USS Galaxy Timeline - From 2100 AD to 2152 AD
This timeline is used in conjunction
with the USS Galaxy Email Fan
Fiction Writers RPG as a reference guide. Ever
feel like writing, but don't know where to start? we're
a small group who love writing with each other to build
an environment of our own. Kinda like a combination
of Tabletop RPG's and Choose-Your-Own-Adventures. You're
welcome to be a part of it. We're always looking for
more writers. |
2100 |
- The Synthococcus immunization is developed
by John Pearce [Starfleet
Medical Reference Manual]. - On Earth, the Centenary Conference looks at what the 22nd century will bring. Authorities trace the evolution of propulsion, communications, and electronics and the development of political and economic alliances. Other speakers look to the future with forecasts ranging from the prophetic to the short-sighted [Spaceflight Chronology, Worlds of the Federation] - This is the era of the European Hegemony: a loose political alliance on Earth and the beginnings of a world government [TNG: "Up the Long Ladder"]. - Sometime during this century, the Quadros I probe of the Gamma Quadrant will map the ternary Idran system, and run a hydrogen-alpha spectral analysis on this star located some 70,000 light years from Bajor. The wormhole from the Alpha to Gamma Quadrants discovered in the 24th Century opens near the Idran system [DS9: "Emissary Part I and II"] - Admiral Forrest is born [Conjecture. Assumes Admiral Forrest was 51 in ENT: "Broken Bow"] - The future Mrs. Rianna Mayweather, Travis' mother, is born in America on Earth [Conjecture. Assumes Rianna is 53 in ENT: "Horizon |
2101, June |
The S.S. "Ark" (UESPA 15) reaches Tau Ceti.
Due to damage suffered during an ion storm, planetary surveys
conducted show no planets capable of supporting Human life.
The entire vessel is disassembled and survival domes are
built on a low gravity moon in orbit around the first planet [Starfleet
Tactical Database Series II] |
2102 |
- The S.S. "Hokule'a" is launched on a deep
space exploration mission to the Ficus sector, a DY-500-C
ship commanded by Melinda Snodgrass [TNG: "Up
the Long Ladder"] - The last time Ambassador Suval fired a weapon prior to 2152 [ENT: "Cease Fire"] |
- The colonization of Mars begins [VOY: "The
37's"]. [ENT: "Terra Nova" establishes that Utopia Planitia already exists in 2067 when the Conestoga leaves for Terra Nova. Whether this is a continuity error, depends on the definition of the term "colonization". Maybe the Voyager reference refers to a large-scale terraforming of the planet, with mining and orbital facilities already existing] - The very first interplanetary colonization missions had been conducted with ships using nuclear reactors, possibly beginning in the 2060's, but this would appear to be a later, more permanent and independent form of settlement at Mars [ENT: "Borderland"] - Mars is (re?)colonized by Humans from Earth. Most likely this is connected with Mars' independence from the British "Three World Empire" [VOY: "The 37's"]. - The self-aware AIs of Arretius begin to lobby for recognition of their sentience and rights as free-willed creatures. There is surprisingly little opposition to this among the enlightened Arretian population, and so self-aware AIs are given full citizenship, and eleven years later will be given the right to vote in referendum. In recognition of these rights, the machines will exercise their freedom to procreate and create tremendous numbers of new self-aware AIs. However, this will not significantly change the number of machines; most self-aware AIs "exist" within and between the global computer network. However, it will not be long before artificial citizens greatly outnumber the organic Arretians. The organics rarely feel threatened by this, however, for without exception every AI's motivation is the health, safety, and luxury of the living citizenry. Of course, there is wide variation in opinion, both among the machines and among the organics, as to the best expression of this motivation; even very similar AIs have different personalities and therefore different ways of fulfilling their purposes for existence [Starfleet Battles] - The United Martian Colonies is founded at this time. It is apparently a jurisdiction independent of any Earth government. - At some point in the process of colonization, the Fundamental Declaration of the Martian Colonies is made, which comes to be known as an historic legal document which set a precedent in interstellar law [TOS: "Court-Martial"]. - The building of the E.C.S. Horizon is completed and the ship is put into service. Travis Mayweather's grandfather is the original captain, and the job eventually passes to his son, and then to Travis' brother. During his time as Captain, Travis' grandfather performed five different jobs on the Horizon at the same time, two of which were on the bridge [50 years before ENT: "Horizon - The engine for the Horizon, a J Class freighter, was designed by Zephrem Cochrane, and the rumor was that Cochrane signed the casing of each warp reactor himself [ENT: "Horizon - Kolos begins serving as an advocate in Klingon court [fifty years before ENT: "Judgment"] In his early years as an advocate, Kolos won some 200 cases, before the warrior class began to take over the justice system. - Sometime during 2103, a Vulcan science vessel surveys the 7th planet of the Berengeria system and reports encountering winged lizards that could breathe fire. The accuracy of the report is considered questionable [more than 50 years before ENT: "Bound"]. |
2104 |
A warp-driven Earth colony ship departs
Earth. It will colonize Nova Empyrea in the Campana Sector,
a world of controlled genetics [TOS
72: "The Better Man"] |
2105 |
- Eight women are brutally killed in the
Mars Colonies by an entity previously known as "Jack the
Ripper" and later known as "Redjac"
[TOS: "Wolf
in the Fold"]. - The "S.S. Lafayette UESPA 02" starliner colonizes New Paris [TOS: "Errand of Mercy"]. - The Viktor Korporation "Yuri Gagarin" DY-732 ship, commanded by Winrich Kolbe, is launched on a colonization mission to the Ficus sector [TNG: "Up the Long Ladder"] - The Taurean star system is briefly explored and a spaceship is lost near there. Over the next 164 years, a ship will disappear in this region exactly every 27.346 years [TAS: "The Lorelei Signal"]. - At twenty five years of age, the precocious Emory Erickson begins work on what will become the transporter [Speculation, based on ENT: "Daedalus"]. |
2106 |
- The Susuru colonize Okeanos (Eris V) not
knowing of the Human colony [TOS
66: "From the Depths"] |
2108 |
- UESPA rescue craft arrive in the Tau
Ceti system and remove the 418 survivors of the S.S. "Ark" (UESPA
15). The survival domes will remain and in time will be
visible to the future Starbase 12 [Starfleet
Tactical Database Series II] - War breaks out between the Susuru and the Human colonists on the water world Okeanos (Eris V) [TOS 66: "From the Depths"] - A possible date for the death of Mestral, one of the Vulcans who was involved in first contact with the people of Earth in March 1958 [150 years after first contact, ENT: "Carbon Creek"] |
2109 |
A.G. Robinson, future test pilot, is born [Conjecture
based on ENT: "First
Flight"]. |
2110 |
- A United Earth Government is established [TNG: "First
Contact"] - Around this time, Halaylah's artist's colony on Atropos has fallen. The Devil's Heart will remain buried within her tomb until 2368 [TNG Giant Novel 13: "Devil's Heart"] - By this point, some 60 years after World War Three, war has been almost completely ended on the Earth and disease and crime are much diminished. The Enterprise crew is born into this almost ideal Earth and are raised to believe all things are possible. - At twenty five years of age, the precocious Emory Erickson begins work on what will become the transporter [Speculation, based on ENT: "Daedalus"] He is a colleague of both Henry Archer and of Zephrem Cochrane [ENT: "Daedalus"]. |
2110, October 9 |
- Jonathan Archer is born in San Francisco on Earth. He is born and raised as an explorer. His father is Henry Archer, the famous warp engineer [Conjecture - A birthdate was never formally given, but October 9 is the actor'. One assumes Archer was 41 in ENT: "Broken Bow" and 11 in the flashback sequences]. | |
2111 |
The process of stamping out the last remnants of war, crime, poverty and hunger on Earth begins [40 years before ENT: "Broken Bow"] By 2150 the task has been largely achieved. | |
2112 |
- The service life of "Assist" class space
towers comes to an end [Spaceflight
Chronology]. - The Andorians make an incursion into Vulcan space, an event which is somehow connected to the status of Raytan [ENT: "Cease Fire"]. - At the age of twenty, Dr. Phlox serves as a medic with the Denoblian infantry [Conjecture - Phlox's service with the infantry is not given a specific date - ENT: "Cease Fire"]. |
2112, May |
- After 40 days alone in space aboard the "Bonaventure
II," Cochrane
encounters the Companion, an intelligent entity composed
of ionized gas. The Companion rejuventates 87 year old
Cochrane and terraforms Gamma Canaris N (Planetoid 527)
to suit him [TOS
Giant Novel 18: "Federation"]. - Zefram Cochrane is reported missing [TOS: "Metamorphosis", Star Trek Maps]. - Following the disappearance of Zefram Cochrane, the planet Cochrane I (Zeta Riguli VII) is settled by Humans and Alpha Centaurians. Rich in dilithium and radioactives, Cochrane I will quickly become a thriving industrial planet, hosting the central administrative center for the U.F.P.'s Department of Colonization and numerous subsidiary agencies and organizations [FASA Roleplaying Guide, Second Edition]. |
2113 |
- The Cicada star system (sector 4423) is
briefly explored. Over the next 150 years, a ship will
disappear in this region exactly every 27.346 years [Star
Trek Log 2] - Having learned the lessons of the last World War, the first united Earth government is established. Australia is the only nation that declines membership [Spaceflight Chronology, TNG: "First Contact", Enterprise Exploration Timeline, Star Trek Star Charts. 50 years after Cochrane's first flight]. - Also around this time, the Klingon justice system begins to change as the warrior class comes to have greater influence over all aspects of Klingon life. Soon, the Klingon Empire begins to develop a much more aggressive stance and works to expand its boundaries [Conjecture based on ENT: "Judgment"]. |
2113, Early April |
At least three probes are launched from the Dokaalan
system pleading for help when their world begins to descend
into catastrophic disaster after seismic activity begins
to break their world apart [Conjecture - TNG: "A
Time to Sow"] |
2114 |
- A cure is found for hyperthyroidism [TOS
56: "Legacy"]. - Dr. Phlox begins working as a medical physician [40 years prior to ENT: "Damage"]. |
2114, April |
Dokaa is destroyed by intense and cataclysmic seismic activity. Only those who worked on the asteroid belt within the system survive [Conjecture - TNG: "A Time to Sow"]. | |
2115 |
- Under UESPA contract, the "Orlando" class
transport is produced. Based upon the "Monticello" class
cargo carrier, these in-system transports are propelled
by General Space Corp. fusion thrusters [Starfleet
Tactical Database Series II] - The "UESPS Marco Polo" encounters the Galactic Maelstrom, henceforth known as 'Polo's Bolos': twin black holes in motion [TOS Original Novel 15: "Galactic Whirlpool"]. |
2116 |
The U.N.S.S. "Magellan" is decommissioned
and converted to a hospital ship which will serve an even
longer life in the Sol system [Starfleet
Tactical Database Series II] |
2117 |
- The Warp 5 Complex is established
to create technology that will allow humans to safely
explore deep space. Zefram Cochrane is present during the
groundbreaking ceremony [ENT: "Broken
Henry Archer, Jonathan Archer's father, is second
only to Cochrane in his importance to this program [ENT: "Singularity"].
The Warp Five program would eventually come under the
jurisdiction of the new entity, Starfleet, working in
conjunction with the Vulcan Advisory Council [ENT: "First Flight"]. - Zephrem Cochrane, now 87 years of age and a resident of the Alpha Centauri system, soon takes off for "parts unknown." He takes a one man vessel on a trip, and is never seen from again. Rumors surround his depature, and some believe he was setting out to test a new warp capable vehicle [ENT: "Future Tense"]. Cochrane's disappearance became the most famous missing persons case in history [ENT: "Future Tense", Cochrane disappeared approximately 150 years prior to TOS: "Metamorphosis" (2267), specific date from Star character bio - Again, the TOS writers set the date and the TNG/FASA writers moved it a few years earlier. we see from this timeline Cochrane leaving AC in 2112 and encountering the Companion, and meeting Kirk later on is this timeline. So why did they advance it a few years? Who knows?]. |
2118, October 9 |
Jonathan Archer's eighth birthday. He receives as a gift his first astronomy book, which has a picture of the Arachnid Nebula on its cover. He would get to explore this nebula in November 2151 [ENT: "Fusion", birthday taken from birthdate of Scott Bakula]. | |
2119 |
- Peter Lauritson commands the S.S. "Tomobiki" RT-2203
vessel on a deep space exploration mission of the Ficus
sector [TNG: "Up
the Long Ladder"] - Charlie 'Trip' Tucker III is born in Florida in the United States on Earth (Speculation. Assumes Trip was 32 at the time of ENT: "Broken Bow" - Zefram Cochrane speaks at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Warp 5 Complex [ENT: "Broken Bow"- Note: This is in direct conflict with his leaving Earth in 2117, so take it as you will. Either flip this date to 2117, or bring his leaving to 2119. I myself would choose the latter - too much confusion] Henry Archer, Jonathan Archer's father, is second only to Cochrane in his importance to this program [ENT: "Singularity"]. The Warp Five program would eventually come under the jurisdiction of the new entity, Starfleet, working in conjunction with the Vulcan Advisory Council [ENT: "First Flight"]. - Zephrem Cochrane, now 87 years of age and a resident of the Alpha Centauri system, soon takes off for "parts unknown." He takes a one man vessel on a trip, and is never seen from again. Rumors surround his departure, and some believe he was setting out to test a new warp capable vehicle [ENT: "Future Tense"]. Cochrane's disappearance became the most famous missing persons case in history [ENT: "Future Tense", Cochrane disappeared approximately 150 years prior to TOS: "Metamorphosis" (2267), specific date from Enterprise exploration timeline]. - The future Major Hayes is born in the United States on Earth (ENT). |
2120 |
- The H.M.S. "Lord Nelson," DY-500-B ship,
commanded by Young Jae Kim an d owned by Lloyds of London
is launched on a deep space exploration mission to the
Ficus sector [TNG: "Up
the Long Ladder"] - Vulcan Ambassador Sorval is first stationed on Earth [Speculation from ENT: "Broken Bow"]. - The S.S. Enterprise, a warp 3.2 capable passenger liner of the Declaration Class sets out on its maiden voyage [Date speculation. A picture of the S.S. Enterprise appears in the Rec Deck of the USS Enterprise in Star Trek I: "The Motion Picture". Other references: "Star Trek Maps", Spaceflight Chronology, Star Trek Communicator magazine]. |
2121 |
- As a boy, Jonathan Archer takes a deep
interest in space travel. He makes a working model of
a Starfleet ship with his father during this year, and
successfully learns to fly it. The construction of his
father's Warp 5 ship has not yet begun at this time [ENT: "Broken
Bow"]. - 11 year-old Jonathan Archer visits the Sol Museum of Aeronautical Science, and spends time with T'Rama, eventual mother to Sarek [Strange New Worlds V - "A Girl for Every Star"] - Travis Mayweather's father takes command of the E.C.S. Horizon at the age of 23. His wife Rianna, who comes to be both the ship's medic and Chief Engineer, supports him through this difficult time. It is unclear why he was thrust into command at such a young age - but it may have been because Travis' grandfather had passed away after captaining the ship for some 18 years. [Speculation based on ENT: "Horizon" - Travis' father was one year younger than Paul Mayweather was when he took command in 2152]. |
2122 |
- Malcolm Reed is born in the United Kingdom
on Earth [Speculation. Assumes Reed is 29 in ENT: "Broken
Bow"]. - T'Pau is born on Vulcan [32 years prior to ENT: "The Forge"]. - As part of the process of working together with the planet Agoran, the Ministry of Security on Vulcan begins dispatching agents to infiltrate the criminal elements of Agoran, and in so doing put an end to corruption. In all, 109 agents would be dispatched. Ultimately, seven of these agents would become beguiled by the corruption on Agoran and refuse to return to Vulcan when the mission was over, instead opting for a life of crime as smugglers [30 years before ENT: "The Seventh" - Note: T'Pol indicates she was too young to be given this assignment at the time ("I'm not that old Captain"), which would tend to mitigate against the earlier assumption of this timeline that she was born in 2086, which would make her 36 at this time]. |
2123 |
- Hoshio Sato is born in Japan on Earth [Speculation.
Assumes Sato is 28 in ENT: "Broken
Bow"]. - Trip Tucker's baby sister Elizabeth is born in Florida. She would be killed in the Xindi attack of April 2153 [Speculation from ENT: "The Expanse"]. - Trip is four years of age, which is the age that Sim, the clone of Tucker, was when he was being read to [ENT: "Similitude"]. - Amanda Cole is born in Florida on Earth [Speculation - Amanda is roughly the same age as Trip, but it is suggested she is slightly younger than him]. |
2123, November 27 |
- A privately-funded ship, the Mariposa,
departs Earth carrying two groups of colonists bound for
the Ficus sector and the two planets selected as their
new homelands. From the information on the view screen
in [TNG: "Up
the Long Ladder"] - From the listing that Data peruses of ships that left Earth around this time, it is clear that space travel has become a regular occurrence[TNG: "Up the Long Ladder"] |
2124 |
- The first Interplanetary Federation congress
meets. The Vulcan delegation introduces a referendum on
Federation-wide Warrantorship [TOS
25: "Dwellers in the Crucible"] - The meeting of the First Federation Congress. Presumably, early drafts of the Articles of Federation would have begun at this time [TOS 25: "Dwellers in the Crucible"] |
2125 |
- The Proto-Federation Era begins. Over
a hundred people, accompanied by staffs totaling more
than a thousand assistants, begin to draft the Articles
of Federation of the U.F.P. on Babel (Wolf 424). [Starfleet
Medical Reference Manual,
6: "The Abode of Life"] - Vulcan Fleet Commander Savaj, commanding the "V'Kreeth," opens up a whole quadrant of space and single-handedly attempts to keep Vulcan from joining in forming the United Federation of Planets [TOS 5: "The Prometheus Design"]. - Y-500 Class vessels (presumably inclusive of the DY-500) are decommissioned and are no longer in service [Date is speculation. Y-500 vessels are revealed to have been out of service "for decades" in ENT: "Strange New World"]. |
2126 |
- Travis Mayweather is born halfway between
Dralax and Vega Colony. His childhood is spent in space,
and he is raised on a series of cargo ships. Travis grew
up on the J-Class Freighter E.C.S. Horizon, which he described
in ENT: "Fortunate
Son" as a little smaller than
a Y-Class, but with the same basic design. He commented
that at Warp 1.8 there's "a lot of time between ports" and
it was during such a time that he was conceive [Travis
is noted as being 26 in ENT: "Dead
Stop". Events taken from character back story, ENT: "Fortunate
Son" and ENT: "Horizon". In
the original backstory, it indicated Travis was born "during
a two year run somewhere between Alpha Centauri and Arcturis
Prime"]. - Liana is born on the Katare home world [Trip speculates Liana may have been 4 years old when her ship crashed ENT: "Oasis"]. |
2127 |
- At age eight or nine, Trip spends some
time picking up leaves with his Dad [ENT: "The Crossing"]. - Age eight was also the age that Sim, the clone of Tucker, was when he was playing with the remote control shuttle [ENT: "Similitude"]. |
2127, May 8 |
The Articles of Federation are first considered on Babel, during the usual Diplomatic Summit of Spacefaring Races. | |
2127, June 6 |
- The Worlds Court bans the ownership
of synthetic consciousnesses [TOS
42: "Memory Prime"]. - Milton Kornheiser starts designing interstellar spacecraft [Spaceflight Chronology]. |
2128 |
- At age 42, T'Pol undergoes a dental procedure [23 years before ENT: "Dear
Doctor"] - Travis' younger brother Paul Mayweather is born aboard the J Class freighter Horizon [Speculation based on ENT: "Horizon"]. |
- Alpha (Procyon A) III (Terra 4) becomes
the 6th Non-terran U.E.N. member--the first colony to
be launched after the advent of warp drive, a pacifist
culture settled by Buddist Chinese [Star
Trek Maps, Starfleet
Dynamics] - At around age 10, Trip Tucker is enamored by tales of the invention of the transporter.His admiration of Emory Erickson and his work is one of the key reasons that Trip ends up becoming an engineer [Dates are speculation based on ENT: "Daedalus" - Emory Erickson would have been about 44 years old at this point] |
2129, July 9 |
- Hoshi Sato is born in Kyoto, Japan, the second child of three [ENT: 'In a Mirror, Darkly II"]. | |
2130 Traité d'Unification is signed |
- Human and Alpha Centaurian colonists co-settle
the planet Hellios (Sigma Wyrenex VI) [FASA
Roleplaying Guide, Second Edition] - A Kantare ship, commanded by Captain Kulann, encounters a severe ion storm. Damage done during the storm results in a plasma leak, explosive decompression, and the ship ultimately crashes on a remote planet. Only the ship's Chief Engineer, Ezral, and his daughter, Liana survive the crash [22 years before ENT: "Oasis"]. - Signing of the Traité d'Unification by all governments on Earth unifying all into a global community [Star Trek: "Articles of the Federation"] - Baleeza Gral, the Trill Seeker's seniormost reporter by 2380, begins his journalistic career. He reported with two other hosts - Renna Gral and Tristor Gral. Renna was the first host here [Star Trek: "Articles of the Federation"] |
2130 - 2132 Circa |
Babu, Nyota Uhura's grandfather, is born [Conjecture - Star Trek Lost Era 6: "Catalyst of Sorrows"]. | |
2131 |
During this era, the three Gorn home worlds (of the Tau
Lacertae IX star system?) first come into contact with
each other, through the Ghdar race of explorers. Each
are at a different stage of development: Ghdar I (Ghdar)
a space age society, Ghdar II (Geydar) an industrial age
society, and Ghdar III (Gihdahr) an iron age society.
Contact is achieved within a few months of each other,
first with the Geydar and then with the Gihdahr. Within
a few decades the Gorns will be unified into a single,
though stratified, society. The Ghdar are known as the
Gray Scales will be the noblemen of the first century
after unification (AU), the Geydar are known as the Brown
Stripes will be the middle class workers, and the Gihdahr
as the Green Scales are offered the lowest jobs. The Green
Scales will fight in the front line (generally under Brown
Stripe officers) when the Gorn Hegemony fights its first
interstellar wars in the years to come. By the late 23rd
Century, Gorn society will become essentially casteless
though the Green Scales will remain dominant in the military. [Starfleet
Medical Reference Manual, Starfleet
TOS: "Arena"] - At age 12, Trip Tucker goes to his first dance at Bayshore Elementary in Panama City, Florida. Ever after, he regrets not asking a certain girl to dance ["more than 20 years" before ENT: "Fusion"]. - T'Pol enters her training program with the Ministry of Security on Vulcan [Speculation. Assumes a four year program, similar to a degree in Criminology]. - The tenth and last Space Ark, Terra 10, is launched complete with early transporter technology. Of all ten generation ships, only the passengers of this last ship will survive. Shortly after this, the Interstat code that they made use of becomes outdated [TAS: "The Terratin Incident" establishes that this mission happened around 2069, approximately 200 years before the episode took place. I have moved this event to c. 2131 to be consistent with later information from ENT: "Daedalus", concerning the invention of the transporter, as well as to be consistent with the established date of the Conestoga's voyage as the first colony ship. The previous 9 Terra ships would perhaps have been launched within the previous decade or so]. |
2132 |
- Buck Bokai dies [DS9: "If
Wishes were Horses"]. - Vega IX becomes the 7th extraterrstial U.E.N. colony-member [Star Trek Maps, Starfleet Dynamics] - Archer takes a trip to East Africa, and at one point observes the birth of a baby gazelle [Age 22 - Archer said he was in his early twenties - ENT: "Shockwave - Part II"] - Archer considers joining the merchant fleet and signing aboard a freighter, in a series of events that constitute what Archer calls a "long story" [Prior to Starfleet's formation - ENT: "Horizon"]. - The Paraagan mining colony is established [20 years prior to ENT: "Shockwave"]. - A second spaceship disappears in the Taurean region of space, never to be heard from again [TAS: "The Lorelei Signal"]. - About this time, Trip Tucker begins attending High School in Florida. His high school is a rival with the high school that Amanda Cole is attending at about the same time, and the two visit the same movie theater during this time in their lives, unaware of the other [ENT: "Harbinger"]. |
2133 |
- Bajoran religious leader Kai Taluno,
while traveling in the Denorios Belt, experiences a serious
malfunction of his spacecraft and is stranded for several
days. Taluno reports having experienced a vision in which "the
heavens opened up," nearly swallowing
his ship. The Denorios Belt, located in the Bajor system,
is the location where at least five of the Bajorans' Tears
of the Prophets were found [DS9: "The
Emissary"]. Dax said Taluno's vision was sometime
during the 22nd century, and this date is purely conjectural. - A Klingon ship emerges from the Delphic Expanse. The crew had been anatomically inverted and was still alive. Memory of this event prevents Klingons from daring to enter this region of space [20 years before ENT: "The Expanse"]. |
- It's charter, to "boldly go where
no man has gone before." (sources: conjecture,
based on date that Jonathan Archer joined Starfleet. Also,
in some promotional material, it was noted that Starfleet
is less than 20 years old at the start of Enterprise.
Charter phrasing from [Star
Trek Encyclopedia - The S.S. Bonaventure, galactic survey cruiser is launched. The Bonaventure will mysteriously disappear on her third voyage, and her hulk will be found in 2269 in the alternate universe of Elysia [TAS: "The Time Trap", date is conjecture. In the episode Scotty said "Captain, there's the old Bonaventure. She was the first ship to have warp drive installed." However, given the ship's markings, I prefer to think Scotty was referring to the first Starfleet ship to have warp drive installed]. - Vulcan finally forms an alliance with the planet Agoran. The agents assigned to infiltrate the corrupt elements of Agoran society are recalled. All but seven return [Speculation of date, based on ENT: "The Seventh"]. - As part of Starfleet's operations, orbital platforms such as Yosemite are built [ENT: "Zero Hour"]. - Arik Soong takes a series of genetically engineered embryos from Cold Station 12. He takes the embryos to a planet into the Trialis system to raise them. This planet is located between the Orion Syndicate and the Klingon Empire [20 years before ENT: "Borderland"]. |
2135 |
- At the Roykirk Summer School
on Earth, fifteen year-old Charles Tucker develops a proposal
for a phase conduit cooling system [Strange
New Worlds VI - - After graduating from her training with the Ministry of Security on Vulcan, T'Pol is given an assignment to track down and apprehend seven former Vulcan agents who have become corrupted during their assignment on Agoran. T'Pol is extremely successful, and apprehends five of the agents, returning them to Vulcan for rehabilitation. However, T'Pol suffers a severe setback while in the tropics of Risa pursuing the last two suspects, Josin and Menos, on foot. During the pursuit, Josin falls, and T'Pol sees Josin reach for what she believes is a weapon. She shoots and kills Josin with an energy weapon, and is immediately overcome by great anguish. Menos escapes. The guilt of killing Josin would force to T'Pol to leave the Ministry of Security and seek guidance at the monastery on P'Jem [17 years prior to ENT: "The Seventh"]. - In grade 10, Charlie "Trip" Tucker encounters his first Vulcan - Mr. Velik. Velik was sent to Earth as part of a cultural exchange, and serves as a teacher in Trip's Florida high school. One notable quote that Trip remembers from Mr. Velik is "challenge your preconceptions, or they will challenge you" ["Strange New World" - date is speculation based on Trip's approximate age]. - At the age of 16, Trip gets his driver's license, and not soon after gets his first car. One of his favorite pastimes is to take his car and drive to Chatkin Point at night with his girlfriend, where they would watch the moon [ENT: "Precious Cargo"] Note, Trip's car is probably a hover car, and not an automobile. |
2136 |
- T'Pol continues her work with a Vulcan elder on P'Jem,
trying to work through the tremendous guilt she had after killing Josin.
After three months of guidance, the elder decides the only way to resolve
the problem is to use an ancient Vulcan technique, the valara, to strip
T'Pol of not only her emotions concerning the event, but also her memories
as well. The ritual complete, T'Pol leaves the monastery, with no memories
of the seventh suspect she was pursuing. She would remain oblivious to
this chapter in her personal history until an assignment was given her
to capture Menos, Josin's partner, while she was serving on the Enterprise
in June 2152 [A few months after the conclusion of her mission in 2135, ENT: "The
Seventh"]. - Captain Vannick begins serving in the Vulcan Space Fleet aboard the Ti'Mur [15 years before ENT: "Breaking the Ice", TNG: "A Time to Sow"]. - Trip is seventeen years of age, which is the age that Sim, the clone of Tucker, was when he first asked T'Pol to dinner [ENT: "Similitude"]. |
2137 |
- The Nexus temporal energy ribbon again
passes through our galaxy [Star Trek VII: "Generations"]. - The U.E.N.S.S. "Balboa" enters a Romulan claimed system on a peace-exploration mission. A squadron of fifty Rihannsu ships destroy the "Balboa" with massed particle beams. The Romulans then use high-powered lasers to decompress the crew compartments of the U.E.S.P.A.S.S."Stone Mountain," and after studying the ship, gain warp drive technology. No trace or record of the fate of either ship is ever found until the 24th century, when Rihnassu archives are examined by Starfleet historians [TOS 35: "The Romulan Way" - Rihannsu #2, Starfleet Battles] - T'Pol begins her work with the Vulcan Science Directorate [Speculation based upon ENT: "The Seventh"]. |
2138 |
- Charlie Tucker spends his youth working
on an ocean reclamation project in the Florida Keys. At
one point, he would encounter a hurricane [Speculation
of date - event taken from character back story. Hurricane
mentioned in ENT: "Strange
New World"]. - Jonathan Archer begins training in a four year program (is he in Starfleet, or perhaps the Air Force?) that will result in his graduating from flight school in 2142 [Speculation from ENT: "Twilight" - tradition of four year program mentioned in other Star Trek]. |
2139 |
- In the first example of Federation military
cooperation, the Alpha Centauran "Djartanna" class destroyer
enters service in the Terran United Nations Space Force.
Over the next three decades, a total of 316 are constructed
for the U.N.S.F. and Star Fleet Command [FASA
Roleplaying Guide, Second Edition] - The last time the leader of the Denoblian geological survey had seen samples as good as the ones he found on Zantous in 2153 14 years prior to ENT: "The Breach"]. - At around the age of 20, Charlie "Trip" Tucker joins Starfleet and moves to San Francisco. He lives in Sausalito, a suburb of San Francisco, a few blocks away from the Vulcan Compound [12 years before ENT: "Unexpected"]. - During a experiment involving a new technology, the quantum transporter, Emory Erickson's son Quinn volunteers to test the device. Emory had invented the transporter some years earlier, and while still at a relatively young age (possibly 54) wanted to top his earlier achievement. This zeal prevented him from considering the risks properly, and Quinn's signal was lost. Quinn would continue in this non-existence, and Emory would work to try and save Quinn until the events of ENT: "Daedalus" fifteen years later. - One of the probes launched by the Dokaalan pleading for help encounters an ion storm [TNG: "A Time to Sow"]. |
2140 |
- A U.E.N. census indicates Earth has a
population of ten billion, with over eight million Terrans
residing in space [Spaceflight
Chronology]. - Plans are made for a Earth Sphere-wide news-gathering and reporting agency. As a result, the Solarian News Agency merges with other planetary services, creating the United Federation of Planets Infonet [FASA Roleplaying Guide, Second Edition] - Somewhere in here it is likely that Henry Archer, Jonathan Archer's father passed away. Archer comments in ENT: "Broken Bow" 1that he wished his Dad had lived to see the advent of the Enterprise embarking on its mission. Prior to his death, Henry Archer had designed the engine for the NX program - which was put together by Starfleet to try and break the Warp 2 barrier [Date is speculation based on ENT: "Broken Bow" and ENT: "First Flight"]. - Malcolm Reed joins Starfleet [Speculation. assumes Malcolm joined at age 18]. - The Great Plume of Agosoria erupts. The Plume is a protostar which gives out a neutron blast every 11 years [ENT: "Cold Front"]. - Rough time period of Travis Mayweather's Boomer ghost story in "Strange New World" [Speculation - ten years prior to episode]. - Sh'Laran is born on Andor. He will later become a Science Officer on the USS Galaxy. |
2141 |
- Terran and Alpha Centauran warships are operating on a
joint trading mission and war games maneuver when tragedy strikes. A misunderstanding
of navigational instructions is compounded by a weapon fire-control systems
failure when the U.E.N.S.S. "Scythe," a "Verne" class ship commanded by
Captain Henri Fourrier, is accidentally blind-sided. Two Terran destroyers,
the UE.S.P.A..S.S. "Hammer" and U.E.N.S.S. "Enmity" are annihilated, killing
232 crewmen. This accident vividly points out the need for a single command
structure and a central training facility for starship crews of all Earth
members: a Star Fleet Academy. - All Earth ships officially switch to USS desigantion, under United Earth Space Probe Agency and United Earth Nations Spacefleet combined Operations Agreement. - At age 18, Hoshi Sato joins Starfleet and begins training - which involves extensive linguistic studies [Speculation based on her age]. - While in Starfleet Academy, Malcolm Reed has an unfortunate gastro-intestinal episode during extra-vehicular (EV) training. The episode is noted in his medical records [Speculation of date - from ENT: "The Catwalk"]. - Around this time was when the Vulcan Kov, who had determined to explore his emotions, had a falling out with his father [Ten years before ENT: "Fusion"]. - According to his sister, Malcolm Reed spends one week living without food around this time [ENT: "Silent Enemy" - "at least" ten years prior to episode]. |
2142 |
- The U.F.E.P. Patents Bureau is established
to provide scientists, engineers, and inventors of all
member planets galactic protection for their work [Spaceflight
Chronology]. - Starfleet conducts a series of tests on the new transporter technology [ENT: "Vanishing Point"]. - At age 24, Jonathan Archer graduates from Flight School. He proposes marriage to his classmate and girlfriend, Margaret Muller, but she turns him down saying she does not wish to become a "Starfleet widow" [ENT: "Twilight" - age given as 24]. - Archer's girlfriend Caroline moves to New Berlin on the Moon [Speculation from ENT: "First Flight"]. |
2142, June |
Continued advances are made in communications theory and technology. Research leads to a level of near-perfect efficiency. From this point on, messages sent via warp radio travel at the unbelievable speed of Warp 15, or 3375 times the speed of light. Over the next two years, all starships have their communications equipment modified accordingly [FASA Roleplaying Guide, Second Edition]. | |
2142, October [reference stardate 1/0910] |
By this time, the Klingons have begun to perfect shipboard disruptor technology, which they are deploying throughout their fleet. With their Romulan War now over, the Orions now realize that the U.E.N. and the Klingon Empire must eventually encounter one another. At this moment, however, the Klingon military is occupied with raids against the weakened Romulan border. The Orions nevertheless fear that the Klingons will soon turn their attention again in the direction of Rigel and her interstellar holdings. Realizing that any contact between the U.E.N. and the Klingon Empire must inevitably lead to armed conflict, the Orions hastily negotiate several non-aggression and trade treaties with the U.E.N. [FASA Roleplaying Guide, Second Edition]. | |
2143 |
- The Vulcan ship Vahklas departs from Vulcan
[ENT: "Fusion"]. - The bone-setting laser is perfected [Spaceflight Chronology]. - Charlie Tucker graduates from Starfleet this year (assumes four year program). He is assigned to the NX program as an engineer. - At age 25, Jonathan Archer joins Starfleet. - Airk Soong continues to teach the Augments he is raising in the Trialis System [ENT: "Cold Station 12"]. - The last time that Dr. Phlox spoke with his son, who had differed with his father on many things, including the relationship Denoblians should have with Antarans [10 years prior to ENT: "The Breach"]. |
2143, August |
- The NX program, which has worked to design and test a
vessel capable of breaking the Warp 2 barrier, is reaching its climax as
the test pilot for the first flight is chosen. - Jonathan Archer, one of four commanders in the program who hopes to pilot the craft is disappointed when he is passed over for the job which instead goes to A.G. Robinson. - In the test, Robinson successfully breaks the Warp 2 barrier, but the craft is lost, and Robinson barely manages to eject in time to save his life. - The Vulcan Advisory Council is not impressed, and they demand that the program be stopped for the time being. They also call into question the engine design, an engine design dear to Commander Archer, as it is the one that his father had engineered prior to his death. - Determined to prove the Vulcans and Starfleet wrong, Archer and Robinson team up and steal the NX-Beta test ship to try and again break the Warp 2 barrier. They succeed in their attempt, and manage to maintain a steady velocity of Warp 2.5. - Returning to San Francisco to face punishment for stealing the second ship, Archer and Robinson manage to convince Commodore Forrest of the merits of their test, and the two are able to escape court martial and are instead grounded for three months. - The Vulcan Advisory Council has the NX program begin a series of simulations and tests. - It was during this time that Charlie Tucker and Jonathan Archer first met [All events taken from ENT: "First Flight"]. |
2143, September |
About now in his time at Starfleet, "Trip" Tucker travels to Alice Springs in Australia to do survival training. Jonathan Archer also participates [Date is speculation, based to a certain extent on ENT: "First Flight". Trip talks about this event in "Vanishing Point," in a sequence that is part of Hoshi's transporter delusion - I am assuming that she imagined Trip repeating a story he had earlier related]. | |
2143, October |
While on Titan as part of the Omega Training Mission with Captain Archer, Charlie "Trip" Tucker encounters problems while on an extra vehicular (EV) exercise. His EV pack freezes up and he experiences nitrogen narcosis. Archer convinces Trip not to remove his helmet while in the vacuum [Speculation of date - assumption made that this happened before Trip was assigned to Utopia Planetia, and after he met Archer]. | |
2143, November |
Robinson and Archer are permitted to fly again, after three months of being grounded. | |
2144 |
- Most Orion trade families close their operations with
the U.E.N. in the face of Klingon trade vessels returning
to the Rigel colonies. Through masterful timing of ship
arrivals, the Orions keep the Klingons and U.E.N.. unaware
of each other's presence in the OUTLANDS for many years,
despite U.E.N. displeasure at the closing of many Orion
ports [FASA
Roleplaying Guide, Second Edition]. |
2144, August |
After a year of testing, the Vulcans are finally convinced of the viability of the NX design, and the NX program resumes preparations for test flights [Speculation, one year after tests began, ENT: "First Flight"]. | |
2145 |
- The Borg discover the Omega Molecule [VOY: "The
Omega Directive"]. - Hoshi Sato graduates from Starfleet. - Likely date of the trial of Arik Soong, which Trip remembers [ENT]. |
2145, February 21 |
A Star Fleet scout ship recovers the marker/recorder buoy from the lost cargo vessel U.S.S. "Atlas". Tapes from the buoy reveal that the transport was not lost in space, but was fired upon by enemy aliens of unknown origin. Star Fleet Command later learns that this was the first act of violence committed by the Romulans against the Federation [FASA Roleplaying Guide, Second Edition]. | |
2145, March |
Commander Duvall is selected to fly the NX-Delta in the next test flight. | |
2145, April |
- Duvall, a close friend of Archer's, breaks the Warp 2 barrier
in the test ship NX-Delta. He reaches a speed of Warp 3, and goes down in
history, setting the groundwork for Starfleet's next big project: the Warp
5 starship [date is speculation from ENT: "First
Flight" - 8 months
after the testing regime completed, and 5 years before the keel was laid
for the Enterprise]. - Where it took the Vulcans 100 years to break the Warp 2 barrier, the people of Earth completed the task in 82 years [ENT: "First Flight", TNG: "First Contact"] |
2145, October 18 |
The U.S.S. "Amaretto", operating within Earth-patrolled territory, is attacked by two starships of unknown configuration. The vessels are similar to those described by the commander of the U.S.S. "Atlas". The freighter is severely damaged, but the attackers break off when a Terran four-ship destroyer squadron appears. The Star Fleet Command flagship attempts to establish communications for purposes of identification and explanation. The alien vessel fails to understand or ignores all efforts to communicate, and successfully evades pursuit [FASA Roleplaying Guide, Second Edition]. | |
2146 | |
- The Delta VII outpost is destroyed by
'space pirates.' Years later, it is discovered this was
another Romulan criminal act. [Spaceflight
Chronology, [FASA
Roleplaying Guide, Second Edition]. - Now that the Suliban Cabal is secretly involved in the Temporal Cold War, other factions begin to develop within the 22nd century Alpha Quadrant. Sometime in this period, the Tholians become aligned with a faction [Speculative, ENT: "Future Tense"]. |
2146, November |
- A total of 32 unarmed warp-driven message
probes are launched toward areas of uncharted space from
starships and planets near Delta VII. Each probe contains
complete symbolic instructions and messages in every known
language. The messages request the establishment of diplomatic
relations and the resolution of any existing dispute via
peaceful means. No probe is ever regained, and all are
assumed to be lost or destroyed by the 'pirates.' In reality,
Orion Trading Cartels recover three of he probes, and the
idea of 'Letters of Marque and Repraisal' first emerge
from eh Orion Halls of Trade [FASA
Roleplaying Guide, Second Edition]. - The S.S "Urusei Yatsura" DY-430 spaceship, commanded by Dave Glick and sponsored by Yaamgachi Electronics, embarks on a nebula survey project into the Ficus sector [TNG: "Up the Long Ladder"] |
2147 |
- The Theta VII mining and subterranean
farming colony is established ["Star
Trek Maps"]. - "Colossus" matter/anti-matter reactor goes online at Argyria Plantetia, Mars. - Event occurs where Jonathan Archer saves Charlie Tucker's life [4 years before ENT: "Unexpected"]. - Klingon marauders begin bullying the inhabitants of a desolate deuterium mining colony [5 "seasons" before ENT: "Marauders"]. |
2147, July 8 |
Star Fleet Engineering Command's first major construction project culminates in the activation of Starbase 1. This is the first major artificial construction, repair, and service facility built for Star Fleet Command. Its first commander is Commodore Felix Pjindik after it ends its year-long tow to Sector 3A, with Chief Engineer Hobbes [FASA Roleplaying Guide, Second Edition, Spaceflight Chronology]. | |
2147, November 30 |
The United Earth Planets Council passes a special directive to Star Fleet Command. In addition to new, massive appropriations for fleet construction, the directive orders several cruiser formations redeployed to strengthen defenses in the area where the U.S.S. "Atlas" was lost. A special scout squadron under the jurisdiction of Star Fleet Intelligence Command is dispatched to obtain any possible information on the pirates, and, if possible, to make diplomatic contact. The squadron consists of twelve warp-driven patrol craft, each manned by a crew of 15 volunteers. None of the craft are ever seen or heard from again [FASA Roleplaying Guide, Second Edition]. | |
2147, December |
Faced with threats that the U.E.N.. will revoke its non-aggression agreements because of the closure of Orion ports to even emergency traffic, the Orions reopen their ports to U.E.N.. shipping on a limited basis. They also sign new treaties with the UE.N. These agreements provide the Orion worlds with a promise of protection from outside aggression, but bind the Orions only to not directly attacking the U.E.N,. This opens the door for the Orions to trade with both sides if and when the Klingon Empire and U.E.N. meet in conflict. They continue to try and keep both sides ignorant of the other's existance [FASA Roleplaying Guide, Second Edition]. | |
2148 |
- The Earth merchant captain E. A. Jacoby
and his crew encounter some Klingon traders led by retired
Naval Officer Kassam on an Orion colony planet. The traders
are aware that they have made contact with a previously
unknown species, but the Klingons hide the true importance
of the incident, all the while pumping the traders for
information on the U.E.N.. As an experienced trader, Captain
Jacoby has encountered a number of new races (all customers
of the Orions) in past visits to Orion ports, and so he
simply passes along the routine U.E.N.. contact material.
Though Jacoby claims to have filed the proper reports to
the U.E.N.. Contacts Bureau, those records are never found.
Meanwhile, the Klingons begin a crash program to learn
all they can about this potential rival that they call
the "Human
Empire". They capture a number of Terran ships and interrogate
the crews using their new 'Mind Probe' technology. [FASA
Roleplaying Guide, Second Edition] - Charlie Tucker eventually ends up in Orbital Engineering, building starships at Utopia Planetia and earning a reputation as a miracle-worker of sorts [Speculation of date]. - Dr. Phlox last sees his second wife, Feezal [4 years prior to ENT: "Stigma"]. - On Krios Prime, Kaitaama is courted by a number of men from the various ruling families. Soon after, she ceases to have contact with members of the opposite sex as she is selected to become the Sovereign [Four years prior to ENT: "Precious Cargo"]. - Shran first assumes command of the Kumari, an Andorian battle cruiser [12 years before ENT: "Babel One"]. |
2148, April |
Having now served with the Science Directorate for some 11 years, Sub-Commander T'Pol begins her one year of service aboard the Vulcan ship Seleya under Captain Voris. She serves as Science Officer [Extrapolation based on ENT: "Impulse"]. | |
Around 2149 |
Sometime during this century, Rasmussen, of New Jersey, will steal a time travel capsule from a 26th Century researcher. He will use it to travel to the "Enterprise" in 2368 and attempt to steal items to profit from during his return to this century, but will be apprehended. The capsule will return to this era unmanned as programmed [TNG: "A Matter of Time" - year is conjecture]. | |
2149 |
- Deneb (Alpha Cygni) becomes the 8th U.E.P.
member [Star
Trek Maps]. - Berlinghoff Rasmussen plays his first high-stakes poker game on Titanias III, just prior to the plague that will wipe out half the population, sitting across from a Klingon claiming to be from the House of Duras [DS9: "The Big Game"]. - Garos, an explorer from the Mallurian system, leads a survey mission to study the A'kali. His team had no plans to remain on the planet, but after a few months he claims he found himself quite taken with the A'kali and decided to stay. His mining project begins soon after [2 years prior to ENT: "Civilization"]. - Miners on a desolate colony that is being controlled by Klingon marauders stand up and fight back only to lose three colonists in battle and two more to subsequent execution [Three "seasons" before ENT: "Marauders"]. |
2149, January |
Travis Mayweather leaves the J-Class freighter "Horizon," his home since birth, to go to Earth and join Starfleet. His parents, particularly his father, are opposed to his decision. He would travel to San Francisco to start his training. While there, he would have his first taste of real strawberry shortcake and would discover it didn't taste quite right to him, after years of eating freeze dried food [Four years prior to ENT: "Horizon", other details in ENT: "Fortunate Son"]. | |
2149, April |
Sub Commander T'Pol comes to Earth to work at the Vulcan compound in Sausalito [2 years, 7 months prior to ENT: "Fusion"]. | |
Late 2149 |
- T'Pol sneaks out of the Vulcan compound and explores
San Francisco by foot. She ends up at a restaurant where jazz music is
being played, and experiences emotions including "exhilaration" [Date
conjecture, event depicted in dream sequence and mind meld in ENT: "Fusion"]. - Travis bids an emotional farewell to his family. He will not see them again for four years, and his father would die before he had a chance to return. Travis' father is outwardly disapproving, having groomed Travis to become Captain of the Horizon, but inwardly he is very proud. Travis and his father communicate very little over the course of the next four years. Paul, Travis' younger brother feels somewhat abandoned, while Rianna, Travis' mother is very supportive [ENT: "Horizon"]. |
2149, August |
- Starbase 3 is completed and assumes operational status. This base is used as the primary command headquarters for Star Fleet Operations during the Romulan War. Its great distance from the front makes command, control, and communications protocols difficult to execute efficiently. For this reason many Star Fleet squadron and group commanders are able to exert enormous personal authority, responsibility, and initiative while fighting this war [FASA Roleplaying Guide, Second Edition]. |
2149, November |
- The Starfleet Security record for Harris, Malcolm Reed's contact at Section 31, abruptly ends (five years before ENT: "Divergence"). | |
2150 |
- A World Government is in existence on
Earth, or possibly formed. The United Earth Nations Council
replaces the New United Nations, and the Stellar Colonies
Board of Regents. All Human occupied space is under UEN
control [TNG:
"Attached"]. - Navigational buoys are placed at each sector corner and along spacelanes for commercial and private interstellar craft [Starfleet Dynamics] - The Eristaffe-Zynn Defense and Space Systems Division is established on Sebaldhesta Sennis. [Starship Design by Star Station Aurora] - The Human presence extends for a radius of 30 parsecs [Starfleet Tactical Database Series II] - With the androids' unification of the planet Vemla, war is abolished-until the androids revolt in 2347 [TNG 20: "Spartacus"] - Small-scale student exchange programs begin among several U.F.P. members [Spaceflight Chronology]. - Australia joins the United Earth Government, the last holdout 'sovereign' nation to do so [TNG: "Attached"]. - United Earth Space Probe Agency merges with UN Stellar Navy to become United Earth Starfleet [Starfleet Battles] - Jonathan Archer is informed that the dog belonging to his ex-girlfriend's mom, which is a female beagle, is pregnant. Upon the birth of the litter, Archer selects a puppy for adoption. Six weeks later, the young beagle, who has been named Porthos, goes to live with Archer [Date is speculation, events from ENT: "A Night in Sickbay"]. - T'Pol goes on a 5 day vacation and visits Yellowstone, the Carlsbad Canyon, and Carbon Creek, Pennsylvania [ENT: "Carbon Creek", date is speculative]. - Around this time, the Founders begin seeding the galaxy with 100 infant changelings who are mandated to explore and then later come back to the Link to report on their findings. Laas and Odo are both part of these one hundred [Speculation based on DS9: "Chimera" - Laas first assumed human form around 2175]. |
2150, January |
Riann, an apothecary, first becomes aware of an epidemic afflicting the A'kali after her brother dies from it [18 months before ENT: "Civilization"]. | |
2150, April |
The keel is laid for the first warp 5 starship, the Enterprise, designated NX-0 [Speculation from ENT: "First Flight" - 5 years after Warp 2 barrier was broken by Commander Duvall]. | |
2150, Spring |
Captain Archer begins the crew selection for the Enterprise, the first warp 5 starship which is to be launched in about a year. [Speculation based on ENT: "Horizon"]. | |
2150, July |
- About now in his time at Starfleet, Travis Mayweather
travels to Death Valley, California to do survival training [Date
is speculation, but it was mentioned that it was in July. Travis talks
about this in ENT: "Vanishing Point"]. - Captain Archer is having difficulty selecting a helmsmen for the Enterprise. To help him decide, he contacts each of the previous commanding officers of each of the candidates he is considering. One candidate is Travis Mayweather, so he contacts Travis' father aboard the E.C.S. Horizon. The response is a one sentence evaluation "I've never met a more natural stick and rudder man and you'd be a fool if you don't choose him" [2 and a half years before ENT: "Horizon"]. |
2150, August |
Dr. Phlox, a Denobulan, comes to Earth as part of a the Interplanetary Medical Exchange program, sponsored by the Vulcans. While on Earth for the next nine months, he makes it a point to study a number of Earth religions. He studies Hinduism, spends two weeks at a Tibetan monastery, attends Mass at Saint Peter's Square and is allowed to attend the Tal-Shanar at the Vulcan consulate. [ENT: "Cold Front", ENT: "A Night in Sickbay" 9 months on Earth is mentioned in ENT: "Vanishing Point" in Hoshi's transporter delusion]. | |
2151 |
- First contact between humans and Klingons
takes place. The starship USS Enterprise NX-01 is launched
under the command of Jonathan Archer. It is the first starship
built by humans to achieve Warp 5 and the prototype for
all 'Combined Terran Fleet' ships built after. It is also
the first starship equipped with an experimental transporter
for biotransport. Phase pistols are introduced in Starfleet
[ENT: "Broken
Bow"]. - First contact with the Axanar takes place [ENT: "Fight or Flight"]. - Charles Tucker becomes pregnant with a Xyrillian child. The Klingons acquire holotechnology [ENT: "Unexpected"]. - Tensions between the Vulcans and Andorians rise, and they culminate in the destruction of the monastery and listening post of P'Jem [ENT: "The Andorian Incident", "Shadows of P'Jem"] - The Bank of Andor is founded in Daldorran, Andor--the main repository for U.E.P. hard currency holdings [FASA Roleplaying Guide, Second Edition]. - In the most tragic incident of piracy to date, the commercial passenger liner S.S. "Diana" is systematically attacked. Almost 600 passengers and crew are killed and the cargo apparently stolen. The U.S.S. "Intrepid" cruiser of the "Messier" class, commanded by Captain Henry McKenna, retrieves the remains of the "Diana." Within weeks, the Diana Lives! Foundation is established so that people do not forget the tragedy of that ship's loss. [FASA Roleplaying Guide, Second Edition, Spaceflight Chronology]. - The Kitjef system is discovered by the "SS Alamo Ark04" an early multigenerational exploration vessel. The system is named after their most recently born children, Kit Carson and Jefferson Davis. Only the second world is Class M and will be briefly mined for uranium until superior energy sources become available. It will be used many times for U.E.P. training and test missions [TNG 39: "Rogue Saucer"] - Travis Mayweather graduates from Starfleet, his space experience allowing him to complete the training in record time, having been in the Academy for only about two years [Speculation, based on the program usually taking 4 years]. - A transporter device is installed aboard the Enterprise. Starfleet technicians assure Captain Archer that it is safe for the transportation of bio-matter [ENT: "Broken Bow", ENT: "Vanishing Point"]. |
2151, February |
- Archer is brought back in time by Daniels, who uses this relocation in time as an opportunity to explain the reason for the destruction of the colony. | |
2151, April 13, Monday |
- Archer receives a call from Trip outlining the schedule for tomorrow's inspection of Enterprise and planning to meet over breakfast [ENT: "Broken Bow"]. | |
2151, April 13-20
- In the nine decades following Zefram Cochrane's visionary warp flight
in space and the First Contact that followed, the human race has been slowly
guided by the Vulcans toward developing the Warp Five engine. Mankind is
at last able to explore the virgin depths of space with a revolutionary
new starship, the Enterprise NX-01, under the command of Captain Jonathan
Archer. Plans to launch Enterprise are moved up when a Klingon courier,
Klaang, is shot down by unknown assailants and crash-lands in Broken Bow,
Oklahoma. Feeling that the Vulcans have been condescending toward mankind
for years, Archer insists it's the humans' responsibility to return the
injured Klingon to his homeworld alive. - The Enterprise speeds along her way, but suddenly the ship experiences a power failure and unknown chameleon-like aliens invade and kidnap Klaang from Sickbay. Dr. Phlox examines a captured alien and discovers he's a Suliban who has been genetically altered. Archer orders Mayweather to set a course for the Rigel system, Klaang's last stop before crashing on Earth. At Rigel X, the Enterprise away team discovers an amazing multitude of alien life at a trading complex there. Archer eventually meets Sarin, who tells him of a Temporal Cold War in which the Suliban are being used to incite internal strife within the Klingon Empire. Klaang was bringing proof of this back to his High Council in order to avoid the Empire being thrown into chaos. Hidden Suliban soldiers suddenly attack, forcing Archer, Sarin and the rest of the away team to fight their way back to Enterprise. During the extremely intense firefight Sarin is killed. - The crew track the Suliban vessel to a gas giant planet, and discover a huge Suliban mothership, or "Helix," with 3000 lifesigns on board. They are attacked by several individual Suliban cell ships, but manage to capture one with the ship's grappler. Archer and Tucker learn to fly the stolen craft and use it to infiltrate the Helix while Enterprise hides in a dense upper layer of the atmosphere. Archer and Tucker find Klaang and release him while fending off the Suliban with their new phase-pistols. While Tucker takes the Klingon back to Enterprise, Archer stays behind to set off a magnetic disruptor that dismantles the Helix. Trying to stay alive while waiting for pick-up, Archer discovers a Temporal Chamber used by the Suliban to obtain their orders from a mysterious shrouded figure from the future. Archer is found by the Suliban leader, Silik, and the two struggle against each other in a time-shifted environment. Realizing he's no match for the genetically mutated Suliban, Archer tries to gain some distance by exiting the chamber, where time returns to normal. As Archer runs, Silik fires his weapon dead center into Archer, but at that moment the captain dematerializes, being unwittingly beamed back to Enterprise by a nervous Tucker using the relatively untried bio-transporter. - Leaving the Suliban behind, Enterprise warps away and successfully delivers Klaang to his homeworld. The Klingon Chancellor draws blood from Klaang, and his scientists find hidden within his DNA Suliban data proving their conspiracy to undermine the Empire. - Archer receives orders from Starfleet that henceforth, he and his crew are to officially begin their mission of exploration. Gratefully acknowledging her assistance in the mission's success, Archer sets aside his pride and convinces T'Pol to remain on the ship as Science Officer. A course is laid in for the nearest inhabited planet, and the crew of Enterprise boldly warps toward the unknown. - On Beta Aurigae VII, a landing party led by T'Pol discovers archaeological evidence of the Zalkat Union, including documentation of the four deadly artifacts of Malkus the Mighty [TOS/DS9: "The Brave and the Bold, Book 1" - Discovery]. |
2151, April 21 - May 3 |
- The Enterprise traverses an ion storm. - The Enterprise explores several planets and star systems, but encounters no intelligent life forms. Hoshi brings a slug aboard from one such planet. - Hoshi becomes ill from nurturing an unhatched Vulcan firebird [Strange New Worlds V - "Hoshi's Gift"]. - On Beta Aurigae VII, a landing party led by T'Pol discovers archaeological evidence of the Zalkat Union, including documentation of the four deadly artifacts of Malkus the Mighty [TOS/DS9: "The Brave and the Bold, Book 1" - Discovery]. |
2151, May 4 - 6
- The Enterprise crew comes across an alien
ship where they discover 15 humanoid corpses that seem
to have been part of a scientific experiment. The horrific
sight inspires Hoshi to panic and demand a return to Earth,
but Archer insists on continuing the mission and finding
out more about the abandoned dead. Trouble comes calling
when the aliens that were conducting the gruesome experiments
return and begin attacking Captain Archer and his team [Date
of May 6, 2151 is given in mission log. First contact with
Axanar vessel had occurred two days previous. ENT: "Fight
or Flight"]. - At this time Hoshi seriously considered leaving Starfleet, but ultimately decided not to [ENT: "Exile"]. |
2151, May 11 - 12
Trip, Mayweather and T'Pol go on a survey mission to a seemingly uninhabited Earth-like planet where a mysterious alien presence sends them into a state of paranoid overdrive. When a violent storm strands them on the planet, Archer must find a way to save his crewmembers before they turn dangerously upon one another. | |
2151, May 20
Trip is dispatched to assist an alien ship with its power source problems, he is delighted to have a friendly encounter with one of the ship's female engineers. But after discovering that their special moment has resulted in his becoming pregnant, he realizes he's had an unwitting experience with alien sex. Archer and his crew must then try and return the rapidly growing alien baby to its mother. | |
2151, Early June
The Enterprise crew alters course to investigate the mystery of Terra Nova, a legendary Earth colony whose inhabitants mysteriously disappeared decades ago. But when they arrive, they confront descendents of the colonists who have become more alien than Archer could ever have imagined. | |
2151, June 21
The Enterprise crew pays a friendly visit to an ancient Vulcan spiritual sanctuary, despite T'Pol's concerns that her human colleagues will be an awkward and disruptive presence there. Upon landing, they discover that the monastery has been forcibly taken over by the Andorians, a paranoid and highly excitable race of aliens with a long history of conflict with the Vulcans. Archer soon discovers that the Enterprise crew has gotten in the middle of an interstellar Pandora's Box and now must find a way out [It is noted in the episode that it has been 9 weeks and 4 days since the Enterprise left Earth]. | |
2151, July
- A Dokaalan probe is discovered by the Vulcan ship
Ti'Mur [TNG: "A
Time to Sow"]. - Trip learns that T'Pol is transmitting secret messages to a Vulcan ship, which has been shadowing Enterprise for weeks. Meanwhile, Archer must attempt a dangerous rescue to recover two crewman stranded on a rapidly disintegrating comet. - The spaceframe for NX Columbia begins assembly in Earth Orbit [TNG: "A Time to Sow"]. |
2151, July 31
Captain Archer and the crew discover a fully inhabited, civilized though less advanced Earth-like planet. Disguised to look like its inhabitants, they pay the planet an exploratory visit where they learn that a pernicious illness is afflicting the local population. As Archer seeks to help them find the malady's source, he finds himself in a close encounter with a comely female alien. | |
2151, August
Enterprise must intervene when the leader of a human freighter crew sets out for revenge against alien pirates. | |
2151, September 4
- Enterprise NX-01 is now 4 months, 3 weeks, and 6 days
into the ship's mission, according to T'Pol. - While Enterprise joins an alien pilgrimage to witness a religious stellar occurrence, Archer finds himself again faced against the Suliban warrior Silik. |
2151, September 10 |
Aboard the Enterprise, crewman Daniels reveals himself to be an agent fighting a temporal cold war against the Suliban [ENT: "Shockwave"]. | |
2151, September 21
Attacked by an unidentified enemy ship, the crew struggles to get their new phase canons operational. Meanwhile, Archer realizes that no one knows Reed well enough to give him a personalized birthday gift. | |
2151, September 30
The Enterprise crew discovers a new planet with two races, one in desperate need of medical and scientific assistance. In the course of trying to help, Dr. Phlox recalls his own Denobulan past to address the ethical dilemmas that arise in the present. | |
2151, Early October
When Enterprise comes across a wounded Klingon vessel, T'Pol, Hoshi and Reed take a shuttlepod down to investigate. There they are ambushed by a hostile female Klingon who hijacks the shuttlepod, leaving the Enterprise crewmembers dangerously stranded aboard the Klingon vessel. | |
2151, Mid-October |
The Andorians give the Vulcans on P'Jem warning to evacuate, and then proceed to invade and occupy the planet [Just prior to ENT: "Shadows of P'Jem"]. | |
2151 Late October
Archer and the crew are disappointed to discover that T'Pol has been ordered by the Vulcan High Command to leave the Enterprise — and equally frustrated at her seeming indifference to leaving their ranks. T'Pol's last mission as a Starfleet officer, however, proves eventful when she and Archer are kidnapped by a militant faction on an alien planet and find themselves once again at the mercy of the volatile Andorians. | |
2151, November 9
On a routine shuttlepod mission to investigate an asteroid field, Trip and Reed find themselves suddenly cut off from the Enterprise and become convinced that the mothership has been destroyed. With a limited oxygen supply and almost no chance of being rescued, the opposite-minded twosome must battle their annoyance with one another while also coming to terms with their impending demise [Date of November 9, 2151 given in episode]. | |
2151, Late November
Captain Archer agrees to assist a civilian Vulcan ship with repairs, and learns this group of Vulcans left their homeworld years ago to explore ways to reintegrate emotions into their lives. As the two crews work together and become fast friends, one of the visitors named Tolaris reaches out to T'Pol and urges her to experiment with releasing her own "primal nature" [Seven months since Enterprise left Earth]. | |
2151, December
- Krem, the Ferengi, first starts serving
aboard his cousin's merchant vessel (one month before ENT: "Acquisition"). - While exploring an uncharted planet, Enterprise crew members encounter a group of aliens who are hunting down indigenous creatures for recreation. During their exploration, Archer is mesmerized by visions of a woman desperately attempting to communicate with him. The woman's ethereal distress signal informs Archer that she and others like her are actually the prey of the alien hunters. Heeding her call, Archer levels the playing field against the alien hunters. |
- The Arcturus Test Range begins operations,
serving as Star Fleet's newest propulsion and weaponry
test facility. [Spaceflight
Chronology, FASA
Roleplaying Guide, Second Edition]. - At a major Earth Spaceflight Conference on Starbase 5, Dr. Milton Kornheiser speaks out on the future of interstellar vessels, stating that warp factor 5 is the limit for warp drive engines even if the matter/antimatter reaction becomes 100% efficient [Spaceflight Chronology]. - Several U.E.P. cultural exchange programs, including the Student Exchange Program and the Galactic Cultural Exchange, are postponed indefinitely. The reasons include a decreasing interest in the projects and the fear of pirates attacking shipping [FASA Roleplaying Guide, Second Edition, Spaceflight Chronology]. - The Ascendance of Keth epetai-Rivaki to the Klingon Imperial Throne begins a new era of Klingon expansionism and prosperity. Known as "the Centenarian," Keth will live to be just over 100 standard years old, and have the longest known reign of any Klingon Emperor to date [FASA Roleplaying Guide, Second Edition]. - Marcos XII becomes the 9th U.F.P. member ["Star Trek Maps"]. - The first Gorn-Romulan War begins. - The Enterprise rescues the crew of the Lost Moon, an Earth colony ship [Strange New Worlds V: "Remnant"]. - Two crewmen from the Enterprise are murdered by the Kolyati [Strange New Worlds V: "Prologue, The Shoulders of Giants"]. - On the planet Druzilum, Archer acts to preserve the martyrdom of a man destined to become a religious icon [Strange New Worlds VI: "Savior"]. - Dr. Phlox, assigned to decontaminate crewman Daniels's quarters, attempts time travel to save Xesophia, who drowned on Denobula twenty-eight years earlier [Strange New Worlds VI: "Cabin E-14"]. - The Enterprise rescues the crew of the Lost Moon, an Earth colony ship [Strange New Worlds V: "Remnant"]. |
2152, January
- New Years Day celebrations throughout
colonized space are interrupted with the news of the destruction
at Outer Sector Defense Outpost 4. The U.S.S. "Carronade",
a "Cavalry" Class destroyer, survives to report about
the sneak attack. The senior officers of the destroyer
describe enemy vessels painted as giant, winged creatures
that performed suicide runs with fusion-explosive missiles.
Intercepted subspace radio transmissions fron this battle
are translated, finally giving the enemy a name --the Romulans.
The U.F.P. also obtains its first accurate bearing on Romulan-held
space [FASA
Roleplaying Guide, Second Edition]. - Trivium (Element 127) is discovered in the Denevan asteroid belt [Starfleet Medical Reference Manual] - When the Ferengi, a group of intergalactic thieves, stun the Enterprise crew and try to rob the ship, it's up to Trip to work covertly to stop them. After the Ferengi awaken the Captain to force his assistance in pillaging his ship, Trip secretly reveals to Archer that he has inadvertently escaped the effects of the noxious gas and they work together to try to surreptitiously thwart the robbery and save the crew. - While exploring a crashed vessel on a desolate planet, the Enterprise crew is haunted by some ghostly figures, and they encounter an alien race that has survived despite insurmountable odds. Trip helps repair their derelict vessel and is befriended by Liana, an attractive humanoid alien who develops feelings for him. - While exploring a planet, Archer and Mayweather enter a "military zone" and are detained in an internment prison by an alien race called Tandarans, who are at war with the Suliban. While the Enterprise crew's previous encounters with the Suliban have been disastrous, Archer and Mayweather find themselves sharing a cell with some Suliban detainees who they believe may be wrongly imprisoned. - A strange, symbiotic alien creature boards the Enterprise capturing a few of the crew members, including Archer and Trip, and cocoons them in its web feeding off their bodies to survive. With the captured crewmembers' lives in jeopardy, Hoshi, under T'Pol's command, faces her biggest challenge by trying to find a way to communicate with the lifeform in order to return it to its home planet. |
2152, February 6 - 9
When a Vulcan ambassador is accused of secretive criminal misconduct, Enterprise is asked to transport her back to the Vulcans. Following an attack by a corrupt alien race, T'Pol defends the Ambassador and, for the first time, asks Archer for his help. Meanwhile, after the Vulcan diplomat boards the Enterprise, alien weapons begin firing from hostile ships, putting everyone's lives at risk [Date of February 9, 2152 given in episode]. | |
2152, February 9 |
Captain Archer makes a log entry regarding Ambassador Velar, which is later played by the aliens who try to take over the Enterprise in ENT: "The Catwalk". | |
2152, February 12 - 15
When Archer and Trip are invited to a desert-like planet by an alien leader after they help fix his ship, they discover he is a terrorist who has lured them onto his planet under false pretenses. Meanwhile, T'Pol, while in command, faces a tough decision when she cannot locate Archer and Trip in the desert [Date of February 12, 2152 given in episode]. | |
2152, February 18 - 22
When the crew takes shore leave on the famous pleasure
planet of Risa, Archer has a mysterious encounter with an alien woman; Hoshi
has a surprising romantic rendezvous; Mayweather has a rock-climbing accident;
and Trip and Reed go clubbing only to end the evening as unwitting victims
of robbery. Meanwhile, Phlox stays on board the Enterprise with T'Pol to
take his annual 48-hour hibernation and exhibits some uncharacteristic oddities
when they have to wake him up after an injured crew member returns from
shore leave [Date of February 18, 2152 given in episode]. - Dr. Phlox, assigned to decontaminate crewman Daniels's quarters, attempts time travel to save Xesophia [Strange New Worlds VI:"Cabin E-14"]. |
2152, Late February
After apparently causing the obliteration of an alien colony, Enterprise is ordered to return to Earth, until a surprise visitor offers Archer startling evidence about what really happened ["10 months" after ENT: "Broken Bow"]. | |
2152, Late February - Early March |
- Intent on stopping Archer and Enterprise's mission, the
diabolical Suliban take the crew hostage when it is discovered that Archer
has mysteriously disappeared off the ship. - While stuck in the decimated remains of the 31st century, Archer and Daniels work to find a way to get back to Enterprise; and Daniels worries that the future existence of The Federation may be in jeopardy as a result of his action to remove Archer from Enterprise, forever changing the course of history. - Enterprise NX-01 has been in flight for 10 months now. |
2152, Early March |
Starfleet decides that the Enterprise should continue its mission to explore space. The timeline with Daniel's utopian 31st century Earth is then presumably restored. | |
2152, April 15 |
T'Pol tells Archer and Trip a story about her great-grandmother T'Mir and three other Vulcans who made first contact with humans after crash landing in a small Pennsylvania town in the 1950s. T'Pol's story shocks Archer and Trip because her account is much earlier and very different from what history books reported. T'Pol has now been with the Enterprise crew for 1 year. | |
2152, April 22 |
The Enterprise visits Tesik Prime, where one of the crew contracts Rigellian fever. As a result of subsequent exposure, Dr. Phlox inoculates the crew [Date is speculation. Event occurs one month prior to ENT: "Dead Stop"]. | |
2152, May 8 |
Travis plays a practical joke on Hoshi by asking for her help communicating with a gelatinous lifeform which is, in fact, some strawberry gelatin [Date is speculation. Event occurs two weeks prior to ENT: "Dead Stop"]. | |
2152, May 15 |
Captain Archer has to cancel his breakfast meeting with Travis [Date is speculation. Event occurs one week prior to ENT: "Dead Stop"]. | |
2152, May 18 |
After unwittingly wandering into a minefield in Romulan territory, Enterprise becomes trapped when struck by an undetonated mine. When Reed takes a space walk to try to defuse the mine, he inadvertently gets pinned to the outer hull and Archer must choose between saving Reed or abiding by the Romulans' orders to depart immediately. | |
2152, May 22 |
Enterprise, in desperate need of extensive repairs, docks with a mysterious, high-tech, automated space station that inexplicably and amazingly fixes everything, making it almost too good to be true. While waiting for the repairs to be completed, the Enterprise crew searches the unmanned space station and discovers its unique and horrifying power source. | |
2152, June |
Sometime around this time, T'Pau heads out to the desert with the Syrrannites to remain there for two years [2 years prior to ENT: "Awakening"]. | |
2152, June 1 |
Archer spends a fretful night in sickbay with Dr. Phlox after Porthos, Archer's pet beagle, picks up a deadly virus on an alien planet. Meanwhile, crew members believe Archer's increased stress level is due to Porthos' illness, but Dr. Phlox suspects it has to do with Archer's repressed sexual tension. | |
2152, June 13 |
When Enterprise is in need of fuel, Archer discovers a desolate mining colony that is being controlled by Klingon marauders who are bullying the colonists and hoarding their fuel. After Archer discovers the problem, the crew trains the colonists to defend themselves and prepare for a final showdown against their Klingon oppressors [Date is conjecture - Archer states that it has been just over a year since events that took place in ENT: "Broken Bow", and 14 months seems about right]. | |
2152, June 30 |
The Vulcan Ministry of Security tracks Menos to the Prenia system [just prior to ENT: "The Seventh"]. | |
2152, July 1 - 8
T'Pol brings Archer with her on a top-secret mission when she is dispatched by the Vulcan High Command to capture a fugitive that has eluded their authorities for nearly two decades. Meanwhile, T'Pol reveals to Archer a dark and violent secret that she repressed, and Trip, who fills in for Archer while he is away, finds the weight of being the Captain hard to bear. | |
2152, July 17 - 19
Reed accidentally leaves his communicator on a pre-warp alien planet during a visit, and when he returns with Archer to retrieve the crucial technology, they are captured by soldiers who accuse them of being enemy spies. Meanwhile, Trip and Mayweather use the cloaking technology of the damaged Suliban Cell-Ship they had previously captured in an attempt to rescue Archer and Reed before they are executed. | |
2152, July 20 |
- The Enterprise visits a blue giant cluster with no inhabited
planets - a nice change of place. - It was also around this time that the Denoblian geological team began its survey in caves on Zantorus [Six months prior to ENT: "The Breach"]. |
2152, August |
The Klingons surprise attack, conquer, plunder and then abandon an alien colony on their border. The colonists later flee aboard a small vessel [Speculation - six months before ENT: "Judgment"). | |
2152, August 12 - 15
While checking out a trinary star system, on a "typical" day on Enterprise, the crew finds their routine tasks turn into uncharacteristically strange obsessions over trivial matters. The crew's increasingly erratic and often humorous behavior includes: Archer's preoccupation with writing the preface of a biography about his dad; Trip's fixation on adjusting the Captain's chair to perfection; Hoshi's obsession with her cooking; and Reed's concern with a Tactical Alert. | |
2152, August 28
Following her first experience in the transporter, a series of eerie events leads Hoshi to question whether she is the same person. Feeling fearful and helpless, Hoshi becomes unsure of herself wondering if she is losing her mind, or if the transporter has somehow changed her, or if there is an alien threat behind all of these bizarre happenings suddenly taking place. | |
2152, September 7 - 12
When Trip rescues an exotic alien woman from her kidnappers, they find themselves on the run from her captors and, in the process, on an unexpected romantic adventure. Meanwhile, Archer holds one of the alien kidnappers captive on Enterprise and devises a scheme with T'Pol's help to pressure the reluctant prisoner to help them locate Trip. | |
2152, September 18 - 26
- When a deadly radioactive storm threatens Enterprise, the
entire crew must take refuge for eight days in a small maintenance shaft.
As they weather the storm, the crew discovers that alien intruders are
trying to steal Enterprise — and may turn the crew's save haven into
a death trap in the process. In order to stop the aliens and save the ship,
Archer and his officers must battle against time ... and the deadly storm. - Sh'Laran enters a four-year program at the Andorian War College. |
2152, October
- Trip Tucker is alone on a test mission aboard Shuttlepod
One when he is fired upon by a territorial alien and forced to land on the
night side of a moon. As he tries in vain to contact Enterprise, he discovers
his alien foe has also made an emergency landing nearby, and the two nemeses
must contend with each other as the extremely hot rising sun threatens their
survival. - Travis Mayweather's father, the Captain of the E.C.S. Horizon, gets ill. Rianna, Travis' mom sends him a note letting him know. - Paul Mayweather, Travis' younger brother, is made Acting Captain of the Horizon, at the age of 24. |
2152, Late October
While Enterprise visits a planet where an Interspecies Medical Exchange conference is taking place, Dr. Phlox tries to obtain research on a terminal disease from the Vulcan contingency there. But he must not reveal that T'Pol has contracted this disease, because that knowledge would forever stigmatize her among her people [almost a year since ENT: "Fusion", which took place in November 2151]. | |
2152, Early November |
- A military conflict erupts between the Vulcans and Andorians
over a small terraformed planet that both sides make claim to. In the midst
of the skirmish, the Vulcans announce they wish to discuss terms for a cease-fire,
but Imperial Guard officer Shran believes the only one he can trust to mediate
such a negotiation is Jonathan Archer, so the captain and his ship are called
into the fray. - 3 days before ENT: "Future Tense" the Suliban first detect the strange derelict. |
2152, November
- Far beyond where any Earth vessel has ventured before,
the Enterprise crew is shocked to find a small craft adrift in space that
contains what appears to be a human corpse. Trip Tucker and Malcolm Reed
discover the craft holds some strange secrets, and the mystery deepens when
the Suliban arrive making claim to the salvage. On top of that, Captain
Archer is confronted by the Tholians, who also aggressively try to procure
the enigmatic vessel. - Archer and Trip head out on shuttlepod on a trip that takes them to the Enolian homeworld [Prior to ENT: "Canamar"]. |
2152, Early December
- Upon leaving the Enolian homeworld in a shuttlepod, Archer
and Tucker are mistakenly arrested and placed on a prisoner transport vessel
bound for the penal colony Canamar. Before the error can be rectified, one
of the alien inmates engineers a takeover of the transport, leading Archer
to engage in a dangerous gambit. - Travis Mayweather's father, the Captain of the E.C.S. Horizon, passes away on December 6. Travis' mother tries to contact him via civilian channels to let him know the news, but the message still has not reached him six weeks later [As depicted on ENT: "Horizon"]. |
2152, Mid December |
Enterprise is swallowed by an otherworldly vessel occupied by noncorporeal creatures who invade the bodies of crew members and trade consciousnesses with them. | |
2152, December 26 |
The E.C.S. Horizon misses a rendezvous with an Orion freighter which upsets officials at the Cargo Authority. Some of the crew are concerned about Paul Mayweather is performing as Captain, and morale is low [2 weeks before ENT: "Horizon"]. | |
2152, Late December |
- Enterprise encounters a small ship carrying
fugitives from an abandoned colony. (Some days before ENT: "Judgment") - 2 days before Archer begins his pre-trial hearing, the Enterprise arrives at Qu'onos [ENT: "Judgment"]. |