USS Galaxy Timeline - From 2301 AD to 2353 AD
This timeline is used in conjunction with the USS Galaxy Email Fan Fiction Writers RPG as a reference guide. Ever feel like writing, but don't know where to start? we're a small group who love writing with each other to build an environment of our own. Kinda like a combination of Tabletop RPG's and Choose-Your-Own-Adventures. You're welcome to be a part of it. We're always looking for more writers. |
2301 |
- Cardassian Central Command and/or the Obsidian Order
is formed during this era, at least according to Major Kira's reckoning
in late 2371 [DS9 13: "Station Rage"]. - The U.S.S. "Challenger II" (NCC-2023) "Excelsior" class starship is built [FASA Roleplaying Guide, Second Edition]. - Demora Sulu is promoted to Executive Officer of the USS Enterprise-B [The Lost Era 2: "Serpents Among the Ruins"] - Renka Linavil's parents pass away [The Lost Era 2: "Serpents Among the Ruins"] |
2302 |
- The U.F.P. makes its first contact with the inhabitants
of Angel I [TNG: "Angel One"]. - The Andromedans launch a surprise attack on the U.F.P. [Starfleet Battles] - Jaresh-Inyo enters politics. By 2372 he will be President of the United Federation of Planets [DS9: "Paradise Lost"]. - This is the year of the last Federation contact with Angel One probe prior to 2364 [TNG: "Angel One"]. |
2303 |
Captain John Harriman of the USS Enterprise-B begins a romantic relationship with Amina Sasine [The Lost Era 2: "Serpents Among the Ruins"] | |
2304 |
- Tuvok goes through his first pon farr and marries
T'Pel, also experiencing her first pon farr [67 years before VOY: "Ex
Post Facto",
Titan: "Red King"]. - Drs. Noonian Soong, Ira Graves and Emil Vaslovik discover an abandoned secret facility on Exo III [TNG Novel: "Immortal Coil"]. - Rafe Buonarotti becomes Chief Engineer of the USS Enterprise-B (Conjecture - could be 2303 based on 'last half as his Chief Engineer' comment, The Lost Era 2: "Serpents Among the Ruins"] - Ensign Borona Fenn graduates Starfleet Academy [The Lost Era 2: "Serpents Among the Ruins"] - Sublieutenant Alira T'Sil is assigned to the Romulan flagship Tomed as an Engineer [The Lost Era 2: "Serpents Among the Ruins"] |
2305 |
- Jean Luc Picard is born in France. - Lt. Arex falls through a wormhole while on a shuttle expedition and emerges 71 years later [Gateways 6: "Cold Wars"] - Sanaht of Janus IV is elected to the Federation Council [TNG: "Articles of the Federation"]. |
2306 |
Ambassador Gell Kamemor of the Romulan Star Empire and Captain John Harriman of the USS Enterprise-B meet for the first time while signing a trade accord on a moon in Tholian space [The Lost Era 2: "Serpents Among the Ruins"] | |
2307 |
- Rescue of Embassy staff on Jacarrah II by Federation.
Agitation of locals believed to be due to Romulans. - USS Enterprise-B goes under refit [The Lost Era 2: "Serpents Among the Ruins"] |
2309 |
- The Cardassian Union officially offers help to
the poor and underdeveloped planet of Bajor [DS9: "The Emissary"]. |
2310 Operation Unity |
- The combined Galactic Forces launch
a three-pronged attack against the Andromedans in the Lesser Magallanic
Cloud, the location of their sole base. The Galactic Powers consist of
Eastern Powers (Klingons, Lyrans, & Hydrans),
the Central Powers (Federation, Kzinti, Tholians & Orions),
and the Western Powers (Gorn, Romulans, Argonians)--the threeprongs.
The Galactic Power bloc consists of the Federation, Klingon Empire, Romulan
Empire (later briefly a Republic), Gorn Confederation, Kzinti Hegemony
(both parts), Tholian Holdfast, Orion Convention (including several pirate
cartels), Hydran Kingdom, Lyran Empire, WYN Star Cluster, and the Argonian
Republic. The Vudavians and the WYN are not involved in the three-prong
attack against the Andromedans outside the galaxy, but instead fight several
battles against them within our galaxy. The Krebiz, their territory absorbed
after the Klingon conquest, serve in enlisted positions aboard older Klingon
ships, like other servitor races. This is another beginning of cooperation
between the Klingons and the U.F.P. The Interstellar Organian Concordium
makes several appearances, both in support of and opposing the Galactic
Powers. In the end, when
the Andromedeans are defeated, the IOC turns on the Powers [Starfleet Battles] - The Genesis Project is revived by Carol Marcus. She and Gillian Taylor are transported to the planet Pacifica aboard the U.S.S. Hermes, under command of Captain Uhura [Strange New Worlds II: "The Hero Of My Own Life"] - Captain Harriman, Commander Demora Sulu, and Commander 'Iron Mike' Paris go on a covert mission to Devron II in the heart of the Neutral Zone. Paris is killed [The Lost Era 2: "Serpents Among the Ruins"]. - Captain John Harriman and Commander Amina Sasine spend a week-long vacation together on Pacifica. They will not see each other again until 2311 (Conjecture based on '11 and a half months' from The Lost Era 2: "Serpents Among the Ruins"] - Commander Sasine is assigned to the Foxtrot XIII outpost along the Klingon and Romulan borders [The Lost Era 2: "Serpents Among the Ruins"]. |
- Romulans decide to to reveal the loss of outposts in Beta Quadrant, believing
it to be Federation subversive attacks. Later proves to be first tenative
Borg thrust into Beta Quadrant [Starfleet Battles] -The interdimensional planet Meridian materializes briefly in this universe in the Trialus system [DS9: "Meridian"]. - The Romulans attack and claim the Koltaari in disputed territory. Tensions between the Romulans and the Federation are elevated. Enterprise is then assigned to the Foxtrot Sector for the next 7 months until the failed testing of the USS Universe, a Federation prototype hyperwarp starship. It is destroyed in the testing, and Admiral John 'Blackjack" Harriman is injured. He later dies of his injuries [The Lost Era 2: "Serpents Among the Ruins"]. - Commander Sasine is reassigned to Helaspont Station, near the Tzenkethi border [The Lost Era 2: "Serpents Among the Ruins"]. - Thousands of Federation citizens allegedly die in the Tomed Incident, near the Romulan Border. Following the incident the Treaty of Algeron is signed between the Federation and the Romulans in which the Federation is obliged not to develop cloaking technology. The Romulans subsequently go into isolation again [53 years before TNG: "The Neutral Zone", "The Defector", "The Pegasus", Starfleet: Year One - Ditagh, a Klingon bodyguard to Chancellor Azetbur using the alias of Moragh, kills General Gorak in Azetbur's office when he is called to meet with the Chancellor. He immediately follows up with the assassination of Chancellor Azetbur. General Kaarg becomes Chancellor [The Lost Era 2: "Serpents Among the Ruins"]. - Captain Harriman resigns Captaincy of the Enterprise-B and transfers to Helaspont Station. Commander Demora Sulu is promoted to Captain of the Enterprise-B. Lt. Commander Xintal Linojj is promoted to Commander and First Officer [The Lost Era 2: "Serpents Among the Ruins"]. |
2313 |
Gatherer Penthor Mull of Acamar III is killed by a microvirus designed by the last Tralesta [TNG: "The Vengeance Factor"]. | |
2314 |
Teska and Hasmek become the first recorded Vulcan/Romulan
couple to be wed. The ceremony is attended by Spock, Sarek and Senator
Pardek [TOS 82: "Mind Meld"]. |
2315 |
- Rachel Garrett graduates Starfleet Academy [Lost Era 4: "Well of Souls"]. - An unmanned probe is sent to the Dokaalan system for charting purposes. It finds nothing spectacular. It isn't until the Enterprise-E visits the system almost a century later when it is found that cosmic radiation had shielded the Dokaalan colonies in the asteroid belt from being discovered [TNG: "A Time to Sow"] |
2316 |
- Kathryn Janeway's mother Gretchen, age six, learns
that her father has been killed in the line of duty [Strange
New Worlds IV: "Uninvited
Admirals"]. - Lieutenant Rachel Garrett, while stationed on the Argos, meets her husband, Ven Kaldarren [Lost Era 4: "Well of Souls"]. - Elxenton arrives on Hazimot [Lost Era 5: "Deny Thy Father"]. |
2318 |
- Ambassador Aidan Burgess is assassinated on the Neyel
Coreworld of Oghen [Titan: "Red King"]. |
2319 |
-The multiplex pattern buffer is invented which eradicates
transporter psychosis [TNG: "Realm of Fear"]. -The father of Mordan IV leader Karnas is assassinated by a rival tribe, leading to a crisis that involves the Federation and is resolved with an illegal weapons deal by Admiral Jameson [TNG: "Too Short a Season"]. - Tuvok's third son is born [VOY Novel: "Pathways"]. - Ahdjiia D'Tinya is born in Syennath Grove on Chrysalis. She will later serve on the USS Galaxy is a Security Officer. - The last series of Rigellian transport craft are commissioned. They will remain in service even when obsolete by the late 24th century (Conjecture from TNG: "Articles of the Federation" - "... over 60 years old ... ). |
2320 |
- Raymond "Renny" Marr is born who will be killed by
the crystalline entity [TNG: "Silicon Avatar"]. - Daren Runako M'Kantu is born in Dar-es-Salaam in Tanzania on Terra. His parents are Captain Dalmar M'Kantu and Captain Malika M'Kantu. He will later become the second Captain of the USS Galaxy and the fourth in the history of the vessel. |
2321 |
At age 53, Boothby begins his training to take over the gardening duties at Starfleet Academy from the previous caretaker, Aubrey. [Strange New Worlds V: "Efflorescence" Prologue]. | |
2322 |
- The Bajoran wormhole undergoes
a brief subspace inversion [DS9: "The Visitor"]. - Jean-Luc Picard applies to Starfleet Academy, but is rejected. |
2323 |
After he has applied in vain a year before, Picard is admitted to Starfleet Academy. He is the first freshman to win the Academy Marathon [TNG: "The First Duty", TNG: "Best of Both Worlds"]. | |
2324 |
- Starfleet Academy team wins a parisi squares tournament
over the heavily favored team from Minsk University [TNG: "The First Duty"]. - Beverly Crusher is born on Luna [TNG: "Conundrum"]. - Jase Kaldarren, son to Rachel Garrett and Ven Kaldarren, is born [Lost Era 4: "Well of Souls"]. |
2325 |
The Son'a subdue the Tarlac and the Ellora [Star Trek IX: "Insurrection"]. |
2326 |
- Picard backstory [TNG Giant Novel 8: "Vendetta"]. - Darya Bat-Levi suffers an accident that devastates her body. She is refitted with a pair of artificial legs and hand [Lost Era 4: "Well of Souls"]. |
2327 |
- Commander Rachel Garrett briefly meets Ensign Marta
Batanides of future Starfleet Intelligence for the first time on Starbase
Earhart. Garrett had been on her way back to the USS Carthage, where she
was XO. Batanides had just graduated Starfleet Academy and was accompanied
by Jean-Luc Picard. Garrett was not present at the barfight where Picard
was stabbed in the heart later [Lost Era 4: "Well of Souls"]. - Jean-Luc Picard graduates from Starfleet Academy. Briefly before taking his first assignment, he is severely hurt in a fight with Nausicaans on Starbase Earhart, and his natural heart is replaced by an artificial heart [TNG: "The First Duty", TNG: "Tapestry"]. - Ambassador Sarek marries his third wife, Perrin [Lost Era 3: "The Art of the Impossible"]. - The Cardassian Union disrupts a summit between the Federation and the Legarans on Vulcan when they attempted to claim Legara IV as their own. This is the first armed conflict the Cardassian Union propagates against the Federation. Federation opinion formerly shifts their stance on the Union from potential ally to potential enemy [Lost Era 3: "The Art of the Impossible"]. - Lwaxana and Ian Troi are married on Betazed [Lost Era 3: "The Art of the Impossible"]. |
2328 |
- The Cardassian Union annexes Bajor, beginning a 40-year period
of suppression and genocide. They also fire on USS Audacious, USS Swiftsure,
and USS Indomitable claiming Federation encroachment into Cardassian held
space in the Badlands [TNG: "Ensign Ro"]. - Enabran Tain appointed head of the Obsidian Order [Lost Era 3: "The Art of the Impossible"]. - The Cardassian warship Sontok discover the ruins of the first Klingon Exploration ships, Ch'Gran, on Raknal V. This ignites the first armed conflict between the two Empires over planetary rights. Ambassador Curzon Dax is requested by the Cardassian Union to mediate a diplomatic resolution on board the USS Carthage with General Worf and Legate Zarin representing their governments [Lost Era 3: "The Art of the Impossible"]. |
2329 |
- Duotronic circuitry on Starfleet ships is replaced
with isolinear chips [TNG: "Relics"]. |
2331 |
The Federation establishes an outpost on Boradis III [TNG: "The Emissary"]. | |
2331, June |
Joseph Sisko meets Sarah in Jackson Square, his future wife and Ben Sisko's mother, who was really a Bajoran Prophet [DS9: "Images in the Sand"]. | |
2331, August |
Joseph Sisko and Sarah are married [DS9: "Images in the Sand"]. | |
2332 |
- Scientists Noonien Soong and Juliana O'Donnell
are secretly married on a trip to Mavala IV, against explicit wishes
of Juliana's mother [TNG: "Inheritance"]. - John Q. Brhode, future captain of the USS Galaxy, USS Prospero, and USS Galaxy is born on October 21 on board the USS Rutledge. - Six months after its launch under Captain Rachel Garrett, the Enterprise-C is attacked by a group of ships with a weapon similar to the Tholian web [Enterprise Logs: "Hour Of Fire"]. - Ian Andrew Troi is promoted to Second Officer of the USS Carthage upon Rachel Garrett's taking the Enterprise [Lost Era 3: "The Art of the Impossible"]. |
2332, August |
- Benjamin Sisko is born in New Orleans on Earth [conjecture from DS9: "The Emissary", "Images in the Sand"]. | |
2333 |
- Under command of Captain Daithan Ruhalter, the U.S.S.
Stargazer crosses the Galactic Barrier and is ambushed by an invading
fleet of Nuyyad warships. Lt. Cmdr. Picard is forced to assume command
following the deaths of the captain and executive officer [TNG: "The Battle",
TNG Novel: "The Valiant"]. - General Worf, who'd represented Captain Kirk and Commander McCoy when they had been accused of assassinating Chancellor Gorkon, is killed when his passenger liner collides with a damaged Cardassian freighter in orbit arounds Raknal V. This accident prompts a blood vengeance from the Klingons against the Cardassians [Lost Era 3: "The Art of the Impossible"]. - Captain Rachel Garrett divorces from her husband [Lost Era 4: "Well of Souls"]. - William Riker (and Thomas Riker for that matter) is born in Valdez, Alaska [Lost Era 5: "Deny Thy Father"]. |
2333, August |
After two years of marriage, Sarah Sisko disappears, two days after Ben Sisko's 1st birthday [Conjecture - DS9: "Images in the Sand"]. | |
2334 |
- Picard meets Guinan for the first time (from
his perspective) at Jeparly Station [Strange
New Worlds I: "Together Again For The First
Time"] - Kathryn Janeway is born on May 20. - Ramir Omar, later Ambassador to the USS Galaxy, is born on Romulus. - Chancellor Ditagh of the Klingon Empire dies of old age. Councillor Kravokh succeeds him [Lost Era 3: "The Art of the Impossible"]. - M'k'n'zy Calhoun is born. |
2334, November |
Thelianaresth th'Vorothishria, an Andorian than, is sworn in as President of the UFP. The permanent home of all presidents following him is named the Chateau Thelia, bilt by him after he was elected. Was President during initial talks with the Cardassian Union in 2337 [TNG: "Articles of the Federation" - based on a 4-year election cycle). | |
2335 |
- Qatai begins to hunt the "carnivorous anomaly" [VOY: "Bliss"]. - After three failed attempts to create an android with a positronic brain, Dr. Noonien Soong creates Lore, but he soon exhibits a dangerous behavior and has to be deactivated. Some time later he builds another, less emotional android which he names Data. Soong strives to make his creation more human by programming the memories of all colonists of Omicron Theta into him, but before he can be reactivated, the crystalline entity attacks, killing all the inhabitants [TNG: "Datalore", TNG: "Inheritance", TNG: "A Time to Sow"] - Geordi LaForge is born in the African Confederation on Earth [TNG: "Cause and Effect"]. - Nigel Holmes, First Officer of the USS Enterprise-C, is killed when his shuttle is destroyed by renegade Klingons [Lost Era 4: "Well of Souls"]. - Annie Riker dies [Lost Era 5: "Deny Thy Father"]. |
2336 |
- Deanna Troi is born on Betazed. - Deanna Troi's sister, Kestra, drowns on Betazed [Lost Era 3: "The Art of the Impossible"]. - Starfleet begins actively pursuing the concept of including families on board starships for deep space exploration [Lost Era 4: "Well of Souls"]. - Ven Kaldarren is killed when he left behind on a planet to contain the neurolectromagnetic entities of an unknown race [Lost Era 4: "Well of Souls"]. - Joseph Sisko locates Sarah Sisko living in Australia and working as a holo-photographer, but she dies in a hovercraft accident one month before he tracks her down [Conjecture - DS9: "Images in the Sand"]. |
2337 |
- Ambassador Odan negotiates with the inhabitants of
Peliar Zel [TNG: "The Host"]. - A spacecraft reports an encounter with an unknown lifeform in the Denorios Belt in the Bajor system [DS9: "The Emissary"]. - The government of Turkana IV collapses, leaving the planet ruled by terrorist factions fighting each other [TNG: "Legacy"]. - Tasha Yar is born on Turkana IV. - Tarin Iniara is born on Betazed. She will later become Chief Operations Officer on the USS Galaxy. |
2338 |
- Data is discovered by the U.S.S. Tripoli on Omicron
Theta [TNG: "Datalore"]. - Data is permanently re-activated on February 2. (Star website character profile) - Four year-old Katheryn Janeway, daughter of Edward and Gretchen, learns her multiplication tables [VOY Novel: "Mosaic"]. |
2339 |
- After their general Ardelon Tandro has been murdered,
his troops win the decisive battle in the civil war on Klaestron IV.
It is not known at this time that Tandro, who was a friend of Curzon
Dax, has actually betrayed his people [DS9: "Dax"]. |
2340 |
- Medical researcher Nathaniel Teros conducts groundbreaking
work with neuromuscular adaptation for low gravity species [DS9: "Melora"]. - Yadera Prime the Gamma Quadrant is conquered by the Dominion. A man named Rurigan escapes to Yadera II where he rebuilds his home village as a fully holographic environment with holographic inhabitants [DS9: "Shadowplay"] - By this time, the Cardassians have strip-mined and deserted the Kylatir Meadows on Bajor [TNG 39: "Rogue Saucer"] - In June, Rurigan departs Yadera Prime, a world in the Gamma Quadrant dominated by the Dominion, and retires on the second planet in an undefined system. Using an omicron particle field generator he re-creates his home village [DS9: "Shadowplay"]. - Weapons systems, long-range sensors, and other vital hull systems are installed aboard the "USS Cheyenne" (NX-50000) exploration cruiser. Hull integrity is completed and all SIF/IDF systems and computer cores are online. Warp and impulse drives are certified as flight capable as are all sensors and communications systems. - In the Delta Quadrant, the Kazon Uprising begins during this era. The Kazons revolt against the Trabe and, once unified, steal their ships and technology [VOY: "Maneuvers", VOY: "Alliances"]. - Worf is born on Qo'noS [derived from TNG: "The Bonding", TNG: "A Time to Sow"] - Ro Laren is born on Bajor. - Zotha is born on Romulus [Lost Era 6: "Catalyst of Sorrows"]. |
2341 |
- The U.S.S. "Cheyenne" (NCC-50000) exploration cruiser
is officially launched from the Salazzaar ship yards. While conducting
ship trials, a software problem is detected causing the SIF to cut out
at low warp speed maneuvers, and it is quickly corrected [U.S.S. Cheyenne Class Exploration Cruiser Operations Manual]. - Simone Van Gelder, granddaughter of Dr. Simon Van Gelder, is born. She will be responsible for the development of the first practical Holodeck, undoubtedly building upon the concepts first formulated by Dr. Richard Daystrom [FASA Roleplaying Guide, Second Edition, TOS 57: "The Rift"]. - The Greens of Oriana predict that their planet is dying, with merely decades of life left [TNG 24: "Nightshade"]. - The U.S.S. "De Mayo" (NCC-2029) "Excelsior" class starship is destroyed in action agaist an unknown species, later identified as the IOC [FASA Roleplaying Guide, Second Edition]. - Data enrolls in the Star Fleet Academy. Claude Guignon and Bruce Maddox are the sole UFP Selections Committee members to oppose Data's entry [TNG: "Redemption II"]. - Jadzia is born on the Trill Homeworld. - Julian Bashir is born on Earth. |
2341, April 8, 9 |
- The U.S.S. "Cheyenne" (NCC-50000) class exploration
cruiser is officially commissioned. This warp 9.992 capacity, 500 capacity
starship is based upon the "Constellation II" design and is to replace
the "Constellation II" class.
The ship has 4 warp nacelles and is armed with 8 Type X phaser strips and
4 photon torpedo launchers. Her sister ships, the "Navajo" (NCC-50001)
"Comanche" (NCC-50003), are at 63% and 46% completion, while the hulls
for the "Arapaho" (NCC-50011), "Kiowa" (NCC-50012), and "Seminole" (NCC-50036)
are laid down. As the Border Wars (between the U.F.P. and Cardassian Union)
heat up, the purchase order of 29 ships will be further modified to an
additional 12 ships, named after famous Indian tribe leaders up to the
modern era. Their NCCs will be mixed in with the original batch numbers
and since construction of this class is contracted out to several shipyards
there will be no sequential hull numbers. Circa 2372, the U.S.S. "Cheyenne" will
be on patrol along the U.F.P.- Romulan Neutral Zone [U.S.S. Cheyenne Class Exploration Cruiser Operations Manual]. - Picard fails to meet up with his girlfriend at Cafe Des Artistes in Paris [TNG: "We'll Always Have Paris"]. |
2342 |
- Klingon Parrises Squares player M'Kota R'Cho strangles
the referee after a controversial penalty [VOY: "The Year Of Hell"]. - The U.S.S. "Royal Oak-B" (NCC-2013-B) "Excelsior" class starship is decommissioned as a training vessel [FASA Roleplaying Guide, Second Edition]. - The U.S.S. "Comanche" (NCC-50003) "Cheyenne" class exploration cruiser is launched [U.S.S. Cheyenne Class Exploration Cruiser Operations Manual]. - The U.S.S. "Navajo" (NCC-50001) "Cheyenne" class exploration cruiser is commissioned. This starship will be assigned to Beta Quadrant exploration circa 2372 [U.S.S. Cheyenne Class Exploration Cruiser Operations Manual]. - The U.S.S. "Arapaho" (NCC-50011) "Cheyenne" class exploration cruiser is commissioned. Circa 2372, the "Arapaho" will undergo SLEP at Starbase 214 and then will be reassigned to the Gamma Quadrant exploration zone following her upgrade [U.S.S. Cheyenne Class Exploration Cruiser Operations Manual]. - The U.S.S. "Kiowa" (NCC-50012) "Cheyenne" class exploration cruiser is launched [U.S.S. Cheyenne Class Exploration Cruiser Operations Manual]. - Alynna Nechayev is Slarn's commanding officer at the Ganymede colony [TNG 39: "Rogue Saucer"] - Encouraged by ongoing communication with Senator Pardek of Romulus, Ambassador Spock asks Solvar of the Vulcan Science Academy to commission a study on reunification with the Romulans. His request is deemed illogical [Starfleet: Year One - Daren Runako M'Kantu enters Starfleet Academy. |
2343 |
- Federation Starship Design Department at Advanced
Starship Design Bureau formally submit criteria for what is to become
GALAXY class designs. Design centers begin drawing upon all class data,
going back to CONSTELLATION and CONSTITUTION classes. |
2343, January 6 |
- The U.S.S. "Seminole" (NCC-50036) "Cheyenne" class
exploration cruiser is launched [U.S.S. Cheyenne Class Exploration Cruiser Operations Manual]. - Captain Amanda Kincaid of the U.S.S. "Fearless" is awarded the Shuvalis Diamond of Recognition for her efforts in favor of the planet Haven joining the Federation. She worked tirelessly for the cause despite the hostility that many planetary officials felt toward the idea [FASA Roleplaying Guide, Second Edition]. |
2343, April 12 |
The "Excelsior" class U.S.S. "Enterprise" (NCC-1701-B)
is lost [FASA Roleplaying Guide, Second Edition]. |
2343, May |
- On May 1st, The U.S.S. "Seminole" (NCC-50036) "Cheyenne" class
exploration cruiser is commissioned. By circa 2372, she will be assigned
to the Beta Quadrant exploration zone [U.S.S. Cheyenne Class Exploration Cruiser Operations Manual]. - General Order 27 is mandated: "No member of Star Fleet shall be required by the assignment of standard duties and responsibilites to undergo extended separation from his family if family members can be reasonably provided aboard ship or as part of an existing Star Fleet installation" [FASA Roleplaying Guide, Second Edition]. |
2343, June |
- The Model III Starship Captain's Yacht enters service
aboard large Star Fleet vessels. Warp-driven, equipment on this saucer-shaped
craft can create a variety of environmental conditions and synthesize
rare foods and drink. It has a plush interior and private viewing image
screens for the entertainment of foreign dignitaries, and warp 6 capacity [FASA Roleplaying Guide, Second Edition]. - The U.S.S. "Crow" (NCC-50101) "Cheyenne" class exploration cruiser is commissioned. By circa 2372, the "Crow" will be assigned to the Alpha Quadrant exploration zone [U.S.S. Cheyenne Class Exploration Cruiser Operations Manual]. |
2343, July |
- On July 6, The "Galaxy" Class Project if officially
approved. Design centers begin drawing upon previous starships once the
general specifications are transmitted to the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
on Mars (Sol IV). The vehicle frame, engine systems, computer cores, and
hull receive high priority [The Next Generation Technical Manual]. - On July 8, The U.S.S. "Pocahontas" (NCC-50200) "Cheyenne" class exploration cruiser is commissioned. By circa 2372, the "Pocahontas" will be assigned to the Alpha Quadrant exploration zone [U.S.S. Cheyenne Class Exploration Cruiser Operations Manual]. |
2344 |
- ASDB Mission simulators are programmed with the GALAXY class parameters. - The last attempt until 2364 to make contact with the Jarada fails [TNG: "The Big Good-Bye"]. - Previous commanders of this "Ambassador" class "Enterprise" may have been Captains Leo Scott and Anar [Federation Technological Survey 2150 to 2370, Vol. 1]. The Romulans take prisoners from the destroyed "Enterprise" and Lt. Natasha Yar is among them (transported from the alternate timeline from 2366 A.D., stardate 43625.2). They are interrogated and killed, except for Yar who is taken as a consort by a Romulan general. At least in the Track 'A' universe, the Romulan Selan is present during the Narendra III attack as one of the Emperor's personal staff, and his first examination of Humans will be the prisoners taken from the "Enterprise." The Romulans believed they were justified in attacking Narendra as it was clearly established for strategic purposes, to spy in through the Neutral Zone and to test the Romulans [TNG: "Redemption II", TNG Giant Novel 17: "Q-Squared"]. - The Advanced Starship Design Bureau (ASDB) begins early definition work on "Galaxy" class mission simulators programmed with basic vessel characteristics. Detail design work continues [The Next Generation Technical Manual]. Further computer modeling efforts by members of the structural, systems, and propulsion working groups on the "Galaxy" Class Project result in revised specifications being sent to the Utopia Planitia designers. These specifications require the "Galaxy" class to sustain a normal cruising speed of warp 6 until fuel exhaustion, a maximum cruising speed of warp 9.2, and a maximum top speed of warp 9.6 for 12 hours. The total estimated vehicle mass is reduced through materials improvements and internal rearrangements to 4.96 million metric tons [The Next Generation Technical Manual]. - During this era, chaseum is developed. A highly useful metal, it will become one of the most popular metals throughout the Federation, possessing all the metallic properties of latinum except color, density, and non-replicatability [TNG 33: "Balance of Power"] - Tuvok's fourth child, a daughter, is born [Titan: "Red King"]. - Tuvok makes a pilgrimage to Mount Seleya, and ultimately decides to return to Starfleet [VOY Novel: "Pathways"]. - At the request of Romulan Commander Charvanek, Spock secretly travels to Vulcan to uncover Praetor Dralath's plans for war. Starfleet sends Commander Saavik of the U.S.S. Armstrong and Captain Picard of the U.S.S. Stargazer to extricate him. Spock's cover is threatened by the onset of Pon Farr. After departing Romulus, Saavik is rescued by the Enterprise-C. Upon return to Vulcan, Spock and Saavik are married. Captain Uhura is head of Starfleet Security [Starfleet: Year One - The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-C heavy cruiser commanded by Captain Rachel Garrett successfully defends the Narendra III Klingon outpost under attack by 4 Romulan warbirds, but is destroyed in the battle. In a parallel timeline, the Enterprise suddenly disappears in a temporal rift to a point 22 years in the future, and the alleged cowardice infuriates the Klingons, leading to a twenty-year war with the Federation. In the restored timeline, Tasha Yar from the parallel time assists in defending the ship against the Romulans, but although they impress the Klingons as necessary, they fail. The survivors are captured by the Romulans [TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise", The Next Generation Technical Manual, U.S.S. Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) Cutaway Poster, Lost Era 3: "The Art of the Impossible"]. - Saladin Bolivar is born. He will later serve as Chief Intelligence Officer on the USS Galaxy. |
2345 |
- The criminal known as the Albino finds shelter
on Secarus IV, hiding from Kang, Kor, Koloth, and Curzon Dax [DS9: "Blood
Oath"]. - The U.S.S. "Stargazer" (NCC-2893) enroute to Alpha Pensura receives a priority message from a Gorn ship and diverts to Vontalimar IV. Captain Picard meets with Leader Keeyah who declares war against the Federation on the account of the U.F.P.'s expansion across the galaxy. Picard, not wanting this second U.F.P. contact with the Gorn to begin a war, challenges Keeyah to negotiate instead. The war is prevented, or at least delayed [TNG 32: "Requiem"]. - Mass and volume studies proceed for all internal systems on the "Galaxy" class starship, based on the first cut of frame designs, narrowing the field from 40 to 15. The computer core and software architecture passes Design Review 0 [The Next Generation Technical Manual]. - Picard visits the Gorn homeworld and negotiates a peace settlement which lasts 25 years. Jack Crusher is science officer aboard the Stargazer [TNG 32: "Requiem"]. - Morgan "Primus" Lefler determines that her four month-old daughter Robin has not inherited her immortality [New Frontier: No Limits - "Alice, On The Edge Of Night"]. |
2346 The Khitomer Massacre |
- The Kazon overthrow their suppressors, the Trabe,
in a bloody revolt [VOY: "Initiations", "Alliances"]. |
2346, June |
- Daren Runako M'Kantu graduates Starfleet Academy with a focus in Flight Control. He finishes in the top 10% of his class. He embarks on a 6 month Cadet Cruise. | |
2347 |
- Seven year-old Ro Laren witnesses the death of her
father at the hands of Cardassians [Strange
New Worlds IV: "Flash Point"]. - Will and Kyle Riker have their last serious talk about maturity while hunting a grizzly bear in Valdez, Alaska. The bear had attacked several campers. It was later discovered the campers had killed the bear's cubs and she was out for revenge [Lost Era 5: "Deny Thy Father"]. |
2347, January |
- At the conclusion of his Cadet Cruise, Ensign M'Kantu enters Command College. He will study there until 2348. | |
2347, July 18 |
Michael McDowell is born in Delft, The Netherlands, Terra. His parents are Judith and Ian McDowell, both Irish-born. He will later serve on the USS Galaxy as an Engineering Officer. | |
2348 |
- Marouk of Acamar III makes her last attempt to
establish peace with the nomadic Gatherers for the next 18 years [TNG: "The Vengeance Factor"]. |
2348, August 25 |
Victor Heinrich Krieghoff is born on Starbase 74. His father was a Tactical Officer, his mother a Doctor. They both served in the Federation Diplomatic Corps. He will later serve as a Security Officer on the USS Galaxy. | |
2349 |
- Ensign Stefan DeSeve renounces his Federation citizenship
to live on Romulus [TNG: "Face of the Enemy"]. - Dr. Paul Manheim's theories begin to gain acceptance in the Federation scientific community [TNG: "We'll Always Have Paris"]. - Starfleet approves all Level 0 GALAXY class design modules. Orders are placed for twelve spaceframes and modular systems. - Wesley Crusher is born [Lost Era 6: "Catalyst of Sorrows"]. - Harry Kim is born. - Elim Garak reaches the age of emergence and is placed for training at the Bamarren Institute on Cardassia [DS9 27: - Relaunch - "A Stitch in Time"] - Klaus Fienberg is born on the USS Renville, an Excelsior Class starship. His parents are Lt. Commander Otto Fienberg, the Assistant Chief Medical Officer, and Lt. Commander Shannon O'Banyon-Fienberg, the Chief Engineer. He will later serve on the USS Galaxy as a Medical Officer. - Ramir Omar enters the Romulan Astrophysical Academy. He will graduate in 2354. - Savar ir'Aihai tr'Khellian is born on ch'Rihan (Romulus). He will later serve as a Tactical Exchange Officer on board the USS Galaxy. - Voss Ferris is born in Jamel Province on Bajor. He will later serve on the USS Galaxy in its Vanguard Squadron. - Miramon Terrik is born on Bajor. He will later become a Flight Control Officer on the USS Galaxy. - Tuvok reactivates his commission in Starfleet. He is assigned to the USS Wyoming by request of the Executive Officer, Leonard James Akaar [Titan: "Red King"]. - Akaar becomes CO of the Wyoming shortly after the former Captain is killed in a bar on Farius Prime [Titan: "Red King"]. |
2349, October 14 |
The Shuttlecraft Auracium, carrying Captain Leonard
James Akaar and Ensign Tuvok, crashlands on 'Planetoid
437', a barren planetoid devoid of life. They beamed out
shortly before the shuttle impacted with the planetoid's
surface [Titan: "Red King"]. |
2349, October 18 |
After four days of searching for their crashed shuttlecraft,
Akaar and Tuvok discover it relatively undamaged. It still
cannot fly nor are its replicators working, but they make
camp and await rescue [Titan: "Red King"]. |
2349, October 19 |
Tuvok, in reserving energy with their minimal supplies,
enters a full day of meditation [Titan: "Red King"]. |
2349, October 22 |
Akaar severely injures his hand while climbing down
a crevice in search of water [Titan: "Red King"]. |
2349, October 25 |
Three days after injuring his hand quite severely and
with further diminishing supplies, Akaar decides to perform
the ritual suicide of w'lash'nogot in order to give Tuvokm
the greater chance of survival. Tuvok discovers Akaar's
body within their tent and interrupts the attempt using
a forced mind-meld. Akaar, upon awakening, is angered at
Tuvok's intervention and immediately dissolves their friendship
on the spot [Titan: "Red King"]. |
2349, November 1 |
Ensign Tuvok is unceremoniously and abruptly transferred
off the USS Wyoming by Captain Akaar [Titan: "Red King"]. |
2349, November 7 |
- Corran Alansin, a Trill who would be later host to Rex, is born in Boarn on the Trill Homeworld. | |
2350 |
- A Federation citizen named William Samuels settles
at the colony on Volan II, near the Cardassian border [DS9: "The Maquis"]. - A group of Native American humans settles on Dorvan V, near the Cardassian border [TNG: "Journey's End"] - Work commences after ceremonial gamma-welding of first frame structures of three GALAXY class keels at Planetia Utopia Fleet Shipyards. - First contact is made with the Zarahustra, a race of genetically engineered Terrans that were founded by the scientist Paul Museveni after the Eugenics Wars. - John Q. Brhode enters the Starfleet Marine Academy. - Crom is born. He will later become the Liaison Officer of Commerce on the USS Galaxy. - Ensign M'Kantu is promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade. - Jeremy Savoie is born on Starbase 64. He will eventually serve on the USS Galaxy as its Chief Flight Control Officer. - Miles O'Brien signs up with Starfleet as an enlisted. - Kyle and Thomas Riker meet for the one of the last times. They don't see each other again until the younger Riker is on the Enterprise [Lost Era 5: "Deny Thy Father"]. |
2350, August |
- During a visit to Central America on Earth,
15 year-old Chakotay announces his intention to leave his tribe and join
Starfleet [VOY Novel: "Pathways"]. - 15 month-old Harry Kim climbs out of his crib [VOY Novel: "Pathways"]. |
2351 |
- Amanda Rogers is born to two renegade members of
the Q continuum on Earth [TNG: "True Q"]. |
2351, August 14 |
Cassius Robert Henderson is born on the USS Callimachus, an Excelsior Class starship. His parents were the Chief Executive Officer, Alaric Henderson, and the Chief Tactical Officer, Kaitlyn Henderson. He will later serve as the Chief Tactical Officer of the USS Galaxy. | |
2351, December 7 |
Cora Dobryin is born on the USS Raiden to Addison and Jenna Dobryin. She will later serve as an Intelligence Officer on the USS Galaxy. | |
2352 |
- A new era of peace begins between the Klingon Empire
and the United Federation of Planets [DS9: The Way of the Warrior"]. - Scientists at the Darwin research station on Gagarin IV conduct an ambitious genetic experiment to give their children powerful immune systems [TNG: "Unnatural Selection]. - Elim Garak is assigned as a junior probationist within the Obsidian Order [DS9 27: - Relaunch - "A Stitch in Time"] - Chakotay is transported to Starfleet Academy by Captain Hiromi Sulu, grandson of Hikaru [VOY Novel: "Pathways"]. - Tasha Yar leaves Turkana IV at age fifteen [TNG 4: "Survivors"]. - John Q. Brhode enters Starfleet Academy. - James Lionel Corgan, future Chief Security Officer of the USS Galaxy is born on the USS Calgary, an Excelsior-class starship. - Karyn Dallas is prematurely born at Guardian City on Betazed with Cerebral Palsy. She will later serve as Chief Counselor of the USS Galaxy. She almost destroys the foundation of the Federation at lanjep in 2378 by giving into demands to vote Nay to the Intergalactic Trade Treaty. Her mother, Elizabeth Dallas, dies soon after her birth. - Lt. JG M'Kantu is promoted to Lieutenant and transferred to the USS Aries, a Renaissance Class vessel, as a Helmsman. He will serve on her until 2355. |
2352, April 1 |
Kira Murphy is born at the Elaysian Colony on Gemworld. She will later serve as a Medical Officer on the USS Galaxy. | |
2352, October 7 |
Rebecca von Ernst, future Executive Officer of the USS Galaxy is born in Buffalo, New York, Terra. Her mother is Holli von Ernst, the current model of the EMH on board the USS Galaxy. | |
2352, October 24 |
Leonard McCoy, on his 125th birthday, receives a hoverchair from Spock as a present [Lost Era 6: "Catalyst of Sorrows"]. | |
2353 |
- The inhabitants of a planet in the Delta Quadrant
construct hibernation chambers to survive an ice age on their planet that
is predicted to last 25 years [VOY: "The Thaw"]. - The message that the Borg drones sent from 2153 is finally received in the Delta Quadrant [200 years after ENT: "Regeneration"]. - Chakotay returns home to Trebus to embark on a vision quest. He decides to return to the Academy [VOY Novel: "Pathways"]. - Jadzia's sister Ziranne narrowly escapes injury while playing in the snow [DS9: The Lives Of Dax - "Reflections"]. - Magnus, Erin and Annika Hansen depart aboard the U.S.S. Raven on a secret mission to the Delta quadrant. Magnus's sister Irene writes in her journal [Strange New Worlds V: "Final Entry" - June 17, 2355]. - The parents of Anika Hansen receive a communication through a temporal anomaly, urging them not to venture into Borg space [Strange New Worlds II: "A Ribbon For Rosie"]. - Jasmine Thelan-Bannon is born. She will later serve as a Science Officer on board the USS Galaxy. - Lysander VanderPuls-Hawksley is born at the Hawksley Estates on Alpha Centauri. His father is Willem Van der Puls, an Alpha Centauri business tycoon, and his mother, Estelle Hawksley, a famed Holodrama actress. He will later serve on the USS Galaxy. - Dhanishta and Chandrakala Eshe are born on Vulcan to Tanson Eshe, a Trill, and Kerenza Dass, a Betazoid. Dhanishta will later serve as an Engineering Officer on the USS Galaxy. The Eshe family will remain on Vulcan until 2361. - John Q. Brhode makes the decision to focus on the Tactical branch, and therefore transfers to the Starfleet Tactical Branch School in Glasgow on Terra. - Cadet First Class Bhrode was disciplined for failing to cease at instructors orders during a Null-Gee Boxing match at Moon Station Copernicus. His opponent's arm was severely broken in four places. Internal investigation failed to reveal actionable intent. - Tarin Iniara's father departs for Bajor when he learns his own parents had been killed in the Occupation. Iniara locates him over a year later in a refugee camp, withered and dying from exhaustion. He died shortly thereafter. - Tholians attack Starbase 311, leaving only Kyle Riker alive, but seriously wounded. He is later accused of collaboration with the Tholians in the attack, which end up being proved false [Lost Era 5: "Deny Thy Father"]. - Kyle Riker enters into a relationship with the second love of his life, Katherine Pulaski, while undergoing therapy for his wounds received on Starbase 311 [Lost Era 5: "Deny Thy Father"]. |
2353, September 1 |
- Rose Isis MacAllen is born on at Victoria Palace on Betazed. Her mother, Michelle, is the Daughter of the 3rd House. Her father is Captain Victor MacAllen. She will later become a Science Officer on the USS Galaxy. | |
Last Updated:
August 8, 2007 21:31