Star Fleet

Article 52

1. There is established a Star Fleet as the armed peace-keeping forces of the United Federation of Planets. It shall initially by comprised of contingents assigned to it by members of the United Federation of Planets under Article 43 until such time as facilities, recruitment, and training obviates the necessity of drawing upon the armament of any member, except as provided in Article 49;

2. The operations and actions of Star Fleet shall at all times be under the direct cognizance of the Federation Council and the military staff committee which shall also prepare and approve the budget for Star Fleet operations;

3. Initial expenditure is authorized under these Articles of Federation for the establishment of a Star Fleet Headquarters and two starbases to be equitably located within the boundary of the United Federation of Planets and outside of any possible conflict with the territorial boundaries of any member of the United Federation of Planets. The Federation Council shall review and approve such other expansions of starbases and other facilities as shall seem appropriate from time to time in the maintenance of interplanetary peace and security;

4. Initial expenditure is also granted under these Articles of Federation for the establishment of a Star Fleet Academy for the purpose of training officers and personnel for Star Fleet duty. The standards for such training shall be determined by the military staff committee and approved by the Federation Council.

Article 53

1. The training of Star Fleet officers and personnel shall included all fields of science and technology as well as the military arts in Star Fleet. It is the intent of these Articles of Federation that Star Fleet shall be used to conduct missions of scientific exploration and investigation within the treaty exploration territory wherever its services are not required in the maintenance of interplanetary peace and security;

2. Star Fleet Headquarters and the Federation Council shall be at all times kept informed of the activities undertaken or contemplated for the scientific exploration and investigation of the treaty exploration territory.

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