship falls on my home city, and I get promoted, all in one day. Talk about your mixed signals." "Well, If I do say so myself, I feel like a new holographic man.....How may I help?" "George, I'd ask you to go. But you need a bath, so it's just Ella, Nara, Mei and Emma going with me..." "Sit down, be quiet and let me sleep..." During that time Sorak took the time to meditate on the situation at hand. However the Vulcan was plagued with a problem, of which he could get to answer. Why was Baile hair cut like that. It served no purpose, it wasn't that fashionable, not that a Vulcan would care about things, but it puzzled him non the less. Stifling a yawn the marine checked his rifle. "If anyone has a firearm you tell them to drop it. If they point it towards you - drop them." He held the rifle at the ready and started walking. "Other than that - use that calculator of a brain you have..." "One death is a tragedy... a million is statistics... " Now there was a furrow of earth brown gouged deep through the city's centre, leaving behind it a churned mess of warped pipes, crumbled sewers and pulverized foundations with twisted durasteel beams. Glass towers and stone building alike were knocked aside like bowling pins by a warp powered starship, until there were nothing but jagged stumps that once held corporations, businesses, and shopping establishments. Those building that were not in the direct path of the crashing starship were ruined skeletons devoid of their shining window panes. The sonic boom from the vessel's high speed shattered nearly every piece of glass in the city, injuring scores of people in the maelstrom of razor sharp pieces. Now the glass was littered all over the city among rubble chunks and metal machines, reflecting in millions of tiny crystal pieces a sun hazed by the black smoke of countless fires. The marine reached into a pocket and pulled out a packet of gum. "Want some?" he asked as casually as if they had been in Ten-Forward, offering the packet to the engineering team. Nara ... looked at the Star Fleet version of GI Joe and shook her head in disgust. In such tragedies as this, people seemed to miss the miracles. It was understandable. Through all the mess and death, it was hard to find any good. It took a lot of digging. With each life that was spared, there was a miracle. Because it could always be much worse. "I believe you, sir knight. Yet I also know you are devious about the letter of the law." "The Trills are a species that live in symbiotic relation with a second species, one that only a small portion of their population can accept merger with, which you also already know. What you don't know is this: that's a lie." The voices drowned out each other, creating a chaotic and horrible symphony of suffering and pain. And the devil rejoiced. "Two things so beautiful should never create one so terrible." "Oh, I wish...I were...an...oscar meyer weiner." Ella said flatly as she shook her head at the figures she had just worked out in her head. Of course the chip didn't know any differently. She could have been ecstatic and it would have had the same tone. Marines had to maintain their reputation as angry jarheads from time to time. "If you feel you need to weep, or shout, or any display of strong emotion, please do. You deserve it. No one should have to see their homeworld in ruin like this." "God, do I hate the dealing between superpowers. Gets in the way of honest justice." Grumbled James. James paused, the words caught in his throat like a hairy clog. "Buried under a million grains of sand and a million more." It was evident that in a short time, the entire vessel would move into alert. Like a well oiled machine, the Galaxy and its crew members would prove their reputation not just as universe saviors, but as regular Starfleet officers doing their jobs. Leran Manev was, to Trill and non-Trill alike, a place of beauty. The closest things Earth had, he remembered from his days at the Academy had been some of the cities on the European continent - Rome, Venice, Paris, and the like. Leran Manev was far, far older than those, and, by comparison, were farmer's villages. Not that he'd say that to a human. They got touchy when reminded how young their species really was. "So, this is what the fourth ring of Hell looks like," 8-ball muttered to herself as she looked around at Trill. "You can tell him, from me, he should be proud of his daughter. She died with the ideals of doing and serving others." In his eyes, it [lying] was a legitimate tool, that should be used when (and only when) needed to achieve his goals. The scout followed closely behind Gary grateful that the man barks much more than he bites. Of course, no one dare push the man enough to get bitten. No. Only an idiot would do that. After the message played, Gary looked at the shopkeeper and for a split second wished he believed in killing the messenger. She wasn't exactly sure what she could do in a situation like this, but by God, she'd do something! She knew a little first aid and was decent at search operations, but that was about it. She was a lawyer, not a doctor or medic dammit. "One pissed off Irish Girl out" "Frakking peace of second hand ferengi bachHa'!!" What was it about insane megalomaniacs that made monologuing such a necessity? Did they really get their jollies by telling their arch nemesis (read good guy) about how clever, wonderful, and awe inspiring they were? If she were a psychologist she could probably come up with an award winning paper on 'Megalomaniacs and Monologuing.' "Damn." Corran muttered after a moment. "People are like mudslides... it just takes one to get it all rolling..." "...a Marine does, Starfleet tries..." "Do you have any idea what the engineers would do to me if let a bunch of children run loose in their workspace? Homicide doesn't cover it. Crucifixation is much more likely." What did kids like besides torture, screaming, and... "You have a teddy bear? Wow, I haven't had a teddy bear since I was Kaden's age. You're not very mature, are you?" "You're not very normal, are you?" Saul Bental crept through the alley, using every trick in the unwritten street-boy's-guide-to-the-urban-life in order to avoid detection and to throw off any possible stalkers. "The trick where I blow up an entire art gallery over your head.", Saul smirked. "This is the Captain. The DIIS must be stopped. I'm wide open to suggestions and miracles." "Number Two, it appears that someone has grown a pair of testicals on that ship. A small bud, but a set of testiocals nonetheless." Maybe it was because they spent more time with the ship then they did with actual people. "Well, I happen to be one of those who don't steal other people's girlfriends." Saul replied. Well, he truly never stole anyone's girlfriend, but he didn't steal any available women either. If I wanted to spend my time talking about things like this, I'd have signed up to be a Counselor instead of a pilot." - Miramon Terrik finds himself in the wrong profession She needed to personally thank Tarin for helping her fight off the Other before it was too late. Though how one exactly went about that was hard to imagine. Somehow, bringing chocolate chip cookies and a card that said 'Thanks for saving me from going insane' seemed a bit much. She seriously doubted that any card maker - from Hallmark to Galactic Greetings - carried any 'saving from insanity' cards. - Jasmine Heloi has doubts in the creative powers of the Greeting Cards industry. "Just a little more work and you'll be handsome enough to put the other targ to shame in the pen tonight." - Victor Krieghoff taunts a Klingon opponent during fist fight. Correy couldn’t help but wonder whether the computer had been watching him in the shower. “yer you like that don’t ya!” - Correy Smith suffering from a rare computers paranoia… 8-ball knew very rationally that the Trills who did carry symbionts were not contagious. Hanging around them was not going to cause a leap of dots from one person's face to hers. - 8-Ball suffering from a rare Trill spots paranoia… "You know," he said, "it's usually more fun when I barge in on you half-naked." "I'll try not to disappoint next time," - 8-Ball and the guy-who-barges-in-on-8-Ball-when-she-dresses Nara looked up at Saul, "What do we do now?" "Now..." Saul smiled faintly, "Now we try to think of a good way for you to die." - Today is a good day to die according to Saul and Nara's plans… "And why the hell should that pissant have all the fun?" "Oh I don know Sunshine.. maybeh cause ya make moe ruckuss 'dan a virgin in a whurehouse.." "You calling me a virgin, buckboy?" "No.. ya ain't no virgin... ya be more of a whurehouse.." - Starfleet Marines were, throughout history, very good at graphic analogies… " Bad weather? When was the last time it *rained* on a landing party in Trek?" "About the last time a plumber was needed when that Gorn used the Terran toilet instead of the door marked 'other'." - Robert and Ian in a rather awry OOC discussion "Number One, get started on your options," Daren continued with a turn to look at Cassius. "I'll take care of notifying Ship's Personnel and the Trill government of the situation." He paused, and shook his head. "Then I've one card left to play." "And what's that, sir?" "I'm going to do what men have done for millennia when faced with disaster and in need of guidance: I'm going to call my wife." - Captain M'Kantu phone home! "I think both I and my symbiont have headaches." - Doctor Tizarin Lias has a bad morning. The lesson of one night stands should not be taught to nine year olds. That was what junior high was all about. - Another philosophical musing by 8-Ball ==Unable to comply== responded the flat monotone of the computer. "Why not?" demanded the Captain. "This is the USS Galaxy, the finest piece of hardware in Starfleet!" ==Dude...== moaned the computer. - Captain M'Kantu and the unresponsive computer. "Umm.. like, their ship will never withstand that barrage. Dude, you didn't like, tell me you were going to use them on the ship! I know GALAXY wasn't like, my best work. Hell, I designed the re-fit more to piss off people than thinking they would build it! I mean, I looked into the Stardock and was all like whoa! Jumping Jeohosphat! Holey-Mooley!" So like, if we blow it up, that would like, suck. Sort of. Hey! Can I build something else from the wreckage? Because I remember this totally rad door on Ten Forward which would look sweet in my lab. Blow it up!" - Like, totally rad guest appearance by, like, Dr. Jebbadiah Quick dude! "…When that man is sitting around his fireside with his snot nosed pants pissing grand kids bouncing on his artheritic knees, when they ask him what he did on the almighty Galaxy, he won't have to say he shoveled shit in the waste replimats. He can say he kicked some ass." - Captain Bhrode, planning Corran Rex's legacy "Do you have any idea what the engineers would do to me if let a bunch of children run loose in their workspace? Homicide doesn't cover it. Crucifixion is much more likely." Azra rolled her eyes. "We aren't a bunch of children," she protested. "There's only two of us. And they aren't going to murder you for showing us the place. At most, they'd just court martial you." - 8-Ball takes Trill kids to a joy ride on the Galaxy… "I really don't want to die. The idea doesn't appeal to me." - Corran Rex defends himself against the accusations of him being suicidal Then, a scary thought crossed his mind. What if 8-Ball was asking because SHE had an interest in Saul? She never showed any interest in the past, not on the Academy and definetly not during his time on the Galaxy, but still these matters of the heart were often kept within the walls of the soul, unseen by the universe outside... Saul shook his head, to drive the scary thought away. There was no way 8-Ball was referring to herself. If there was the slightest chance, Saul would already run away screaming like a little Ferengi girl seeing a Tax collector for the first time. - Saul, on the possibility of 8-ball being attracted to him In fact, Saul tried to avoid making it look like a date. In fact, he dismissed several other locations which he thought of as romantic before selecting this one. He chose it mostly because it was relaxing, but not too Kitschy. Well, he failed. - Saul Bental "You men are all....dorks." - Nara "If I wanted to spend my time talking about things like this, I'd have signed up to be a Counselor instead of a pilot." - Miramon, after talking to Nara about the Nara-Saul-Branwen love triangle Being driven insane was not exactly on her top ten list of things to do before she died. - Jasmine Heloi "As for what happened, I went missing for a couple months - temporal thing, crashed on a desert planet, kept a friend gone psycho from killing another friend, that sort of thing. . .” - Corran Rex, on being stuck on the desert planet with Cutter, Curtis, and Ella “He'll make it back, Ella. I don't think there's anything out there that can take him down. Course,” he added with a smile, “you ever change your mind, I can easily let you find out how far down the spots go." -Corran “Speaking of which...how are you doing?" The tall man gave a shrug. It wasn't a question he really knew the answer to himself. "I'm....in progress." - Jasmine Heloi and Corran Rex She shook her head again at the ensign, thankful that she had decided to wear her hair in a fashionable Janeway-Bun-of-Steel for the day. - Ella Grey "Brother Streely, why does thy helmet say LOG upon its crown?" "That's MAJOR LOG to you buddy! My pal Raven..where the hell did he vanish to, I donno...had a twin brother named Major Log. I happened to find this "I didn't know that the Marines were so careless about their equiptment." "OK,OK,OK!!! I STOLE THE DAMN THING, OK? JEES!! YOU DON'T HAVE TO BREAK OUT THE RUBBER HOSES OVER HERE!!!" Leo erupted waving his hands in the air. "I Wikkins paled. "There are farm animals in need of rescue?!?!" - Leo Steerly and Zeke Wikkins preparing for a noble rescue mission It was one of those missions where, despite the loads of action, James Corgan was left to suck space vacuum. - Corgan James apology perked Mika's spirits. He wanted to tell the Andorian woman exactly that, for many months after Gryphon. It was a liberating feeling, to There was still one issue. One he couldn't even get himself to say. ~"Damned thing is, I'm one scummy bastard for having a crush on you since we meet on Lan'jep. I also harboured this crush while I was in two separate What he did actually was less eloquent. "I'm a man. Therefore it is my fault. Forgive me?" - Corgan So many lies, so many hidden layers. There was an assassin. Of course there was. The assassin was him. It was quite clear that he had two options. The easy one would be to turn her trust against her, and fulfill his contract. The other alternative was to cheat his most major contact on Ferenginar – one that was taking care of the majority of Saul's stock and possessions – and somehow try to spot the man behind the murder plot without losing the chances to fulfill his agenda. As scary as it may sound, Saul still didn't determine which alternative he was going to follow. As he reentered the CIC, a faint smile emerged on Saul's lips. At least his life weren't boring… - Saul, on whether on not to bump off Nara The three Nausicaans straightened up as they approached, the one that appeared to be the leader - the largest - stepped up and started to challenge them as the other two fingered oversized blasters. "Stop or we shoot!" Another talker, Victor marveled. How could anyone survive in the illegal arms business - or whatever business Hraask was in besides professional bleeding - by talking and not just doing whatever it was that they threatened? - Victor, on not-so-intimidating bad guys She snapped out a word in Klingon that he didn't know - hardly difficult - but that he really didn't need a translation for. He'd been called it before in a hundred languages on a dozen worlds, two space stations, and every ship he'd served aboard. - Victor Nuns were hard to talk to due to their rumoured prudish stance on nearly everything. - Corgan “Hey hey hey..." Saul took her hands, trying to soothe her. "I told my department head that I'm going to see a doctor before going down to the planet, and I promise you I will... you have my knightly oath on it." He was going to grab a doctor who wasn't familiar with his case, convince him to give Saul a clean bill of health, and escape before Klaus or Tizarin notice him - but hey, there was nothing illegal about it, a doctor is a doctor after all! - Saul, giving Branwen a knightly oath After a three day stint of meditation, morphing, and seeing through the eyes of an animal, Dhani really needed some ‘real life’ time. - Dhani Respectfully, do you have a death-wish, Sir? - Claire, to Corgan “God has given you a wonderful insight. I wish I had that same gift." "Trust me." James grumbled coldly, "Don't.” - Sister Paretti and Corgan “I'm going to do what men have done for millennia when faced with disaster and in need of guidance: I'm going to call my wife." - M’kantu "Happiness is subjective to the individual needs.” - Brianna O’Shea What was it about insane megalomaniacs that made monologuing such a necessity? Did they really get their jollies by telling their arch nemesis (read good guy) about how clever, wonderful, and awe inspiring they were? - Jasmine Heloi, on Commodore Thomas’s evil villain monologue Ella didn't believe in altruism. No matter the situation, whether it be taking the proverbial bullet for a loved one or saving the little old lady from the speeding transport, there was no such thing as an unselfish act because every action, however well-intended, was made in self-service and always with certain expected results. Was it really the life of the loved one you were saving? More likely it was the pain of their death that you were saving yourself from. - Ella Grey Saul Bental crept through the alley, using every trick in the unwritten street-boy's-guide-to-the-urban-life in order to avoid detection and to - Saul, on sneaking around Trill "Cut the self righteous crap, traitor. Come along peaceably, let me show you to that goat shagging son of a f**k Thomas, and we'll send you to a nice penal colony to be... rehabilitated. If not..." Paused James, his finger flicking on the higher settings of his phaser, "Well... you killed fellow officers. You just shot an officer in your own department, killed your patrol partner! You earned MY ill will, and only conventions on prisoner treatment are preventing me fron doing anything about it!" The mammoth Security officer frowned deeply. "It is unwise for thee to hurl such sinful accusations at my father." he revealed. "He has never to my knowladge admitted to any consorting with farm animals. Besides, a sheep would have been a more appropriate choice for your blasphemy. - Corgan and Zeke "Commodore. You know you're outmatched. Just throw me the weapon and your death will be painless." "Ha...Sure. I'll do that, after I go skinny dipping in hard vacuum.” - Dr. Gunther Engleman and Commodore Alberion S. Savage ~~That. Was. Incredibly. Stupid. Beyond Belief. Stupid. And. If . You. EVER. Do. Something. Like. That. Again. I'm. Going. To. Find. A. Way. To. Tear. Off. All. Your. Spots. Can. You. Hear. Me.Now?~~ - Ella grey, signing her displeasure to Corran “This is... this is one of the reasons that we exist, that Starfleet exists: to provide hope and assistance in the face of overwhelming disaster. I believe in you, but more importantly, the people of the Federation, and especially the people of Trill, believe in you - and with the power of that belief behind you, each and every one of you can work miracles. In a few short hours, you will be called on to deliver those miracles and you will, even if you don’t think you can… because the power of that belief behind you, and inside you, will sustain you and give you the strength to reach beyond yourself and be the heroes that the people of Trill need.” - M’Kantu addresses the crew after the USS Akula crashes on Trill "I'm sure we can get another run or two in before training..." "Well, I'm up for that." he replied with a grin, looking down. "Pun intended." - Pad and Corran “Thank you,” Colby replied as the computer screens came online then added, “Bitch.” - Sweet-talking the computer. Patience is a virtue, but for Marines it was vital or else they end up blowing up wherever they were assigned. - a Baile and O’Shea post. Ever tell a Tal'Shiar it's over? One has to guess when the next assassination attempt will commence. - James Corgan It was, Victor decided, one of those moments that seemed to fill his life where he was given the inestimably wonderful, certain knowledge, that there was a Divine Being - and the equally certain knowledge that They hated Victor with a passion undreamt of by mortal beings. However the Vulcan was plagued with a problem, of which he could get to answer. Why was Baile hair cut like that? It served no purpose, it wasn't that fashionable, not that a Vulcan would care about things, but it puzzled him non-the less. - Sorak ponders the haircut of Jebidiah “Rooster” Baile. "Lt Commander, please don't take this as any sort of insubordination, but the next time we do rescue work, pick someone else." - Claire Barnes Who made lieutenant in six months, anyway? Ensign Picard Fucking Perfect? - 8-ball Hunter "It is unwise for thee to hurl such sinful accusations at my father." he revealed. "He has never to my knowladge admitted to any consorting with farm animals. Besides, a sheep would have been a more appropriate choice for your blasphemy. - Zeke Wikkins to James Corgan "No way he could have..." The thought violated every cell in James' body, "...mated...with another... woman. Ehhhhhhuhhuhuuhuu." - Corgan on Zeke's father, Commander Thomas "Oh, please. Modesty is just an invention of the untalented." - Bran and Sam Widdlestein Thanks again to Kylee, Lori C., Oded, and Mek for their quotes.
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